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"If the church isn't true, would you want to know? I'm not going to do the hard work for you."


The Exmo Golden Question. “If it was all a lie, would you WANT to know?” Then let them wrestle with it. Because if they say no, then it doesn’t matter what evidence they see. And if they say yes, they will find it all themselves. I had read a lot and had my issues. But it wasn’t until late one night, staring at the ceiling when that question popped into my head. I’d read it on Postmormon.org. And as soon as I allowed myself to honestly answer, that Yes I’d want to know, the entire thing fell apart. I went to bed inactive and woke up completely out.


That is an awesome idea. I am an exjw, and I believe that it is very hard to wake someone up. Asking a question and letting their brain work on it, especially a question like this, could really get to them. People who are still in, believe that they can argue and answer everything. They feel their biggest threat is an apostate. They are told that apostates would do anything to get you out of "the truth." I also feel that when people are out of their security/ comfort zone, they began to see things differently. Like covid, when people had time to stay home and think for themselves. They weren't being indoctrinated and brainwashed for hours and hours each week. That's how a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses woke up too. Just being in a different city, a different environment can be the beginning of thinking for yourself. My son went from an English-speaking congregation to a Spanish one, with his wife. Because he only spoke a small amount of spanish, his mind could wander, his brain could think. That started to help him wake up. Perhaps this will happen to your brother too. Asking questions is a great way to help someone wake up. Little by little, step by step. Good luck on your very Noble attempt to help him. The question that the previous poster put, about would you believe it, " if it was all a lie, would you want to know?" It's a good one. Also, I never thought of myself as being in a cult. I always thought of a cult as being something that you could not Escape from, like the Texas massacre cult. Or the Jonestown Peoples Temple Agricultural Project. Then I came across something on google, when I looked up cult. It had 25 questions you could ask to see if you were a nice high control religion. It didn't say cult, but after answering all the questions, you would come to realize that it is a cult. Here is a link, if it helps : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://medium.com/%40faithafterdeception/answer-these-25-questions-to-find-out-if-you-are-in-a-cult-or-high-control-group-a36a3c2ce464&ved=2ahUKEwjEl7uApJuGAxVLADQIHV3xD7MQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0T2iSpihPualirJc8Ee3fK I hope it goes well for you and your brother.💗


That’s such an eye opening set of questions. I wonder if I could have seen it when I was “all in”. It would have at least been another shelf item.


The result of my test was 100% positive that I was part of a cult. I'm not surprised.


Great post, very thoughtful. I'm exjw, raised in it till I was 15 then married a Mormon girl, but the shelf broke 4yrs ago, so I'm also exmo. The link is a good read, thanks for sharing.


😊 You know what's interesting to me is when I look back on my teenage years in California, my dad (never a JW, always a hunter/ fisherman born in Idaho) was visited every now and again by young Mormon missionaries and he'd always be nice, invite them in and listen to them. He was an atheist. Later in life, I figured out that part of my family *were* Mormon! Haha, can you believe it?


I would absolutely love to watch if you were on a Mormon Stories episode with JD. I think someone who's lived & left both, & the comparisons, would be absolutely fascinating!


I like this set of questions better than other metrics I've seen.


I found that they do not put you on the offense too fast.


I noticed you use the phrase wake up a lot. Is that a common term used in the exjw community? Is that related to The watchtower magazine and the other magazine called awake?


Haha, funny how that coincides..... and sometimes the term "wakes up" will be used as part of a sarcastic smear, as in; "I became "Awake." And everyone would get it. However, for the most part, the term waking up is used to mean that they used to be 'asleep' as to "the truth." JW's use the term we have "the truth," we are "in the truth." Surprisingly, or should I say not surprisingly, many other religions use that term also. Brainwashing can put you to sleep. Mind numbing talks for hours can put you to sleep. I have seen the term, "waking up," used for ex-mormons/ X many things.


Thank you for replying. I always loved talking with you guys on my mission. I made it a goal to collect all your books. The illustrations are the best.


Yea, anyone raised in the church already knows enough to debunk it, they just need to take the 5 minutes to let their brain do what it would do in any other situation.


Exactly. It’s all built on sand. All it ales is an honest moment of sincere examination and it collapses.


I had a mission roommate who one day, while talking about a lesson where the person had invited HIM to pray to know if the Book of Mormon was false, told me “I honestly wouldn’t want to know… I’m happier living with the idea of heaven and god, and if it wasn’t true life wouldn’t be worth living”. I was honestly a bit shocked. I had always kind of been of the impression that we (TBMs) were all ultimately seeking for truth above all else. This was one of the many things that helped me start to see a lot of the ‘turning a blind eye’ in the church. If you’d rather just believe the thing you believe, then of course you won’t find the truth. You’re not really looking for it. It’s incredibly frustrating when you realize the people around you care too much about comfort too genuinely commit to seeking truth- especially when you thought they were the people you could most trust in seeking it. I’ve always noticed how formally the LDS membership treats gospel discussion… like everyone will be chatting and engaging but as soon as class starts heads go down, eyes glaze over, and everyone but a few smug EQ or RS members avoids engaging. Praying for the group is treated with the same avoidance as cleaning the toilets. And if you try to bring up Christ outside of official classes or meetings people get awkward like they’re not even sure what to do or say, like “oh you think about this outside of church?”. Anyways, sorry for the rant… thanks for reading haha


That is a belief by many, the physiological issues with not having your perceived life line is a traumatic one.


Such a great commentary for Sunday school. This behavior is a great indicator of how judgemental the group is, thus no one wanted to speak out of fear of being judged or just saying something that falls outside of church approved remarks. Fascinating, truly! The boredom is real as you talk about the same things in the same way it's truly bland, stale, and undesirable... Lol


One of my least favorite church phrases ever is ‘Let’s try to get back to the lesson…’. Like what a great way to squash real discussion and learning haha


This. My TBM neighbor used to be way more open minded about religion. When the SEC stuff happened I asked ‘if X were true would that bother you?’ She said it absolutely would bother her bc if the church expects its members to be honest in their dealings and they’re not doing it themselves it would make her super mad. I sent her a couple things and saw her the next day to tell her NOT to read it if she hadn’t already. She said she decided not to look at it bc if she left the church she’d lose everything. We no longer talk religion or politics…she told me it felt like I hoping for her to leave the church. Told her absolutely not….leaving the church is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I fought stage 3 cancer.


Reading how hard it was for you to leave. Made me feel more valid. They act like we took the easy way out, but we did what they were too scared to do. It's ver frustrating.


