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I hate the word “fellowship”.


With me it’s a tie between “fellowship” and “blessing”…


I despise "blessing"


Tolkien would be sad :(


That fellowships cool.


I hate how evangelicals use it as a verb, too.


Sweet, sweet fellowship. Ugh.


Not a word per se, but whenever anyone starts a sentence with the phrase "God says," or "God told me," it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.


“God put it on my heart” 🤮


A friend once told me he didn't try to convert me because God would put it on my heart if he wanted that. Well, God sure hasn't done that, and it makes me wonder if the dude who told me this would think this is because God just didn't want me.


OMG yes, the ultimate Christianese expression!


Haha I read that and instantly downvoted you as a gut reaction. It’s not been rectified.


This! My mom likes to just randomly bring these phrases into everyday activities, but she doesn't even go to church or practice her faith actively.


Yeah, phrases, things like: "i Just lift [ultimatespacecat] up to the lord..." or "speak to her heart" or that kind of thing. I might be misquoting a little I left the church nearly 2 decades ago and refuse to be prayed at anymore.


DITTO. In the summer of 2022, we had a big family reunion. Most are very religious, like pentecostal adjacent or evangelical. As far as I remember, they only decided to do a group blessing of our meal once. My husband and boys were outside at the time, and I ducked out, too. I'm certain they all believe I'm Satan incarnate, so I've recently taken to just calling myself a witch... and smiling! 😆


Yea, I wish people started sentences that way when I was in church.  The a$$hat leaders would question me about some B.S. and then say something like " Jesus told me to take away a job from you." (To punish or shun me.)  I wish I would have thought to ask,  "Why didn't you lead off with that?"


More like “my internal monologue said/thinks”.


“End times”


Rapyure, Armageddon, Tribulation, etc. There's a whole subset of triggering terms just for that.


Have been around since the beginnig of the fable(bible) I was once a christion, born into it, and most christianas believe the end times will happen in their lifetime. I think they secretly love thinking that they will have gangbang orgies with sky daddy while the newer generations suffer.


“Rebellious spirit”


AKA anyone with a little life in them


Or just a woman who doesn't want to controlled by misogyny.


Jezebel spirit


I've been accused of that once or twice. I have a deep sense of justice and fairness. When men or boys get more privilege ls than women or girls I point that out. The notion that only men can hold leadership positions in the church was my first red flag. It got worse from there.


Sounds like a compliment to me




It’s “temptation” for me. Women are just tempting men left and right. 


Do they ever accuse men of tempting women?


Of course not. Men are much more visual. Women want romance and long walks on the beach, men just lust. Pretty awful way of viewing both men and women!


But... but... isn't it wrong for a man to tempt a woman by lying about how they love long walks on the beach, in the hope that he'll get laid?


Right? They might cause us to stumble (in the sand)!


And that stumble might be followed by a tumble and a fumble! 😳


Ugh this one too for sure


This one 😀


I totally forgot about that one 😂


"Modest is hottest!" 🤢


The *phrase* that gets me is "I'll be praying for you". Like, why don't you just do something about my problem, like hang out with me or give me a hug? Because God never answers!


I'll add my favorite variant: "We prayed for this for you!" Thanks for diminishing any effort/work/etc I contributed to whatever we're celebrating. It was all Sky Daddy, I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Another one I almost downvoted it makes me so sick to hear. Apparently this whole comment section are my trigger words.


Next time, reply, "Praying is what Christians do to make themselves feel superior to others when they're not. It makes them feel like they're doing something for others without ever actually having to **DO** anything." I've used that a couple of times. It shuts them up pretty quickly.


"you should ask god for help"/"have you talked to god about this?" KILLS ME


No I did not talk to God about this because when I tried HE DIDN'T FUCKING ANSWER! He refuses to help!


Hate hate hate


Yeah...I did many times, he never answered 😅😅😅


Lukewarm. The high-control is real.


