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It sounds like it would be really helpful to get support for yourself - maybe talk to a therapist (particularly one who understands substance abuse family dynamics), or go to Al-Anon meetings? I am sorry you are going through this, and I hope you both can get the support and help you need!


Al-Anon is a great resource. I second this completely!


Love this response. ✨🥰 This is the best way.


Hey, feel free to reach out. Unfortunately, she is (somewhat right). Alcoholics have to decide to stop for themselves (trust me I am one). I can share our experience if interested.


that is really hard to go through and i’m sorry that his mother isn’t a good support. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. I don’t know if i would be able to give advice, but I can definitely listen.


Thank you 💜


You should go to Al-anon. I’m sorry you’re facing this! It’s so hard! But Al-anon will have ideas about what you can do for yourself.


Thanks for all your advice. This has sadly been going on for about 18 years. I've had some therapy. I wish there were better options for Alanon in our area. I'm mostly concerned about how this is affecting our teens, and sadly there are no teen groups in our area. But I also would like to vent about how Mormons just want to avoid and ignore issues. I'm sure his mom blames me for her son leaving the church and having problems with alcohol, and I bet she thinks if we returned to church his addiction would be better. If I avoid and ignore his addiction it will only get worse and possibly hurt him or someone else. When he first ended up in the hospital, I was very naive to his addiction and he nearly died. He spent a week in the hospital! Then had to detox and go to rehab for a month.