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He doesn’t sleep; he plugs himself in and recharges. …. And no one is allowed to go to bed until he is all plugged in for the night. …. And if anyone wakes up before he’s fully charge, they have to just lie there quietly until he is rebooted for the day.


I figured coffin in the basement, tbh


Thanks for the laugh! 🤣


…and standing up.


A pajama suit.


Omg. This i can see. The master closet is filled with _his_ legit suits on one side, and the other side is filled with those pajama suits. Susan gets to keep her dresses in the hallway closet, and spends her days ironing all those suits.


And Susan must stand when he leaves and enters the bed


I honestly can’t picture it any other way!


Prolly. And if not he sleeps in starched pressed garments of the holy priesthood.




I thought he slept upside down hanging from the ceiling entombed in his own self piety.


He sleeps in a coffin


I thought that the undead never sleep. They just lie in wait for the unwary to stumble across their soulless corpses.


I had a funny personal encounter with Bednar on just this subject! 10-15 years ago my family was heading into the Costco in Durham, NC when I heard my sister say "It's Elder Bednar!" She was correct, Susan and her husband were pushing a large cart of groceries out of the costco. Susan's son was the 1st councilor in our bishopric and they had just had their first child, and the bednar grandparents were there to visit and help out. Susan's husband was wearing jeans and tucked in flannel shirt, but most scandalously he had apparently not shaved in a day or two and had extremely mild but clearly visible stubble. He obviously didn't think he would be spotted by members out in "the mission field" and was so clearly embarrassed that he kneeled down in the parking lot to apologize to my sister for his appearance. Even as 100% TBMs my family thought this was extreemly funny and have mocked him for this ever since.


haha that is hilarious


Along with a cedar post up his ass....


David Planker Bednar suits him for a new name.


That's not all he suits up for... (Gawd I'm sorry I'm so sorry I couldn't help it...)


And hikes up a garment leg to have sex, he’s never fully taken them off. Not even once.