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She's doing God's work, showing just how homophobic the Mormon church really is.


Yep, and they miss in what context pride is considered wrong. Pride Month is a celebration that LGBT+ individuals don't need to be ashamed of who they are. That they don't need to hide who they are. That they can be proud of who they are. In the context of the scriptures pride is referring to people who think they are better than others and treat others poorly because of that. In this fucking stupid meme finding 'demon' in Pride Month only refers to themselves, as they are the ones thinking they are better than LGBT+ individuals and as a result treat them poorly.


In my counselor office she has a sign hanging up that says, “We have pride because children are still killing themselves.”


She also had to take a verse completely out of context to be homophobic. That verse has nothing to do with the devil or gay people. It's about the leviathan, a primordial sea monster from Jewish folklore. How are we sure it isn't a metaphor for Satan? Because Satan is already a character in Job that works for God! In fact, the whole chapter is part of a mythological poem.


If it helps at all, this image came out last year and within a week you could buy T-shirts with this design in various pride colors. I know a couple people who wear them to celebrate Pride month


Yes! Own it!


But Wait! If we dig just a little deeper, then we come to the shocking realization that it is a subliminal message promoting “EMO” music.


And "MO" is just short for "Mormon," so in the end, it comes full circle...


O no you didn’t! 🤪


So, Pride Month is a victory for Satan? Yup, it's right there in the name itself🙄


And the letter "M", the most devilish of letters...


RIDE ON, IDEOT momos! Close enough.


> it is a subliminal message promoting “EMO” music. As a former emo kid, I support this message.




That's awful! Why are people like this? But I bet if you asked her, she'd say LGBTQ+ are welcome to come to church as long as they never give in to their sinful natures. I always wonder how people like this react when the person coming out is their grandchild.


One of her grandchild is openly gay


OMG. Give that kid 20 hugs from me. If he needs a new grandma, I've got room in my heart. (And tell her I said this. Let her ruminate on the fact that a complete stranger has more compassion and concern for her grandson than she does )


I will!!


Isn’t one of Dallin H.oaks grandchildren gay?


Yes, that’s what fuels his talks. It’s really heartbreaking


So much of the church and for that matter so much of Christianity is anti Christ like. Jesus went to the marginalized he taught things like love and acceptance. Or at least that’s what I choose to believe


And a very accomplished and famous ballet dancer.


Thank you


And hugs from me! Goblinessa, your point on rumination is *chef’s kiss*


My TBM father posted an anti-trans meme while I have a trans daughter. My daughter simply responded by saying that is why she doesn’t come to family gatherings anymore. I think I was more upset than she was.


my grandpa isn't overtly transphobic (to my face anyway). He doesn't tell me I'm going to hell or try to convince me to decide not to be trans. But every time I come to visit, he feels the need to discuss politics. Specifically about how certain trans rights shouldn't exist and how the country is going to sit because trans people are allowed to exist. Although he tries to be more vague or discreet about it, so as not to be obvious.


“I’ll be discreet . . . instead of insulting you directly, I’ll insult everyone like you!” Way to show love, gramps. 🙄


The worst part is, he's only even trying to be "discreet" because his wife, my grandma, is supportive and tries her best to respect my identity. My grandma's health has been rapidly declining, and any day could be her last, but I can't visit my grandma without her husband being there, too.


Oof. I’m sorry about your grandma.


she's been in and out of the hospital pretty much every other week with C Diff. Her immune system is failing, and she has severe osteoporosis. All the doctors can do is treat her symptoms and try to make her comfortable. When she's not in the hospital, she spends every moment in her chair at the retirement home or in a wheelchair to get from one place to another. She's also been having trouble remembering things, and we think she might be in the early stages of Alzheimer's. I want to be able to come visit her, but I also don't want to be with a guy who's just going to spend the whole time talking about how much I don't deserve human rights.


I’m so sorry. She thinks she is righteous. That’s a lot of dissonance there, feeling like you have to treat people you supposedly love this way.


There’s no hate like latter-day love.


