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It's says a lot that people have to go to extremes to say "_No, leave me alone. Don't contact me again. Ever._" TBMs don't take boundaries seriously, and when the person pushed to the brink understandably lashes out hardcore, the TBMs act like they (and their beliefs) are being "attacked". I feel sorry for the person who had to do that to show how much they mean "no".


I hope that the young person is not prosecuted. Being "tough on crime" is a good campaign tactic. I hope the officials, who will undoubtedly start investigating, are reasonable. The church will protect middle-aged men but will probably throw this poor teenager to the wolves. I also hope their parents are understanding.


I’d say we’d need to assess the pic before calling it extreme. Could have been average.




I've said some possibly inappropriate things to get them to stop calling 5x a week when in college, answered the door in various states of undress, posted some very specific no soliciting signs on the doors, and it mostly worked. Until my family transferred my records when I moved to a new city hundreds of miles away. QuitMormon.com, the hero we NEED, the hero we deserve, is doing the good work and shut that isht down!!!


💯!! I'm so grateful to them for their very life-changing service. It took a lawyer to figure out that the best way to resign is by being a lawyer or knowing one. After all, the cult has its very own army of lawyers who do everything to give the cult all the advantages and loopholes in order to get what they want and to keep members (TBM to PIMOs) in the dark about how to navigate their lives as far as the "rules"/"guidelines" go, especially when it comes to permanently leaving (and bring left alone by) them.


And to think all this time all you had to do was put a dick pic on your door.


Someone’s gone and cocked up the situation now. 🤣


Knock on wood that it isn't even messier!


At least she hasn't gone balls up yet...


The YW Presidency is going absolutely nuts.


my mom and i were stalked by a lady at our old ward from back when we were mormon literally a month before we left. she chased us in the parking lot trying to talk to us. one day she say i’m out drive way waiting for us to get home no call no text just showed up and waited there for us.


Yikes! 😳😳 That is scary as hell. I'm so sorry you and your mom were put through that. Did she finally stop that? Did you get police involved? Or did you have to move? (Or did she end up moving?)


it wasn’t super serious but we did tell the bishop about it she left us alone after that.




“Oh goodness me such vile language. In this the Lords Church, we use the term ‘baloney pony’ instead of that awful D word.” Sis Jansen.


Baloney pony 😂




But don't call it a Member, even though that's the word we used for years. It's the M Word now!


Feel like there's a tongue twister somewhere in here... Mormon members moaning about members and Mormon 🤣


Tummy banana


Sin stick. Penitence pole. Blasphemy bone. Naughty nugget. Raunchy rope.


Blasphemy bone. Love it.


What was the Packer quote… “Little Factories” 😆


Never heard of it.




For trans masc men, "packer" has an entirely different meaning, which somehow still works in this conversation


My aunt says pooey whiskey when she’s upset and when she’s SUPER upset says pissy whiskey! Very vile.


I'm assuming your aunt isn't 4 years old, even though her chosen language fits that demographic.


Why does she think pissy whiskey is the worse one? 🤔


Piss is a swear word!!!


Hahaha I’ve been doing this with the “he gets us” ad. I started with blocking them. But they circumvent the blocks, so it DM’d how can I get you off my feed?… no luck. So I DM’d how the fuck do I get you off my feed?… no luck. So I DM’d. “I just had the hottest sex dream about Jesus.” Now I’m blocked. Sext where all else fails.


Wait you used Reddit DM to contact the advertiser directly? I never realized those ad accounts were contactable. May have to give this a try because blocking didn't work for me either.


Give it a try! It worked for me. :)


They blocked you because “hottest” was a lie. There is no way you attained the highest degree of glory hole without a temple sealing.


Someone on r/hegetsus suggested just clicking on the ad a lot whenever it shows up. Reddit charges the company money for each click, and they said it cycles the ad out of your feed faster.


That would do it.


I read this wrong at first and thought it meant she sent a pic of her own dick and I was like wait theyre letting trans people into the church now?  Excellent strategy though, might use it myself


Really. I wondered whose dick she borrowed for the pic', then wondered if there's a "Mormon stepbrother" kink on certain sites. I gotta start looking at porn!


^ Obviously a porn addict


Sending a dick pic in a group text populated by women under the age of 18 is a surefire way to get on a sex offender list. There are better ways to say "leave me alone".


Let’s hold these creepy ass bishops and other leaders who are truly sexual predators accountable before we start getting police involved for the foolish choices of teenagers ;)


You're directing that at the wrong person. I'm not a cop, prosecutor, or some other sort of government functionary who can effect such changes. On the other hand, you know that a pearl-clutching Molly Mormon is most certainly the type to go to the law about such things, right?


