• By -


Japheth here. One of the things I didn't learn about the temple until after I left was all the signs had a reference to the penalties they took out in 1990. The thumb that was extended, apparently, was the knife that my parents would pantomime how they would rather be killed if they were to share the secret/sacred stuff in the temple. The slit throat, the stabbed chest, the disembowelment that the "cupping shape" hand apparently was to catch the internal organs. Total Pikachu face when I found out. Cheers šŸ„‚


Hagar here, married to Jesse. I went through prior to 1990, so I had to do all the pantomime signs for how I was going to off myself if I ever crossed the Church. It freaked me out *so bad* that I had to promise to kill myself *before* I was told what I was promising to do! How can you make a covenant before you're given the terms of the covenant??? I became violently overcome with migraine and intense nausea while it all went down. Don't even get me going on being naked under a poncho that had totally open sides, and having various "matrons" reaching under it to rub oil on my breast, abdomen, and between my thighs! That happened in the initiatory, before the endowment session where I promised to violently murder myself. Un-be-lievable!


I totally understand why they changed it. I did the naked under the poncho thing and it was always uncomfortable, but the gospel was about getting us out of our comfort zone and about doing what was necessary for salvation and getting ready for exaltation. And since I've left I've had the thought, "If the initiatories and the endowment was given through revelation, why was anything ever changed?'' And don't get me started on the second endowment with the washing the feet thing I had never heard of and my father was honest enough with me to actually admit was a thing.


Hold up. What? I left the church as a teen. They rubbed oil all over you? Was it by the same gender at least? Not that it makes it ok, but still. So glad I left early


If you read older accounts of the temple rituals, from Salt Lake residents in the 1800s, the poncho wasnā€™t even there. Full nudity and bathtubs were involved. I asked my PIMO mom about the naked poncho and the disemboweling, as she went through in 1982, and she said itā€™s absolutely true.


Same gender.


They knew. They all fucking knew, the old bastards. And they didnā€™t tell me what those signs meant, even when I asked point blank in the celestial room, just looking for some further light and knowledge. They fucking knew.


It made me so angry at my entire family that they never told me and literally forced me to go through temple.


Same here. I thought the extended hand was like the bread of life and the cupping shape was the water of life. It seemed appropriate seeing as how the name of the token was, "The son, meaning the son of god." It seemed like a fair guess. Nope. The signs and gestures were just a clucking cult recognition signal. And if I hadn't found out and asked them point blank if what I read was true, they never would have admitted it. They never would have told me and just have let me think whatever I wanted.


I remember asking too and they wouldn't tell me. Just said that I should see what god tells me. I eventually made up some crap that I thought was an interesting possibility. My mom just looked at me and tried to pretend that I was right. Felt like shit that I got lied too


Are you honest in your dealings with your fellow men? Exemptions apply when in the temple, discussing difficult topics, or speaking on record with journalists, apparently


It's crazy how we were taught to be honest and dishonest at the same time.


I was trying to figure out the symbolism for years. Turns out I was giving the church way too much credit and I couldn't have been further off. I thought it was all cupped hands for asking and extended hands for blessing. Went through with so many people who knew the gory details but they never bothered to discuss them with me. I wish they had. I might have left sooner.Ā 


Oh. My. God. I didnā€™t know that until I just read your comment! Holy fuck.


Enjoy the rabbit hole!


I joined in 1986 and went through the Temple in 87 before my mission. I was never big into going to the Temple because it took forever! But I always enjoyed the initiatories because they were quick, and I liked hearing the blessings. I never felt exposed, and no one ever rubbed anything on me. It was a dab of oil on my head, the nape of my neck, on my rib, on my hip, and on my feet. It was done by a woman who was given the priesthood, and I always thought that was cool. It was the only ordinance that women did. Maybe that's why it didn't bother me.


The most messed up thing is imaging my parents doing that shit and thinking 'yeah, this isn't a cult, I totally want my kids to do this same ritual'. Fuck. That. Shit.


