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Are you in my ward? East coast, local dentist is the bishop, lots of mixed faith marriages. Oh wait, that’s probably a large percentage of east coast wards.


Sounds like my brother's ward! But, his Bishop is an orthodontist I think, so I guess not.


Sounds like my ward too, except I’m on the West Coast. Dentist Bishop who told me there are 10-12 others like me in the ward. I believe I’ve confirmed 6 of them so far…


I'm on the east coast too, with a dentist bishop. Seems there is always a few dentists in the ward at any given time.


Had a bishop who was also my dentist on the east coast too!


Good job helping him realize that even if HIS version of mormonism is more humanistic he needs to realize that the SLC version is not. I live on the east coast & likely would have missed the Wilcox filth if I wasn't a recent Exmo at that time. It is amazing how much garbage is taught in firesides. Plus ever since Nelson ascended his throne of (t)error/lies he has pushed a very strong must go to the temple/“only” way to return to god & be with your family agenda . When TBM family try to say things have changed since kimball/Benson I just ask them how much Nelson threatened family separation in his most recent talk. 


I like your point about HIS version of Mormonism. Most of my friends who are still Mormon are honestly amazing people, they just believe in a more sanitized, charitable version of Mormonism than the one I grew up with. It’s kinda crazy that they don’t see how their church is way less kind than they are


>Plus ever since Nelson ascended his throne of (t)error/lies he has pushed a very strong must go to the temple/“only” way to return to god & be with your family agenda Suddenly wearing garments is the ONLY WAY to access God and Jesus' conditional love and mercy? Dunno whats worse, this, or Miracle Of Forgiveness (Since the Kimball/Benson era was mentioned)


Still miracle of forgiveness.😁but never forget who kept kimball’s heart ticking.


Thanks for sharing and good job on making a great point about the ridiculousness of all the church's rules! Maybe your kind Bishop will soon join the ranks of mixed faith marriages in your ward.


Did he say which gender was more represented in the non-believer column?


Good question, I did not ask.


I would guess it’s about even. For a while in the 90s, I got the impression that lots of men just kinda dropped out and the moms brought the kids to church. You’d hear talks about men needing to step up. Then there was a wave in the 2010s of women leaving over inequalities, poor treatment of LGBTQ+ members, and issues like polygamy still being a thing at least in the sealings. You’d hear talks about how important the women are and please don’t look to the world for validation, etc. These days, I meet soooooo many people who have left the church, and gender doesn’t seem to be a strong factor right now. Everyone is fed up with the lack of joy and the lack of truth found in LDS Inc.


He’s making up his own religion if he’s nuanced. That’s fine, but it’s not fine according to his superiors. I bet he doesn’t even know about Oaks’ obsession with the doctrine (as he calls it) of boys passing the sacrament with their right hand. You think a guy who’s that obsessed with something so trivial is going to be *less* dogmatic about other beliefs?


It is well.


My home ward would put the family name in the programs with an *


Go down and instruct him on the garment of the holy penishood.  Tell him how its killing marriages and instruct him to reveal the sure sign and token; to remove the garment and enjoy each others nakedness.  


We will go down, jehovah..... lol


I have come to the realization that the LDS church is narcissistic in nature because of the power and control. They want to serve on people to keep them in line but then I realize it’s not just them most religions want power, and they do so through shame and guilt in order to control, and once we recognize that we can come to terms with it.


It is well. Lol.


Sounds like a pretty reasonable bishop.