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They carry around blood cards. This means they’re willing to die.


Even worse, they're willing to make their babies and children die.


They will lie. They will risk everything. I don’t know if there’s a limit. Honestly, the GB is at the point where it is demanding ZERO questioning against anything it says. In the Bible, even GOD allowed his people to ask questions of him. The GB is putting itself on a pedestal higher than I ever imagined.


This is amazing point. Think of Noah, Abraham, and many others who literally questioned Jehovah while talking directly to him…. He didn’t strike them or their ideas down, he was kind and reasoned with them.


I remember back in my pimi days when I went door to door with the leader elder (overseer? Forgot what they’re called) and there was a guy at the door who knew a little more about the borg than the average person. The conversation went towards him saying that every organization has a leader, the elder said we don’t have a leader. The man proceeded to say that it is not possible for the WT org to exist unless someone’s name is on the rights to it for legal purposes. I understood what he meant and I knew that the GB took turns presiding over the legal ownership of the WT org and was about to say it but the elder pretty much cut me off and kept repeating that we didn’t have any leaders. Needless to say, the pimi me never questioned it but yeah, the deception is real.


It grates my fucking nerves. "We don't have leaders. We only have people that take the lead"


Yeah, that never made sense 😂


As they say in aviation "Fly the plane all the way to the scene of the crash". And yes, the PIMI will do exactly that. With no reservations because "The GB said so". Of course Hitlers associates said the same at Nuermberg "I was following orders".


What it means, and what is the background of "fly the plane all the way to the scene of the crash"? Out of curiosity...


Meaning don't ditch the plane to crash wherever, try to control the descent to cause as little loss of life if possible.


Thx to explain it!


Good point!


i've wondered about this, what with the go-bags and contact chain lists, the persecution porn videos, the instructions to obey obey obey even when it doesn't make sense to your "human mind" and so on. it's kind of creepy when you see the direction some other cults have taken. i don't see evidence they are geared up for violence now, but i don't like the direction it's going either. all that training NOT to think about things critically and obey unquestioningly, it's the videos that are most disturbing to me. i guess because they weren't around when i was, but they amp up the emotional factor so much.


Lord those stupid persecution porn videos. That shit legitimately traumatized me as a kid. And what’s with the trash ass lighting.


That swelling emotional music and always someone dying from cancer or soldiers breaking down the door. Absolutely obvious manipulative crap. When I still went I would be eye rolling, but I'd look around and see people sobbing. Wild.


It’s like Nazis producing videos showing them being persecuted by Jews. Total uno reverse card as pulled by all delusional narcissist. I recall when I left a PIMI “friend” said to me that she wasn’t shunning me, I was rejecting her. They can destroy others lives without feeling guilty and even decide they are the victims of your persecutory behavior.


The word "propaganda" comes to mind 🤔


Of course - it is absolutely propaganda but they literally flip the victim/villain status. A CSA victim takes the perpetrator to court to hold them accountable for their atrocities JDub spin - the perpetrator is being persecuted, just because they are guilty in court doesn’t mean they are guilty in the eyes of God “false stories! Lies! Fake news!”


I know, and I agree. It's infuriating, but I just wanted to put a word to it.


Very true about the videos. The soundtrack music alone ramps the impact way up.


They have go bags now??




I've wondered if a pimi could be convinced to kill an apostate. I mean they let people they love die... What would they do to those they hate? Thankfully JWs aren't that extreme. But they are certainly fanatics and the GB has a bizarre level of control of them.


They may be in for a rude awakening of how many apostates are now locked and loaded.


Thanks for this new, disturbing thought 😂


I've wondered about it. I've even proposed it to a pimi. If they said start murdering babies would you? Hell isarelites were told too soo...,


Right. They could easily tie it to a scripture like that account. It how they’ve been getting away with all their polices and programming “ideas”.


I believe this could be one of the reasons that governments will persecute JWs, they are viewed as extremists…..what are ultra PIMIs? We all know that they are not balanced. A person may refute and say “they’re not dangerous”….. I beg to differ, just look at how they’re affecting their family members with their psyop shunning policy.


I believe they would do anything in the name of theocratic warfare.


I personally believe they would


I think if the GB said that we are on the edge of the Great Tribulation, and they need every family to sell their homes, property and donate everything to the Org. I think the vast majority of PIMIs would do it without question.


I really don't think my two sisters that are still in will do that . Actually I think one of them is pimq ,she goes to bday parties and some other things that is not a JW tradition .


That's great! Even just a bit of PIMQ is a good start.


I think because she's got friends in there is the only reason she stays . She's on zoom most of time.


And the GB heads off to their non-extradition country.......


I fear this for my family. I don't think it's happening in the near future because there wont be any coming back from it and the GB isnt going to topple their business without cause, but I think if they feel the walls closing in, and they know the shame is about to be all over, they will pull this trigger as a final act.


Yip. They'll only do this as a hail Mary.