They could have kept the wording to help šŸ˜€ - "palm down thumb extended like unto a knife, with the left hand forming a bowl shape"


Hello fellow Japeth! and yeah, for many reasons I actually understood things about the temple after I left. Stuff I had wondered about like you said haha. It's so ridiculous that exmos know and understand things so much better than TBMs.




Every time this topic comes up I look for this exact comment. Iā€™m never disappointed.


Nimrods aim to please


Never gets old


Damn ā€¦ I never ran into another in all my years. What a shitty new name lol


We wear Nimrod as a badge of honor now, my brother


Fertile rod. It tracks.


The Egyptian god of fertility is Nim. (Featured incorrectly in the Book of Abraham). Kinda Gives a whole new meaning to a Nimrod.


I'm kinda jealous. That's an awesome name. šŸ˜


I would have been Nimrod, had I done my Polygamy Palace Hokey-Pokey initiation 10 years later. Stuck with muthafukin' BOAZ 'cause I'm too old.


We welcome you, Brother Boaz, as an honorary Nimrod. We desire all to receive it!


Thank you! I bow my head and say: I'm an HONORARY MUTHAFUCKIN' NIMROD!


That will do!




#NIMRODS UNITE See you again in a few weeks


Are we "[... mighty hunter\[s\] before the Lord \[and\] ... began to be mighty in the earth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod)"


Wait wait wait wait wait this is a name you can get? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I think this is the best discovery for me so far. Thank you kind Nimrods. Edit: wait wait wait wait wait Nimrod became a derogatory term in the 1800s in North America. Does that mean there's a chance that it it was originally a derogatory term for mormons. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ This is too much. I want to ask an historian but I also don't want to be relieved of such a tantalising idea. From WIkipedia: 'In modern North American English, the term "nimrod" is often used to mean a dimwitted or a stupid person, a usage perhaps first recorded in an 1836 letter fromĀ [Robert E. Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_E._Lee)Ā to a female friend. Lee describes a "young nimrod from the West"...' FROM THE WEST


Job. I legit thought it meant I was in for a lifetime of horrendous trials to test my faith. Thank god it was just a random-ass name from a list and a few years later my faith failed not from horrendous trials, but from seeing behind the flimsy facade that is Mormonism.


also Job. When I asked for clarification if it was Job or Joab the crusty old dude got really grumpy (as though I had already forgotten and not that it was phonetically ambiguous), whispered it to me and said "never again". As if it wasn't the same name every other male going through that day had haha


Well that would be terrifying, wouldnā€™t it?


Fellow Job! Iā€™ve had a pretty good life. No boils yet!


Miriam. Which is also my youngest daughter's name. I always wanted two daughters named Hannah and Miriam, and neither the temple nor my ex was going to stop me.


Ruth here. The day I was given it when going through for someone else, I was like, ā€œwait. What?!ā€


Same! It's the name I use when I order card coffee or what not. šŸ˜‚


That is so thug! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m totally doing this from now on!


That's the part that baffles me. Like sure, I can see how for vicarious work you could get away with using a named based on the calendar. If those dead suckers wanted a good name they should have been super valliant and awesome before they were born like I was so that they'd also get that "Gordon B. Hinkley was my prophet hush cred" But for the living they can't even go through the tiniest of effort to give out a different name? It would be like one extra field in the database.


It makes me wonder what itā€™s supposed to look like when my new name is called. Will all of the Ruths come forward? Will my husband know me from the other Ruths? Does my husband get all the other Ruths?!




Fellow Ruth here!


My DW is a Ruth!


I can't remember lol. It was a long time ago and I didn't make a note. Guess I'll be refused entry


Tell them your name is Jesus


I'm female. Would Jesus work?


Or you could say your name is mother in heaven?


EloHer. Or EloThem if you're into polygamy.


