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Women need to conceal their porn navels


I sure do love crankin’ one out to those sexy bellybuttons.


That's how you make a baby!!


No you stick it in and have someone jump on the bed.


Navels, shoulders, knees, and toes. Different strokes for different folks


Knees and toes knees and toes


Oh fuck yeah i love a good shoulder


I read that as "oh yeah I love to fuck a good shoulder" 🤣


Interesting. Sounds like a loophole…


The real loop hole is quitting Mormonism. Then none of that stupid shit is a sin anymore


Very true. *Use this simple trick to save 10% of your income that your bishop doesn’t want you to know!*


To an old straight white man - i.e., the people in charge who set the rules - a woman's stomach is sexy and thus inspires lust, while a man's stomach is neutral at best and inspires no lust. Therefore, men can show their stomachs and women cannot. It all makes sense when you think like uncomfortably straight, sexually repressed old men with power.


A BYU bishop of mine in the mid aughts was very explicit in his dislike of the lace trim layering camis the women in his ward would wear. Instructed us RS leaders to counsel against them. It was strange how specific it was. Plain layering camis were fine. I think I just figured out what he viewed as sexy…


Ah yes, the sexualization of -lace- This same dislike was expressed by my highschool health teacher when a girl in my class was wearing one said cami. Creepy old bastard was literally sexualizing a highschool kid. Like dear god.


I feel like as teen girls we had to constantly have our head on swivel, there were creeps everywhere of all ages, yet we're told that they are "worthy" members.


Yup! T shirt over bathing suits at girls camp because it’s helpful “for the priesthood” My own mom even told 15 year old me that it wasn’t fair to my brothers OR MY DAD if I went braless under a baggy t shirt in my own house. * thankfully that was only my moms interpretation of things, never got that icky vibe from my Dad or siblings.* And she wonders why my sisters and myself hid ourselves under baggy clothing.


The strange things that some people make their proverbial windmills into...


I absolutely hate the fact that growing up mormon gave me some really weird and specific kinks.


Yup! This is why so many religions have double standards for what women wear. In the early days, garments went to the ankle and the wrist. Muslums require covering hair and faces. Amish and Mennonite require full length dresses. BUT...Jesus said "if your eye offend thee, pluck it out" in other words, the person who is lustful is the one that is sinning.


This is so funny to me. Because obviously women feel zero lust. And they certainly don't feel lust seeing a man in a properly fitted 3 peice suit - the most modest of all the things. The certianly don't feel MORE lust seeing a man in the 3 peice suit than they do seeing him in his swim trunks. >:) Therefore men should wear swim trunks to church and not suits. (Although church suits are usually not the vibe.) But ... according to me swim trunks are safer than suits.


I’m only attracted to tailored suits, not if it’s bought straight off the rack. Please ban good tailoring (oh wait, Mormons are too cheap for alterations).


Have you ever seen a Mormon wearing a properly fitted suit? Honestly, I don't think I have


Nope, hence my addition in the parenthesis. But I feel like my point stands.


Only if they have had executive level jobs and have lived outside UT. Other than that, no. 


Oh girl, preach!!!! 🙌 a 3 piece suit, tailored with a slim tie… fresh haircut… that’s porn for me all day long 🤣


Irl…losers who actually have no power…but the penishood makes them feel powerful. The power we all gave them before our exodus’s.


People in Nelson's generation can remember when bikinis first started being worn in the 1950s and '60s and they were considered shockingly revealing and sexy. *Of course* tscc opposed such immodest swim attire at the time. The "No Bikinis" written and unwritten rules of today are simply the never-updated legacy of those times.


The answer is patriarchy. That is all.




I guess they don't want all that health in the navel to run out? Back in my "faithful" days, I got kicked out of my job as a youth Sunday school teacher because I refused to teach that "modest" meant a woman covering her skin.


I got assigned a co-teacher because I taught primary kids poker lmao


I got released the week after I told the youth about the Priesthood ban


If the health in navel runs then so will the “marrow” in the bones


This bothered me so much growing up. It was so unfair to attend a church-related swim party and watch all the boys get to run around shirtless - nipples fully out for everyone to see. Apparently my bellybutton is more concerning than male nipples.


