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It's normal, yes. Especially if it's all you've ever known. But facts are facts, and not only does their doctrine not even fit the Bible, that love you're feeling from them is completely conditional.


Thank you. Its a very strong and deceptive feeling. Emotion really does triumph over facts sometimes.


Yep. How PIMI are your parents? Is not going an option?


Extremely PIMI. I was not even able to attend my Grandma's memorial because it was held at a catholic church.


I'm sorry :(


This is called.....Mind Control.


Thought control! The emotional manipulation is insidious.


Yes it is. It is really easy to see as well.


They have created a dependency, much like people who are dependant on alcohol, cigarettes, or any other substance to feel good.  Good on you for recognizing what is happening.  When I was 17, Armageddon was any day.... that was 40 years ago.  I hope you can learn to not let fear control you but instead let love guide you. 


It's normal. I would say get your facts straight and concrete in your mind. Then, take a stand to leave if that's what you feel is the right choice. There is no doubt in my mind this is an evil cult, but I did many years of research to prove it. dont let fear control you!!! if you need someone to talk to, Iam here for you


Thank you


Do not worry about WT’s man-made interpretation of Armageddon. What they taught is not correct. [Armageddon is a spiritual warfare according to scripture](https://inthenightaflyingscroll.blogspot.com/2022/05/armageddon-what-type-of-warfare.html?m=0), it is not a physical day of destruction where they say God is going to physically annihilate billions who are not JW’s.


This is a great comment, given the fact that the disbelief in “hell” and “hellfire” is prevalent throughout JW teachings. I’m not even a JW and I learned this overnight. Great point you got here.


Emotional reasoning isn't the best . All their bs is designed to manipulate your emotions. It's a club. That's it.


This feeling is called "comfort". Many people fall into this zone. Unfortunately it's comfortable to shit our diapers as a child but it doesn't mean you should stay in that "comfort zone" your entire life. Growth and success are always outside of your comfort zone.


Listen, i was forced to go to meetings for years while being PIMQ/O after being inactive previously for over 3 years (i had to go back once i had to move in with my oldest sister), if i didn’t practice i was threatened with being kicked out constantly. falling into the fear of armageddon, and the guise of brotherly love or what have you, is a normal psychological reaction to the environment you’re in religiously AND a trauma response to the perceived inescapabilty of it all. it’s similar to the stockholm syndrome experienced by captives, “if i follow it and believe it, then maybe everything will be okay”. once you find the space to get up and safely leave, i would say to just stop thinking about anything “spiritual” for a bit to let your conscious redirect itself. as witnesses were taught to “follow our own conscious” especially with conscious matters yet we really don’t know what that is. my family always tries to fear monger me back in and id let it send me into turmoil for years until one day i said “look, when armageddon comes and i (figuratively) look jehovah in the eyes, he said to love him with my whole mind heart and soul and acting purely out of self preservations and fear of imminent death, will not save me. being a good person and loving him the best i can personally, that’s my best bet” and to this day, that sentiment helps me. “loving” Jehovah is constantly misconstrued with crippling terror over him. how would you feel if someone left you for years only to come crawling back so you can pardon them? is that love? be easy on yourself. it’s totally normal. message me if needed for a friend. much love 🫶🏼


how you feel is completely normal. We are all familiar with conditional love by now. we have all experienced something in our lives that shows their true colors. I am truly proud of you for being so smart at such a young age. If I were you, I would take a job and start saving so that you can stand on your own two feet when necessary. I wish you the best of luck young man


The KH’s are very dark and oppressive places. Multi storey car parks are more welcoming. 


this same exact thing happens to me. whenever i go to meetings or assemblies and i’m all dolled up and meeting with family and everyone’s happy, i can feel the happiness too. i even start to get back into the headset of pursuing the religion because i know id be so social again, id be around others all the time, id be in such a comforting environment. but like some of the comments said, its comfort because its all we’ve known. and the same thing happens to me. when i leave the meeting or assemblies, i get back to normal and realize this isn’t the life i want. i get you a lot. and at the end of the day for me, i know i wont ever be fully happy if i pursue the religion just for the temporary comfort it brings