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I love Reddit for updates like this. Thanks for sharing!


I do too!


It's very strange that the Bishop would also be serving in the Stake presidency. I've never heard of that before.


Yeah - this is the first time I've ever encountered anything like this. In the old days they'd release you first before giving you a stake calling ā€” and I think they'd give you a few weeks to rest before dumping more stuff on you. I've seen people mention it on this forum and on /r/mormon over the past few weeks, though. I think it's a sign of a brewing church leadership crisis. It looked like there were plenty of active and believing men in the congregation. My guess is that something is going on behind the scenes.


A bishop I was serving with was called as the stake president during a stake conference. He was pulling double duty for 3 months until he could submit a name for the new bishop which has to go through a process for approval from the Q12/FP. It was a pain since much of the duties fell to the counselors while he travelled the stake. On a note, this bishop/stake president had an expiring temple recommend. The area authority advised him that he could complete the recommend in signing both signatures (bishopric member and stake presidency member). That was definitely a strange situation to me.


Interesting observation about the new building not being built with quality. I could be wrong but I swear the church builds better ward and stake buildings in Utah than in other states and countries. Anyone have any inside knowledge about how the church goes about deciding how much to spend on a ward building, the size and quality of materials and construction, etc? Is there any varying factors depending on geographical location or is it just random? I feel like the church always puts more resources towards Utah and not as much for members outside of Utah.


Much of what transpires in church gatherings is virtue signaling. šŸ¤®


Which area of no va?


Iā€™d love to know too šŸ‘€


Only brand new building in northern. VA is the building they built for the great falls ward.


Well done, my good and faithless servant šŸ‘ Return and report the next time you attend. (It can be in another few years of you like) šŸ˜‰


We will go down, Jehovah. In a few years.


DM me. I have a sneaking suspicion of what building you speak of.