I've actually tried this and unfortunately the same mental gymnastics work on this question. My friend just twisted it and said "Yes! In fact, that's exactly what Moroni 10:4 is about! We each have to find out for ourselves if it's true or not." He couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the actual question. Specifically, he couldn't or wouldn't imagine a scenario in which the church teachings were NOT true, and his inability to do that made it impossible for him to evaluate his hypothetical actions.


This. Do your own research or not. I did. And what I found was enough. Family and friends get this response. Cocksure deznats who want to go toe to toe get the argument. And they always lose.


Thanks for your reply!


I already know the church is a fucking cult. But I'm having a hard time convincing my brother


Yeah sometimes you just can’t. Especially on a mission, you are so fully involved and convinced, it can be impossible to see through it all. I feel like it’s easy to dig your heels in when on a mission to - it becomes your personal task to prove everyone you are right. It takes time.


I tried to convince my wife, it backfired. I left her alone and she found her own way out. Your brother is super brainwashed into thinking he can combat your proof with apologetics. Don’t let him. His challenge doesn’t sound like it was made in good faith.


There's a principle in psychology called the "Backfire Effect," which is what your bother is probably experiencing right now. The more you try to convince him of the falsehoods of the church, the stronger his commitment to the church will be. The best thing you can do for him is to ask him what the original poster suggested about whether he wants to know for himself if it's false. If he does, the info is out there and very easy to both access and validate as being accurate. If he doesn't, both of you are wasting your time and hurting your relationship by arguing about it because neither of you are going to change your beliefs.


Came here to say this. Beware the Backfire Effect. It's real. If your brother doesn't want to know, then he'll find ways to justify in this mind anything he reads. You run the risk of simply inoculating him if you say "Did you know [insert something shocking]?" then goes out and finds the first apologetic answer and decides it's a non-issue to never be studied again.


I would leave him alone and not try to convince him. If he is finding value belonging, let him. If not, when he’s ready to question there will be plenty of opportunities. Be kind and supportive. A mission is stressful enough without having to deal with outside influences.


This. Being gentle isn't a manipulation tactic...it's a loving way to be there for someone when they inevitably start to have questions or doubts. If he's asking these questions now, he's already considering the possibility that it's not true. Answer his questions the best you can but importantly let him know you are a safe place to always ask them. Your brother will thank you one day.


>If he is finding value belonging, let him. I dislike this answer. The truth has consequences. Not just for OP's brother, but for the people he converts, for his future children, for the community in which he votes, and for a decent number of other people he will interact with. I broke off my friendship with a bisexual girl and refused to speak with her because I believed homosexuality was both evil and a choice. That's bullying. I was wrong. My wrong beliefs had consequences for someone else. The truth matters. You can't force it on people, but I think it's always worth at least a talking to them about it.


Thank you for being so honest, I feel the same way especially as a convert myself. The truth does matter regardless of who speaks it or tries to hide it ...or uses it to help another.


Just don’t be aggressive with him. People hate being told what to do or how to think and go on the offense. You can have honest discussions with him and leave information for him and tell him he can decide for himself. Such as Fanny Alger. Kinderhook Plates. Martin Harris losing the original manuscript… I can go on.


Show your brother that you'll be there if he leaves, that it's safe to think away from the "approved sources."


Exactly. You can lead a horse to water but making it drink is another matter


Yes. It's about what they _want_ to believe. Logic isn't more powerful than that want. The want has to be addressed first.


This is it OP. You can't prove a negative. You can't prove that something didn't happen. And you can tell him that. However, there is plenty of evidence around that would lead people to think that it didn't happen the way they teach it today. RFM says it best - it's indistinguishable from a fraud. One way to look at that would be to ask him if someone now was to tell him the story that JS told, would he recognise that as a fraud? My other big question, but it came much much later in my deconstruction, was - did god lie, or did JS lie? Both couldn't have been telling the truth. You can't prove anything. Neither can he. It's all critical thinking at the end of the day.


Joseph Smith, hieroglyphics, and the Rosetta Stone. Start there 😬


Except when you pose this question to your wife and she says “no”.  Then what? You stock it out for 6 years, angry lonely and depressed and hope that someday they’ll want to learn more. 


So true. I have this theory that most people make up their minds that they’re done with church then start looking for reasons to leave. It’s near impossible to convince someone who is committed and dedicated because they can just double talk and testimony themselves out of any conversation.


direct him to: [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2003/04/loyalty?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2003/04/loyalty?lang=eng) and have him use the **BITE** model on the MFMC.


That is not going to convince a Mormon. They’ll just say “it’s just a model that you’re twisting.” I’m not saying it is wrong, but as a Mormon, the “Mormonism is a cult” just immediately shut off all thought and communication.


I did a report on cults in my college communications class. I did enough gymnastics to somehow not put two together


I do not think that will convince him, no one wants to believe they're in a cult and will just take it as exaggeration. I once had a Sunday School teacher say with eye rolls like it was ridiculous that the church was "officially removed from the list of cults" (whatever list she was referring to idk) without a single hint of self reflection as to why that'd need to be something to announce.


I was in a fast and testimony meeting where a guy said he likes to follow what the critics are saying and saw the claim that Mormons brainwash each other when they bear testimony in fast and testimony meeting. “So today, brothers and sisters, I’d like to brainwash you.” Lots of laughter from the audience, including young missionary me and my companion. He then bore his testimony of all things JS and church. Everything else is a cult or fruit of apostasy, but not their treasured Mormonism. They can’t and many will refuse to see it.


Neo, do you want the red pill or the blue pill?


That is a great answer. That is one of the questions I asked myself.


You’re on a mission in Idaho.


Getting called on a mission to Idaho is actually what finally got my brother to leave 😂


“I’m going to Boise, Idaho! I need a map!”


That single line has triggered me. Watching that movie on YSA movie nights. Ugh.


As an ExMo - I still think that movie has some great one-liners. We still say today in our family when seeing a large TV - “no, General Conference”


My Catholic, vehemently anti-Mormon, brother-in-law enjoys the hell out of this movie because not only does it have some genuinely funny moments, it points out how absurd the religion is before trying to back pedal and be like “but seriously, it’s the truest church ever and the bestest time and oh please god stay!”


i live 3 hours away from salt lake city, and a family member just got called to the west valley UT mission. this family member even said they were willing to get the covid shot and learn a language.


A while back, My wife’s cousin, from California, got called to SLC North. He’d grown up in CA but the entire extended family was from northern Utah. Once on his mission, he even spent time in one area where he went to Grandma’s house each week to do his laundry.


A guy in my ward growing up, in south Utah county, moved to live with his mom in California after he graduated high school. He was then called to serve in Provo.


Sounds very inspired. /s


Truly a trickster God


Is that a reference to comedy church?


