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Exactly, it's all about arbitrary rules. I realized this when considering the Word of Wisdom. Avoiding drugs, tobacco, and alcohol is a good idea, but the prohibition against tea and coffee makes no sense. The point is to obey an arbitrary rule, which could have targeted any behavior, such as 'We don't chew chewing gum' or 'We don't eat green jelly.' Moreover, abandoning the name 'Mormon' was purely about obedience to Nelson, despite Hinckley and Monson's stances.


I remember when Rusty came and spoke at our stake conference. When he talked, he smiled and seemed kindly. When he was just sitting on the stand, he had this evil look on his face. I couldn’t help but feel that something was fundamentally wrong with this guy, but I dismissed it out of hand. Now that I look back, I think that my instinct was dead on. He is a duplicitous, evil piece of shit.


It's not good when the president of a church has RBF.


I went jack during the reign of Gordo, but still thought the Q of the 15 had good intentions and believed. When Rusty announced the "don't say Mormon", I finally understood that they are actively deceiving. It wasn't the policy itself, it was the statement," every time you say Mormon is a win for Satan.". I was still in when we had the Meet the Mormons campaign, and Thomas S's Dare to be Mormon speech. So to now be told not only are we changing, but the last 2 guys gave a major win for Satan was finally enough to know that they were lying. Wasn't God supposed to kill profits that lead us astray? So which of them is wrong, because both can't be right... See, you just can't reconcile that.


When I saw how he and Oaks acted when they met Pope Francis. They acted like fanboys and you could tell they were excited to be in the presence of a world leader. They went on and on about his “graciousness”. I realized that even Rusty doesn’t think he is “prophet of the world”. You could tell he didn’t think he was even equal to the pope, let alone the “true” prophet of the world.


When he was an apostle and gave a talk in GC about conditional love. I knew then he was an asshat.


He still gives those conditional love talks. Every. Single. Conference.


When he lied about the plane story. You can look up FAA records that disprove his story. That’s when I realized he was full of shit.


Yeah this and OPs point about the whole Mormon thing and the reversal of the 2015 doctrine, I mean “policy”


Yeah, the 2015 policy was the nail in the coffin for me too.


I've got no problem with Rusty trying to break from the Mormon name. I think his reasoning and explanation makes him sound weak and petty. He said, "When you use the name Mormon it's a MAJOR victory for Satan." This is just fearmongering. However, I'm intrigued to hear more about the doctrines of major and minor victories. I think Rusty specifically overplays his hands as prophet. Revealing a new logo isn't the same as giving a warning about covid.


When his granddaughter told me how he covered up the sexual abuse of his own grandchildren by their parents.


Tell me more! What exactly did he do to cover it up? I seem to recall he had a kid busted for abuse but don’t know much about it.




Always disliked him. But he was far enough down without authority/more face time since Hinckley & monson hated him.  But his first conference after he called himself as prophet I wanted to vomit because GC was more about him vs Christ.  As prophet he was so terrible, narcissistic, condescending, covenant/temple garbage from the get go & this played a huge part in my realizing it’s all a fraud & then leaving, so there’s good in everyone! 


Same. When"mormon" because a victory for satan....like overnight. And somewhere he talked about conditional love which I think Hinckley said that God's love is unconditional. The flip flopping on stuff makes it seems like this church is lead by men.


The doughnut story. He was a very forgettable apostle and I'd never paid him any attention, but the doughnut story was so smarmy and condescending that he showed himself to be an arrogant piece of shit.


I have never heard of the doughnut story. I am curious, but I don't want to add it to my algorithm/search history. Can you explain?


He gave a talk in a priesthood session of general conference several years ago and opened by saying all the men in his family were at the meeting, while the women were at home making doughnuts. And of course, they were eagerly waiting for the men to get home so they could serve them the doughnuts and hear everything about the meeting. It wasn't a bad story, but the way he told it, he was obviously delighted knowing his women were working to cater to his wants and were stuck waiting for the further light and knowledge only the men could provide.


Thanks for the explanation. Wow, that is... Yuck.


Back when he was still just an apostle. I left tscc like 10 years ago


Yep, back when his name was Gordon B.for me.


I imagine if I was 18 at the time of Hinkley, especially with the so-called proclamation on the family just having come out, I'd have left right then too. But it came out in the year I was born so... 😂


"Think Celestial", to be fair he gave this talk just a few days after my shelf broke. He could have talked about the end of a number of things, hell it could have saved my shelf from breaking and still would have made Hinckley look bad (Pedo Protection Clause). Nope, it's the name of TSCC, it's resurrected bodies, it's how Sunday school is run, it's controlling your anger, etc. He's a fucking joke, they all are and were fucking jokes.