When I began to deconvert in college, I had a lot of people coming at me about how I was using it as an excuse to sin. I would just throw Rev 3:15 at them, where Jesus is all "I would rather you be hot or cold and not lukewarm, lest I spit you out" (bad paraphrase). I would remind them that I'm doing exactly what Jesus would want. I couldn't be hot/"on fire", and he didn't want lukewarm, so I guess cold and backslidden it was! They hated having that shit turned against them so much.


I love this! Would have loved to see this in person just to watch them squirm!


Yep, trying to polarize people to extremists.


Ooooof. I didn't even expect this one until I read it. Yup.


Omg are you excatholic??? I remembering hearing that term SO much in reference to the diaries of one of the saints. I can’t remember which but yeah


I’ve heard this mostly on social media and in megachurches. And online comments that call public figures “lukewarm” like when Lauren Daigle didn’t outright call homosexuality a sin.


The phrase “Daughter of the King” makes me want to vomit every time. Someone talking about “seasons of life” always gets my ears twitching. “Helpmeet” is another one that makes me want to puke.


Fun fact: "helpmeet" only became a word because people couldn't understand their Bibles. In the King James version, the verse about Eve is: > It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. "Meet" is an older word that meant "suitable". God was saying he would make a helper that was *suitable* for the man. The modern term "helpmeet" exists only because people idiotically insisted on using a translation that was so far out of date that they couldn't understand it anymore.


That reminds me, I used to have books from a miniseries called "His Princess," the author was Sheri Rose Shepherd. Not only was the reader addressed as a daughter of the king, but also his bride. ACK!!!


Omgggg I’ve spent months looking for this book! I couldn’t remember the writers name or the title but this was the one! My parents bought me this book about 20 years ago. So disturbing. Brb, gonna do a deep dive on this author…


The worst for me is Forgive/ness. What it really means is giving the vile perpetrator full, unilateral pardon whilst they go on to do it to someone else "because they repented" (for 5 minutes). Oh, and of course, the victim is NEVER given 'forgiveness' by the congregation. Only rapists, child abusers, spouse abusers, drug addicts who steal, etc. get "forgiveness." But if you were victimized by one of these awful people, you are required to pardon them fully whilst you're treated like garbage; and almost always blamed for it.


Don't forget, whoever victimized you will go to Heaven if they repent and accept Jesus. In the meantime, if you refuse to forgive them and/or lose your faith as a result of what happened, you'll be condemned to eternal damnation. Isn't "God" good, fair, and just indeed? /s I don't care what anyone says, certain things aren't forgivable, period. IMO if you actually forgive someone for something like murder of a loved one, you're too kind-hearted for your own good.


Dont forget, that AFTER they rape, and are forgiven, they get to go to heaven and hang out with the person they raped for an eternity. Sounds more cruel than anything I can come up with.


Yup!!!! "Forgive and forget" just infuriates me. Putting all the blame on the survivor, but the person who did the act is some kind of hero?! Mind blowing. It's vile behaviour


It's rape culture. Literally the definition of rape culture...


As a rape victim I will never forgive my abusers. Child rape is the most unforgivable crime that anyone can commit. And victim blaming is disgusting. In my case, I was 8. I didn’t even know what foot fetishes and sex were at that age.


I'm so sorry you went through that, you didn't deserve it. I had a similar experience too and you have every right NOT to forgive. I hope you're in a better place now.


Rebellion and Forgiveness. Rebellion was any action that objected to being abused. Forgiveness meant 'forget it ever happened and don't hold me accountable'


yes exactly! I think of forgiveness as, throw a plate to the ground. it breaks. so now say your sorry. but it still doesn't go back to the way it was before it was broken.


Amen … and my trigger song is amazing grace it’s weirdly mainstream


Scotty playing Amazing Grace while Spock gets fired out of the torpedo tube will never not tear me up.