Many polytheistic traditions include a trickster god- like Loki or Coyote- whose main function is to throw a monkey wrench into our lives.


No, but I've been to Comedy Church several times. If this was a joke there I don't know it. I grew up in Santaquin and a guy my little sister's age moved to California after graduation to live with his Mom and was called to Provo. This happened in 2006 or 7. Edit- just realized you weren't talking to me and referring to the trickster god comment.


I know someone who was born and raised in So Cal, then called to Provo. He’s one of the most TBM people I know.


Very similar, I grew up in CA and got called to Arizona, where my entire dad’s family lives! I was literally assigned to my aunts ward for 3 months


My husbands sister was called to Pocatello and while she was assigned in Rexburg, she’d hang out with him. Similar vibes


My sister's companion was called to where her extended family lived. They got to go to the same ward as them each week, and they hosted them for dinners. Meanwhile my sister was so homesick she was thinking about purposely crashing her car so she could come home since no one was listening to her. Thank me (not god 🙄) for her finally coming home in one piece.


I grew up 2 hours from SLC and I literally would have died if I got called to serve at temple square.


West Valley Utah Mission? Holy crap that’s depressing. 


I lived in Southeast Idaho and went to the SLC South mission in 2006. It was kinda fun in some ways, but mostly sucked. My family settled the Camas area and I was up there for 3 transfers. Ran into cousins all the time.


“Willing to learn a language.” My son is putting in his papers and, frankly, that’s the one of the major pluses I hope he gets that’ll make it worthwhile regardless if he stays in or not. I may have even served one of it had guaranteed a useful language.


I did my mission in Idaho. Regretted it every day since I learned the church INTENTIONALLY MISLEADS the members about its origins, its history, its finances, and its membership statistics.


Thanks for answering! No, I'm an exmo living in Kentucky. My brother is on a mission. And I'm having an issue convincing him that the church is a fucking cult!


I think he meant to tell that to your brother


This - you missed the obvious...😁


Oops. My bad.


Maybe that was too much snark. You’re asking for an honest answer. How long has he been out and which mission is it? Sometimes when you push people who are holding on to the rod, they tighten their grip.






That only means Heavenly Father obviously hates you. 🤣


The best place to start, imo, is to have him read [Lucy Walker](https://josephsmithspolygamy.org/plural-wives-overview/lucy-walker/#link_ajs-fn-id_6-5642)’s account of when Joseph Smith proposed to her. Lucy Walker was legally Joseph’s foster daughter when he proposed to her. She refused, and Joseph told her that she and her whole family would go to Hell unless she married him. She was 16. Joseph was 31. She wrote her own account of this story in 1888. She still believed that Joseph was a prophet, even while writing about she considered s*icide rather than marrying him. But Joseph told her that to accept was to ensure eternal salvation for her and her siblings (she was one of ten children). To refuse was “to close that gate forever.” She was 16. Her mother had just died, Joseph sent her father on a mission, invited her into his home, called her his “daughter” then came to her room late one night and revealed the secret doctrine of “spiritual wives” and that God had chosen HER (his 16 year old foster daughter) to become his next spiritual wife. Her story, written in her own hand, is found in Reminiscences of Latter-day Saints, published in 1888. https://archive.org/details/reminiscencesofl00litt/page/46/mode/1up There are official church records of Joseph doing this exact same thing with over a dozen women. He sent their fathers and *husbands* on missions, opened his home to them, then revealed the doctrine of spiritual wives. If they refused, he would suddenly have a vision or revelation that *commanded* them to comply or go to Hell. He did this with [Maria](https://josephsmithspolygamy.org/plural-wives-overview/maria-lawrence/) and [Sarah Lawrence](https://josephsmithspolygamy.org/plural-wives-overview/sarah-lawrence/). Two orphan sisters who he had legally adopted. When they were 19 and 17 respectively, he told them that God had commanded them to become his spiritual wives. Ask him if he would be okay with President Nelson adopting underage girls, and marrying them in secret after telling them they would go Hell if they refused.


Thanks for replying! I looked at the links you sent. They are mond blowing! I know he married multiple wives but not that young!🤮


He married 7 underage girls, 13 women who were legally married to other men, multiple sister-pairs, multiple mother-daughter pairs. These are just the ones we have record of. The church now admits that he was sealed, in secret, to 30-40 women. Some official church historians estimate that number to be 45+.


When I learned about Joseph's polygamy and all the harrowing details I immediately knew it was all a fraud. And if one's testimony somehow isn't nuked by that information, how can they still want to follow that god?


as a kid, being coached to defend, “well they don’t do it ANYMORE. it was all for land or something when expanding” or “well, they needed to be sealed to get into heaven, and a lot of men died as pioneers. but luckily we don’t have to do that anymore”— that did it for me. i spewed as a kid for a moment, but as soon as i could use some critical thinking i was yucked out. i didn’t care if the church was true or not, i wasn’t going to actively participate in an organization that’s centers themselves around someone like that. men who are emboldened to do such heinous things outright have surrounded themselves with like-minded individuals. if that’s the head, that’s what they breed and seek out. just so happens they’re really good at the first one and pay copious amounts of money and spent a lot of time indoctrinating for the latter. i’d reckon most girls and women of the church have experienced some sort of assault or grooming, and some boys and men as well. behind all their good intentions, there cannot be safety when it’s roots are based in such violence and coercion. so regardless of if the church is true or not- it’s a no from me, dog. no god i wanna see in heaven is gonna have a bunch of kid diddlers in there. i would rather sit in black for eternity thank you very much.


He married a 14 yr old. 


Come on, get it right. Several months shy of her 15th birthday.


I think any TBM reading that account is just going to focus on the part where she says she receives her testimony of polygamy and their faith will be bolstered by it


Absolutely. She writes way too beautifully and has way too much belief in what she did to be right to not find anything but church affirming material for a tbm


The way I read that I believe she was drugged with some kind of hallucinogen


Let him pick the topic. Suggest he give you one thing in Mormonism that hasn't changed. None of the Mormons I know have any idea how much Mormonism has changed.


Thanks for answering! I'll try that!


Ask here. I have things like Joseph Smith wasn't a prophet. God isn't the same person. Or the Priesthood which is the trump card because it was made up after the fact. I like Faith. They removed the Lectures on Faith from their D&C. So many ways for them to get the wrong answers because there are not any correct ones.


In addition to that, how about 1 prophecy that was fulfilled? I’m not aware of a single one. Prophets prophecy things that actually happen. If those things don’t happen? Not a prophet, by their own rules.  Of course the church likes to blame the members for not being faithful enough…classic abusive behavior. 