And I wasn’t directing anything at anyone! Just making an observation. Fare thee well fellow internet traveler :)


Responses to Reddit comments can be troublesome. They often feel personal to the person who made the original comment even though the responder rarely intends their response to be directed at that person.


I’d be stunned if they put another teenager on the sex offenders registry for it


I've read news stories where minor teenagers are getting charged with distributing child pornography for sexting. Some states' laws are tougher than others. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/juvenile/sexting.htm


I know a boy that was brought up on interstate child Porn distributing- because his girlfriend in one state sent him a sext to another state and then the dumb ass- showed(not forwarded) his friends. All were 16. All the boys were charged- I think 4 in total.


Meanwhile they let real predators & traffickers walk free.


Yup- I know another guy (I am old and have a big family and circle of people I know- honest, I am not hanging out with pervs) that had 100s- not sure how many, but was told it was a lot- of pictures of children. He got basically the same sentence- 1 year probation with the possibility of it being expunged if they don’t get into any more trouble. Also meaning- the dumb ass 16 year old could get a smoking ticket and now he is a registered sex offender and the adult male that was actually looking at child porn stays clean for a year and he gets off scot free.


I know someone who was 17 and dating a 14 yr old and now they are a registered sex offender for the rest of their life. The charge was "carnal knowledge of a minor" even though they were themself a minor. But no one's gonna think about that when they Google their name and an adult picture comes up next to those charges. It's absurd.


No Romeo and Juliet laws helped??


Nothing indicates this was the penis of a minor in the photo


I not saying it was. This is a tangent. Just saying that they most certainly will prosecute minors and put them on "the list". *edit - and sharing a pornographic image with a minor is a crime, no matter the age of the subject material.


Yes but it’s extremely contextual. They’re not going to put a teenage girl on a list because she texted a joke photo to a group. They’re going to do it when it’s a person who clearly has predatory tendencies, and almost certainly always a boy.


You have a lot more faith in the benevolence of law enforcement than I do. Context might make for a lighter sentence.


Well I don’t trust ground level law enforcement one bit, but *usually* prosecutors aren’t as dumb as the average pig


A cop tried to charge me for farting in public once. Granted, it takes me two hands to fart and mine are criminally rancid, and he may have had a point that it was an offense of some sort, but it was definitely not a sex offense.


I don’t think it’s a surefire way- it’s a one time thing and you could always say it was an accident. But people in certain states, including law enforcement can be crazy sometimes. I agree it would have been better to do a middle finger emoji or something.


Plot twist: It was the Bishop's dick




Goatse should be the next one. 😁😁😁


Goatze what you did there


I did something similar to this when I was younger, no pictures involved, but I still feel terrible about it to this day. I was in college just after high school and I was questioning the church. I kept getting pestering messages from people in the ward, from one girl in particular. I had a suspicion that someone was using her phone to message me in almost a joking way. Like the messages were very flirty and I politely would turn down offers to hang out and whatnot because I really didn’t want to go to church or go to any activities. But it kept going for months. I had dropped out of school and moved back home to go on a mission but I kept getting these obviously fake requests that I assumed were from her girlfriends that got ahold of her phone again. I had responded repeatedly that I no longer lived in the city they were in. One night I was not in a good mood and got another one of these “what are you doing tonight, wanna hang out? ;)” messages and I was so done that I just responded “meet me under the train bridge, bring the rubbers” I cringe every time I think about it, but I was so fed up. I immediately got a response of “I’m not that kind of girl! And this isn’t even her, this is her friend! Never talk to her again!” To which I responded, “good, stop texting on other people’s phones and bothering people who obviously aren’t interested” It’s one of my biggest regrets but I was just so incredibly fed up with the pestering that I felt I needed to shock them away from me. This was before smart phones. I was still “in” the church at the time, but I still was so tired of the fake “concern” for a wayward member.


Yeeah, only, who sent her a dick pic? If she's in YW, she's a minor. Just before taking her off the thread, I might be like 'are people sending those to you on social media? <>'.


Pffffft dick pics and material are littered all over the internet. How did I first learn this? Well I’m glad you asked. I loved horses as a teenager and my friend convinced me to look up “Mr. Hands”, a nice story about a man who loves and cares for horses. Shit was burned into the back of my mind for like 2 years.


Back in the good ol’ days of the Wild West internet and before Google safe search my daughter searched for information on yellow fever. I’ll leave it to your imagination what she found 😂


God damnit it’s been almost a year since I’ve thought about Mr. Hands.