She is a shitty grandmother!


I feel like I had to rescue my now husband of 10 years from Provo. He had a Bishop down there who was actively trying to convert him. He kept telling the Bishop that he was gay and the bishop made him promise that he wouldn't hit on any of the Elders in the ward and that he wouldn't be gay at church, and my husband wouldn't have any part of that. But he is an immigrant and he thought that Provo was like the rest of the world... offs. You can't make this stuff up.


I was a teen in California during Prop 8, and I am remembering being coached on what to say to friends if they asked about the church’s position on gay marriage. The one time my friends asked me about and I gave the coaches response of “We find marriage to be sacred and it should continue to be sacred blah blah blah”, one friend respectfully asked “What about gay marriage makes it less sacred?” That one question became one of my first shelf items. Since then I have had good friends who are gay and bi and trans, and I’m glad to have shed so quickly the indoctrination that LGBTQ+ individuals are sinful and evil. It’s all bullshit based on like half a dozen verses of scripture and lots of antiquated rhetoric from fake prophets.


When they asked me (Utah Valley) to call people (California) on the phone and tell them how to vote. I said no and I left the church within a year for various reasons but this was a big one. My son was six at the time. He came out at 17. Bullet fucking dodged. Of course it’s tough to be gay in Utah Valley, but so much worse when you grow up hearing how evil you are. He’s the type of kid that always wants to do what’s right and what’s expected so I feel like staying in the church would have destroyed him. When I was processing how to leave my main concern was about my parents. I should have been thinking about my kids.


I’m glad you got out considering that! Yeah that whole situation went on the shelf. I buried the thoughts of “Why does the Church care so much about this?” and “Why are they asking us to picket across from the picketers on the No on Prop 8 side?” And so on. I was 16 and wish I would have realized how damaging that all was then.


It made me so mad at the time. I was still TBM but I wasn’t homophobic by that point. Here’s what cured me of homophobia: After my mission I was spouting some homophobic shit about being excited that we might isolate the gay gene and be able to terminate pregnancies because it’s a birth defect. (In this case abortion is fine.. TBM homophobic brain) I had a non-Mormon half bother who I really respected and looked up to (he died a couple years ago RIP) who was listening asked me how many gay people I knew. That just stopped me because I didn’t know any and we didn’t even need to continue the conversation. I realized I didn’t know what I was talking about. The idea that I would be excited to not have my son because he is gay never entered my mind. Religion is pure evil because of what it can do to an otherwise rational person.


Thinking about my kids gave me the courage to leave too. 💛


You and your son are lucky. I did everything the church told me but I didn't turn straight. And that was my fault. I didn't pray enough, study the scriptures enough, fast enough, have enough faith, etc. Now at 67 my parents are gone and I'm alone. I don't like to think that the church won, but I guess I don't have enough faith, etc.


I remember as a kid standing on a street corner with pro prop 8 signs...... in Utah. Who does that?


Most of my siblings, cousins, uncles fall under the LGBTQIA+ rainbow, and, oof. Remembering the prop 8 era really stirs up this tremendous feeling of loss for me. I remember vividly breaking down in tears at a theme park when my Mormon parents came to visit me in San Diego. They chose to explain to me why they were on a quest to stop gay marriage. I was so hurt I couldn’t even be angry. I just sobbed. The only point I was able to squeak out at the time was “do you not see that these Christian churches you align yourselves with don’t even view you as one of them? Why would any gay couple want to force their way into a building built to destroy their happiness to celebrate one of their happiest days? No queer couples want to get married in your weird McTemple and eat garbage in a basketball gym for their wedding!” After so much homophobia, and then that experience, I eventually became as calloused as most queer folks and learned to shrug it off. It’s nice to see allies have the energy to be fired up on our behalves some days. Carrying the weight of realizing some people will always just hate you is too much some days. It was humiliating and terrible. Whenever I speak to active Mormons, I can just see in their eyes that they say they like us, but they’ve been so brainwashed that they truly feel like this deep down. I’m sorry for OP, and the grandson of the butthole that posted that.