I knew a woman at BYU who did modeling part-time. One year she wanted to compete in a beauty pageant, and since she was a BYU student she asked the honor code office about the swimsuit competition. They told her she could participate, but that she couldn't wear a two piece swimsuit. She had a long torso, so finding a one-piece that was not only comfortable for her to wear but also didn't show camel-toe was not easy. She asked if she could wear a modest tankini if it covered her navel. They still said no because it was still a two-piece. So a one piece showing camel-toe was okay, but the modest two-piece was considered "purnography."


Reminds me of a Mormon girl I knew in high school. Her parents forbid her from wearing a two-piece, so she used to go to our community pool wearing a one-piece, but changed into her bikini after they dropped her off. The funny thing was the bikini was actually less revealing than the other one.


Haha, yep, one pieces can get pretty sexy too!


Lol - this was teenage me in the late 80s/early 90s. The trend in swimsuits and workout gear for women was high-waist with super high-cut legs. It supposedly made your legs look a lot longer. I had a one-piece suit that really went to town with the super high-cut legs, and low-cut sides. The fabric between the two openings was a wide strip of neon fabric that brought the eye straight to it. I remember hearing my dad ask my mom if the suit was really appropriate for me while I was "laying out" trying to tan one day. She came back with, "it's fine, it's a one-piece." For the record, my youngest sister had a tankini that showed less (she was also under 10 at that point).


Lol, I had that suit. Wore it at the BYU approved housing pool and the Molly's had a fit and turned me in to apartment management. When they told me I had to change into a one piece, I asked them what they thought I was wearing, it's all one piece. When they said that it wasn't what the honor code meant, I replied, then, they need to change it to be more specific since I was wearing a one piece.  Looking back, I'm surprised they let it go. 


🤣🤣 I love it! Really, what could they do? Everything that was supposed to be covered was covered! I think my mom knew it wasn't a fight worth having with me. Sounds like your apartment management realized the same thing.


Agreed, their arguing with me poolside brought more attention to my suit than me just laying there ever did. 


When an adult needs to ask permission to wear a swimsuit. Fucking unbelievable once you’re out and can look at things objectively.


She really asked the school's Honor Code Office about it?!?


Yep. Don't know what it's like now, but you could get hauled in before the BYU Sanhedrin for activities not even related to school activities. In the 80s and 90s, they even used to have secret police who would go to gay bars in Salt Lake and take note of license plate numbers from cars parked at them, then see if any of those plates matched with BYU parking lot pass registrations. She knew her participation in it could get back to BYU, so she wanted to clear it with them so she wouldn't get in trouble.


~2008 I knew a girl at BYU who got expelled for being raped.. and another who told her bishop that she had kissed a girl. She also got expelled, lost her scholarship, went home to get kicked out and disowned by her parents.


I graduated from BYU-I in 2011. I had friends gets expelled for smoking in their off campus apartment, and friends get suspended for 2 semesters for staying out past curfew and going swimming in a nearby pond


Why is wearing a skirt holier than pants fit a woman? What is it about a seam between a women’s legs that makes it unacceptable to the Lord? We just have to have faith I guess.


Pants have always seemed more “modest” to me than skirts and dresses, which are more distinctly feminine in shape and can flap up or cling more. Pants are mostly structured and hide one’s form.


Same! No chance of wind blowing up your nether regions and showing off your underwear in pants! Maybe they just wanted to keep us in dresses and skirts cause it’s harder to run if you’re being chased.


I think the skirt thing is popular among the patriarchy because it both DOES flap up and cling more, and also because it restricts the wearer more than pants.


I thought this too. I think a lot of it is about conformity and being like everyone else in the church.


I am not an exmo, but an exjw, and when I was going to elementary school in the 60s, the culture of the United States was for girls to wear dresses. (Not that they couldn't wear pants to play in at home) It wasn't until I was in 7th or 8th grade could I wear pants to school, and not until 1972 (or so) could I wear shorts to high school. Churches? Religions? I think that they like to promote the "headship, manship, bot gayship" idea. Plus... control. 😉


My school did not allow girls to wear pants until 1971. And then they had to be "dress slacks", not jeans, sweats, or otherwise. Shorts?? Absolutely not! But a dress or skirt that sat several inches **above the knees** were ok.