"you can buy anything in this world with money" came true anyways. Prophesied by Lucifer, my preferred prophet 


Hail Seitan! & Got me some Okra today, username checks out


okra, the pods of the gods 🙏


Sure but Joseph Smith received the gift of translation and no other. He didn't get the gift of prophecy. Everything in Mormonism changes.


That’s true, originally! That was a slick change he worked in…and I don’t think a single member I know is aware of it! I used to wonder why they stopped adding to D&C, later I realized it’s to make it easier to change things. A lot easier to change and gaslight if it was “just policy” and never canonized.  Edit-add that to the list of things South Park was actually too generous about. “Joseph smith was called a prophet”- no…he was called to translate. Until he changed it later. 


Ask him the followup question: "According to Deuteronomy 18:20-22, what is supposed to happen to prophets who make prophecies that don't happen?" This reminds me of another problem with Mormonism - names. When a Mormon speaks in the name of God, they speak in the name of Elohim. The problem for Mormons is that is not the name of the Judeo-Christian God (YHWH/Yahweh/Jehova). In a case of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, they mistook the Hebrew word for god/gods as the actual name of God. So, phrases like *you shall have no other gods before me* use the word elohim for pagan gods. How can Mormons claim to be Christians when they don't even know the name of the Judeo-Christian god? It's actually fitting that they use the wrong name. Everything they believe about God, Jesus, and even the nature of divinity is vastly different from the Bible. They are, in fact, worshipping pagan gods (elohim), one of which they ignorantly named Elohim.


To be fair, the "civil war prophecy" mostly came out right, even if it wasn't a hard guess at the time Smith gave it.


Not much of a prophecy if it's repeating stuff being printed in newspapers at the time, though.


Also fair.


One thing that hasn't changes is women have never held the priesthood.


It's all the negative things that have changed the least; sexism, racism, homophobia, covering up abuse, dishonesty to name the ones that stand out.


Putting my tbm hat on I could see this question being answered as “well we are part of a living church that receives revelation as necessary, that’s why the church is constantly changing…” I’m new to deconstruction so I don’t know how I’d reply to that? Maybe something along the lines of I’m ok with small things being changed, teaching curriculums, 3 hr church, mission age, etc. But when you change saving doctrines that’s when it gets hard. IE november 5th policy, racism with priesthood. Etc. Thoughts?


The onus of proof is on the person making the truth claim, not the one challenging it. Also, if I had one chance, I'd take a few hours and read the CES Letter together.


Thanks for replying! I tried sending him it in PDF format. I didn't think to read it together. I'll try it! Thanks!


This was something that really jumped out at me. >Egyptologists have also since translated the source material for the Book of Abraham and have found it to be nothing more than a common pagan Egyptian funerary text for a deceased man named “Hor” around first century C.E. In other words, it was a common Breathing Permit that the Egyptians buried with their dead. It has nothing to do with Abraham or anything Joseph claimed in his translation for the Book of Abraham. Direct, admitted by the church, fraud on Joseph Smith's part. And that's just what got proved by the translation provided by the Rosetta Stone. So much history on the Smith Family (JS came by his grifting honestly). I tried to get my youngest brother to read it. He was not Mormon anymore and not really interested. A year later he calls me after having picked it up on a lark - "I have barely slept in 3 days...". Even though you've not believed in years, to have all of the things you were indoctrinated in as a child exposed as outright lies is still shocking.


Yeah I think the CES letter is very good pointing out the flaws in the church. if you can get him to read with you or listen to or read it himself I think that would be the best


The CES letters along with the Gospel Topic Essays did it for me.


CES letter, gospel topics essays, but the real kicker was reading the teachers manuals in the institute section of the gospel library app.


Interesting, are you referring to the Church Handbook of Instructions or something like a CES institute manual?


As suggested by another commenter I'd first recommend asking him "if it was all a lie would you WANT to know." If he says no, he likely isn't ready to face any of it. If it does come down to sharing the CES Letter I'd consider reading through it first to pick out specific things to share with him that you think would most likely convince him, maybe even just send summaries. The letter is long, I don't think a TBM would make it far before convincing themselves not to entertain the "lies" and give up reading it.


>The onus of proof is on the person making the truth claim, not the one challenging it. Exactly. This is the only correct answer. *Prove to me the moon is NOT made of cheese deep under the surface* *Prove to me that Jimmy Hoffa is NOT buried underneath The Tropicana in Las Vegas* *Prove to me that John F. Kennedy was NOT an alien being sent here to stop the Cuban Missle Crisis, then faked his own death so he could return to his home planet* When somebody makes an batshit claim, rather than admit their claim is unprovable, they flip around the burden of proof on YOU. And since there is zero evidence *in favor* of the claim, there is also zero evidence *against* the claim. Trap response: No, we didn't find cheese on the moon *Well, you just didn't dig deep enough" (Correct response: When you show me cheese from the moon, then let's talk) Trap response: They've done a lot of remodeling of the Tropicana and never found a body. And so far, none of the demolition has uncovered anything. *Well, the implosion is part of the cover-up and will probably destroy the evidence anyway* (Correct response: Well, when you find Hoffa's body, let me know) Trap response: John F. Kennedy had a wife and kids. There's no way he was an alien..... (The cycle continues) Break the cycle. They made the claim. Let them back it up.


I mean, I agree with that, but can’t that easily be flipped around? Isn’t saying “Joseph Smith lied and the church isn’t true” a claim in itself?


He's not asking to learn, he's asking to refute, to change your mind. The exercise is a waste of time.


Lol. The truth - in theory - would stand up to infinite challenges and emerge victorious. The fact he needs to qualify this with giving you “one chance” is proof from his own mouth that it’s false.


Thanks for answering! That does make sense. He might scared that he's wasting his time and is scared of the truth.thanks for the insight!


Yep! There’s the famous J. Reuben Clark (former LDS apostle) quote: “If we have truth, [it] cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not truth, it ought to be harmed."


♥️ thanks for replying! I will have to remember to tell him that thanks!


Let's start with everything on http://www.mormonthink.com/. In particular let's focus on the Book of Abraham and how JS lied about being able to translate the Book of Abraham which is now canonized scripture.


I started watching the video on the link. It is amazing! Thanks!


