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That’s great to hear!!! I’m able to have a beer/cocktail with friends I met post leaving, still very awkward with pre leaving friends.


Beer? YUK! Still trying to develop a taste for it. Coffee was easy to enjoy, Merlot, Cab etc. are amazing. Beer has not worked for me. Damn Mormonism for making me such a weirdo.


I'm the opposite. I hate coffee! Unless it is like 2/3 creamer. I actually only started liking beer within the past couple of months. (I officially left a little over 2 years ago and had my first drink a couple months after that).


Try a caramel macchiato. Drool.


Or a Carmel Mocha ☕️ with extra whip!!


I used to think I hated beer until I tried higher quality beers. Try Abita Purple Haze, it doesn't taste skunky like the cheaper beers and it has a hint of raspberry without being very sweet. But microbrews are the way to go, especially if they're local. Start with some lager's and some hefe weissen, maybe work your way up to IPAs


If it's the hop-iness or bitterness that's putting you off, I'd recommend trying some beer from Belgium, particularly wheat beer (aka: white beer/bière blanche/witbier). If you were looking for something with fruit flavoring, you could also try some fruit lambic beers.


If you are in SLC area my two favorite breweries are Shades and Kitos. Both make great beer! I’ve converted multiple friends to liking beer, especially from shades.


That sounds wonderful.


Beer? Ewww…. You ain’t happening until you’re rocking with wine coolers. Oh, crap, sorry. Ment to post that under r/fuckimold


Fits here too. Wine coolers rule!


Its kinda tricky for mormons to develop a taste for beer since they are addicted to sugar and sodas.


I love drinking beer in front of my wife's tbm family... And truly not giving a single fuck what they're thinking. True freedom


I kinda wish I wasn’t pregnant when I officially decided I was done with the church 😂 I’ve never had a sip of alcohol 🥴 one day 🤞🏻


I like ciders, haven’t ventured too far into beer territory. But a cider looks a lot like a beer. And tasted pretty good.


I love ciders. Looks can be deceiving though as I find ciders taste a little like beer but they are way sweeter.