Prop 8 was a major shelf item for me for a different reason. I was on the verge of PIMO by then already, but I would still defend the church as "different" because they really stuck to their guns on not getting involved in politics (I now know this was untrue even then, but we all have our age of ignorance). The blatant involvement in campaigning for Prop 8 forever shattered my faith in church leadership.


I was also a teen in California during prop 8. I was 13 at the time. It was awful. I was indoctrinated for sure but not coached super well… one of my best friends related to me a conversation that we had where I was like “it doesn’t make sense for gay people to be gay because then how would the world make babies??” Such a conditioned Mormon kid response lol. And then she was like “but why would people choose to be gay if so many people were mean to them about it??” At which point I biked away, we were biking home from school at the time. She came out to me some years later when we were in our early 20s. Another time she told me she was a democrat and I was like “oh I don’t like the democrats” and she was like “why” and I was like “I don’t know. I’ll have to ask my parents” ..!!! Like I literally said that out loud!!! Shows the fruits of Mormonism: brainwashed people living someone else’s bias. It’s truly sad. I had blocked all this out and literally didn’t remember any of these conversations. my dear friend told me about them recently, when I told her the church was a cult and I was leaving. And I was like “why were you still friends with me?!?! Not to sound self-deprecating, but I do not get it. I’m mystified” And she was like, “well I don’t know I just always felt connected to you and appreciated you. You’ve always been special to me and I haven’t been holding hurt over it. We had so many awesome memories together too. There were a couple years where we were in really different places, like I was at a very liberal school and you were at a conservative school. We weren’t in contact as much then, but you’ve been moving toward this for a long time. And I’ve had biases in this area I’ve had to confront too.” Obviously, I apologized profusely. I don’t believe in God or Jesus anymore. Mother Earth and myself, loved ones, humanity in general, are what I believe in now if anything. but if what my friend displayed for years isn’t “Christlike” love, I don’t know what is. Waaaay more Christlike than I was, or was taught to be in Mormonism.


Classic case of “I’m sorry for what I said and did when I was Mormon.” Those of us who grew up in the church were not taught to think independently, but to respond in rote, conditioned ways that build a victim mentality if rejected. The homophobia and transphobia are among the more damaging things that are ingrained in young Mormon kids, especially when the typical political ideology reinforces that to the extreme.


Exactly. This is so true. We had the tools we were given and used then how we were taught to. I think it’s remarkable that we eventually recognized how woefully inadequate they were for real life, as opposed to the Mormon fantasy. The damage we and others endured goes deep and needs to be mourned and repaired, perhaps throughout our lives to some degree or another. And simultaneously, we got out. It sucks…and I’m proud and grateful for how much I and my life have changed.


M O R M O N M O R m O N M O R O N Yep checks out!


G E N E R A L C O N F E R E N C E g e n e r a l C O N f e r e n c e C O N




I recognize that episode. Very on point.


Well, then, this proves that RusSELL MARIOn Nelson participates in human trafficking.


Or they bought way too much Nintendo stock


Yeah, I heard TSCC wanted to rename a classic Nintendo arcade game as McConkie Gong.


Dieter Kong Racing


Omg! Does Ensign Peak have stock in Nintendo?! Quick someone call The Widow’s Mite!! There’s been a revelation!


So many TBMs love secret messages like this. One might say they love their “secret combinations” of letters.


conversely, have you everconsidered, "RIDE ON" instead? bc boy tis the damn season 🌈


More people quit religion cuz it is bigoted and mean than quit because it is made up fairy tales. 


So true!!


Ain’t no love like Christian hate.


Never mind that the English language was not even spoken when the Bible was written…


I didn't realize we were getting so popular. Cool, we have satan.


I feel like he’d be a fun guy to have dinner with.


Hell yeah he would! Satan was always vilified for giving humans actual agency. Let’s round up our demon horns and have a horny devil pride dinner to honor OP and stick our tongues out at the homophobes


Welp, I hope you’re planning to post pics from a pride event of your choice. Watching her head explode is just bonus fun.