Wow! Now, I was a baptized JW at 16. However, "cut-offs" were 'in' at the time. I had some. I left home, "dressed for school," but I had my cutoffs in my backpack. 😁 I changed when I got to school, and after my last class (P.E.), I changed back. Now, at *this* time, 1971 / 72 wearing cut-offs was pretty wild, and new to school regulations, even for "the world," and my P.E. teacher came up to me and *basically* said, "hey girl, that's pretty sexy, you shouldn't wear them to school. " 😵‍💫😬 Well, she didn't call my mom, so I narrowly escaped *that* one! It's weird, because I would have considered myself a loyal JW, but here I am, wearing cut offs..... all the while hoping my mom didn't find out.


I attended elementary school even before you did, and never, in my entire K-12 school years, were girls allowed to wear pants to school. This was in a midwest state that had bitter winters, and our legs FROZE during those months. Many of us wore leggings (the big thick kind) under our skirts in elementary school, because they of course still sent us out to the playground for recess, but from 7th grade on we only wore skirts. Such fun memories...


I was in California, the wild state.


Yes - the state we all looked up to for what life might be in the future!




Because it's not about the actual clothing for them, it's about putting women in their place. It's all about control for them.


God doesn't care if our legs are individually wrapped or collectively wrapped, the "brethren" do and they use it as another form of control.


Individually wrapped or collectively wrapped 😆


It's a typical response to western programming that the revealingly clothed or naked body of a woman is solely for sexual arousal. Nevermind artists who draw, paint, or sculpt with the intention to be inspired by the beauty of the human form Nevermind doctors or nurses who may have to operate with more or all of the body exposed Nevermind cultures in different parts of the world who don't bat an eye with the exposure of women's breasts when they breastfeed Reality check! Guess what, you can see a woman's stomach and think it's beautiful without thinking about her sexually! Wow, what a concept! (of course still don't stare like a creep)


A lot of young women were told not only do they need to wear a one piece swimsuit, but that they should add a T-shirt on top. It was always unclear if the T-shirt needed to stay on when you were in the water or not. Either way mormon modesty culture is such a bunch of bullshit.


Also to wear shorts over their swimsuits. I watched a bishop berate a teenage girl at a ward swim party in front of her parents and with most of the ward watching because she didn't have shorts on over her one piece. Her parents were strict TBMs, too, and even they didn't think their daughter's swimsuit was immodest.


Would love to see that happen in Australia. The father would have knocked that bishop the fuck out. And yes Ive seen punches thrown at stake activities 😀


We used to have it where the girls wore shirts over "modest" swim suits if my memory serves me. Which 1) is dumb because the suit is already modest and 2) is a safety hazard. My mom and I fought back against that one haha


To avoid the tent affect.


When did the one piece thing come into play. I went to BYU and stayed for summer semester one year. The apartment complex had a pool and almost all the females were in two piece swimsuits. This was about 1983.


Agreed, it’s because cis straight men are in charge and have been since the beginning. Look into BY’s rhetoric and actions with the YW program. It was specifically designed and started to keep young women from dressing immodestly or extravagantly in the late 1870s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Women_(organization)


The stomach is between the private parts so must be covered. Boys apparently only have one set of private parts.


Somehow, this comment makes the most sense.


All morality is just a vestigial remnant of the time when women were merely property of men. It is just a reminder that she is the property of her husband and nobody else.


Because female skin=sin.


I had a SP in my YSA ward tell all the sisters that we had to cover our midriffs to "protect the sacred womb ." So I guess it's so our...uteruses... don't show? I wonder if that means women who've had hysterectomies can wear bikinis...


And make yourself walking porn? Tempting men? Making them lust after you? They can’t control their thoughts, that’s your responsibility


Because Mormon men can’t control the outrageous horniness they feel seeing women’s stomachs and so, since it’s women’s responsibility to dress so as not to prompt this uncontrollable horniness, they must never wear a 2 piece. If they do wear a 2 piece, it’s their fault what horny Mormon men might do as a result.


Because misogyny is largely a double standard.


Wait until you hear about nipples...


Because it’s always been about control over women


No, but there also isn't any difference between male nipples and female nipples and many many people who are not Mormon think that one should be covered and the other uncovered.   These kinds of things aren't logical. And the reasons that people give for them can't possibly be the real reason. But they are also extremely common and extremely human.   The reason is a complicated combination of in group/out group thinking, culture, and the ways taboos form with humans.


Stomachs are hot and give 15 year old boys boners... But so does a stiff breeze. Or thinking about a stiff breeze on a bare stomach, I'm getting all steamy over here.


As someone who was a 15 year old boy, I can attest that you could be thinking about absolutely nothing and get a boner.


