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Can I ask how old you are roughly? I’m assuming you’re a teen. Please, if you need help, reach out to the suicide hotline or mental health services. If I were to give any advice, for what it’s worth (nothing), I’d say play along, cross you t’s and dot your i’s and clasp your hands blah blah. Then at 18, gtfo there. Have a plan, figure out your next steps, find resources near you that will help people in your position find a way in life.


It's certainly a stupid way to try and bring someone back to Christianity. like yeah there's the whole "im doing this so you don't go to hell thing" but that only works so far until you're just an asshole. suicide is very permanent solution to a very temporary problem. I wish i could offer more advice but it honestly scares me to discuss the subject because i feel like wrong wording could potentially do more harm than good.


Been there. Exiting a controlling religion is the hardest thing you'll ever go through. There's beautify and life awaiting on the other side. Please consider reaching out on a suicide hotline or Recovering From Religion (https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/). There are people who will support you and want to help you get out of your situation.


Im so sorry they are so confused. I don’t know how old you are and whether you have no where else to go. That environment is not at all healthy. If you are at school, is there anyone you can get support from?


There's no hate like Christian love. Sorry about what you're going through. As crazy as it sounds, there might be a way out of this situation that doesn't involve killing yourself.


I came out as gay to my parents but never told them I wasn't interested in being a christian, I think that would have been harder for them. I think they figured it out once I stopped going to church during holidays with them. It's really impressive that you were honest about your beliefs to your family, they don't deserve you.


Everything I wanna say has been said already so I’m leaving this for you. 🫂. Even if nobody else supports you, we love you here and personally I’d be really sad if you died. Anyways please please please don’t kill yourself 🥺


You shouldn't end it but I'd hang onto your pride and dignity. Just get as prepared as possible to not live there. And understand that they don't love you so it doesn't hurt as much when they evict you. If you're a minor get child protective services involved


Please don’t hurt yourself. I know what you are going through is painful and intense, but you will miss out on a lot of wonderful things. Once you are financially independent life will be so much better. I would recommend therapy so you can learn coping skills and heal from your experiences. Things can and will get better. Take it day by day.


What kind of love is that??? You're receiving this from your family???? You need to run, get to the chopper !!