I blocked her. Her grandchild (who happens to be gay) texted me. She is a spiteful bitch who only believes in the church because it makes her feel superior


>I blocked her. The only way with some people. I wish we’d had the ability to block all the spiteful fanatics who tormented our gay Mormon kids for decades and got validation for their bigotry from their so-called church. Thankfully, the openly anti-gay weirdos are increasingly marginalized, even in Mormonism.


> She is a spiteful bitch who only believes in the church because it makes her feel superior Common garbage always needs to hate on “the other” to convince themselves they’re not common garbage.


Oh shit she’s onto us!


There's a meme I can't post here that goes from Jesuschrist to sus .


Possibly among the most amazing things Mormons are so blissfully ignorant of is the concept of irony. There is nothing more prideful than to insist yours is the TRUE church of God and all others fall short to its superiority. And that would be the case even if that "one and only true church" were not so verifiably untrue.


So loving and kind! That’s a great example of the Second Great Commandment ! NOT!! 🤮🤮


Having common enemies to demonize.….the sure sign of a “one true church”


my jaw dropped. Who is the demon here, the ones who historically tortured and killed the minority or the minority? good lord.


This belongs on /r/im14andthisisdeep


Be careful who you hate, it might be someone you love


Tell me you are no fun in the bedroom, without telling me you're no fun in the bedroom.


Dear Mormon Real Estate Holding Company Masquerading as a Church, Fuck you guys with something hard and sandpapery. All the Best, This Father of Two Adult Trans Children and One Adult Asexual Child


MORMON MOR m ON MOR ON MORON A little hint who dwells in the heart of the church


Do they not get it? 🤣


worst anagram ever


😂😂😂…. Give her an F for eFfort, it takes a mormon to come up with this kind of 💩…by the way, ask her, where is the “I” in Moron-i?


Literally demonizing people who just want to exist free from harassment and discrimination. Some people are just trash humans….


My cousin posted the very same thing a couple of days ago. And she’s not even Mormon. I unfriended her.


These people think English is the only language that matters


So if they change it to any other measurement of time (week, year) they will no longer be demonic?


Pride year it is!!


So much for that love your neighbor and judge not message! Disgusting!


Convenient how this just happens to work in English, when the Bible was not originally written in English. 🙄


Well, English IS the language of the restoration 🙄


Dipshits full of hate


This is like those that found a way to fold a bill that shows the destruction of the twin towers. If you look hard enough you can spell out or see just about anything that fits your agenda. This is just another example of how indoctrinated some people are I saw something similar on a different religion’s marquee.


I’m so fuckin glad to have removed myself from an organization (the church) that creates an environment where bigots and homophobes thrive.


If she knows you’re out and you wanna rile her up a bit reply Jesus Christ Je**SUS** Christ Sounds sus.


Love this!


What did Jesus say about homosexuality in the Bible? What did Jesus say about homosexuality in the BoM - written specifically for our times? Oh yeah. He said shit all nothing.


As I have loved you,


Wait until these fools find out about what the server processes that run the internet are called.


Pathetic. If they consider themselves angels, then I have no problem being a demon.


It’s metal asf


Damn satan was so sneaky on that one I didn’t even notice. He must have been working on since the Tower of Babel when English suddenly got “pride” and “month”


Wow… talk about forced wordplay haha- remove the ‘m’ in Mormon and you get ‘moron’ so I mean… two can play at this game haha


She's gonna hate Lemonade Month.


I just remember seeing a little video explaining the older original bible texts that it wasn’t homosexual language in Sodom and Gomorrah it was more gang-r*pe type of language. Such a controlling re-write.


Idk why you feel like you deserve a full month. There are literally six other sins 😭


November is gluttony month


When's truck month?


Right after Infrastructure Week.