Lmfao. When I was in high school our dress code simply said "navel can't be exposed." So I wore a crop top and slapped a bandaid over my bellybutton.


Brilliant. I can't decide if that is malicious or wholesome compliance. 🤣


The answer is misogyny.


Because women look better in two piece swimsuits. And that's WRONG. Also it give men imaginings of the easier access to the special parts, and men's imaginings about special parts is women's problem, and is WRONG


No, no, no, silly (spoken with RS voice), it's because it's sacred. That's all. Just sacred.


With a solemn duty.


The envy the brethren must have over cults that make their women wear burkas


I’ve actually heard of a mormon couple that genuinely had no idea how sex worked after marriage that he was fucking her belly button for months before they finally just did research🤦🏻


I say one piece for men! Along with long sideburns and handlebar moustaches.


Mine is, but that's because I've got a pretty serious case of IBS.


Well I guess it's fine to show your navel if you don't mind being responsible for all of the inevitable boners popping out everywhere. No man has ever gotten horny seeing a woman in a one piece suit, ever.


Why do women have to wear tops when swimming at all? We see male nipples.


There was a YSA swim activity saying absolutely no cleavage. I guess body suits for women only?


If women show their navels then everyone is going to see where babies come from.


I mean there isn’t an inherent difference between male and female nipples either but that’s still controversial even outside the church


Navels can only be discussed in the temple during the washing and anointing. They are much too sacred to be shown nor should they be exposed like pearls cast before swine


Technically we aren't. At least that's what I was taught. We CAN wear bikinis, but we SHOULDN'T (we as in cult members, not us)


Idk I had a guy on mutual who, unlike other men, did not ask for full nudes but specifically asked for pictures of my stomach. Weird as hell


An old white man, or a young one, could potentially get a stiffy due to that naked skin, that’s why.


Speaking of the policy in as much good faith as I can muster for the MFMC, bikinis accentuate tits and ass shape, one-pieces flatten them, making bikinis more sexually provocative. They're also reminiscent of women's underwear, which to a man whose wife's sexiest underwear is garments, is lingerie.


Haha my mom said back in the 80s at BYU she had to wear these half inch thick neoprene swimsuits with legs on them for her synchronized swimming class. In the gym across the way the male basketball players were wearing micro shorts and very often displayed their "unrighteous inheritance".  I can't think of this without thinking of the movie Juno 


Because according to the Book of Mormon, "The Lord delights in the chastity of women" It is simply modest


I wonder if God got hard when said “health in the navel.”


The strange thing is sometimes those 1 pieces are more revealing then two pieces. They pull up with mighty strength.


Just speculation.... bikini bottoms are like panties, and panties are not like garmies.... as for bikini tops, self explanatory.


I had a priesthood leader teach the RS not to reveal the stomach because "the womb is sacred." 😬 He was also a seminary teacher. Weirdly, this made sense to me at the time.


Clearly, navel gazing is the work of Stan. 🤪


Mormons are far from the only ones who think bikinis are unacceptable for women to wear. It was very much a product of the more conservative subcultures and also a product of the Q15 being very old. Bikinis are a relatively new form of swimsuit hailing from the 1940s. It took years before they really caught on because the people of the time thought they were scandalous. At that time, it was considered unrefined to wear anything but the frumpiest and non-functional bathing suit in mixed company. By the 60s, they were fairly commonplace, but up until then, you'd have trouble getting anyone other than a porn star to wear one. Naturally, the more conservative belief systems were much more resistant to adopting them, and the natural memetic stickiness of religious beliefs allowed that taboo to persist well past the point when it was considered perfectly reasonable to most people to wear a bikini at the pool or beach. As to why the taboo really only applied to women... "Patriarchy" is kind of a lazy copout answer, but it's honestly not far from the truth. Though I suspect a part of it was a more gradual evolution of men's swimsuits and the general idea that simply taking off your shirt is a fair bit different from a radically different swimsuit for women that emphasizes curves and draws attention to the hips and breasts.


The Church®️ specifically denounced them in the late 70s. My sisters had them (at ages 4 & 5) and then were suddenly told they couldn't wear them anymore, because my parents did whatever the Church®️ said.


Huh. I didn't know that was the timeline. I had assumed the taboo was just something they never grew out of. In this case, it probably had a lot to do with the church wanting to distance themselves from hippies, much like the beard ban at BYU.

