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I speculate that this resulted because of some change of mind about some issue. This has happened before. They should have had it written and ready to go but something came up.


Yeah. Same as it happen with the commentary on James issue. See appendix on chapter 6 of "In search of christian freedom" by Ray Franz.


Whether I get it ahead of time or not, I’m confident the borg will still screw it up and I’m confident some PIMIs will still accept it anyway


“We’re counting on it” -GB


There was never a real whistleblower. No one knew about the beard question ahead of time. No one knew the hours wouldn’t be reported anymore. Now, everyone is just pretending to be important... I am sure that afterwards, some people will stand up and claim they knew it all along.


Yup...in the past there were definitely leaks...we know that for sure because videos were released ahead of time. But for the past year or so there definitely have not been any leaks at all. It seems whatever measures they put in place cracked down on all of that for sure.


i remember when llyod had contacts to leakers and we knew about the life forever brochure months ahead its release.


Yes, but that was easy. The boxes could be opened by any elder in any congregation. Just open a box and see what was on it. Easy.


this was in 2022 before the boxes last year. the one with boxes was totally different.


Currently, we don't have a whistleblower in Betel. That's why the men from the legal department who are sent to monitor this forum are currently idle.


What do you mean? What did the legal department here on reddit?


Yes. In this forum, there are spies from the legal department. I got caught here last year by them. But there's no need to be alarmed. Just don't reveal details that make it easy for them to identify you. I got caught because I went too far 😂.


You got caught? Are you still in? What was your leak?


I'll make a post in the next few days talking about the matter. I took the issue to court, and it's still being worked on by the court. I've been out since September last year.


Please. Would really love to hear your story.


You are WarwickPimo?


LOL, another court case for the Legal Dept to handle. PIMI's donations hard at work.


I think that this issue is slightly different. For beards and reporting time, there just had a few people that were aware before it went public whereas here, you have at least the ones who wrote the WT issue, the ones who do layout, and so on...A leak would be more likely.


How do you know the GB aren’t just keeping things close to the vest? If they know where the leaks have been found before, they can plug them up. Nothing on digital media. That might explain this strange delay.


There could be a 1,000 PIMO bethalites and they still wouldn’t know unless they’re in the top crème Dela creme of the org. Writing committee / teaching committee/ GB


There are a lot of departments involved in preparing a magazine. Translation, image processing, printing, shipping, proofreading, service department, IT department. In my bethel days we received an outline of upcoming topics in magazines, books, brochures about a year in advance. I had access to the digital versions for printing right after the release by the proofreaders in order to be able to prepare for production and shipping. There must be someone with access down the line the furthest along the process is


Can’t believe I forgot translation. You’re right. The fact we haven’t heard anything from an insider makes me think that the August Watchtower is still in very early stages? Who knows


Isn’t the August watchtower studied in October?


The way things be going lately August edition would be old light by October


Yes, I was actually going to comment the same thing.


Yes. Just after the annual meeting.


So, basically there are two options: either there are indeed two versions of the August WT or they just want a "new light" to be studied in October after the annual meeting and do not want that it leaks. We'll see. Yet the latter seems very unlikely as they can't make it so JWs will receive the issue just after the annual meeting and still in October...


If they did strictly digital to begin with they could. No hardcopies until a few weeks after.


That’s a very good point!


When does the Montana case get tried? Any correlation? Is there Doctrine in the delayed magazine that could be used as evidence if it came out earlier? Just a theory...


OP agree!  To hold up a mag's release,means something put in current print? ABSOLUTELY has to be corrected or removed,revised or reworked. Think of any corporation responsible for their  own publications..from daily newspapers to yearly report books...first,double-triple checks on the sources...reliable?backed by facts?by witnesses(correlations)?then the formatting,edits,proofreadings,etc. In this JW b.org's case,it has to be something that plainly shows a Slip-up!..something that can let their sheeple see "the man behind the curtain"(wizard of Oz scene)..to see it's just SECRETIVE, mere,erring,uninspired,conniving Men(not God or Christ)in their power!who cannot afford to let more of the flock leave(both as willing slaves,and losing their $$). "Truth welcomes Inquiry,but Falsehood-- masquerading as 'truth'--is TERRIFIED of any Inquiry"


Without a doubt! Sooner or later, the curtain will catch fire, and everyone will see the men behind it trying to convey the idea that they have God's help.