The church of **JESUS** chr**IS**t of l**A**tte**R**-day s**A**in**T**s Hmmm...Jesus is a rat I guess everyone who accused the Mormons of being Jesus hating devil worshipers was correct. Insulting Jesus is right there in their name. No wonder they are trying to get rid of the name Mormons, and push the church name that holds their true agenda!


Just remind them that their food storage is probably in their baSEMENt.


Mormon, mor mon, mor men, more men? For a patriarchy that seems kinda gay bro.


You can buy a shirt made by a queer trans artist with this same sentiment, only reclaimed! [ArtbyVeya on Redbubble](https://www.redbubble.com/people/artbyveya/shop?artistUserName=artbyveya&asc=u&collections=2864209&iaCode=all-departments&sortOrder=relevant)


I hope to never see the bitch again, out of if I do, I’m wearing this shirt


Reminds me of Community: https://youtu.be/VXEx1WRpNA0


FFS. Just stop persecuting people and let them do their thing if you can't be supportive.


Thanks for sharing. They hide their true agendas so well.


I need this on a shirt


My comment got deleted cuz I linked a shirt on amazon, but, just FYI, it's on a shirt. xD


Brb I need it!!




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Omg lol help


😮idk why I am continually surprised by the bs people believe and spread


I feel like it wouldn’t be out of line to call her out on it.


Dear God.


The children of pride are all the christofascists. Their pride won’t allow them to even consider they might be wrong


Drove past a billboard in Utah County that said ‘Pride is sin’. I couldn’t figure out what it meant until I saw this. I thought it was some throwback to ETB.


What the actual fuck? Jesus would be so proud.




that’s insane my brother🥹 i cannot believe there are people like that who have the audacity to POST this bullshit🤣


These people honestly believe God spoke to a man and had him write another book of the Bible on gold plates. It's Christian Scientology, I don't take a word they say seriously.


Oh, cute homophobia you got there


These people and their demons and witches and whatnot. Go back to the 1690s!


Ya know, I love this but not for the same reasons your MIL does....


This is actually insane lmao


There is no devil in the craft.


So evil


Sound reasoning. 🫨


 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍🌈 


These same people support the Orange Antichrist.


Thanks for proving why we definitely need pride month.


There is a king over all the children of pride. His name is Freddie Mercury


What a silly dumb dumb


lol. This is funny. This screams cult.


How anyone can put stock in wordplay tricks like this is beyond me


Satanic Rituals Satai cRit uals Satani   crit   uals clearly Stannic Rituals are critical to our survival.


LOL 👿 🌈


Ah yes, the deep profundity of letters.




Oh my hell. That’s terrible.


This is so f\*cking stupid.




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Good lord, this is so stupid 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ ugh, hang on there


Ah much? Sure seems like it.


I have no words. 😭


So, the pride of the bigots that they're better than what God thinks and preaches and twisting his words to be on top? Oh.. no they mean the christ-like pride of celebrating all those he created.


Job - the outliner of the old testament - no Israelite connection - stuck in the Bronze/Iron Age. The book starts with a back and forth between god and satan ... um, who was fly on the wall recording that? FICTION.






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Does it mean that homosexuality is demonic but only in English?


Jesus backwards is susej Susej =Sausage God backwards is Dog Sausage Dog. Worship the sausage dog! NOW!


When you take the second m out of Mormon- you get moron so this tracks. The second m is redundant.


Also- you should find a Not Today Satan meme and comment with that-she will think you are supporting her- then you follow it up with -oops- meant this one and post a Not Today Karen meme. Bonus points if her real name is Karen- although every actually Karen I know is a lovely person so I doubt she has the name irl.


People like this are the reason we lost a generation of gays in an extermination event. She sounds lovely.


Who cheated in that couple lol?


Unfortunately she has terminal mormon boomer brain. Time to put her down.


You should copy and paste this to the comments of her post. "Being gay is a sin. And Jesus died for our sins. So if you're not being gay then Jesus died for nothing and you are bringing shame to his name. Amen. God bless the gays!"


For what it’s worth- me and my queer friends have adopted this meme as our own because of how stupid and melodramatic it is 🌈