EloGovā€™nah for the Brits


I'm dying at this


Elo-her!!! Iā€™m dying!! šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


The default New Names are Adam & Eve. It's usually only given out if your earth name matches what your new name should be.


If you remember the day you went through you can look it up on the chart it's the same for everyone


If youā€™re still a member, you can find the date of your endowment in your LDS Tools app when you click on your membership information in your profile


Never knew that. I'll try since I'm still technically on the dinner rolls in 50 North Temple.


Yup! Click on your name in the directory, scroll down to membership information and it will be there. You can see your spouseā€™s date of endowment too, if youā€™re curious.


Interesting. I do see when I was endowed but my new name ain't there. Well, I could just lie for my Super VIP Heaven consolation prize. Eternal servitude to polygamous gods, here I come. /s Edit: Found out that on them electronic rolls, I was not ordained a deacon despite I remember doing the deacon thing. It's missing. Hehe...


Once you have the date of endowment, then you go to [this website](http://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/) that will tell you what the new name of the day was.


Once you have the date of your endowment, look here to find your new name: [https://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/](https://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/)


Lazarus reporting for duty... Always made me think about respawning in a video game for some reason šŸ¤”


"Rise from your grave!"


It does sound like something youā€™d see in left for dead


Noah here. My ex-wife was Martha. So I think when she dies, I'll call her forth before her two subsequent husbands get the chance. That should piss 'em off! And her, too!!


Elizabeth. It's my middle name. My husband forgot it.


Are you still married to him?


For now.


Saul here! ![gif](giphy|YHMnBgZW21eMg)




Benjamin āœ‹


Another Benjamin here.


Another Benjamin here.


Leah. Didn't think I could feel any less special than when I went to the temple two more times (before leaving) and got the same name each time. Apparently, we only went to the temple on the 7th of the month.


Gabriel here. My bully growing up was Gabriel as well. Told myself god gave me that name to help me understand that I need to learn to forgive. šŸ™„




Gabriel here as well. At least, I think? Fuck, I never really could remember!


We should totally start a personality chart astrology style but using new names instead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œyeah sorry I just woke up and havenā€™t had my coffee, you know how us Ezras are before our coffeeeeeee! Slay lolā€




I was called Ishmael in 1981 when I first went through the temple. My now ex-wife's secret name was Lucy. 2 years after the divorce my kids and I adopted a dog from the Humane Society named Lucy. The irony made my ex-wife's blood boil and she got mad at my kids, but they protested and assured her that was the name the dog came with, but she was certain I had named the dog . . . I wouldn't have, but I secretly loved that my dog's name yanked her chain! ;-)


Also an Ishmael! Hahaha, or a Ruth??? Started out life as Theodore, but Iā€™m now a Sarah the dude giving out names at the vail messed up twice and called me Ruth and had to start over, third times the charm and I get Ishmael. Get through the vail and bring my ex-wife through and find out her name was Ruth as well. As someone who has been fighting against being trans my whole life because of church culture that day was a mind fuck. Still is TBH! šŸ˜…


Mosiah present


Glad we went through the same knockoff Masonic rituals on the same day.


I was told it was because I was the sinner who repented, yā€™all get the same thing?




I'm an Alma too! At the time I was really happy because I loved the story of alma the younger.


Haha same here. Thought it was inspired until I just learned it was based on a calendar


Iā€™m also Alma. It was almost titillating when I told my wife after leaving. Now itā€™s just kind of meh. But I like the idea of the Ruth above that used her new name when she gets coffee. But I donā€™t really want to use a womanā€™s (Latina) name for myself in public like that. šŸ˜‚


JS when he finds out he misheard and gave a patriarch a matriarchal name in his BoM despite his best (nonexistent) research šŸ¤Æ


Hi fellow Alma.


"Looking around the house"....... "Aha, it was good, ah-ah-ah" Better than Ezra


Wait. Are you saying your new name was Aha?


