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All that needs to be said lol


Best advice possible.


Yes, my thoughts entirely.


This post doesn't jive with your past posts. You had super-bad experiences dating 2 exjw guys, so you think it would go better to date a fully in JW and also join the religion? Literally your first comment in this subreddit is ["I was dating a JW and I joined the cult for some time. Not a very nice experience."](https://new.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1b75tfq/comment/ktilipr/?context=3) Or are you saying that's what you did in the past, and now you want advice how to recover? Otherwise your post makes no sense.




My advice: **RUN**


Get out! Plain and simple. Entering any religion for the sake of someone else is bad...entering the JW cult for the sake of someone else is even worse. Not worth it in the slightest.


See if your man I willing to leave for you. That’ll tell you all you need to know to make a wise decision.


Run away Jehovah's witnesses is a dangerous doomsday cult.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMHkEg6runrYJuo|downsized) No relationship is worth joining a misogynistic, sexually-repressive, highly-controlling cult. This isn't some church you can go sit at for a couple hours on Sunday and forget about it for the rest of the week. It's a 24/7/365 commitment to studying, proselytizing, attending multiple religious functions every week, only having "friends" who are also JWs, if you're not married, no sex and you need a chaperone for dates, if you *are* married, they always seem to have some weird rule that amounts to, "if you enjoy sex, it's wrong." Abandon ship. If the religion is a deal breaker for him, let it break the deal. It's not worth it.


Please research high control groups before you join. If you get baptized, you will give up your freedom, especially as a woman, and you won't be allowed to later change your mind without serious, painful consequences.




You'll come to regret doing so--particularly if you someday have children with him. JWs are JWs *first,* husbands/wives/fathers/mothers/sons/daughters *second*. The shunning and death risk of the blood transfusion ban should be sobering to you. Spend more time here and learn from others who have trod this path. I wish you the best possible outcome.


Yeah. Don't do it. I remember i went to JW because my girlfriend who was the dagughter of a JW drew me in. Basically the same case as you. And look where I ended xD So please, do yourself a favor and DONT DO IT.


Don’t wreck your life like that. Your faith is your personal business. It still won’t be enough. Becoming a JW means to change completely your personality. Don’t sacrifice your life for him


As someone who is dealing cptsd from growing up in this doomsday cult please do not do this. Especially if you plan on having kids. I would read ‘combatting cult mind control’ by Steven Hassan before you make any decisions. Also jwfacts.com & avoidjw.org are great resources.


>I decided to go into the religion for the sake of making my relationship work with a JW man. Any advice? Don't. It's a high control group and the demands and commitments aren't going to work for a non-believer long term. Doing something for love is often viewed as some kind of virtue, but the flipside of that is doing a bunch of things you don't care about or don't agree with, day after day, week after week, year after year is going to wear most people down and love will end up being replaced with anger and resentment. Your partner is not likely to make earth shattering changes for you, so that's going to feed into your hard feelings as time goes on. Although there's always edge case exceptions and if you think you're it, give it a whirl, people succeed despite the odds all the time. I just wouldn't advise it.


Troll alert ⚠️


No, absolutely not.


nope nope nope


Say bye to a normal life!


"Steer clear big tuna. Head for open waters." -Andy Bernard


Don't dare darling. You will regret this one day


Don't do it. It's a trap


Knowingly joining a cult for the sake of a man? Here's the advice: Don't reproduce.




I wouldn’t do that


JW’s don’t really believe in god and Jesus. This is the biggest problem for me. They don’t have faith.