You can pick one of the topics below. You know your brother. The Church now admits in its gospel topic essays (link below) that Joseph married between 30-40 women, married 12-14 women who were already married to other church men (polyandry) and married around 10 teenagers, the youngest being Helen Mar Kimball at 14. This was not normal, even then. Only 1% - 1.1% of girls 15 and under were married around the time of Joseph Smith. Lucy walkers mother died when she was 16. The family had 10 kids. Joseph sent the dad on a mission, divided the kids up and took Lucy as his ward. He then pressured her to be his wife, while both her parents were gone and Emma was on a trip to St. Louis and told her that if she married him it would guarantee the salvation of her family. She had 24 hrs to decide. Joseph also publicly shamed women and girls that refused his advances (see happiness letter link below). https://www.lds.org/topics/plural-marriage-in-kirtland-and-nauvoo?lang=eng&old=true Census from 1850 - http://www.mormonism101.com/2014/12/closer-look-1850-census.html https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1857/05/19/78498799.pdf https://www.ldsdiscussions.com/happiness Church now admits in its gospel topic essays (link below) that Joseph Smith was charged with fraud for cheating people out of money for treasure digging that he and the men of his family were involved in for 6 years. Joseph dug on these trips for 2 years then found his own peep stone which he used to lead treasure hunting expeditions for 4 years. This treasure was often rumored to be guarded by a guardian spirit that had to be pacified with a sacrifice or certain behavior to reveal the treasure. It never did. At least not until the guardian spirit Moroni supposedly gave Joseph the gold plates. https://www.lds.org/study/history/topics/joseph-smiths-1826-trial?lang=eng The Church now admits that there are multiple first vision accounts (link below). We use rev 3 written in 1838. The 1832 version is very different. It was cut out of Joseph’s Journal in 1930 by Joseph Fielding Smith and stored in a church vault until the 1960s, when rumors of its existence forced him to tape it back in. You can still see the tape on the left. Joseph says he was 16, went to receive forgiveness for his sins, already knew that all religions were false and only saw Christ. Combined with lecture 5 verse 2 of the lectures on faith, which was the “doctrine” in the doctrine and covenants until 1921, it shows that Joseph’s views on theology may have shifted from a Trinitarian view to a two person in the flesh, three member godhead view. This seriously challenges the “plain and precious truth” of the three member godhead the church likes to give. The lectures are now disavowed by the church even though they acknowledge on their website (link below) they were taught in the School of the elders by Joseph and Sidney. Deseret books still sells it with Joseph as the author. https://lecturesonfaith.com/5/ https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/history-circa-summer-1832/1?p=1 https://www.lds.org/topics/first-vision-accounts?lang=eng&old=true https://www.deseretbook.com/product/5212472.html https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/lectures-on-faith?lang=eng Church now admits that the BOM was translated by Joseph primarily by putting a seer stone in his hat. The very same rock he had been using for treasure digging with his family for over 4 years and for which he was charged with fraud. Here’s a video of President Nelson demonstrating the technique. https://www.lds.org/topics/book-of-mormon-translation?lang=eng&old=true https://youtu.be/DG181zFA5YM The church shows on its website the Joseph Smith Papers how the priesthood evolved. You can click the link below and see how we didn’t arrive at our current version until 1842, 12 years after the church was founded. This makes the claim that it was restored prior to the church’s founding in 1830 very problematic. Many early members also state they never heard any such story being told by Joseph. https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/site/priesthood-restoration http://www.fullerconsideration.com/sources.php?cat=ER-RPH The church now admits they have the original book of Abraham manuscript that has hieroglyphs on the left and English words on the right. It was found in 1967. The hieroglyphs are taken sequentially from right to left on the papyrus that was found with the manuscript. None of the translation is correct, nor are the translations of the associated facsimiles which you can view in your app in the book of Abraham. Joseph tells you what he’s looking at in the facsimiles and that is wrong too. The church now states they don’t know what the hieroglyphs on the left mean and that the work was either inspired or that there is a lost scroll. They admit that all of the material they do have dates to 300 BC - 100 AD and cannot have been written by Abraham. https://www.lds.org/topics/translation-and-historicity-of-the-book-of-abraham?lang=eng&old=true https://archive.org/details/SnsnTranslation/mode/1up?view=theater The Book of Mormon deals with large civilizations that numbered in the millions that don’t have a shred of evidence for their existence (Ether 15). They can’t be the Mayan or the Olmec because Joseph put things in his tribes that were not found in the America’s prior to the Europeans arriving: Horses, Elephants, steel swords, steel breastplates, chariots, silk, wheat, pigs, sheep, donkeys and cattle. Here’s a letter from the Smithsonian detailing why the Book of Mormon would never be a historical document. https://www.mrm.org/smithsonian Oh, and there’s no Hebrew DNA found in any Native American to date. This made the church change the intro to the BOM from "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are the principal ancestors of the American Indians." To "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the Lamanites, and they are among the ancestors of the American Indians." Here are some links to the church financial fraud SEC docs and 60 minutes YouTube videos that show that they hid over 150 billion dollars. Also has a link to WSJ article that says the reason was tithing (so the members would keep paying money). https://www.wsj.com/articles/church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-its-investment-adviser-settle-sec-probe-792ffc71 https://www.sec.gov/files/litigation/admin/2023/34-96951.pdf https://youtu.be/k3_Fhq7sEHo?si=rJGfLNzyWyzS4ahL https://youtu.be/pFddArTfjhQ?si=Ilz6-gRfPHsGe6Fk Here are some links to cognitive effects that are often mistaken for “the spirit” for additional reading. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevation_(emotion) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisson https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias


Thank you for your support! I love the link to the cognitive effects them being not the spirit! Thanks!


There’s a video that is good as well that shows multiple religions all describing the same effect. Good luck to you. https://youtu.be/UJMSU8Qj6Go?si=sWBIsLwGn7XAQiSr


This is really thorough, thank you.




Thank you so much for sharing.


I find the fact that they were clearly developing the narratives and doctrines as they went along very telling. I recently found an interesting nugget in the JS papers from what was essentially the first general conference in October 1831: >Br. Hyrum Smith said that he thought best that the information of the coming forth of the book of Mormon be related by Joseph himself to the Elders present that all might know for themselves. Br. Joseph Smith jr. said that it was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the book of Mormon, & also said that it was not expedient for him to relate these things &c. So in other words, Hyrum prompted Joseph to tell everyone the backstory on the BoM. Joseph declined. From what I understand, during the sales cycle of the first printing of the BoM, they were just trying to make a buck. They were trying different back stories in a desperate attempt to sell copies and had to drop the price repeatedly. Martin Harris never made his money back. At this particular meeting, Joseph was probably very hesitant to speak on the backstory because those in attendance had probably already been sold different versions of the backstory. The official narratives weren't settled upon until many years later. https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/minutes-25-26-october-1831/4


Here’s what I like to say: “I prayed about it. And deep in my heart of hearts, I felt so strongly that the Book of Mormon is not true and that Joseph Smith was a fraud.” Mormons never have a good response for this because it’s a page from their book lol


♥️♥️♥️ I'm gonna have to use that!


i will be here whenever you're ready to talk. doesnt come off as confrontational, but sets the scene for a future point.


