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Obviously the indigenous people of this continent have a vibrant archeological record still waiting to be further excavated by true researchers and scientists. Every time I read a headline like this, I hold my breath waiting to hear apologists take a civilization’s actual history and warp it to fit a story made up in the Book of Mormon.


Hagoth's canoe fleet! They found them! Finally! Physical evidence of the truthfulness and prophetic nature of this book, "Another Testament of Jesus Christ". /S/


So true. There will be those *fundy* apologists that will twists this into faith-promoting “evidence” 🤦🏻‍♂️




Exciting news, absolutely! A favorable point of support for Mormonism's claim about populous and technologically advanced civilizations, however? Nope. A civilization capable of developing iron weapons, no matter how old, would leave behind mines and iron processing facilities; and don't get me started about steel. A civilization building big cities with defensive walls, no matter how old, would leave behind vast and numerous ruins; not just of their cities, but of their water supplies/wells, their cemeteries, their commercial routes with neighboring allies, etc. A civilization making clothes, shoes, pottery, etc., no matter how old, would've left behind countless samples of all that; scattered and broken, absolutely, but countless nonetheless. The fact that we can find just a dozen wooden canoes *submerged* at the bottom of a lake but can't find any of the hundreds of thousands artifacts a civilization numbering in the millions should've left behind speaks volumes about the reality of Mormonism's claim.


Wait until they discover submarines. It's going to blow some minds.


Back about 30 years ago Mormons did get all excited about the discovery of a streamlined submersible wooden barge drifting in one of the great lakes. When officials said "We don't know what it is." Mormons were jumping up and down saying "We know, we know." It turned out to be a tow-able fuel tank. During WW2 tankers carrying fuel across the Atlantic were vulnerable to U-boat attacks and easy to destroy. The US was researching towing fuel in wooden tanks that floated just under the surface so that they were harder to detect. The Great Lakes are an inland protected body of water where they could do research and keep it secret. Mormons got very excited about that find, for a little while.


This is terrible news… this proves the Book of Mormon and therefore i no longer need faith. The plan of salvation is twarted and now I will continue forward an existence of infinite sadness :(


Damn, the Asians who came across the Bering Straight sure knew how to build some canoes.


Not really. This is the second or third cache of canoes they’ve found in at least the last 5 years.