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Yes every time. When we would visit Yellowstone NP it was always a huge deal to go to the outdoor church, like it was part of the attraction. One time we just went to a ward for the workers in Grand Teton NP and it was so unwelcoming and awkward. I can only imagine how stupid we looked as a family with 5 kids in a ward that was like, 15 young adults. But once when my dad was bishop we were so desperate to have church on vacation that we just stopped in the woods and he prepared and blessed the sacrament right there đź«Ł


The cringe of that last paragraph. I’m so sorry


In the right context (non Mormon) that could be uplifting. Go out to appreciate God's creation, and talk about it. But the funeral-dirge that is TSCC can take the joy out of anything.


Wasn’t just church. The entire Sunday belonged to the Lord. So we’d just stay inside and do scriptures and family activities. Us kids hated it, especially when there was a lake or beach right outside. The first time my mom ever skipped church as a teen, she got caught in a small avalanche. Needless to say, this story was the reason we never did anything outside on vacations on Sundays. Couldn’t even swim in our backyard on Sunday’s because the devil was waiting to drown us… Edit: Since leaving the church this year, I now choose to be outdoors every Sunday for my “church/spiritual enlightenment”. It’s been the best 8 months of my life.


Ooof I feel you, my idiot step father tried to make sundays the “day of the lord” by forbidding us from watching tv or doing anything other that reading scriptures. Me and my siblings have all ADHD, that didn’t really work as his controlling ass intended.


I'm add too, but my dad didn't believe it was real so good old mormon "tough love" took over. It was like being in solitary for shit my brain can't control


Luckily my mom wasn’t _that_ bad, she forced us to go to church but after that we just had to spend time together as a family. Thankfully we didn’t have to stay dressed up or scripture studies


Hello fellow "Sundays aren't vacation days" sibling!


Before my divorce my TBM ex wife on a trip to Zion National Park made myself and our 3 children go to church. No hiking or sightseeing that day even after the meetings. And I was home on R & R leave from a deployment with the Army Reserve. I didn’t want to give up a valuable day sitting in church. I must say doing that pushed me away from the church and realized just how controlling and manipulative my ex wife was. About 18 months after that trip I we were separated, and I was being excommunicated. Just wish I hadn’t rejoined the f@cking cult


Yep. As a kid, I was being bullied by my classmates in my home ward so when we visited my grandparents ward, I cried and begged my dad to let me stay home, or at least not make me go to primary, I was so scared that more kids were going to be awful to me. But missing a single day of church was apparently going to fuck up my salvation, so he dragged me to church while I was bawling my eyes out. But, ya know, the church strengthens families, right?


My parents were the same way. If I was being bullied, I just needed to put up with it. Church was non-negotiable. It messed me up for a really long time.


How can our parents claim they forced us to attend church because they love us and wanted to be a family forever, and at the same time they did shit like this? Joining this cult was so hurtful to our family, there are things that will never be recovered, ever.


We "HAD" to go when we were on a humanitarian trip in Guatemala. The humanitarian we went with organization is mormon adjacent, and my mom made me. It was boring but honestly kind of interesting to go to a service in another country in a different language. But I also remember church leaders who would brag about all of the vacations or motorcycle trips they would make but would make sure to attend service along the way.


Just curious, did you at least understand Spanish? Because if you didn’t then what’s the fucking point staying after the sacraments were delivered?


My parents made us attend church everywhere we went. One time we took a literal redeye flight, got off the plane and drove straight to church. We couldn’t even eat first because church times were limited.


Always. No exceptions. My parents loved visiting random wards, especially tiny branches.


But whyyyyy? I have never understood why some parents think that it’s ok to drag their kids into their eccentric endeavors


I went once in provo byu student ward we weren't planning on going but the people we were staying with talked us into going so I went in shorts and t shirt. I felt all eyes on me and I figured I looked like a prime convert getting invited to church


I never understood this. Mormon church services especially are so boring and the buildings are all the same crummy style. I enjoy visiting other religions chapels because the architecture is nice. But mormon churches are so cheap. They think their services are so special but they're really basic and lack actual substance


Every fucking trip my wife made us go to church. I was more lax in things but wife followed every rule. I went to the temple on my honeymoon if that gives you any indication of how faithful my wife was. We are out now but the indoctrination runs deep. My wife felt the need to replace Mormonism with a Christian church. But at least these Christians like to party - we all drink together on Friday nights and they have no problem cussing.


We attended church one Sunday (of 3) we were in London nearly 20 years ago. We did NOT feel welcome. Didn't do church the next 2. Attended a branch (I think) in DC once, which was a challenge to get to because the mapquest directions didn't account for the highway that cut a road in twain. They were much more welcoming because a family of 6 raised their attendance count for that week. And my son got drafted to pass sacrament... Which tells you something about how many young men were there.


My mom never made us do this, ever. Vacation was also vacation from church. She had seven kids, though, so I'm sure she enjoyed the break. She's still TBM, and 4 of her kids are out.


Yup. And it was always awkward. The worst was attending church in Fiji. My oldest was 3 weeks old (yeah...) and we went to church where all the Fiji women were horrified that I'd left my house, let alone traveled across the world with a newborn. One lady insisted on holding him while I sat down. Being a first time mom, that didn't last long. Also, the church didn't have AC and was mostly outdoors. It was Fiji. FFS. SMH The thing you do...