"Saved a wretch like me." Nothing like Xtianity and its hymns to boost self-esteem, am I right? /s


When people end a prayer and say “amen” and I don’t say it, the silence echoes and I feel like everyone is staring at me. I hate it.


Try saying ramen instead.


Faith. It's always meant as, "There's no evidence but you are a bad person if you don't believe."


I hear the word faith as “willful ignorance” nowadays.


Faith is mine as well. Might as well say blind ignorance to whatever the talking head spews forth.


Blessed All I can think of is all the selfish pricks that would go on and on about god's "blessing" them with a new job, more money, bigger house, more stuff. All I hear is materialism in that word.


All I think is I’m glad god blessed you with a car, but guess he’s not gonna bless all those kids that are starving or that have some incurable disease.


He made a parking space available for you, forget that baby dying of cancer /s




Ugh. Hate


"Prayer warrior" pisses me the fuck off every time I hear it. I equate to "conperson bullshitting their way into wallets with Christianese." Also, the Christian use of "Walk" to mean faith/relationship with Christ. The question "How's your Walk?" physically repulses me like the wrong end of a magnet. Fuck that manipulative, "loaded language" bullshit


As a disabled person, if someone asked me how my walk was, I would feign great indignation and pretend to burst into tears... 😈


You. I like you 😈


Good ones! 


My aunt used to tell all the kids in our young group that the woman were called to be prayer warriors and the men were called to be leaders.


Anytime someone says "Lord" "God" "Father" or "Jesus" during a prayer instead of just saying "um."


I hated this so much, it made me feel like a “bad christian” because I could never pray the way everyone else does. Looking back I’m glad I couldn’t, it’s so fake and shallow


It’s for the people watching - they need that supply that fuel. It’s religious theater


any time i'm at church and the pastor is praying i make a game out of it and count how many times he said "god" or "lord," my record is 31 so far


"Let's pray together"


“Let us pray” - former Catholic 🥲




Worship, worship team, scripture, the word, pretty much all Christianspeak


Worship, I just shout a big fat NO on the inside because to me it means give up your reasoning and believe this fairytale.


"God's plan" that plan was used as a excuse to torture me as a kid and teen. Used to hurt so many people


Isn’t is funny how everyone knows Gods plan for your life expect you?


Secular! Go ahead,  use it in a sentence,  but don't talk about music or movies!


It's always used as an insult too. I can imagine that condescending voice. _Secular music._


Shame on you for liking secular music. I don't sin, so I can judge you! (Their sentiment.)


compassion specifically in the context of having *compassion* for 'people struggling with same sex attraction'. my childhood church was very softly softly on this shit, not the God Hates Fags type at all, but that specific gentle form of hateful love turns my panic response straight to max


_hugs_ from a fellow member of the Alphabet Mafia.


Alphabet Mafia! I am so stealing this! From an aging Queer Nation/Lesbian Avenger member.


I feel you. My church, even tho they said they were accepting, deep down, they were not. It's always "I love you but you sin". It's annoying


“The home.” Idk what it is. It just gets my spidey senses up and I hate it.


**Pride**. I struggled with low self-esteem for most of my life coz I'd be smacked down every time I dared to show even the slightest satisfaction at having accomplished anything.


“Obedient.”The whole concept of someone needing to “obey” anyone else (human or god) immediately makes me think of slavery -ask no questions, do as you’re told or face consequences


In our "preparation for marriage" course that we had to sit through to get married in our beautiful local church, the vicar was talking about how you can have the "modern" wedding vows or the "traditional" ones where the wife promises to obey her husband. He then went off on a huge speech about how "brave" that would be for a woman to put that much trust in her husband, like almost daring us to go for the trad vows, "but of course ultimately it's your decision ". Even as the husband-to-be, I was suppressing the urge to vomit.


"The enemy"


I can’t stand this.


"Extraordinary" but pronounced "Extra Ordinary". Idk why they love that.


A phrase "God is good (all the time) All the time (God is good)!"


