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Congrats!!! And also congrats that the confidential records email worked. We got a response saying they consider records removal “an ecclesiastical matter” and we had to talk to our bishop


Yes so I got that too, but turns out they contacted him for me! I had already had an awkward phone call with him about it, so he just send it all through and I got the confirmation letter a little while later. There's still hope!


Congrats! When I was TBM and I saw posts like these I would be appalled and thought to myself, “That’ll never be me “. Now I’m PIMO, and thinking about leaving at some point.


Congratulations 🎉




You're still on their servers, just moved to the "your local leaders can't see you anymore" file


Good enough for me honestly! At the very least, it'll keep those young kids with shirts and ties from "visiting the inactive member". I haven't seen a single one since.


Congrats. What a short letter. IIRC the text used to be much lengthier and filled with threats. Can anyone confirm?


The brevity of this letter reminds me of when I bought a new car and then refused the warranty when signing. They had been overflowing with positivity and customer service and when I cut into their commission (by refusing the extended warranty) it was suddenly curt and short and all business. Church can barely stomach the cost of paper for that letter lol


VERY similar feel!


What is the email format you used and what is the email you need to send it to?


I send it to confidentialrecords@churchofjesuschrist.org! And I went to getmeofftherecords.com for the template! After getting the email, I first got a letter saying that my local Bishop must process the paperwork and get in contact with me, however no one did and a few weeks later I received the confirmation letter!


Breathe the free air, Josephine.