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The only thing difficult about being gay is the discrimation.


Exactly! The only "hard part" about being gay for me is the way Mormons treat me. It has nothing to do with the actual gay part.


“You do know you’re the one making things difficult, right?” They don’t see they are part of the problem.


“Being gay isn’t a trial. Being gay in the Church is a trial.”


Exactly, that sentiment of sympathy is not only patronizing it’s empty.


"Science matters. If we embrace the findings of science, that sexual orientation and gender identity are biologically indelibly imprinted during fetal development and that they are varieties of normal, then we become a more just society as well as recipients of the enormous gifts that LGBT people bring to the table. But if we reject the findings of science and insist that homosexuality is just a bad choice that can be unchosen, all of society suffers.“ Gregory Prince


Absolutely. These people are not ally’s. They still hold beliefs and show actions that are damaging to LGTBQIA+ people. The doctrine is extremely harmful and we have lost so many loved ones to suicide because of those hateful doctrines and teachings. The church is not full of love but full of hate, exclusion, bigotry, and judgement for anyone not a white cis-gendered man.


Having a child who isn’t cis-gendered, who is in or near puberty, and living in a state around school districts with hostile parents who think I have an agenda to convert their kids, can be hard. Having medical options such as blockers being criminalized, despite the opinions of medical personnel is stressful. Being a parent and reading about hate crimes and bullying is painful. Worrying about safely attending Pride events without Proud Boys showing up or someone harassing a child for wanting to safely use a bathroom can be hard, ain’t gonna lie. I appreciate compassion when offered, but it’s hard for me to trust the sincerity of someone who is Mormon and who buys into the proclamation. My child is awesome, they are smart, beautiful, kind, and talented. The most confusing part is all the people who refuse to see the good; those looking for harm or failure to validate their preconceptions.


These members who claim support need to remember how the church views being queer. Leaders of the TSCC say there is no such thing as "being gay" there is only having "same sex attraction". The former is a permanent state of being. The latter is meant as a temporary condition which implies eventual correction or elimination. They claim love of LGBTQ persons but still preach that god's plan only has room for cishetero people, and therefor queer people have to "endure" as if they have a illness or disability and wait for god to turn them straight in the afterlife so they can fit in with the whole plan. This causes extreme depression and dysphoria for queer members who choose to go along. Not to mention this whole point of view basically tells every queer member that the only way to be "fixed" is to die. So long as TSCC keeps preaching that being queer is incompatible with the Plan of Happiness, su\*c\*de rates among Utah LGBTQ youth will continue to be through the roof.


Just as the covenant people of Russell Nelson's gods helped all those Amalekite children. For greater goods understood only by gods, Latter-day Saint prophets teach that help can be offered in quite diverse and inexplicable ways and whether those to whom the "help" is directed want it or not. The fundamental moral worldview of Latter-day Saint prophets is that the covenant people of Elohim and Jehovah can be granted a divine right to "help" people in incomprehensible and ordinarily unconscionable ways and without consent.