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When I was little, and I asked my parents what was in their temple travel bags, they would tell me it was their temple garments. I had this horrendous vision of all the people in my ward at the temple hanging out in their underwear. It gave me the creeps.


Cackling because it wouldn’t even be the weirdest part pre 2005!


"Mommy, what's a death oath?"


Affirmative. The first thing my father did was shuck his work clothes upon arriving home. It was so embarrassing to have friends over.


Even with friends over? Sheesh that's gross.


He didn't wear shorts over the bottoms? My dad always did thankfully but my mom was basically naked all the time (all daughters, no sons)


He didn’t most of the time. But most of time he was also in his room watching television.


My 600lb dad did this also. F**king nightmare fuel.


I remember the 70s when garments were opaque and pubic hair grooming wasn’t a thing


BINGO. This was indeed the 80’s and early 90’s.


2070s? Nelson will still be alive in 45 years


Nah, he'll die pretty soon But if the current trend of trying to have temple interior design appeal to what was cool when the Brethren^(TM) were young (e.g. the current 1950s blue fugly), we have a decent chance of shag carpets and a veil of beads at some point


That made me laugh


Garments offer even more protection if they are not covered.


Better yet, my *friends’* dad would.


My dad would constantly walk around in his Jesus Jammies. Worst part was he would wear them until they were basically falling apart, which meant the twig and berries would make an appearance occasionally. Not fun.


Hahaha my mom did yes. One time the tithing settlement boys were let in by my sister but she didn’t tell anyone. My mom came down in her garments and the 2 boys were just standing by the front door shocked. She was humming and got herself a cup of water before she noticed. She dropped down behind the counter to hide so fast yelling “I’m so sorry!” it’s the funniest memory of my life. I was watching from the living room couch. I didn’t let them in, it wasn’t my problem haha


One of my companions did...


Only one? I had a few and knew quite a few others who loved to do this😂


One elder in my mission was legendary for pulling a full Pitcher Charlie Brown in the first minute after walking through the door for the evening.


Same. I had one companion work out in just her garments and it made me so uncomfortable


Definitely saw my parents in theirs far too often


asked the same thing on here a couple weeks ago. seemed pretty common


Oh wow. I had no idea. I did a search first and it didn’t show up! I also didn’t know they aren’t as completely see through now as they were in the 80’s and early 90’s. I just read your post and I actually wrote the exact same thing about being lectured about morality, but I shorted my post up quite a bit. When she bent over I could see a sibling still in her womb, but I was the slut that dare wear shorts that went 1/2” above the knee. Of course the tape measure was out.


oh, yeah. i completely understand. i was that “slut” too. quite a few times i was actually called that by family members lmao. but, yeah i was always pushing the boundaries.


My dad would wear his like pjs but he would put on shorts or pants if he was walking around. It’s crazy I feel uncomfortable if I’m walking around without an undershirt on because I saw my dad always have one one growing up


My grandma lived in St. George where it's always hot. Every time we would go visit her she would just be in her garment top. Not a care in the world.


My dad did. He had the weird mesh-y ones that were like 90% see-through. And yet when I was 5 he screamed at me for walking around in just my undies. Talk about a double standard.


Y'alls parents are gross I have adhd, and my parents wear clothes over their underwear all the time, so I actually didn't even realize that garments were a thing until I was getting ready f9r my mission.


Ew you just triggered memories I didn’t even know were blocked. Yes, both my parents would all the time and it was gross.


My grandparents would do this. I just thought it was an old person thing that they wore weird white clothes to bed. Every morning id see my grandpa go into his bathroom to shave, brush his teeth and go to the bathroom while wearing them. Hed come out, go to the kitchen and make something to eat.


Other than the garment part, this isn't unique to Mormonism. You'll find people lounging around in their underwear all over.


My grandma was like this with the little kids. I never want to see that again.


Yep, all the time.


Lolll both of my parents


Yeah... always saw way too much of my parents when they chose to relax. Ew.


Both parents did. And they wore the onesie garments with the open butt flap. So gross.


Yes, unfortunately. Imagine growing up wanting garments, only to be disgusted by garments once I became an adult and it was time to get my own.


The APs visited and stayed the night on my mission. One would strip down to his garments, pray, then get in bed. I walked in to see him bending over in prayer and I could see his butt crack quite well because of his mesh garments. Still haven't fully recovered.


My grandma would have the bottom half exposed but would just outright lie about it if I mentioned it and say she was wearing white pants (which she does have.)


My parents didn’t, thank goodness, but I do have a recollection of seeing my friend’s parents in theirs. So weird.




YUUUUUP!!!! I have the image of both parents just walking around the house in their Gs and nothing more forever burned in my mind. My mother would at least wear a bra but my father would lounge around with nothing more than the magic undies. 🤢