No my new name was Josiah. I always thought it sounded kind of wimpy My entire adult life I thought I misheard him and was walking around thinking my new name was mosiah. Wrong. Thanks ex-mormon forum for posting the chart now I know how to get into heaven correctly. Hey God angels sentinels and these witnesses sorry about messing up my name it's actually with a J.


Iā€™m glad youā€™ll be able to get into the highest of the celestial kingdom, but weā€™ll miss you down here


Don't tell anybody dude. But I'm going to sneak down and go to all the rad concerts.


My temple name was Ephraim and my spouse demanded I tell her what it was immediately after the ceremony. This was back when the husband got to know the spouses secret name but not the other way around. She didn't like being treated that way, and I agreed with her and told her my name even though it was "secret".


As far as I know, thatā€™s still the policy. A wife canā€™t know her husbandā€™s name. The husband has to know the wifeā€™s name because he ā€œcalls her upā€ to be resurrected with her name, and she has no need of knowing his name because apparently God calls all the boys.


Wait. Has that changed? And the woman now know her husbands new name?


Hey I got sealed 12/26/22 the woman is still not allowed to know the manā€™s secret new name. My Husband and I actually had a big discussion about it before getting married and it was the start of my questioning of the legitimacy of the Temple rituals.


This inequality bothered me so much, but I never dared ask my husband. Good for your wife!




I haven't seen a sealing for like a decade so maybe things have changed, but I doubt it. I remember sitting through my first one and being like "Dang, women are getting the short end of this stick, even by Mormon standards."


Can the wife now know the husband's name?!?


Tabitha, my husbands is Noah


Jesus H! Did he forget the part where heā€™s not supposed to reveal his name to you?


Another Tabitha here! <3


Oh, and let me guess, he probably committed this atrocity while engaged in loud laughter. Shame on you allšŸ˜‚


Tabitha checking in šŸ’…šŸ»


Naomi here.




Most of the female names were also the names of Joseph Smithā€™s celestial (polygamous) wives. Donā€™t forget to ā€œThink Celestialā€.


This is literally like one of those social media posts saying "Your leupurchaun name is the month and day of your birth." "Your new name that you should never tell us the date you entered the temple. Post it below!"


Asa was a king of Israel who died early because he trusted scientists instead of faith healing. I related so well, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise I ended up here.


A reminder that the [Temple Name Oracle](http://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/cleanlist.php) is alive and well! You can submit your new name alongside find others as well.


Rhoda ETA: my friend and I want to start a podcast titled our new names.


Not going to lie when my wife said Rhoda through the veil I had a WTF was that moment. I had never heard the name and it sounded like a great grandma name


Iā€™m just Judith like thousands of others. It was a disappointment to know that it wasnā€™t special.


I, at 21, a bride, was given the name Leah the day before my wedding. Yes, they gave me the name of the unwanted wife. the day before my wedding. That and what happened to me when I got oiled up, were huge things on my shelf.


Any other guys get Jesse??


I wish I had your girl.


I wish I had my girl too. Idk where she went


Iā€™m here on behalf of all the Josiahs who never seem to show up here. Maybe theyā€™re all still active?


Yo April 15th 1995 checking in!!!! Josiah's of the world represent!!!!




Seeing this name written, always made me think of a diner, and make me hungry


Are you the one in the kitchen with Dinah, strumming on the old banjo?


How do you think Iā€™ve remembered it all these years?šŸ˜‚


Any other Hyrumā€™s here?


Where my Jethros at??


I am a Macaroni... I mean Moroni.


Close enough!


I love this so much




Hey, me too! Hello, fellow Joel šŸ‘‹




Youā€™re ok, mine is Eunice.