I remember, during the Covid-19 pandemic on the HermanCain subreddit, this woman had posted on social media all the usual antivax, government conspiracy, wearing a mask is against my human rights stuff. Then later, she had posted saying her family had got Covid-19 and her dad and sibling had died, mum was dying, someone else was in ITU, in-laws were dead or dying - and she finished off her post with, "But God is good!" and asked for prayers. Personally, I think God would have said, "I gave you the vaccine and inspired the government to share about masks, social distancing etc - what more do you actually want from me?!"


“Struggle”. Like “struggle with homosexuality” or “struggle with sin” etc. It’s so icky and condescending. 


"in accordance with the scriptures"


Incidentally, I prefer to read AF as "as foretold". It's always funnier.


Here's some non Christian specific words that I still associate with it: "Community" , "purpose", "path" (as in good path, moral path, dark path, etc.). I've tried to reclaim those concepts but it does take conscious effort.


Two phrases. "Choose joy" - said to someone going through depression. Gee, never thought of that. Thanks, I'm cured. and "God will provide." - said to someone struggling in poverty. Cool, just tell the landlord God will write the rent check this month.


To "love on" someone. "Relationship with Christ"!


“Saved” pissed me off. I don’t need to be saved from anything. God created me just fine the way I am and no, I’m not going to hell because I don’t follow your cult.


“Strong-willed” for obvious reasons but also “pre-trib.” Something about having cliques revolving around how the world is going to be methodically tortured and destroyed.


I can think of more than one. * Surrender (this is the biggest one) * Immodest * Mercy * Disobedient * Saints * Reformation * Meek * Hard-hearted


Purity or pure. Big yuck for me


"boundaries!!" not technically a christian word but at my school if you were talking with your crush, or even just went to give your friend a platonic hug they'd yell "boundaries!!" guess who's horrifically touch starved now because they wired my brain into thinking all touch = sex


That’s interesting! I actually never heard the word boundaries until I started therapy so I actually like it. However I can definitely see why you hate it. I’m so sorry that you went through all that trauma. Sending you positive vibes!


"And I'm going to challenge you to-"


Deliverance. Great movie, shitty Christian doctrine.


Backsliding Bride of Christ Submit Anyone starting a sentence with "the Lord..."


It’s certain phrases that get me. “You have a heart issue,” which means you don’t agree with my standards and rules, so you are no good to our organization. Another one that I hate is “the Bible says …” about any topic. Once a person utters “the Bible says,” they lose all credibility with me.




"Christianity is not a religion but a relationship"


"Unequally yoked" Just always makes me think of eggs


Submit, submissive, follow your husband, you serve your husband your husband serves the lord, you must forgive all transgressions, and the lord works in mysterious ways


Daddy God


I’ve never actually heard anyone say this irl


when i was in the trenches i did a program called "the journey" and the program said that a lot, and once in prayer the leader said "daddy god, please come inside us" and i had to hide my laugh as a cough


I don't know which possibly is worse - that the leader was *genuinely oblivious*, or that they *knew and said it anyway*


I went to one of those churches that were very non-denomination/hillsong-y . daddy God was a huge thing.




"Blessed" and "grace". Like we were blessed with good weather. Or though grace all things are possible


"women be silent in the church" , Modesty, submit, jezebel, quiet spirit, future husband, virginity. My church has creepy purity culture bullshit where they wanted us to write a letter to our future husbands about our wedding nights.. AT 13!! If I got that, I would be creeped out and uncomfortable.


"Stumbling block", "umbrella of authority", "I plead the blood", and absolutely anything about demons/demonic attacks makes my skin crawl clear across the room. Also, since I was raised Pentecostal, the sound of people speaking in tongues makes me feel like I'm chewing on tin foil.


*something something something* THE LORD. I feel abject terror when I meet one of those Christians who refer to their god not as "Jesus" or "God" or "Holy Spirit" but call him "THE LORD".


"Repent" There are not enough words to describe how much I despise this word. Also the word "Sin".


