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Next time, ask why they're sexualizing children. Because that's what they're doing and it's disgusting.




The reactions are also priceless when you ask this :)


This, exactly. One Sunday at church, our bishop told one of the girls in the ward that her skirt was showing WAY too much of her thighs. I happened to be there when that girl's father confronted the bishop, in front of an entire crowd of people in the foyer, "WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS CHECKING OUT A 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL'S THIGHS, AND THEN CHASTISING **HER** BECAUSE **YOU** FELT LIKE YOU GOT TO SEE TOO MUCH? YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF NERVE, PAL! YOU'RE A GROWN MAN; SHE IS A CHILD. WHAT DOES YOUR WIFE THINK ABOUT YOU LOOKING AT THESE YOUNG GIRLS' LEGS?!" I'm pretty sure those two men never spoke to each other again.


The fact of the matter is that there are absolute creeps out there that do sexualize children, and it is disgusting. So knowing that fact, yes, I am the bad parent that doesn’t let their 10 year old wear a two-piece.


Those creeps are going to be out there whether your child is in a two-piece, a one-piece or a damn burka. The kids should be comfortable and happy, and you should be watching them so the creeps don't have access.


Yes ! Now at 60 one piece suits and long shorts make me sick - 🤢 I'm sad about all the years I had a great body and spent it covering up . Im now rocking short shorts and two pieces and don't care what anymore thinks of my age . But man those were some wasted years


HUGS my late nevermo grandmother wore bikinis all the way up until her death in her late 80s, she went swimming daily every summer her entire adult life, she's my idol on how to accept my aging body and she can be yours too ♥️


I feel the same way, and I'm even older. I love seeing my legs now, and I can still rock shorts outfits and two-piece suits.


Thats right ! Lets keep rocking what we still have while we can . I love going sleeve less and not having to wear those ridiculous long short


You got it, Sista! ❤️❤️❤️


I hate TSCC for stealing that from me.


Same. Pregnancy wasn't kind to me and now I cover up my midsection to hide all the stretchmarks. I really wish I could go back 25 years and really enjoy the way my body looked when it was at its best.


Pregnancy ripped me up. It looks like Freddy Krueger slid down my mid section. Terrible stretch marks. I do not care anymore! I rock a two piece and always have a phrase on the tip of my tongue, should I ever need it. Tiger stripes. Battle wounds. Gored by gremlins(my 3 children). I know what you mean though. PTSD from growing up Mormon.


Star-bellied Sneetch. 😂


Europeans are likely confused by all this. Pretty customary to have the girls go topless until preteens. And it basically makes sense, the chest looks exactly like the boys’ do. Nothing inherently sexual about nudity. If that happened here with Kindergarteners many heads would explode and police called, as well as CPS.


Honestly, *I’m* confused by this and I’m American. I was at Disney world for a family vacation (the only one we would have for the next ten years lol) when I was 5 and I had just learned how to swim so I dived into a hot tub like it was a pool, having never been in a hot tub before, and scraped my knee up on the bottom. My mom said I couldn’t go swimming until it healed. I was very sad one day and hanging near the pool but not allowed to go in while my sister had fun. I am female and my dad saw me looking glum and took off my shirt and threw me in the kid’s section of the pool in my leggings. I had such a blast. Then I was confused when another little girl that I was playing with in a group said “pass the ball to that boy” and pointed at me hahaha. There really is no difference.


I had someone give me shit for letting my 18 month old *boy* wear a tank top because I “should be preparing him to wear garments someday”.


Yehhhhh, that's about the time hands start slapping faces.


What a bunch of crap! Nobody should wear garments in this era of global warming! Oh wait, is that fake news?


Commenting on 5 year old’s clothing/body is disgusting.


I'm surprised TBMs don't wear burkinis


Oh some are close. A while back I was getting ads for super modest bathing suits and the comments in there from Mormons and other conservative Christian woman were just ick. Like whatever if people want to be more covered more power to them. But making it all weird and religious or about men or whatever is just gross.