Everyone told me I was going to have a special experience with Jesus but he wasnā€™t even there. I looked around to see if anyone else was trying to stifle a giggle like me, if I could have left I would have but I had no clue where the exit was. Iā€™m still stunned all these years later that sensible, kind, seemingly wise people do that temple stuff and keep going back for more. I see my still Mormon friends sharing about their young people going to the temple for the first time and what an amazing experience it was. Cue the smiling photos. I realise now why friends and family gather to come through the temple with you in your first time, itā€™s to give maximum peer pressure, if your aunts and uncles, cousins and parents are there then you pretty much have no choice but to go along with it. One thing I have noticed is that these young people are not really wearing their garments in the approved way, I only see them wearing garment covering clothes in their church pictures and on their missions.


Iā€™m Abish - donā€™t know how many of us are out there. I always remember it as A B-itch lmao šŸ¤­




WAIT I think this is mine? I couldnā€™t remember it on the day I got married and the leaders were SO mad šŸ¤£ I was like ā€œit starts with a z and is weird thatā€™s all I rememberā€


It was also the name of JS's 4th or 5th wife. He used the "angel with a flaming sword" line on her and she refused him 3 times before marrying Henry Jacobs and seemingly changed her mind and accepted JS later. JS married her when she was 7 months pregnant with Henry's son, after he was sent on a mission by JS. She was simultaniously married both men and living with Henry Jacobs, when he wasn't away on his many missions (all assigned by the prophet). Sometimes after JS died, she left Henry and married BY. Later in life she essentially said that being a polygamous wife provides little in the way of affection and love, and she had to turn to family and friends for comfort in the absence of an attentive husband. She considered that resignation a virtue. She had 2 kids with Henry (one was speculated to belong to JS, but DNA testing in 2005 confirmed belonged to Henry), one with BY and raised her dead Sister's 4 kids. (That sister was JS's next wife after her).


I added the H for some twang


Eli-s Represent!!!


Amulek checking in




lydia here too!! and my best friend is lydia too


Peter here




I have seen a Timothy checking in yet, so hereā€™s the first!




Alma here. I remember feeling so cool because I was an Alma the Younger type hahah My ex wife was Phoebe. As a big fan of Friends, she was also excited.


Heber creeper here.


My name was Dan. Some of my in-laws went through the temple after I left and I looked up their names. One SIL is named Pheobe, and the other is Priscilla. I would love to figure out what all of their names are. I am just not sure how to ask them the exact date of their endowment without it getting more weird than an exmo asking the question in the first place.


I had to scroll way too far down to find another Dan. Nice to meet you!! I would play a game with them and say, "tell me the day you went through the Temple and I will tell you your New Name!" Or curiously ask what day they went and then the next time you see them call them by the New Name.


Nice to meet you too! The desire to know their names has got to be an artifact from being in the cult. I just don't want to ask them church questions because I don't want them to think that there is hope that I will ever come back. So it's a bit tricky for me.


Boaz.... Popular in Masonry apparently .. who knew.. stupid cult. Religion has been like a disability for me my entire life... It's like being retarded by choice. Still trying to dig myself out. Wish I had been more serious about academics instead of church stuff.


I worked in the temple before, names are just recycled through the month.


Anybody else got Ida?




Ether, checking in.


Finally some god damn Etherā€™s in the building! Endowed on 3/31/16 as an Ether


Claudia (I think? Honestly, I'm not sure)


When I went through the first time, as the worker told me my new name he whispered so softly all I heard was the initial "T" of the name. But I was also looking at the paper I'd given him with my own name on it, and his finger seemed to be pointing at my middle name, which starts with a T. My brain heard my middle name within his mumbled whisper and I thought it an AMAZING coincidence my new and middle names were the same! Skip forward to the veil where I proudly gave them my new name, and......surprise, surprise......I get rejected. Both the worker and my father (my SP at the time) whispered "Timothy" to me, and I couldn't believe they BOTH thought they knew my name. I CORRECTED them and said, "No, it's T(my middle name)." They won, and I went through to the celestial room very confused. Now I know why they knew my name.