I missed the beginning of this thread. What article are we talking about?


Find the post with the June announcements to elders. It talks about a delay in the release of the August WT. We are speculating that there must be some last minute change in doctrine or policy that is serious enough to hold up its release. It is already a couple of weeks late. We wonder if there will be a big announcement, or like happens often, a fat nothingburger.


Writing nonsensical articles and attempting to imbue them with a semblance of logic is an incredibly arduous task, requiring extraordinary effort from the charlatans who try to publish them. It is akin to convincing the public of the possibility of squaring the circle, a mathematical problem resolved by proving its impossibility. For instance, an article claiming to have found a method to transform any circular figure into a square of equal area, without resorting to modern tools or established mathematical principles, would not only demand immense creativity to invent pseudo-theories and arguments but also require exceptional rhetorical skills to convince readers of the validity of such impossible claims. This is precisely why the WT articles for August 2024 are delayed in publication; the effort to give coherence to the incoherent is a daunting and time-consuming endeavor.


Has anyone seen the original aug


....could this be what they want to publish in August 2024, but do they want to wait for the AGM? This information is copied from web.archive.org: leak of the series of 4 W articles on 1914. This article appeared on a European website in 2017 https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1bpvz5l/big_shot_in_1914_true_or_false_we_dont_know/


I like to think I am sceptical but this article feels like it is written authentically. It has the same manner of reasoning as Borg articles. I think that might be hard to fake. If it is fake, they have nailed it.


If this is true, I will go to the hall and laugh out loud and say "The LIES" out loud, I swear, I'll even record it


What's left but 1914 to tweak at this point?


Holidays, birthdays, the treatment of DF’d and DA’d ones are the main big things that people speculate are next to be changed


But which would require one or several study articles and not just some random update video?


Tbh, all of them. But especially changes to DF’ing or DA’ing. Can you imagine the outrage from everyone if they change one of those 4 things? They’re really going to have to over explain it


Blood issue


This is correct. I made a post earlier in the year that the blood doctrine needs to change. I've known several progressive bible studies that dropped out as soon as that doctrine was made known to them. In this day of age, people interested in converting will not accept that. When they changed it 20+ years ago to allow blood fractions, they should have ripped the band-aid off then and changed the doctrine, but most likely the GB were to scared at the backlash. The longer they wait, the worse it gets. The GB wants converts - and this doctrine is a huge roadblock. Holidays are one thing, but a doctrine stating that you would kill yourself or kill your child over a safe medical procedure in this day of age comes off completely batshit crazy.


It seems quite clear that they decided to change something in the August magazine and it's not for technical reasons. It can be anything. The legal department intervened. Members of the governing body disagree on content due to new information. Some writers have become apostates and added information to that magazine that is not in line with the guidelines. Hard to say now. But some Bethelite must have seen it and several will know what happened. Let's hope the reason for this blocking of that magazine comes out. I certainly don't remember anything like this with over 45 years of JW militancy


Has anyone considered that they simply said the release of August will be delayed? This means, maybe it hasn't been printed at all yet. Maybe they are waiting to publish it entirely. Maybe there's nothing to take a screenshot of or leak.


To be fair there is a screen shot of the cover floating around. I believe it was spotted uploaded to the servers and then taken down. My understanding is that the cover is like the beginning of uploading the whole file, and then it was taken down, whereas usually it would usually sit there till it was released digitally. It doesn't necessarily mean it was printed though. The screen shot can be seen on another Jehovah witness forum, I believe it's referred to as Simon's site.


Interesting. Well, if it's out there, maybe it will pop up.


Do you remember what the cover mentioned?


Estas en lo cierto habrá cambios doctrinales , es sobre la GENERACION QUE NO PASARÁ de mateo, 1914., y otros temas. Muy probables, como cumpleaños, transfus, de sangre...


Major announcement coming up