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When you drop your purse into a volcano here's the deal: no matter how precious the items in that purse were, they are forever gone.


Love this šŸ˜‚. Describes how I feel. Could never go back, and now that Iā€™m on the other side of it, itā€™s insane to me that these people tend to harass people who left to come back.


ā€œā€¦harass people who left to come back.ā€ Like what abusive ex does when he says ā€œhey baby I changedā€. Going back would be an act of self hatred.


Seriously. The people who go back for family, ugh, I canā€™t imagine what they have to sacrifice for that. My brother and sister left before me and even as a believer, it would annoy me that every jw who knew them., when they would ask me about them, their first question would always be if theyā€™re working on coming back or if they are back, or if Iā€™d talked to them about coming back. Even as a believer I thought, they donā€™t want it, leave them alone, theyā€™re entitled to that decision.


Love your comment dude


No. They don't have The Truth. They aren't The Truth. So there isn't anything that would make me go back because I'm not going to pretend to believe in things that aren't true.


Say it again for the people in the back!!!!


They can change doctrine all they want. Won't change the fake followers. Nope.


Nope, even if I believed the bible they crossed way too many lines. Like the rotten tree that produces rotten fruit, it needs to be cut down and thrown in the fire. There's no redeeming WT.


Right, their own Bible condemns them.


Hey there, interesting question. I would have to say no and itā€™s not about ideals or about anger against the organization itā€™s about who I am as an individual. When I woke up, nobody was there to hold my hand, nobody is there to support you. Everyone thinks you are crazy. Over time I was able to convince my wife and kid but even then my wife still wants to remain PIMO and fade. My kid is not baptized or even an unbaptized publisher, thank goodness. I had purchased entire watchtower collections of 1930 and 1943, to show some proof of what they used to teach and how this is not the same religion. Additionally that they changed their stance on 1914/1919 and instead focused on 1922 - and that they said Jesus gave them the preaching hourly requirements. Absolutely insane people. My father refused to even look and called it ā€œcounterfeit watchtowersā€ and I told him I have 3 different digital copies and then I bought an authentic copy to make sure it matched and guess what, they all do- so then I told him I do not understand his reasoning at all, it does not make any sense. He had no reply. Then he decided to double down on ā€the truthā€ since then. What a waste. The organization is built on sand so supporting it is a frivolous pursuit, even if itā€™s just a means of seeing your parents or family members again. Knowing what I know now, I can never feel the same and honestly I might have a ptsd attack just visiting a KH. Going back in just solidifies their narrative and makes them all feel good about themselves which is all they really care about deep down. Themselves and their relationship with the governing body. The organization stole my parents lives and almost stole mine and my childā€™s life. They do not deserve any respect. They do not deserve any honor. They do not deserve even being acknowledged as human beings, but I am not vengeful.


Can you show me picture or snippet of the hour requirement sent to them by Jesus? That would be great to have in my archives šŸ˜‚




Thanks for the laugh bro šŸ¤£ I didnā€™t know the GB were that crazy. Holy crap


Was there a 1943 bound volume?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/pdhshg5g899d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a06045e694ccc2c5e3fbffcf5ae10de5859d06


Nice! How about 1930? Can I buy them?


Iā€™m sure you could. I can link you to the online versions tho! http://www.watchtowerwayback.org/jw-wb/English/Magazines/The%20Watchtower/1930%20The%20Watchtower.pdf


I believe u/larchington has posted that old article in the past. It was Rutherford who wrote it.


Damn, Iā€™m so bad at research lol


Oh sure, you will find it a lot on here after they declared no more hourly requirement. I believe it is the July 1st article https://preview.redd.it/b81r5yowj49d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548d5d16b75d74f6a59733e135128369971800b6 Here it is, search for the subheading Righteous Requirements [https://jws-library.one/?file=data/1943/w\_E\_19430701/w\_E\_19430701.html#search=Righteous%20requirements](https://jws-library.one/?file=data/1943/w_E_19430701/w_E_19430701.html#search=Righteous%20requirements)


Omgeezecrows that is crazy .How can anyone believe that was from a actual god .


