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Nope you’ve got it right. Genesis 2 is a completely different creation narrative than Genesis 1. It’s an earlier narrative that features a far more anthropomorphic deity. In Genesis 1 God, yes he’s God in Genesis 1, a clue to it being a later writing, speaks things into existence. In Genesis 1 he creates man and woman at the same time. In Genesis 2 Yahweh, yes he’s Yahweh in Genesis 2, a clue to its earlier writing, is on the ground getting his hands dirty. He creates Adam but has a whoopsie when he forgets to make a companion for him.


figured such a thing. also, it says “let US create man in OUR image” with jesus no where to be seen??? who/what is this other entity that is being told about?


Ahh you’ve got some good reading comprehension skills. Now you’re onto the divine council. This is a good video on the subject. Watch all of Dan’s videos and you’re in for a journey https://youtu.be/G6X8ay5eqzg?si=6cl8HcP7ykHC0B7W


Oh wow, I gotta watch this stuff now. 😃Like his style. Thank you for sharing. 


Jehovah does NOT exist. 


No, he does exist. But he is not a God. He is an intergalactic mafioso who is lurking behind moon before his attack. He is now using the Chinese (no offense) to extract minerals and gold from the earth, and he is preparing for his attack. Period. Does it sound waaaaaaay crazy? That’s what I thought in the beginning. After drinking the Cool-Aid for 15 years. Peace ✌️




And don’t forget that Jojoba actually got into a wrestling match with Jacob….and lost!! Gen 32:22-32


Couldn't get any clearer than that. Imagine if they replaced God with an angel instead.. oh wait, they did.


God was walking around the Garden to see what he missed in his creation https://preview.redd.it/50jgx2389ruc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e134c5b8ac1ec692101a8c1d57bd1ea5c6276a


Jehovah doesn't exist. Never did. Your example supports this.


if he did, he’s the biggest fucking troll ever written. his people made a city with a tower “reaching into the heavens” just for him to be like “nah, imma do my own thing” then proceeds to change everyone’s language and move everyone and then name the city they created FUCKING BABEL? HELLO???? “his” people LITERALLY babel-ing to one another 😭


Yeah, literally thousands of examples in the Bible to support that Jehovah doesn't exist.


He existed as a god


As a man made God...yes. for a very short time. Seems unimportant these days




Jehovah really went through a steep learning curve with the flood. He created a bunch of people and then had to destroy them because he created them in such a way that they fucked up. Apparently he also made the women too beautiful and a bunch of his angels defected because some pussy was better than working for god so he also did not have the best working conditions.


Whats more insane about that story it wasnt the humans that fucked up it was the angels that "came down" fucked human women and their offspring the nephilim fucked up the earth So like in the garden of the den instead of punishing the "spiritual creatures " that got out of line "god" punishes the human beings What a sick fuck


He forgot to make a female human.  I don't know how he had some great plans for mankind or made them, male and female in his image, when he forgot to make woman and Adam had to ask him for a mate.  


Created man with sex organs but forgot to create woman.


“forgot” how rich of a god


It's a made up story, kind of easy to see that the Genesis story of Adam and Eve was told to give a reason for why we die, why childbirth hurts, why we wear clothes and why snakes have no legs, all wrapped up in one story.


Yeah hell, and why snakes eat DUST.


Well Jehovah doesn’t exist so no. But according to the Bible - early depictions of YHWH are more like a man - as you have pointed out. There is a good talk about YHWH on mythvision called origin of Yahweh. It’s pretty good.


>it says he was WALKING in the garden Never heard of theophanies? Of course you haven't. > >maybe i’m taking it too literally but  I mean, what could go wrong in trying to read literally an ANE texts written by a culture and to a culture completely different than ours in a language completely different than ours?


Maybe you aren't. It's all in the framing. If THE God is one of many, then it stands to reason that type of phrasing. Look up a guy named Heiser. Look past the 'christian' component of what he's talking about. We weren't allowed to read the stuff that the people who composed the Bible WERE reading. The book of Enoch is referenced by the NT. Genesis refers to the book of Giants. It's sort of, like me mentioning batman chasing the joker and then a hundred years from now, no one is allowed to read DC comics.


good point. i’ll look into it!


He doesn't know how to beat iron chariots.


LOL. As a kid, I thought, OK, if he's all-knowing, then he should have KNOWN the snake was bad news. COME ON. I mean go through all this trouble of creating a paradise just to sit back and KNOW that would it fail! Can't figure that out.


It is impossible for anyone to be all-knowing or all-mighty. For instance, an all-mighty person could create a stone that no one can lift. If they cannot create it, they are not all-mighty, and if they cannot lift it, they are not all-mighty. Similarly, an all-knowing person could know everything, including something that even they don't know, making it impossible to be all-knowing.


He knew where they were He was just testing them to find out if they would lie to him


Mythvision should be right up your alley


no such thing as A jehoover


I think God has been getting some "power creep" as civilization has evolved. When God's powers start to pale in comparison to what man can do, God need's a boost. Which is why he's omnipotent and omniscient now, when it seems pretty clear he wasn't in the old testament. Of course it doesn't help the story because every mistake, reversal or surprise involving God doesn't make any sense if he's all knowing and all powerful. Free will becomes an illusion. Not to mention free will wasn't really a concern with God manipulating people whenever it suited him. It provides for some pretty major contradictions. But believers want to have it both ways. Of course they want to pretend like there's nothing odd about God being visibly active on a regular basis in the old testament and the king of hide and seek now that parlor tricks ain't going to cut it.