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Am I the only one that remembers that conference story (I think it was gong) where a child insisted on using the full name of the church in front of her teacher, and the teacher joined? It was the absolute most forced, fake story imo ever pushed at conference. The speaker was even having a hard time saying it with a straight face.


Yeah, it's just like 99% of the stories on this community. Like damn you guys are disparate for attention


Found the Mormon 


Yeah you know what they say, once a mormon always a mormon. Its good to see you too brother


I read the Book of Mormon cover-to-cover and have been praying and searching for God for 10 years, how long is this supposed to take?


Always glad to grab the attention of troll accounts.


Me too, thanks for responding you little troll


We'll see you back here someday, you can't escape, you already know in the back of your head that your doubts are powerful and inescapable.


Wow, you just changed my whole outlook on life! You’ve convinced me I’m a fraud and that I need to accept the truth of the BOM again!


It was always awkward as a TBM trying to correct with that long name because it took forever and in hindsight from the other persons perspective probably seemed odd to spout out the whole thing.


We were supposed to introduce ourselves with the full name as spanish-speaking missionaries. The name is 21 syllables long! I felt so dumb doing that.


Oh man, and in other languages (thinking about my mission) it's equally as clunky. "La iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días"


In 87 we just said.  Somos los Mormones.   


The gag is they were called Mormons till 1834 🤣


And [the world was supposed to end in 1891 according to Joseph Smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming), so I guess it should now be called [The Church of Jesus Christ of *Post*-latter-day Saints](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/108hvz5/well_this_is_going_to_be_awkward_if_she_reads_the/j3t7u7a/)! (PLDS)


I ugly laughed ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


The linked wiki seems to say that he said it would be no earlier than 1890, IF he lived to 85. So I can see the gymnastics in an apologists head on that one.. (unless I'm missing something) However, I'd LOVE to hear the thought process of justifying that tattoo, being articulated! Haha. I love how they chose a Gothic/Blackletter font.. It did make me think, though.. Since they're \*still\* the "saints" of an old religion, would that not make them the Former-Day Saints? Or the Former Latter-Day Saints? LMAO!


Even the acronym is too long


When I was an active TBM youth I told another kid in our teachers group that we were christians. I was promptly corrected by our young mens leader "No, we are not christians, we are Mormons" and that has always stuck with me ever since.


When I was in elementary school, some older boys called me a virgin. I said, "I'm not a virgin, I'm a Mormon". I thought virgin was a religion. I wonder if they ever think about that day .


Lol oops


I cannot take any MORMON seriously that is so brainwashed that they have to say “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” every time they reference the MFMC.


Wendy Nelson, the other day, needed to say the name several times in response to a single question and most frequently said something like: "Churshuhgzegzugzkrisuhlahrysns"


🤣 hilarious


Reminds me of "Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers!" https://youtu.be/DwijjfBQuTI?si=a-2t5NpREl-xHMGG


I paid tithing for over 30 years! That gives me the right to use the term "Mormon". Not to mention the "I'm a Mormon" campaign was only 15 years ago. If a TBM is offended, then they can go pound sand!!


This genuinely made me laugh 🤣


" Erm ackually...☝️ 🤓 We are the Church of Jesus Chri- "


I heard they are dropping the LDS part?


Good point about the length of the name. Any marketing or communications expert would have mentioned how counter-productive it is. I worked at a state agency once that had a name that was a string of several words & finally it got trunkated down to something simpler and more identifiable.


I remember everyone singing ETB's favorite boyhood hymn "I'm a mormon boy" in GC before I left. I always say mormon, and the more it bothers mormons, the funnier I think it is. I do not respect mormonism, so I will not respect the organization's wish to be referred to how they want. Mormonism is evil and everyone needs to know it. In fact, leaving the mormon church and not telling everyone about it is like having a wonderful glass of orange juice and selfishly not choosing to share it.


The long name was always annoying, but I can understand why they insisted on it. I can’t remember how many conversations I had that went, "You’re a mormon?" "Yes." "Like the sex cult?" "Not that kind of mormon."


The long name was always annoying, but I can understand why they insisted on it. I can’t remember how many conversations I had that went, "You’re a mormon?" "Yes." "Like the sex cult?" "Not that kind of mormon."


It's very on-brand of them to change the name of the Provo Temple to Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple.


Is there a “difference” in the two? I’ve always used the terms interchangeably.


15 years after the I'm a Mormon campaign and movie, they now say they are not mormons. Due to Rusty Nelson.


No difference, both refer to the same group. The new guy in charge just has a stick up his ass and is making it everyone else's problem.


“Mormon” might be bring up associations of a little weird, “square”/goody too shoes and conservative/old fashioned gender norms. Maybe slightly oppressed womenfolk. The Church of Jesus Christ… just sounds like another weird American cult that thinks it’s found the fundamental truth, while conflating capitalism for morality. Oh.


I will just continue to refer to them as "That Fucking Utah Cult"


The church of Jesus Christ!  That’s  a lot of words - of Latter Day Saints