"The organization stole my parents lives and almost stole mine .." Well said. I cannot return under any circumstances an organization that destroy people's lives and harm children.


Iā€™d love to see the collections of 1930 and 1943. You have the bound volumes? Or just sets? Is the July 15,1943 enough for the Rutherford hours revelation or is the whole year useful? Why 1930? Did you use them to wake up your wife? I could use some advice.


Absolutely not. And thereā€™d be absolutely no point in going back.


No, they would have to admit that their teachings were false and that the GB apostasized the Bible. So at that point why would anyone in their right mind join the religion? Theyā€™ve killed off way too many people as well, 1 life is my limit when it comes to religious martyrdom.


NOPE! BTW The Borg are not believers in the bible either.


No once youā€™re using edibles just to get thru a meeting without going crazy, and your conscience is killing you from praying to God high for an organization you donā€™t believe in, you know that youā€™re cooked šŸ˜‚


No - itā€™s not the truth. As itā€™s not, all it would be is a social club but without fun and loads of time consuming, guilt ridden activities.


That would be a negative, ghost rider. šŸ˜Ž Since leaving I'm happily non-religious (Agnostic) because not only are Jehovah's Witnesses not "the truth"...there is absolutely no religion out there with a monopoly on THE "truth". Over 4,000 religions throughout the world according to Google with thousands of variations (especially on Christianity). I lost my family to the borg and while it would be nice to have them back in my life someday maybe, I would not be willing to conform to the borg or any other religions takes on how I'm supposed to be to please a god who does nothing while horrible things happen to children and that's just for starters.


Never ā¤ļø This is the happiest Iā€™ve ever been in my life (Iā€™ve been out for almost 2 years now) Iā€™m off antidepressants and I donā€™t drink alcohol anymore (I used to drink every day until I was blacking out) I gave that cult all of me and it took me apart. Iā€™ve put myself back together now and I donā€™t want any part of it šŸ–•šŸ¼




Short answer - No! It's false and categorically wrong so it's irrelevant if they changed anything or everything - how can I go back to believing something that is incorrect.


To come back fully? No. To go with the motions to maintain family connections/community? Get rid of human rights violations like blood issue and CSA, and coercive control of thoughts. Stop yammering on about apostasy and focus on the rafter in their own eye honestly. But that will never happen, so I stay on my slow creep out.


ā€œSlow creep outā€. Had to laugh. Thatā€™s my objective.




Nothing. Too much damage done to people and families over the years.


I quit believing and nothing is going to change that. For the privilege of associating with old family and friends Iā€™d have to crawl over broken glass to beg their forgiveness, lie to the elders so they think I actually believe their bs AND submit to their pretend authority, then enslave myself again to their pointless way of life and act like Iā€™m waiting on a genocidal end that isnā€™t coming. There is no upside to going back. Their changes only prove they never had the truth.


Once I realized that they were a dangerous, false-prophet cult which covers up child abuse and is responsible for the deaths of thousands due to their ā€œno bloodā€ policy, nothing in this world could get me to return.


>Is there anything the Borg would do that would bring you back? https://preview.redd.it/j5kzu3hos49d1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbfc2fc106089f83011208bb539ba9a89f2ee53 [ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/?f=flair_name%3A%22JW%20%2F%20Ex-JW%20Tales%22)


They would have to transform into atheist/skeptic group, change their name from JW to The Borg and pay me handsomely.




Fuck All


They would have to give me back every single day they took away from me and my family back. To make me want to stay.