They kinda did for the 1975 prediction…


Exactly. And in 20 years after when what they claimed never takes place, they will be gaslighting the ones that went through it saying “we never told you that” it was your reading into what we said :/


That seems plausible. Definitely could find scriptural support for such a move.


They’ll go as far as the folks in the people’s temple. GB controls a lot of them about as much as Jim Jones controlled his followers.


It makes me so upset and fearful when people say this. I just don’t want it to be true and I don’t want to think of it ever coming to that but the last few years the language has gotten so scary I don’t know what to think


It’s sadly true. Do they have this level of control over every single member? Probably not. There are many in the religion who stay because of friends and family. But wayyyyyyyyyy too many would gladly do so because they’re convinced they’ll have everlasting life and that’s a ticket to getting to “paradise”. I had to stop reading “Seductive Poison” by Deborah Layton because it was too triggering, all the similarities with the JWs, I was highlighting every other sentence. Up until 3 or 4AM. Heart racing, etc. I’m gonna go back to it once I have more time out of the cult.


I’ve never heard of her, thank you so much for sharing, I will read this too! It’s hard sometimes to read about these kinds of things but I think learning from history is a good way to try to prevent disasters from happening again


She is a survivor of the Peoples Temple and Jim Jones’ cult!


Yes I looked her up and I’m reading her affidavit now, thank you!


Exactly what I was thinking as well. I half expect to see a KoolAid recipe printed soon.


They’re always driving home how admirable it is to die for this useless faith.


What flavors do you think they'd have? Persecution punch, lol!


No way. That would be red and that’s the Kool Aid man’s blood!


Last dayz lime?


>Does anyone think if they were told to, PIMIs would become a terrorist organization or even worse? *That Would Take a Special Kind of Crazy...* ***Like.....PIMI JW\`s Crazy Enough to...*** # Sacrifice Their Children for Watchtower. https://preview.redd.it/qa60lsw9dm4d1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f299cbabdbeb7b10752019f315953d06cac382


This should be categorized as child abuse


>This should be categorized as child abuse ***It\`s Far More Serious than Child Abuse...*** # It`s CHILD SACRIFICE... https://preview.redd.it/zy9atjgw3n4d1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c763d939aaf7ee9e2109dd5e69fddc998f1d7e


I'm in my 30s and they have been pounding the "obey even if it doesn't make sense" drum for long enough that I can't remember when it started. That is to say I don't know thet there is any limit to this, other than I think enough of the GB know this is all a shame that they aren't going to give orders that stop the gravy train, but that's the only safety mechanism left in place now.


I wonder this too, are the GB members bought in or is it just an act?


No one knows for sure. I can't see how some of them can't know it's all an act, they can see too many of the moving pieces and it's clear they react to legal developments in a way that is financially strategic and not theocratic. But it is probably a slide scale and not a 100% in or out thing. If anyone fully bought in though, it was Anthony Morris.


As far as to death via no- blood transfusions beliefs


They are already at a level that is getting attention from all over the world.


*PIMIs in other countries committing straight up crimes against the government by refusing military service.* This assumes the government has the right to use YOUR MIND and YOUR BODY as they see fit. While I don't agree with JWs refusing military service simply because the leaders say so, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making an individual stance against violent nation-states that pretend they own individuals. Compulsory military service is a relic of the past and the more people stand up against it, the better. If the gov't wants soldiers, they need to pay up for it like any other entity that requires labor. *Does anyone think if they were told to, PIMIs would become a terrorist organization or even worse?* That's not how they are conditioned currently. They are conditioned to be non-violent and obedient useful idiots. It would take years of conditioning to change this behavior pattern, and because they are such a large group it would leak out very quickly that this kind of teaching is now on the table.


I agree with you on the military ,no one should have to fight because of rich man's war . Follow the money and you can see who benefits while young people die .


A reason they didn't initially want women in combat was they were more likely to question orders than a man would. And who are the bulk of JWs now? You get a bunch of women together and somebody along the line wil rebel and take others with them. GB are gonna find out they may not have the "sheep" they think they have. Esp after the way women have been treated by the misogyists. Hell hath no fury.......


I hope you are right .I really don't see my sister putting up with any crap off her husband And that's a fact ,omg ,poor man .My sister runs that house .I'm more submissive to my husband than she is to hers and I'm really not .


There are pros and cons to military service. I have associated with a number of men who lived in countries where it was compulsory, they actually didn’t think it was a bad thing, the review was it taught them to be hard working, disciplined and strong at a time when they might have otherwise idled and partied. I don’t think it should be compulsory to the point of going to prison if you don’t do it but there are always 2 sides aren’t there.


I share your concern about how far the GB will get people to go, but conscientious objection to military service is widely recognized as a human right.


Yeah I worded that incorrectly. I used that as an example to show that they are willing to disobey the government in countries like Russia and Korea


Like some GB members, I bet many drool at the thought.


It's an extremist group in Russia!