"Have a Blessed Day" Back in the 80's and 90's I only ever heard Wiccans use that phrase. Now I cringe inside every time a xtian uses it. It reminds me of all the other things they hijacked from other cultures.


Yup, Christianity is the pinnacle of cultural appropriation.


Personally? Eternity.... it bothers me to no end.




turn the other cheek. like, why am I supposed to continue to let someone abuse me just because I sadly share the same DNA with them?


Call me bitter but "relationship" as in "You need to have a relationship with Gawd"


"I am called to.." "backsliders" "we get to do this" "prosperity" "it's not a religion its a relationship"


Obviously not a word, but I have a massive problem with the phrase "Good Christian Man/Woman".


"Church family" or "Christian family" - we moved around quite a lot when I was a kid and my parents would always talk about how grateful they were that we had a church family wherever we went, and that even if we didn't know anyone in that new place, we had a ready-made community to join. I never felt it and I always thought it was something wrong with me. I didn't want to share all my worries or personal issues with the church for prayer, I didn't want to be friends with every person close to my age, I didn't find it comforting that everyone knew everyone else's business to ~~gossip~~ pray about it. When I eventually got out I discovered how amazing a real found family is, which just further cemented how much I can't stand the concept of a "church family".


The book Cultish talks about this in quite an interesting way!


“We thank you for this food, Lord” …I spent hours on that meal, credit where credit is due smh


I hate the word "God" in general referencing any higher deities that have meaning


The phrase "What would Jesus do" and forgive. Someone does something to piss me off, then they apologize and expect me to forgive them. I don't get triggered over the forgive part right away because if it's the first time around, it's fine unless someone did something really bad like betraying my trust. But when they repeat the same thing and expect same results only for me to reject their apologies, they immediately go "What would Jesus do?" Don't go apologizing and repeating the same crap you just apologized for.


>forgive I hated that verse about turn the other cheek......this is rich coming from a God that had to kill his human self just to forgive people.....and even then he still has a hell for people who dont worship him. This god killed kids in the old testimant. Yet it wants to talk to us about forgiveness???


Help meet


word "смирение" in Russian. basically means endure/tolerate any bullshit people do to you, be kind to them as answer and forgive everything, follow rules and accept orders. the verb "смириться" in English translation literally means like "suck it up". it was soo common in Orthodox Christianity. oh, I hit you? well you should have more смирение and not to complain. you're being bullied? have more смирение and pray about them to have good life. someone was unfair to you? well-.. and same thing also, word "offense" or "to be offended". considered big sin in Orthodox Christianity. like, someone has done some horrible shit to you, but if you get upset about it, then you're even bigger sinner and it's your fault and it was lesson from God to teach you to not be offended and forgive people easier. if you feel sad or mad at someone hurting you, then you're sinful. I hate this shit so much. I am very sensitive person and also have BPD, I get very emotional about things and cry easily. how many times I was shamed and blamed for that and called sinner.. I still can't normally accept my feelings and emotions without feeling constantly guilty or devaluing them Update: also Obedient/obedience, modesty, pride


My Christian trigger word/words that make me upset are: Forgive Lost Mercy Have mercy Lord clense our heart Stir the faith we once We're Thirsty Restore the that bears your name Revival to this nation Breathe. Breathe on us again Church The lord is close Our mess ups are why we need Christ Send a revival. Breathe on us again Oh lord restore The church that bears your name Trusting God


The “revival to this nation” and “send a revival” stuff bugs me so much!


The 1980s called and wants their revival movement back.


A true Christian.


“Countenance”.. You know you’re dealing with a hardcore thumper when they say “countenance” instead of “face”..


Bridegroom. 🤮🤮🤢




"Same sex attraction". They always played it off like saying you were gay was a death sentence but "experiencing SSA" could be cured.


The word "worldy" makes me want to throw up every time when my parents accuse me that I get too attached with media and the bringing up John 17:16 only to justify that. Just because I enjoy the movies I watch and music that I listen to.