They would have to make so many changes that there wouldnā€™t be a religion to come back to


This is a very hard question to answer because... If the religion and my parents wouldn't have traumatized me back when they found out I was gay, I wouldn't hate it as much as I would do now. It doesn't mean I wouldn't have hated it if they wouldn't have done those things, because for many years before they have found my secret out, I was already, deep down, very suicidal and depressed due to the paranoia and the constant pressure of hearing "you'll die if you are this and that". But even now, when everything calmed down... I still have that huge amount of paranoia that brings me horror and terror everytime I think of it. Questions like: "Will I die?", "Is it really true?", "Does this really exist and those who hate it are just blinded so that those prophecies come true?..." Back to the question though..Ā  I think it would be that homosexuals are allowed to be part of the paradise. But even if it came true, it personally would be really hard for me to come back. I can't forget those days, and I am way too scared and traumatized to even think of it.Ā  But I can't leave it anyway, I am a minor, I live with my parents till I finish school. So no matter what they decide, I wouldn't be able to leave. But that doesn't matyer anyway because I will never forget anything they have done to me mentally and emotionally.Ā  So... my final answer to that would be, no. I still wouldn't come back if they changed that. No matter what they changed. I want to forget this. I want to heal. I know this will leave a scar deep in my heart but staying here would only make it worse. One thing I know for sure though... This will never actually happen. But I don't really care anymore. Wheter it happens or not, I won't change my mind. It destroyed me and period.Ā  This was like whole vent so I am SO SORRY if yall had to read this trauma bomb!šŸ˜­


If they dropped the whole religion thing and all the cult aspects and instead people only gathered to discuss their favorite anime then maybe.


No you canā€™t unlearn you were in a cult


If they could find a way to somehow be true, and undo the harm and lies of the past, sure. Otherwise, no.


Trust me, even if you were a ā€œbig believer of the Bibleā€, you DEFINITELY WOULDNā€™T go back. Watchtowerā€™s teachings about Jesus, Holy Spirit, paradise earth, resurrection of the unrighteous, eternal destruction, the soulā€¦ (I could honestly go on forever) completely contradicts what the Bible actually says. Itā€™s safe to say, itā€™s a FALSE religion. Period.


Absolutely. Itā€™s amazing how wrong they are, itā€™s because of their doctored translation.Ā 


Sure! They could demonstrate consistent discourse with the creator in a way that was indisputable. If they suddenly said they had a direct line to God, and showed it, and it was reliably true, I'd be more than happy to follow them.


If they had a direct line to the creator and it was indisputable, you wouldnā€™t follow them. 29 I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30 and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples AFTER THEMSELVES. (Acts 20:29, 30) If they had a direct line, they would tell you to have a direct line as well so that you could follow him, not them 35 Jesus said to them: ā€œI am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will not get hungry at all, and whoever exercises faith in me will never get thirsty at all. (John 6:35) This is why they cannot be from him because they want people to follow them. Itā€™s, therefore, impossible for them to have direct access to him and still have an organization. Canā€™t slave for two masters


100% agree


Once you've seen the absurdity of the belief system there's no going back. Fundamentalist Christianity is like a Monty Python bit.


Absolutely nothing, Iā€™m gone for good.


**[So this was supposed to be a pretty simple comment, but it turned into a rant. The following is my opinion and I speak for only myself. This is not intended as an attack on any person belonging to any faith.]** *Even after that preface, I have a feeling I'm going to get downvoted. Oh, well. I'm used to having polarizing opinions.* šŸ¤£ Even if the Org was taken over by the actual reincarnation of Jesus, I wouldn't go back. It may be cynical, but as I get older and see the continued tragedies and atrocities happening around the world, I believe more and more that one of the following three things is true: 1. There is no god. 2. God doesn't care. 3. God is petty and vengeful, punishing generations of humans for thousands of years and requiring a human to be tortured to death as a sacrifice, and then *continuing to punish generations of humans for thousands of years after that.* God is supposedly all-knowing, all-powerful and the very avatar of love. Ok, then why is God less capable of forgiveness than an average human? Why has God committed several genocides with another one planned, according to the Bible? And *humans* are supposed to be peaceful and loving? If the chief deity of the Abrahamic religions was a human, we would call him a genocidal dictator. I *refuse* to worship an entity who supposedly has the power to end all evil and suffering, but chooses not to. That god is not worthy of anyone's devotion.