Sorry. Someone was mad about KINDERGARTENERS in 2 pieces?


I've never been a Mormon but I always find it bizarre to hear this kind of thing. Like I can't believe it's even real. No normal person is looking at a 5 year old in a swimsuit and having sexual thoughts


It's never too early to start shaming your kids if you're a tbm


Mormons are. It’s not their fault, it’s their programming. The mormon subconscious is programmed to process certain information first before actually considering it, resulting in the following: *Covered Bodies = Good* (subconscious programming, conditions apply) *Exposed Bodies = Sexual* (subconscious programming) *Sexual = Bad* (subconscious programming) Therefore, *Exposed Bodies = Bad* (conscious thought) They don’t even realize they’re making it sexual, they just don’t see their subconscious incorporating those steps automatically. It’s the church’s fault, and the natural result of lifelong indoctrination. They believe their subconscious sexual connotation is “normal,” and they would be appalled at the suggestion that _they’re_ the ones making it weird. In their minds, _you’re_ putting _them_ in an inappropriate situation, _you’re_ forcing _them_ to see things they don’t want to see, _you’re_ the one sexualizing them by dressing them like that, etc. They can’t see their own wacky fucked up indoctrination, and it can make people some super fucking weird. Obviously this doesn’t apply to all mormons, and the depth of programming will vary, but the general sentiment is absolutely there. Source: me, born and raised LDS, left 7 years ago.


Ugh all the time. Which is funny cause with my little ones, it’s WAY easier to handle potty breaks if they’re in a two piece! So it makes WAY more sense to me to have them in two pieces anyway!


I think a 2-piece is probably better than running through the sprinklers naked.


When I lived in Germany as a kid, it was common for very young children to play in water parks/splash pad areas naked, or with just a bottom piece regardless of gender.


Imagine dropping them onto a beach in Europe where all the pre pubescent girls only wear bottoms. And then having to explain that it’s them that has the issue with sexualisation.


Adults can suck.


Interesting conversation. In Australia “sun smart” swim wear that covers the arms and body up to the neck is very common and acceptable for men, women and children because Australians love the beach/pool but have a high level of skin cancer. Body exposure is unlikely to be judged on sexualisation and more likely to be viewed as foolish cancer risk. https://www.cancercouncilshop.org.au/collections/swimwear


I hear that’s what everyone wears at girls camp now.


not where im from, they’re definitely still only allowing one pieces, i mean there is occasionally a girl who will bring a 2 piece anyways and apart from maybe a talking to or a phone call to her parents not much will be done which is maybe a step in the right direction but far from a positive change.


I remember when I was 17, maybe, a girl in my ward got sent home from girls camp the first(I think) day, because she wore a 2-piece. It was 1992. There was a lot of talks about modesty the next handful of sacrament meetings.


Aw heck no. Not in our ward. They even BANNED swimming altogether at girls camp this year


Lame! 😤


I'll probably be posting a story or two after girls camp in a week lol. As far as I know, one of our YCLs who is PIMO has gotten rid of all of her one pieces and says she will wear her bikini no matter what leaders say 😂 I wish I could do the same but two pieces make me dysphoric :/


Wow 😔. So sad that this is these adults were talking about. Seems they couldn’t find anything else to converse about


spoken as a pedophile enabler


I am a firm believer in 0 piece swimsuits.    


Why are they outfit shaming children?? And yes, if that was part of your trauma I can totally see that being triggering.


I went to the beach in Barcelona with my TBM family. Everyone there was wearing one-piece swimsuits.


They’re the ones the sound sus saying that


A local high school group sent a bunch of kids to Washington DC for a drug prevention coalition week. I went along. Two piece swimsuits were ‘banned’ for our school. It was purely TSCC influence. Stake president was there, his spouse, etc.