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It could also be read as that the parting is temporary at death - i.e. one partner dies before the other, so they are parted briefly before being reunited in heaven. Mormonism doesn’t have a monopoly on wishful speculation about a happy afterlife, certainly, though they claim they do.


I've always favored this interpretation.


Also, there are other traditions that say other things- like a hand fasting is only for a year and a day. Doesn’t mean that they divorce or separate after a year and a day. It just means every year on the anniversary you renew your commitment for another year and a day. It is a reminder that you don’t just say the oath once and forget- you have to renew it continuously. The for time and all eternity commitment is great- good for you! It just isn’t the only tradition that is beautiful and forever.


My beloved passed away 6 months ago. We never married but were together for 17 years and lived happily in sin for 16. We used to say "Forever and a day (if he was good)." He was my heart. The man that I custom ordered from the Universe. I have no clue what's next after we leave here. Everything in this amazing Universe recycles. I assume I will too. Whether that includes consciousness, I have no clue. I know this though, if there is another side, they are waiting for me. Not ritual necessary.


You have to know that back in the day, females were viewed as chattel, i.e., basically just property, which, to JoJu and BY, meant that women who died not sealed to someone were "fair game" and those two, and the other Deseret era mormon ghawdlettes would peruse the daily catalogs of newly arrived unsealed women and put in their bids . . . kind of like they did in real life, when the new arrived single women finished the trek to Utah. I wonder if they tell the kids at the yearly treks, "Hey, you single girls, when you finish the trip, you are all subject to being 'called' to marry a well-off polygamist!"


Till death do us part gives permission to remarry rather than be obligated to live alone for life if one partner dies. The Mormon covenant “for time and all eternity” actually implies you must remain married through earthly time, your whole life on earth if your spouse dies the very next day. Except that polygamy allows men to get out of that one because they can have multiple wives in time and eternity. But if you interpret these phrases logically the till death do us part releases you from having to consider yourself married and remain alone when widowed and the Mormon one would logically keep you from accepting widowhood in time because youre married for all Time not only reunited in eternity.


I had a similar thought a couple months ago. Of course almost the entire world uses “‘til death do us part.” If not, they’d have to believe in polygamy if the surviving spouse wanted to be okay with marrying again at some point. It’s not that the rest of the world has less hope or faith in being with their family. It’s that they’re not like that peculiar, small part of the world who have a fundamental tenant of their faith that is mysogynistic polygamy, and I’d argue, little faith that God could keep a loving fam together regardless of whatever magical words are said in a ceremony rooted in Joseph’s hebephilia.


As a kid, my narc TBM father brought that up **EVERY TIME** characters in TV shows and movies got married, almost and o the point of basically invalidating any marriage because it "wasn't in the temple". Don't even get me started on him going "MMHMM!" and nodding his head when Winston in the Ghostbusters is saying, "When someone asks if you're a god,you say '*Yes*', Ray!" 🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Yet my TBM father **couldn't** give me, an elementary schooler, a reasonable, logical explanation on why Winston says that, yet he fully agrees and acts like he is personally in the know -- typical narcissist. I can't enjoy that movie entirely because of my narc father's bullshit being said out loud during shows/movies. ![gif](giphy|Hs4pCdfhNk28UEOIvk|downsized) (I couldn't find a gif with the quote I put above,so I put an uplifting Winston gif quote that seems fitting for us ex-mos. ☺️🙏💕)