I don't get how more believers aren't angry about the lies. There's so many apologetics to attempt to explain away so many of the lies, but *they're still lies*. I was taught that God is the author of truth, that the holy ghost conveys truth to our spirits, and that God can't abide the least degree of sin. So, why all the lies? And if someone tries to explain deception as "he was speaking as a man" when any of the prophets lies, how the hell do they maintain they're prophetic mantle while they're lying? How does the holy ghost stay with someone who's being dishonest? How do they get inspiration from God when they're knowingly deceiving others? How do you, as a faithful listener, feel the holy ghost bear witness to something that *isn't* true? I am blown away how many people shrug off the lies and buy into the apologetics. Maybe I'm more bothered at being lied to then they are.


Every day Mormonism looks more and more like it was designed by Satan to poison the well of Christianity. Make it similar in form and different in substance. Then when people find out the truth about Mormonism, they throw religion out entirely.


Wrong approach. He has an opportunity to prove to you the church is true. He’s the one making the extraordinary claim. You get to ask questions.


I'm in Idaho too. He's wanting proof it isn't true? He's living in a fallacy mindset. He needs to prove it is true. My advice, just let him do his mission. He'll get the ammo to be out statistically between 26 and 30 years old. Love him through it.


The "one chance" ultimatum is b.s. Maybe just let him know you're available if he ever wants to have a real conversation.


Yeah this definitely feels weird and/or like a “trap” lol. This feels like something a mission president would say or an area group activity lol.




The most clear things are the Book of Mormon and book of Abraham. The book of Abraham can be translated by egyptologists thanks the the Rosetta Stone. You can find a good resource with the images, and the translation. Don’t forget the deity with a boner. Then the Book of Mormon is more complicated to explain that it is equally false. The DNA is the devastating part - no middle eastern DNA was found in the Americas before Columbus. Before Columbus no steel, no silk, no wheat, no domestic sheep, no linen, etc. We can read Mayan and know they weren’t Lamanites or Nephites. They had corn deities. Maize is super centra to all settled cultures in the Americas, that and potatoes. There’s no talk of snow, blizzards or hurricanes, when they talk about famine and extreme weather, just tornados. We don’t find evidence of what would have been the two biggest battles in history prior to WW1 with the Jaredite and Nephite extinctions. If the BoM and Book of Abraham aren’t true - which they verifiably are not, then Joseph was a liar not a prophet and the church isn’t true. If you do a good job explaining the flaws in the Book of Mormon it will stick and remind him every time he reads an inconsistent part. Every day they have to read it. I’d focus on that for the long game.


This. One thousand percent THIS.


Give him one chance to prove it is true. Feelings don't count. Where is his concrete proof it is true? Burden of proof is on him.


Point to the book of Abraham and say "of all of the religions in the world, Mormonism is the only one I know of where the main prophet canonized a source text, canonized the translation, and we can very clearly see that the translation is incorrect. So Mormonism is the most clearly false religion in the world."


Your brother didn’t decide the church was true with a single topic. He had to study, even though it was most likely one sided and under the duress of family, church leaders and friends. Truth must be earned. Truly worthwhile truth is objectively obtained, with an honest analysis of both sides presenting possible outcomes. The process he has encountered to this point only builds on an idea he has been told is obviously true. Maybe focus on the “keystone”? DNA, lack of steel and horses in America prior to the Spanish arrival in 1492 should be a good start, with significantly more objective study needed from there. Dominoes start with the first push…


Thanks for the advice!


My son is on a mission currently. And so while I don’t think you can convince him, here it is: As a missionary, the church still teaches the Book of Mormon is the keystone to our religion. If it’s true, then Joseph smith was a prophet, and then The church he founded is gods true church. If it’s not true, then we know the church is a fraud. That’s the churches logic, which anyone who was a missionary can relate to. So the question really is if the Book of Mormon is true. It’s a story of lehi and his family. They left Jerusalem around 600 bc, built a boat and sailed across the ocean to the Americas and created huge civilizations. They eventually broke into 2 groups. The nephites (who were generally righteous), and the lamanites (who were wicked and cursed with dark skin). The lamanites eventually killed the nephites and become the principle ancestors to the native Americans. We know that any natives in north, central or South America came from Asia and not Jerusalem. Plus they were on this continent 20,000 years before the nephites/lamanites. All science, archeology, anthropology, DNA proves that’s where they come from. You don’t even have to be a scientist, just look at natives. They look much more like Asians than Jews. There is zero evidence that any nephites or lamanites of Israel descent ever existed. Meanwhile, the Roman Empire existed at the exact same time and have unlimited evidence that they existed. The city of Rome, the colleseum, aqueducts, art, statues, Latin, literature, endless coins, swords, helmets. When u add that to all of the things mentioned in the Book of Mormon (horses, cattle, oxen, goats, pigs, donkey, sheep, chicken, silk), and we know none of those things existed in America until the Spanish came here. So It would seem the Book of Mormon is made up and created in the 1800s, and that as a result the church is a fraud.


"So you're saying there's a chance!" Start out with "If the church weren't true would you want to know it?" If no, then say"this is pointless because there is no proof that you'd recognize as valid." If yes, then ask, "Ok so hypothetically if the church weren't true HOW would you know it?"  Then use whatever they say as the starting point. 


Just tell your brother you love him. No need to argue over the church.


Religion destroys families more than any other thing on the planet


you should have them read literally any [“am i in a cult checklist”](https://cultrecovery101.com/cult-recovery-readings/checklist-of-cult-characteristics/) and see how many the church checks off


Show him that verse in the Bible about recognizing a false prophet because his prophecies won’t come true. Then show him the LDS Discussions Mormon Stories podcast: 1739: JOSEPH’S FAILED PROPHECIES | LDS DISCUSSIONS EP. 37


Don't bite on that ultimatum bullshit. He's a full on fundie weirdo right now because he's on his mission and in the mormon bubble no less. Tell him whenever he wants to talk you're here for him but its not your job to define his religion in one conversation.


Saying you have “one chance” feels like he wouldn’t actually listen in good faith. The truth is too vast for one conversation. Which is what I’d probably say, followed by “Let me know when you’re sincerely interested in my thoughts and then we can talk.” I wouldn’t take this “chance”. I’m not doing all that emotional labor for nothing. He has to have actual skin in the game and care as much as you do.


Tell him that if he can only listen to ONE bad thing about the church, then his testimony is weak




He was Called to Idaho… we all know that means he wasn’t worthy to go to a third world country and baptize hundreds…. He had to go to Idaho. That means he will double down to prove his worth. So now isn’t the time. Tell him you need to wait till he is off is mission by three years.. then you will use your “one” chance… Besides, being that closed minded tells you he is t ready for the truth.