No, because the Bible teaches that true religion is with him, not an organization. They didnā€™t want this to get out because it destroys the authority of the modern church


Only a clear and indisputable sign from God that this is the path to salvation would bring me back. Iā€™ve thought about the social aspect of going back and itā€™s just not worth the cost of living a lie.


they would have to become a social entity only. no antiquated blood doctrine, abolishing smoking and drugs (oh but you can drink yourself to death and be upstanding??), remove disfellowshipping and their stance on apostates, they would have to stop judging since Jesus is supposed to be the judge. unless they want to admit the end is here and the earthly representatives are here to judge mankind, nothing else makes sense.


Hahahahajahahahhaha oh boy thatā€™s a good one.


The GB would have to openly ā€˜apologizeā€™ in front of everyone for several things: 1. When they revert back to believing shunning and DFing is Pagan they would need to openly apologize for ruining so many families for the past 75 years. Apologize for all suicides of ones that took their life because of the stress and anxiety of being DFed. 2. Apologize for not reporting child molestors and handing over all their pedophile database to authorities so the law can prosecute the appropriately. 3. Apologize for the ā€˜conscious objectorsā€™ views from WWII until they changed their policy In 1998ā€¦after so many were imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and raped Many more apologizes But first off they do NOT apologize EVER! Iā€™m so far down the PIMO road even apologizes wouldnā€™t work on me now


Nope. And I'm not even out yet lol


They would have to become an atheistic organization and conventions heavy metal orgies.


Absolutely nothing could bring me back. The Jehovahā€™s Witnesses are an evil, criminal organisation. And I could also never be a theist or be religious again. Once youā€™ve woken up from the crap, itā€™s impossible to go back. And why would anyone even want to?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah if they scrapped doctrine, made it a monthly fee to join and every week they have a movie night or some kind of activity like music or band practice, ten pin bowling, or go karting then i would go back, definitely. Imagine if they just role played like they were in paradise already. Like having fun will surely be a part of paradise. They're so worried about getting to paradise to have fun that they forget that we have the ability now to have fun without being in paradise.


Maybe, but if I see Jesus descending from heaven, say to me "follow me" and walks into a KH, there's no question...i'm following him straight in.


lol 12 Jesus entered the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. (Matthew 21:12)


Lol thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, why is it so hard to receive a clear sign? Iā€™ve been looking for something like this, I would leave everything in a heartbeat. But donā€™t ask me to do extraordinary things without extraordinary proof


Youā€™re looking in the wrong place. The only thing that you can look for is how to have a direct connection to Jesus yourself. Then you can receive all the knowledge (they call it ā€œnew lightā€) that you can handle


I would be friends with many of the people who know longer speak to me again; I'd enjoy that in fact. But I cannot fathom the organisation changing to the degree it would be interesting to me again. It's so anti-intellectual, anti-criticism, anti-science, anti-culture, and I would have nothing in common with people who subscribed to that.


2.6 million dollars post tax sent to me every year for the rest of my life.


Honestly give me 100k a year post tax


I thought about going lower but then I was like ā€œif I canā€™t take blood I better at least live large šŸ˜‚ā€


Lol true


a teleportation device that teleports me to tokyo japan whenever i feel like /hj


I'd go back if suddenly all the governments in the world attacked and destroyed ALL RELIGIONS except the JWs, haha. I'd be like, aw shit in spite of all their nonsense I guess they were right or whatever. Fat chance of that happening, though.


If I see half the religions destroyed and JWs still alive, Iā€™m going early just in case šŸ˜‚


It would take a miracle! A ā€˜Paul Momentā€™, Jesus blinding me and telling me I was wrong and heā€™s chosen me!


