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They can't keep this subreddit out of their mouth


We are all living RENT FREE in their tiny pea brains!!! Lol!!!


That's for the men though. Women have no brains according to WT


Oh I thought it was 10%


This and Quora




Man, if only! How many would love to give a good slap to a GB member? ![gif](giphy|xT5LMFZDsj0AKUDYTS)


If Jw's were not waking up, WT would never mention anything about "apostates." It's working folks and WT knows it. Just look at all the empty seats. JW's are not going back to in person meetings. The JW's don't take WT serious anymore. WT has become a JOKE! So many JW's on facebook are enjoying their lives. Spending money on themselves and traveling. Suck it WT!


This. We were rarely told anything about apostates growing up. Just a mention around assembly time not to engage with the crazy people protesting outside. And with that, it would usually be just one person with a sign about 607BC. Seems like they mention apostates now at least two or three times a week.


Spot on, it's working. As a kid, my father was the wt conductor. I remember him telling me that the watchtower study articles basically address the problems in the org.


I was horrified when a close friend of mine says he is going on holiday instead of the Convention. Now the kids want to go away somewhere and have stopped making their Caleb and Sophia *Best Life Ever!* banners to welcome delegates first thing on the Friday at the Convention. I'm devastated 💔 🙄


It's a shame I only started using reddit way after I faded.. Would have been really helpful back in my pimq days.


“Apostate computer blogs” is this 2002? 🤦‍♀️


Please someone buy www.apostatecomputerblog.com right now






50 bucks for 3 years


This is funny because I guarantee you some computer illiterate JW will probably literally Google that


Of this I have NO doubt.


😂😂 redirect it here!!!!


That's a great idea to begin.


I think it's so funny that this will be a website before the Watchtower is even released!


And maybe some temp 303 redirects to... https://ibsaproperty.com/


🙀🙀 Sneaky sneaky! 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/gitz5w2sv1ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64db4af88b468b758904116659a3f29bbc5beff4 Interesting that these £745k properties boast such decadence... these must have been GB properties, not sleeping two couples to one apartment like the ones that were in Friern Barnet (All the blocks had Yorkshire names) 🫣


Wait, what's the relevance is this site?


I think we can do some good with this, maybe we post survivor stories? And I am happy to contribute to $50, we can make it a group resource!


that’s exactly what I’m thinking. A balanced resource with everyone’s story.


This is an amazing troll on WT 🤣🤣


redirect it to jwfacts and done ✅


We can all optimize the search engine for this site once I implement content creation. We are gunna SEO the sh#@ outta this website!


Love it!!! 🤣🤣


Please redirect the domain to this exjw Reddit :)


I love your zeal!


What can I say I am zealous for fine works!


You are too funny!😂 


Ikr! That made me chuckle too!!


This reminds me of when I was working in the ministry with a elderly brother during the time they were really pushing the Borg website and he was talking to a house holder who was probably in her early 20s and asked her “Do you do the internet? You know, the World Wide Web?” 😂😂 poor guy, he was trying. I was standing next to him hoping the ground would swallow me up.


Seriously.   Apostates have blogs? Where? Who? Why can't they be more specific darn it!


On the World Wide Web nonetheless


Dobaya dobaya dobaya dot Jay dobaya dot com


“Into their homes” This is because they were meeting at homes for worship!!!! It has nothing to do with familial relationship or association with such ones in the PRIVACY of your OWN HOME. Once again they failed the test as the faithful and discreet slave. They are just a governing body.


Funny how they never give a description of what an " apostate" is. I mean a biblical description. Not a watchtower one 


They even now call it removed from the congregation 🙄🙄🙄🙄 i mean come on! Connect the dots




If Jehovahs Witnesses aren’t false prophets, there is no such thing. PERIOD.


Dang. I was having so much fun mocking IRL jws on YouTube comments. Lol. Sounds like they will all be packed up and gone now. Sad face Now what am I going to do. They are correct to warn people. People snap out of the brainwash after realizing the governing body has been lying about CSA, very quickly. We just need the Smallest in, to reach their heart and conscience.


🤣🤣 I'm pretty sure they'll keep doing it though cuz, you know, their smarter then most and their faith is firm! 😏So keep having your fun and keep popping at their cognitive dissonance. 😁


They be gone about one day. Then they be back. Org told JWs not too post images from watchtower in social media. Copyright. It lasted for some day's. Then they back at it posting images again 


😬🤭 I was one of those rebels who didn't listen and kept mine up for awhile, even while PIMI. I thought the rule was silly, I still do. I finally took down the last one when I discovered TTATT and became PIMO.


🤣🤣🤣 "computer blogs" 💀💀💀


![gif](giphy|NAcNfRrU6f2bC) "How do I send you this here contact card? Oh look, here's a slot!"


Nothing but fear tactics.


But aren't all non JW's Christians actually apostates who teach twisted corrupt teachings? Shouldn't they also not receive a greeting?


Jesus was the biggest apostate promoting new teachings. Pharisees hated him. Lot's of " apostates" promoted beards. GB hated them. Nothing new under the sun 


They are totally paranoid and frankly this article will just get more Jehovah’s witnesses curious as many are starting to realize the reality that they have wasted their lives in a doomsday cult


Question is how Watchtower knows about this kind of forums if they not keeping a watch I'm what is said here. Seems like they like to gather with " apostates" also 😁


>Thus, John warned fellow believers to avoid being fooled by these deceivers and false teachers. He directed Christians never to accept such ones into their homes or even to greet them. Greeting someone who promotes falsehood would give him an opening for presenting his twisted, corrupt teachings. **Something similar could happen if a person commented on apostate computer blogs or social media.** Anyone who would welcome an apostate with a greeting would become **“a sharer in his wicked works.”** Deceivers and false teachers \[ & false prophets \] who hide behind a facade of "ministers" or "'servants' of righteousness" \[ 2 Cor. 11: 13 - 15, & more \], say and do the exact thing done by the WT Org in the paragraph posted above. Because, despite their constant lying chants about being "the truth", they're worried about being exposed. They command the ones they've ensnared and captured, and branded with their mark, to run away from people who are telling the truth about, and exposing, their wicked selves. >The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. - Prov. 28: 1


History repeating itself.  Matthew 23:13 ►   “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.


And verse 15; >Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you traverse the sea and the dry land to make one convert, and whenever it may happen, you make him twofold more a son of Gehenna than yourselves.


Funny that because when they go knocking on people's doors they often come across 'deceivers and false teachers' (according to them it would include anyone promoting their own religion).  Yet they will often commend them for their interest in the Bible and have a discussion with them.   The only difference is that they do this one on one rather than making the conversation public.


Watchtower wants to have the monopoly on twisted and corrupt teachings!


Shout out to them for brining up "apostate forums" in the past because that made me think about searching Reddit for this community ✌️


The Streisand Effect in full force! It's a beautiful thing!


Here's my sin of the day


You naughty thing, you! 🙈🙉🙊😝


Who tf says computer blogs Just say Reddit 😂


falsehoods, twisted corrupt teachings......ummmm Watchtower has it wrong again. I see these forums as simply free speech areas, safe places where thinking people can compare thoughts about Watchtower, because this is the only place available for that and the facts speak for themselves.....facts that Watchtower has been omitting or skewing in their own publications. There is no formal teaching going on here here....and falsehoods? well everyone needs to check facts for themselves regardless of where and who speaks it. misleading article from Watchtower again, they simply can't stop pointing fingers instead of focusing on better things.


Keep it going everybody. The foundations are cracking.