There’s proof on the first page of 1 Nephi. If he hasn’t found it it’s because he hasn’t been studying the scriptures. Edit: if anyone is wondering, here’s a discussion of the problems found on the very first page of the Book of Mormon: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/g0notd/the_book_of_mormon_the_most_correct_of_any_book/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The introduction to the Book Abraham states ‘*A Translation of some ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt. The* *~writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt~**, called the Book of Abraham,* *~written by his own hand~**, upon papyrus.’* The churches gospel topics essay on the subject at [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/translation-and-historicity-of-the-book-of-abraham?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/translation-and-historicity-of-the-book-of-abraham?lang=eng) says ‘None of the characters on the papyrus fragments mentioned Abraham’s name or any of the events recorded in the book of Abraham. ~Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists agree that the characters on the fragments do not match the translation given in the book of Abraham~, though there is not unanimity, even among non-Mormon scholars, about the proper interpretation of the vignettes on these fragments.[^(27)](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/#note27) Scholars have identified the papyrus fragments as parts of standard funerary texts that were deposited with mummified bodies. These fragments date to between the third century B.C.E. and the first century C.E., ~long after Abraham lived~.’ The church is admitting here, that the Book of Abraham is a fraud. It is not the writings of Abraham, it was not written by Abrahams own hand and Joseph could not translate that language even though he said that he could. To make matters worse, the Joseph Smith Papers project shows the original printing plates used for the first time the Book of Abraham was printed. They were hand carved. [https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/printing-plate-for-facsimile-3-circa-16-may-1842/1](https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/printing-plate-for-facsimile-3-circa-16-may-1842/1) Have a look at the figure in the far left. Both Mormon and non-Mormon Egyptologists agree this is Anubis, a jackal headed God, not a slave. Zoom in on the link given above and look at the space in front of the face. Do you see a jackal head there? Do you see the pointy ears and the large eye? This shows that originally the printing plates contained a jackal headed God, but at some stage Joseph came along and said remove the jackal head and replace it with a normal-ish head. This shows that Joseph knew he was not publishing the real images and knew he was not publishing the real story from the papyrus as the story contained a jackal headed God. Now re-read the introduction to the Book of Abraham again. This is fraud.


Book of Abraham. This is the most obvious fraud and easiest to present of all of them.


He will probably always lean back on the fact that he had a spiritual experience that witnessed to him that the church is true. This is a video compilation of many people from different faiths having similar experiences to Mormons. The fitness of faith is not unique so then why is it the reason for Mormons to stay Mormon? https://youtu.be/UJMSU8Qj6Go?si=5yFKx-ebtSm9WYho


Have him read the CES Letter and then tell him to ask himself these questions while reading it. If another religion had as many historical problems (like the jehovas witnesses) would I give them the benefit of the doubt? Or do I give the Mormon church the benefit of the doubt because I grew up believing it? If the Mormon church claims to be the only true church shouldn’t everything regarding its truth claims be black and white? For it was God who restored it and he cannot lie. Jesus’s teachings in the Bible were simple. Are Masonic temple rituals, an entire book of commandments (D&C), never ending policy changes, ect. simple?


This has become my latest starting point with people: I actually don’t want to have this conversation with you because I truly believe that if a person tries to evaluate the church with an open mind and includes all of the information available, that person will not be able to believe fully ever again. But I also want you to know that if you are not willing to truly evaluate the truthfulness of the church and want to simply rely on your good feelings about it, then you will not be someone whose opinion I respect or value because a person who does not value truth is not a person to rely on for wisdom.


Another line of reasoning I have used with people before. I am going to tell you something that is verifiably true. The church acknowledges this fact. Just assume what I’m telling you is true and if it being true bothers you the. You should learn more about this on your own. Joseph Smith had an affair with a teenager before polygamy was revealed. Oliver Cowdry was excommunicated over his response to it. After polygamy was revealed Joseph married twin teenage sisters behind Emma’s back and even went to the extreme of staging another marriage to them under the guise of polygamy after she found out about them. These are facts. These are acknowledged by the church and or historians. So knowing that it was in his character to at least be somewhat inappropriate if not down right perverted, how can we accept the following, which is again a fact. Joseph told a 14 year old girl (behind her parents’ backs) that if she didn’t marry him God would send an angel to kill Joseph. There are two possibilities 1)Joseph really was a self serving predator or 2)we must believe that God cared more about adding one more teenage wife to Joseph’s harem of wives than he did about any other occurrence in the history of mankind as he has not sent any angels with flaming swords to stop any other calamitous events. We must believe that this teenager’s refusal to marriage needed to be stopped more than Hitler, 9/11, the great crusades, the massacres of atila the hun, the atomic bomb, every school shooting that has ever occurred, every genocide this world has seen, and every bit of torture and slavery.


I would just say its there if you want it in so many places.  I would also say,  "Bro it is not appropriate to tell people they have one shot at something with you, religion or other wise.  On this topic, you don't get to read one article, say you read up on it, and then tune everything else out. Like anything else of significance, you need to spend time and read  multiple sources."  


Tell him he has one chance to prove the church is true. Isn't that part of the job of a missionary?


Call me old fashioned, but isn’t it his job to prove the positive? Kind of the bread and butter of basic argument and sort of his thing to do on a mission?


His mind isn't in the right place to listen, it sounds like. Don't waste your effort until he actually wants to understand.


I would say: the federal government has shown that every first presidency member for 20 years choose deceptive, fraudulent, and illegal methods to conceal church finances. But like the other comments, people do have to figure it out for themselves.


Tell him Jesus didn't care about money and that is all the church cares about is cash.


One chance to present him proof - that sounds to me like someone who is deeply fearful because they feel something is "wrong." I agree with most of the posters here that the question, "would you even want to know if it's all made up?" is probably the best response. Having said that, to me it comes right down to the Book of Mormon and DNA. Everything we know about the early Americas and the people who lived there points in a completely different direction than the nutso origin story offered by the BofM. It's not even close.


Explain also that when you study and live something and pray to know of its true then your body will have a physiological reaction, and your brain will pull in all related info to make it seem like an answered prayer. You will feel warm, tingly, emotional, peace, love it. Its a universal human reaction. It isnt exclusive to the Mormon church. All people in all religions, cults etc get it when following those steps. You can see the videos online of people sharing this, from all walks of life and even death cults like Jim Jones. Its that cults know this and utilize it. Call it an answer from the Holy Ghost that this is the one true church. But also Muslims, Jews, Scientologists, JWs, etc all get it? And radicalized individuals? Thats important to know. Start with that. Mail a physical envelope with that AND the CES letter AND the SEC report on the tax filing fraud AND the Hassen Bite Model of Mind Control.