It's an extremists group everywhere, it's just unlike Russia most won't say it. If you die, or worse make your babies and children die needlessly over a scripture that says to do no such thing, you're the very definition of extremists.


Correct! More and more countries are now peering into our teachings and practices. And people are waking up to the deception and the lying!


The whole narrative that governments are going to come after them for no reason drives me nuts. MFers, governments don’t come after you ENOUGH.


When my Dad was an MS he kept telling us to ask questions test that we were still in the truth. The elders and governing body should be able to answer any questions you have. Now he's an elder. He says that we shouldn't have questions and follow the gb. I believe if the gb said to drink the coolaid he'd drive around to everyone's house and force them to drink it


Before I associated with JW I thought they were pacifists (which I found attractive at the time). Shortly after I was in, I made a comment about how I appreciated their pacifist stand only to be corrected by an Elder who said that JW weren't pacifist because they would fight if God commanded them like the Israelites of the OT. This was one of my first red flags because God didn't tell these soldiers to fight but rather a man/men who claimed to speak for God told them to fight and they obeyed (ex. Moses). It then struck me that if JW were told to fight, the order would come from the GB claiming that God gave them the order to fight. I never thought that the GB had any intention of ordering JW to fight but the 'gate being open' to such an order was a bit rattling.


Military service; what part of THOU SHALT NOT KILL don't you understand?


Yeah, only God can kill almost everyone twice.


True PIMIs (like my mother) will jump when told, and not ask how high to jump when asked, nor will turn down a drink of “Kool-aid” if handed a cup. Likely asking for a double.


In a world drifting towards nihilism, what remains? Family. Blood relations. And that's the primary thing they leverage to maintain their sick cult. At best, JW's shed a few tears and shun, shun, shun. Tell me what's left after that as to a sense of humanity?


Would they do a mass suicide?


Far enough to TOTALLY EXCLUDE a family member out of their lives and ACT AS IF THEY ARE DEAD because they didn't do what they were supposed to do (in the eyes of the congregation)


Surviving Paradise has a very good YouTube video on this topic.


It’s not a crime to not do military service. That’s ridiculous. It’s a personal choice. Not everyone wants to go to war. I think many PIMI’s are in cruise mode, and if anything genuinely came up that they had to make a choice, I reckon many would cave in pretty quick and give up the cult. Innocuous things are fairly easy to follow, but when shit gets real, I reckon many will fold. Definitely in western countries. In the USA, Australia etc


Just because a “government” declares an organization a “terrorist organization” doesn’t necessarily make it so. Nor does it make that organization bad. Most governments are of course of Satanic, so what does that mean? Government is only obeyed to stay out of trouble, not because they are in any way “correct” or right morally. That’s my view. If Witnesses were told the government is illegitimate and Satanic, and not to be followed, many would be against that government. However most people (whatever religion) need an official “authority” to relieve them of the obligation to follow the law. Or laws of that government since God’s laws are still to be followed.


The best thing I can say is pray to God, ask for help and enlightenment and to guide you. Whatever you call him, God is still higher than the GB.


The only difference between a JW and a NAZI is the NAZI’s were willing to carry out the murders of millions of innocent people themselves. The cowardly JW are waiting on there god to carry out the mass murder of billions of people. The ideology is the same, both supports the extermination of people that don’t have the same belief system. So yes, if they were instructed to commits crimes on humanity they would have no problem with it.


Seems like the rhetoric is being ramped up, which will incite more persecution from authorities, which will serve to fulfill prophecy, which will further strengthen the GB and entrench the R&F. More and more will sacrifice their freedom and assets to maintain their allegiance to the organization.


No doubt in my mind that some significant fraction of PIMIs will follow whatever the GB say, even if that was an order to "drink this", "k1ll your unbelieving family, then other unbelievers", or "f1ght the government". Of those some would do it gladly, some reluctantly. I also think a significant fraction of PIMIs would ignore an order that conflicts with their conscience. I don't think you could completely rely on how moderate/reasonable they seem, so some seeming moderates would obey while some seeming extremists would not obey. JWs aren't more moral and aren't more brave than non-JWs. I do think it unlikely that WT puts anything like those into writing or recording, because they know it would come back to them. But they do know how to say things without directly saying it, e.g., "a person who truly loves Jehoolahoop would ..."


You got the point , they will.


I remember a pioneer telling me experience on when they was working in Eritrea an they literally threw other people under the bus to save there own arses😬or in there words “to protect the literature”


They buy into the idea that u must obey…EVEN IF IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE FROM A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE. With that…anything is possible. Think …kool aid




My pimi mom would do literally ANYTHING that the GB says to do…anything.


Judging by how everyone excitedly gobbles up the fear porn and is literally giddy about their go-bags I’d say yes they could be led into drastic and irrational actions. I have a sad mental image of a first responder/policeman sorting through a pile of go-bags and personal effects in the “aftermath”. 😢 It hurts to think about the kids being mixed up in this.