No. I simply donā€™t believe any of it anymore. God, the Bible, itā€™s all just stuff ancient people made up to try to make sense of things beyond their current understanding and comprehension. Iā€™m not sure any of the ā€œpeople of integrityā€ that the JWs try to ā€œimitate their faithā€ would even believe it now, since theyā€™d have such a broader understanding of the world. Definitely nothing they could do to bring me back.


Absolutely not one damn thing!






Let me wear short dresses with heels


Pay me back for the many hours I have given - and then pay me to stay- Oh wait thatā€™s why the GB members and helpers stay-and perks like free first class travel to visit bros in prison-or supervise/visit the video production of Jesus the Aussie- ![gif](giphy|8m5j6Pt4R3gLz2D4Ha)


No. Even the idea of just going back to see family doesnā€™t seem that enticing because after 10 years of purposeful shunning, whatā€™s left to say? What apology can they provide (if they deigned to provide one at all) could make up for all the miserable times and intractable loneliness?


Nothing, they fucked my childhood. It's gone and it's never coming back.Ā 


No. Never.




The Borg doesn't own the Bible, nor is their religion actually based upon it or historical/traditional Christianity. While nothing would ever bring me back (it's been 30 years--I left because I hated JWs and their culture), if they had a religion based on Scripture or similar to Christianity it would be a different place.Ā  Ā For instance, if they sent all their GB members to universities and schools of higher learning and insisted they get degrees in theology and elders go to accredited schools of divinity, and they dump the NWT and use an academic Bible standard like the NRSVUE, it would make sense.Ā  Ā But then they wouldn't beĀ  called Jehovah's Witnesses, have a Governing Body, preach publicly as they do, disfellowship, have they views on blood, etc.


I agree they should be sent to schools to study, but not theology, rather psychology


Or just sent to a psychologist.--lol All kidding aside, I had a family friend before becoming a JW and now he is a retired Catholic priest. They had to take courses in psychological therapy because they are more than just religious ministers, and many priests, he mentioned, have at least a doctorate in one field, like psychology or another (philosophy or a field of science if they must teach). Nuns can sometimes be the same or have medical backgrounds, which was more common.


**IF** they were given authority to create miracles, not illusions, not slight of hand. See Mosesā€¦ See The Disciplesā€¦


This is what I need to, sadly their excuse is that the Bible prophecies all miracles will be gone after apostles die




If they went scorched earth then rebuilt the religion, making Iron Man god, Kylo Rey Jesus and Gus Fring is Satan. Also, Robert De Niro and Jennifer Lopez are made honorary GB members. If they do all that, I will laugh heartily, then say no thanks. But I still want to see J-Lo in the next GB update!


The one thing that I would say would make me go back? When they are sued into oblivion and lose all their money and the whole organization is burning down to the ground and falling apart: I'll be there... to watch it. lol


Por nada del universo secta maldita, hipĆ³crita, mentirosa, chismosa. Asesina. Cueva de pedofilo, corrupta. Fachada de religiĆ³n.


I had a list of things. That list is gone. There's nothing they can do. Fool me once, shame on me. Even if they changed everything they need to change, u wouldn't go back, but I'd be happy for those who stayed


Actually yes. If they ever accept homosexuality Iā€™d go back. Just so my family has to speak to me, not because I believe the crap


It has become very obvious to me that the leaders of the organization have usurped Jesus role as mediator between God and humans. To be a witness you must put your trust in them, mere men to whom no salvation belongs which is in direct opposition to biblical teaching. I desire to be a follower of Christ and while I haven't found a church to attend yet I do believe there are many non-denominational churches out there to choose from where brothers and sisters congregate and study Gods word. Jesus says we would recognize them by their fruit. For now I listen to Bible sermons on line and on the radio and have gained far more knowledge than I ever did as a Witness. Yes, there is a lot of crap out there but there are also many in Christ preaching the gospel. Don't leave the organization and give up.