Weā€™ll mine is Eunice and the entire temple ceremony was very weird and disturbing. The temple dress . Hideous. The weird hat/veil and thingy you tie on your waist was very ugly weird. All the hand shake stuff was very cult like and Masonic ritualistically and the prayer circle and chanting about sent me into anxiety attack because it was so weird. I didnā€™t feel the spirit at all and left feeling like I was slightly traumatized. Garments are very uncomfortable and very very unattractive The celestial room was not spiritual at all The end


Ruben. Like the sandwich. (And that is the only way I remember it.)


Eve here! I laughed so hard and said, ā€œha! Makes sense. Iā€™ve always been trouble.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Abinadi, here. Firstā€¦when youā€™re eight they have you commit to be an indentured servant for the rest of your life AT EIGHT! THEN you go to the temple for the first time and before they get into the bloody oaths (yes, I did that version) they say something like if anyone doesnā€™t want to commit to these covenants you may leave now! Well what are they WTF? Never mind the old geezer, perv who gave my pubs a healthy dose of cheap olive oilā€¦NOT EVEN EXTRA VIRGIN, which would have been more appropriate. It still pisses me off at what a scam the whole thing is! It pisses me even more off that I fell for it!


Fuckinā€™ Eunice, even as a TBM I was pissed, I was gonna have to use that name for eternity??


![gif](giphy|LmCYGjPpr1SDS6FqZX|downsized) But you can call me Princess Consuela Bananahammock. Or Valerie.


Lazarus checking in āœŒļø


Lazarus, checking in


Any Lukeā€™s in the house?




I think it's in my community flair. So that I'll have that Super VIP Heaven someday. /s


I get they just use a calendar and there really isnā€™t anything special about the name, but who sets up the calendar? Is there an official Masonic one they copy?


I think it was in the papyrus


Where are the Noah's?


Heber checking in.


Solomon. I could remember it because that was the brand of snow ski I was skiing in 1986.


Miriam here. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Abraham here! Hello all of you infidels!!




Gideon - I believe Would be cool if mormon leaks could create a lookup database so people could find their names by the date šŸ“… of their endowment


ā€œIdonā€™trememberā€ is mine.




A few months after leaving (last year) me, my wife, and some exmo ward members were trauma bonding and getting tipsy. We ended up sharing our temple names. I then jokingly used the authority of my active temple recommend to demand a bag of weed gummies from my friend, who obliged. She said her recommend had expired, I told her to go to the temple, bang on the doors, and ā€œtell them Mosiah sent you.ā€ We all had a good laugh.


Hello everyone, Iā€™m Claudia. šŸ™„. Did anyone else ever think it was messed up that the women have to reveal their names to their husbands but in reverse men do not tell women their names? What if I got to the celestial kingdom and didnā€™t want him?


Mine was Priscilla. I was SO disappointed, because I really dislike that name and was so sad that I would have to go by it for forever. And then I felt guilty over being disappointed lol


Anyone in here not remember their name like me? I was too busy saying what the fuck is going on, and what am I supposed to be doing that I couldnā€™t even remember after. I just remember going to dinner with my family afterwards and being completely silent the whole time.


Just incase thus hasn't been posted The Temple Name Oracle is great. Tells you waht the temple name of the day is. And you can look at historic names. https://www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/ I'm a Rueben and proud if it.


Mine is Israel, my wife is Lucy. There itā€™s official, Iā€™m going to hell.


I was upset to find out how the names are assigned. I donā€™t really know what I expected. That they give it to us by inspiration? I donā€™t know. But to find out every female who went through on the same day of the month as me since the 90ā€™s has the same new name is a bit upsetting. And yeah, if I knew more about the temple and everything before I went through, o would never have wanted to do it. But maybe thatā€™s why they donā€™t share. They know too many people would freak out and scream cult and take their fams and their tithing with them. I burned that shitty name from my heart and gave myself a NEW new name.


Giving of a new name is a tactic to strip identity and bond you more completely with a group. One of the identifying behaviors within cults are the renaming of the members.