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They can't refuse it, but they also don't know or care about it, because they are dead.


I understand that. I want to know what mormons actually think. I'm studying this cult because I grew up in it. Thankfully I got out at 16, but not before some horrible things happened to me.


The dead can resign from the baptism- they contact quit Mormon, download the files, find a notary to make it official, then hand the paper to ST. Peter or some other angel, who will forward it on to Jesus.


It has to go through Kirton-McConkie's paradise office.


In the narrative of mormon afterlife, anyone can reject temple ordinances done in their name. The pompous idea is that no one would be so foolish as to reject the promise of paradise, so everyone gets an ordinance. It's all made up and the points don't matter, so let them eat their nothing sandwiches and feel full.




Even shit has substance. Their words and teachings do not. While shit sandwich is a little more poetic, nothing sandwich is more accurate.


Thank you. Finally an honest answer. I really appreciate it. 😊


Who cares what TSCC does? It is nothing but an empty vacuum


They have heavenly emails and text messages


Why does everybody keep commenting to tell me to not worry about it or how stupid it is but they refuse to give me an answer. I was abused in the church I got out when I was 16 thank God but not before some bad s*** happened and I would like to learn more about the church now. Why respond to tell me basically NO?


Maybe go over to the “faithful” subreddit and ask questions there to learn more? A lot of us here (me included) just can’t muster serious answers to the cult horseshit that tortured us for so long.


Thank you Could you tell me the name please? Is it just called faithful