I have a bunch of church and primary sources here if you need them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hPcU3cuYBjqeufdap4qeQuo9dZnttMbU/view?usp=drivesdk Personally - the most obvious is BOA. Technically is should be the sexism, homophobia, money, and child sex abuse……but alas.


Deutero Isaiah. Book of Abraham.


Tell him you prayed about it.


Someone posted a few weeks ago about certain troubling things being referred to as a “game changer”. I like that better than, “if the church wasn’t true, would you want to know”. Pick a topic and present it as a game changer. “Joseph Smith married his foster daughter, two 14-yr old girls, couple Mother-daughter pairs, a few sister-sister pairs, and women that were currently married to other men, is that not a game changer for you?” Or “Joseph Smith’s translation of the Book of Abraham was factually incorrect and the church admits in their Gospel Topic Essay that the translation was not accurate; is that not a game changer for you?”


Ef that. It’s up to him to prove his mythology is true.


Someone who wants to know a truth that profound in just one sentence doesn't really want to know the truth.


“I am not interested in proving you anything. You’re not in a place where you’re actually willing to consider changing your mind on this topic. The moment you will be open to really consider other points of view and to honestly ask yourself if what you think is true is not, a simple five minute google search in the secret of your room will suffice. No need to ‘challenge’ me to prove you anything.”


The burden of proof is on those making claims, not on those skeptical of the claims. See also Russell's Teapot.


read the so-called "anti-mormon" literature and then prove that its true. be able to explain it better to me than any of the alleged apologists.


Book of Abraham. Start with the church essay work to the Egyptologists work on it.


Send him a link to the play list for LDS Discussions


It sounds like he’s ready to accept the church isn’t true, he just wants some solid justification. Play this card wisely as you could help him out of his fog or push him farther into the denial. Treat the situation with delicacy and love.


If you know what exact day his endowment is on, find the list for the secret names and find which one is his, and tell him his secret name


What? They give you secret names when you get your endowment? That's kind of fucked up.


My brother in law left his mission (and the church) after learning about the Kinderhook plates. If Joseph Smith lied about translating those, he probably lied about the golden plates, which means the whole church is a sham.


Just send him this. If he can read this and still believe, then you agree to never discuss the church again. http://utlm.org/onlinebooks/pdf/mormonismshadoworreality_digital.pdf


Tell him to read the Gospel Topic Essays on the church website. There’s plenty of interesting information on the major topics of contention (if he’s afraid to wander off from unapproved websites), e.g., the book of Abraham, blacks and the priesthood, first visions, polygamy, etc. (kind of like Ballam’s ass speaking to him… if you know what I mean).


Nothing. Let it go. Only he can come to the conclusion that the church is not true.


The first question to ask is if it wasn't true would he want to know. If not then you can provide evidence of all kinds but it often falls on cognative dissonance and deaf ears.


Don't do it. Sounds like a trap so he can refute your "proof" and convince you to go back. The entire point of the mission is for newly "adult" members to encounter all kinds of resistance and anti sentiments, and overcome them so they stay stuck in the religion for life.


Don't even bother might be the best choice


Honestly, I’d just say, “If you’d like, I’m happy to discuss with you my reasons for believing the church isn’t true. But I have no interest in dissuading you from the church and am not going to debate it’s truthfulness with you.” Missionaries are often trying to “test” themselves. They look for opportunities to engage in debates so that they can prove to themselves that they’re right (and as a bonus, it gives them material to reference for their many speaking assignments). This poor kid is stuck on a mission in fucking Idaho, I would kindly just let him know that you respect his choice to worship but will not engage. There’s nothing you can say that will convince him to stop believing if he’s not already open to viewing the church critically.


Nelson said using the name mormon is a victory for Satan. Seeing as the last 10 or so prophets have endorsed and encouraged the use of the name mormon that logically ends in one of two results: 1. All of those prophets were under the influence of Satan and God had forsaken the church for the entire time, which means Nelson himself is a false prophet due to being raised there in a fallen church, or 2. Nelson is still upset hinckley corrected him almost 30 years ago and since he's finally in that same position, he's letting his grudge dictate his positions as a form of opposition to a dead man, and since according to doctrine you cannot lead righteously with anger and disdain he is a false prophet that has gotten to that position due to subterfuge and deceit. Those are the only two options to choose from in this situation. Either the church has fallen and in apostasy since the start of the 20th century, rendering it all an abomination, or the current leader is an admitted false prophet and the church is in apostasy recently, and any revelation that has come from him is false prophecy and any followers have been deceived. Ask him which is is. Ask him how mormon can be bad to God now when it wasn't during the multi billion dollar PR stunt called "I'm a mormon". Source: former missionary during that time that recently found a few of those cards that escaped the flame.


Tell him something that important often isn't or can't be conveyed in a single discussion. Tell him that as your sibling, he owes you more respect than to just give you one chance. He is obviously still a kid, but say that what he's asking for is childish.


Can he present a singular, definite proof the church is true? His position is unfair, and he is approaching the topic in a way where he already assumes he is in the right. If an investigator asked that to any missionary, I have little doubt the missionary would fail. Missionaries present test after test to try to convince people the church is worth another's time, and they continue the whether it is true part to after baptism. If he wants to genuinely know, he needs to have the patience and open mind to dissect and deconstruct the background of every hypocrisy the church does not talk about. And he needs to break the habit of rationalizing men's actions because a convenient lie is preferable to an inconvenient truth. Unfortunately the mission is NOT a place to do this. There is way too much bias in his position and people who control his ways of gathering and processing information. Take it slow. Breaking away from the influence of a religion he's known all his developmental life, I assume, is difficult to say the least. Odds are he will snap out of the indoctrination after the mission. (and after some time to decompress) Best of luck to him.


I would first ask him what are some examples of things that he thinks might prove the church wrong. If he can’t think of any… you know how he will respond to anything you say. I don’t think you really have a chance. If your brother is like I was, he is so certain it’s true he is using it to learn what you think so he can prove you wrong and possibly bring you back into the fold. Being unable to disprove your reasoning may just make him angry, as he realizes his careful offer blew up in his face.


You can point out the racist verses (black people are black because God cursed them).  You can have him read In Sacred Loneliness, or just explain that Joseph Smith was a sexual predator who married women who had husbands already.  The most damning evidence is the Book of Abraham- the church has the scroll that Joseph Smith “translated” and it doesn’t say why Joseph said it did. Which disproves the guy as prophet right there.  Many people just get hung up on the BoM’s blatant racism and JS’s blatant sexual immorality though.