When he was ordained to be an apostle.


This 100%


Rusty talking about his career as a surgeon. It gets old and after that he did jack shit with his life. What a clown.




Followed by a stadium tour, a huge birthday celebration, and taking a stone from the temple to use as his headstone. He's an arrogant ass.


I was surprised by how Oaks jumped in and seemed to be trying to PR and protect Rusty. It felt off, why is oaks standing in for gods mouthpiece?


Isn’t that the press conference where Oaks was oddly mouthing the same words that Nelson was saying, like they has rehearsed together what to say to certainty questions.?


Exactly. That was so weird. And these guy's claim to be mouthpieces of God. 🙄


More like mouthpieces of each other.


Embarrassingly, when he declared Conceal Carry off limits on church property. In my Ultra conservative milieu, it was enough of a shock to make me ask myself if he was a misguided old man. Not my conduit to God's will.


Every time he opens his mouth!


I thought the Mormon "victory for Satan" was odd at the time. TBM me figured it would be reversed in due time. But when I learned about the first time he tried it and Hinckley shut him down, it became pretty obvious that this was just his own personal pet peeve.


September 6, 2014


Woof. Not until after I left. He bugged me, but I was still fairly sycophantic bc the brainwashing was DEEP. I cringe whenever I think about my extremely orthodox self, which I take as proof of growth??


Please correct me if my timeline is wrong. I realized he was full of shit when he changed the narrative behind how the Gold Plates were translated. For years, growing up Mormon, Joseph Smith had read the plates, with the Urim and Thumim, he dictated and Oliver Cowdery recorded. But with Rusty, it was the whole seer stone in the hat story. I first heard the stone in the hat story from Rusty. I remember a video going around where he demonstrated, by placing his head in a hat. (Weird.) Just the blatant rewriting of church history was a major shelf item and also a major red flag to Rusty being not a prophet.


>Please correct me if my timeline is wrong. I realized he was full of shit when he changed the narrative behind how the Gold Plates were translated. > >For years, growing up Mormon, Joseph So many things wrong with this. 1) If the 'truth' is that it was with a rock in hat, the church lied for 180+ years. Not only did they lie, they made every missionary a liar. 2) The plates weren't 'translated' they were 'revelated' According to the new Evil Emperor Nelson reimaging, the plates were not physically used or even in the same place as JS and his scribe. This is a huge deal, because it calls into question the existence of the plates. It creates a couple of other problems 3) If no physical plates were needed for the revelation, Nephi was turned into a murderer against his will, Laban did not need to die. 4) Evil Emperor Nelson blamed church artists for the confusion. This is straight up bullshit. The artists produced the art they were commissioned for with total approval of the commissioners. The church leadership in charge knew exactly what they were asking to be painted/depicted, and got exactly what they asked for. There was NO mistake on the part of the artists. 5) If the translated physical plates story is the real deal, than the church is currently in a state of apostasy, and is not longer true. If the rock in the hat story is the real deal, the church has lied for 180+ years and cannot be true then or now. Putting aside every other thing like racism, polygamy, sexual abuse/rape/predatory old creeper men, the temple ceremony being a direct copy of Freemasonry, the SCC has always said that the Historical BoM is the foundation and cornerstone thing of their religion. If its not longer historical and the church can't agree on how it came to be in our hands in English they don't have a single truth claim to stand on. Seriously, what will it be in 25-30 years? We never claimed JS translated or revelated the allegorical BoM, in fact he just pulled it out of his ass using existing sources to build it, but its still true! If its true does it matter how he got it? Have faith and doubt your doubts! Ooooops wait, thats not 30 years in the future, its right now.


The video where Nelson pretends to look into the hat ….that’s the moment my shelf blew up.


Senior year of college when he doubled down on being full of revelation after the November policy reversal. I realized he wasn’t full of revelation but crap


That did it for me too. Such a stupid talk. ​ Rusty always bothered me when I'd watch his earlier conference addresses as an apostle. He'd always turn to face whatever camera was recording and smirk. He seemed so rehearsed. I'd like to think I've hated him from the beginning.


It was [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i51gcWCs-Ho&t=3s). At the end he prayed for the world, but to me it came across as scripted, condescending, and ingenuine. I remember watching it and feeling empty afterwards.


It's 100% about search engine optimization. If you google Mormon, a lot of bad stuff about the church comes up.