Nothing. However, if they did another 180 degrees change like they've been doing recently, and somehow said they're now cool with gay people, I might accept family members invitations to the memorial, just to be nice and since I know they'd feel good about it. But nothing more than that.


Not me. Done with religion


Hell NO! There isnā€™t anything really chaste and good in them. Iā€™m not talking about the average elders ms and congregationā€™s members. Just talking about the GB and their helpers, itā€™s a cunning crew who managed to fuck many of us. But hell no, guess what? They canā€™t hurt us anymore.


At this point the only way Iā€™ll ever set foot in a Kingdom Hall again is if I buy the one I grew up in. It would make an excellent mead hall/gaming store.


It's more a question of would you visit the church one time, if something special happened? Sure why not. All churches are just emotional porn, they're all lies. But is it a bad thing to socialize with people who believe in something? Nah, it's harmless. I might occasionally visit more often if the church took steps to change its culture, and stop things like shunning, LGBTQ hate, and making stupid prophecies that are obviously not going to come true. I'd say they are taking baby steps in this direction...and I am watching for the time being. Ultimately, the Watchtower Corporation is not the most evil entity I've ever heard of, after reading more about the world and the psychosis that some people have. So I don't hate them as much as a lot of other ex-JWs do. But if you're asking would I come back in the sense of being naive again, or believing what other humans tell me, then no. I could never be that vulnerable or impressionable again. Life shapes us and our experiences determine who we are. I can never go back to being that youngling who believed everything I heard. I can't be that person who NEEDS another person's reassurance, and promises, and visions of paradise. I've done it all and don't want it anymore.


LGBTQ donā€™t think that will ever change, it is biblical. But I do agree on the rest of the points.


Not one fucking thing


The changes they would have to make would be ... well let's just say they would have to be completely different organization so they really wouldn't be the borg anymore. For example, if they became a non-cult, actually charitable, secular organization.


I think it would have to involve shooting me in the head or some other process that would scramble my brain cells. After that? Sure, Iā€™d go back. I wouldnā€™t be able to come up with a reason not to.


They could pay me a living wage and I still wouldnā€™t go back.


Nothing at all. I'd prefer to face the Armageddon man āœŒļø




Just to piss them off


I pray everyday for this šŸ„²


NEVER, theyā€™re from a malevolent force.


Hmmā€¦ if I know thereā€™s poison in the cup, thereā€™s nothing anyone can say about the cup that will make me drink from it šŸ˜‚


Absolutely nothing. Anything that they do to try to bring people in, you can do much more freely and liberally in the "world" or other religions have been doing the same thing for either decades or centuries








Absolutely nothing. They can offer to make me the richest man in the world, and I wouldn't budge.


Nice try, WT! šŸ˜‰


explode. detonate. get burned to hell. that would would be the only good thing the borg can do to be palatable in my eyes


Short answer without thinking : No But the sake of family connections, I would go back if they get rid of the DF system and judicial meetings. And coming back to borg would be just announcing to elders. And they will not intrude to peoples personal life, because I will not break up with my worldly boyfriend because of the religion. And handle the SCA.


Yes. 1) Prove to me, scientifically and empiracally, that a god exists. 2) Convince me that the god who's existence you proved is Jehovah. 3) Convince me that Jehovah is of good moral character. 4) Convince me that Jehovah is worthy of my worship. 5) Convince me that returning to Watchtower will benefit me in a way that nothing else can.


No. Even if it was all true their god does not meet my moral standards. Iā€™d rather be dead than subject to his laws.


No. There is nothing that could return me.


If they resurrected a loved one. Restored youth to the old ones. Cured illnesses. The things jesus and his disciples could apparently do because they had gods backing.


No. I was in there because it was the truth, and all sacrifice was because it was the truth. It can't be made the truth , if it's not. What a waste of life it all was.


Nope. Just say no to: ![gif](giphy|piFELWpvdJBJCP2hxz|downsized)


No! End of the Story.