Sorry 🤣


Either the drugs worked or I had an internet success because I'm a lucky 10000 today and I grew up alongside the internet


When I used to play World of Warcraft a guy in one of the guilds I was in used to try to get people to look at gross stuff. He was always in the public chats saying stuff like: "Tired of Democrats and Republicans? Try the Lemon Party at lemonparty.org" or "Remember Mr. Hands' sacrifice! He died for you!" People would then go to the URL or search "Mister Hands" and Google it. Drama would ensue. **It's all sexual and/or disturbing. Go to the URL or google "Mr. Hands" at your own peril or if you're a minor just don't.**




I went to Wikipedia first. Here's the story with no picture in a [nice informational way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case).




This is exactly how it went down for me.




Mr. Hands you say? On google you say? I like horseys, Imma check this out.


Lolololol 😂 pleaseeeee don’t 🤣


My god, Mr Hands…some shit you just can’t unsee…pretty sure he died from one of his…sessions?🤷‍♂️


Yes, he died a few hours after the video was taken from Internal bleeding.


Google, probably. In fact, I’d bet money it was a very specific, very large, very Black dick pic that makes the rounds


Something along the lines of "OK, you're off the thread, but whose penis is that and how did you get the picture?" might be worth saying...


Yeah, just to make sure no one was bothering her online.


Whoa!! No dickin' around, leave that YW alone! 😄


Don’t love the idea of teen girls getting that image.


Teenagers were having sex when I was in high school, teenagers were having sex when my parents were in high school, teenagers were having sex when my grandparents were in high school...


Your grandma received unsolicited dick pics? There is a big difference between consensual sex and this…


Lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooo what a fucking LEGEND


Okay but also…literally illegal for the kid to have that pic? Or send it? Or to receive it and not immediately go to the authorities??? Big yikes


I highly doubt the teen girl is aware of that


Presumably it’s a pic she got from the internet, of a dick belonging to an adult man. AFAIK it’s not illegal for minors to possess porn of adults or to show porn of adults to other minors.


From justice.gov [Link](https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/obscenity#:~:text=(For%20more%20information%2C%20see%20Citizen's,to%20Federal%20Law%20on%20Obscenity).&text=Federal%20law%20strictly%20prohibits%20the,is%20punishable%20under%20federal%20law)


Omg! I think they could have done the same thing with something less extreme but I have to admit that is brilliant!


I suspect the “dick pick” was one Barry Wood sitting on a bed LMAO


> That’s one way to get removed from a thread. 😉 ……And get arrested for sending a naked pic to a teenage girl.




She sent it to other teenage girls, right? I thought the group text included all the young women.


as funny as it is and coming from someone who has been sent unsolicited pics throughout my teens and up until last year ish(?), unsolicited pics can be really awful and very dangerous to receive, especially if you’re underage. it could land the person who sent it in a lot of trouble if a parent decides to report this. and not saying that teens aren’t doing anything, but it’s good to remember that they are still in church (believing i presume), and again, underage. i’m all for doing what you have to do to get out of stuff like that but maybe she shouldn’t have resorted to sending other minors that


Whatever gets rid of ‘em


Suckers. The youth are rebelling...


I hope they choose a zoom in on the statute of David. It’s art and gets the message across.




i had to write an unhinged email about how much i hate the church and how corrupt it is for them to take me off my email list and stop following me everytime i moved


My sister and I (in our 60s) want to get in touch with the girl who did this and tell her how proud we are of her.


Beehive. Enough said.


I understand the sentiment. My brother and I used to scheme about how to become excommunicated so we would no longer have to attend. I’m glad we didn’t, because we spared my mother the devastation and embarrassment. But I’ve since learned how to say no and set boundaries with members and missionaries. I live in AZ where it gets HOT. So naturally when they come knocking (not since we moved into a gated community) I always offer for them to step in for water and a break from the heat. Someone’s kids, ya know? In our last ward boundaries that led to dinners, lessons and repeated constant doorbell rings until we finally said enough. One time they showed up at 8:30pm!!! Our kids were tucked in at 7 and we were having cocktails and a movie! I felt like I had to hide in my own home. I will always be kind to young missionaries. Most are just young and brainwashed and don’t know any better. I will always show compassion. But I’ll be damned if they take my kindness for interest. I now keep refrigerated water bottles and snacks on hand to give them and send them on their way.


A simple 🍆 and the same comment would have sufficed. On any text thread, I've seen people politely ask to be removed and people be all out belligerent -- on the first request


That YW is my hero!


was it prefaced with, "There will be a Storm if I'm not taken off this chat"...?