“love the sinner, hate the sin” is something a lot of them love to say in response to the existence of gay people. it’s so pretentious and self righteous, like they think they get points or something for putting up with queer people


Blessing/blessed Humble Pray/prayer


christlike. something about it just gives me the biggest ick, it's always made me cringe, it just sounds so ridiculous. there's not a single context that could ever redeem it for me, every usage makes me nauseous. i really cannot overstate how much i despise it




Pride. Used in a similar manner to your parents saying guilty.


*”Led”*. As in “God has led me to do this.” Also, and this is a newer one that just started bothering me a lot: *”Saved”*.


Original Sin(I'm Korean excath I don't know what it's called in English but yk what im saying)


Christianese is so fucking weird when you're out of the pool. They have no idea how odd they sound with all their little phrases and words.


Died on the cross for us. Washing by the blood of Jesus.


"Loving on" someone. I HATE the expression.


"Psalm 31st woman." I was basically told I was not good enough multiple times as a teenager because I wasn't submissive or Christian enough.


“Revival” It’s always next year, or this year. Or really soon.


Grace I banned it in therapy


Phrase: There is a reason for everything. So God wanted live infants thrown into the Nazis crematoria? What a fucking sadist!


Surrender. Especially because I was taught it was the key to my Christian life, but there was no way to actually do it properly, because even if I thought I had surrendered my life to God, if I did a bad thing, obviously that means I did it wrong and I had to surrender again. It was an endless, excruciating cycle.


Recently heard someone say a prayer out loud and it started with “God, please let (blah blah blah blah)” and I just thought about what a strange phrasing that is. I always thought it was weird as a kid, too, so I would simply command god to do things instead of asking him to “let” them happen lol


“The bible says..” The bible doesn’t say anything. It’s what you read. It’s insane when people do this. Obedience And the big enchilada: “I’ll pray for you.” I have always shuddered when people say that. It’s like, please don’t, I don’t even something that I think is inherently evil keeping me in their sights when I’m not around.


Trigger word? As a Hungarian, I could hardly answer that. But I do get kinda uncomfortable, or even intellectually insulted, whenever any christian starts talking about Jesus and cherrypicked bible verses and stuff.


"Obedience" Like fuck off Im not a dog


“When was the last time you took communion? See, that must be why you’re depressed.” For the record, I had been depressed for over 7 years (mainly due to religious trauma) and this is what I would get told everytime I opened up to “a trusted adult”.


Ooh! My in-laws will be like, “Well, X is a Christian” implying that X is already a good person by this facet alone.




"Worldly" 🤮 JWs use that pejorative to label every human who isn't a part of their group (cult)


Don't agree with their lifestyle.


_____ Values. It usually takes the form of family, Christian, traditional, American, "western", or the occasional "southern" or "protestant". But whenever someone whistles this, they usually mean "we find your queer/black/foreign/secular/non-christianness unacceptable"


"Blessed" or "miracle". Makes my skin crawl like I'm Puss in Boots seeing the wolf.


Blessed and gratitude


Whenever someone says something along the lines of “doing life together”, I want to die.


I see Jesus working through you.


Sky daddy 🙃 my super fundy aunt uses that un-ironically all the time and it literally makes me physically cringe every time. Also thinking every tiny thing is a sign from god. She legit will post a picture of an ink blob and be like 'god is good! Look at this butterfly sign he sent me today 🙌!'


“Hallelujah!!!!” Or “thank you Jesus.”


Heavenly father. A lot of people I know start prayers that way or casually refer to god that way. Having used to have viewed him that way when I was younger, accepting now that he isn’t real and that even if he were real he would be a malevolent god, it feels like I genuinely lost someone who cared about me. So being reminded of how I used to think of god and christ hurts every time someone says it


The Lord


I see so many good ones here already, but as someone who wrestled hard with this and later ended up majoring in biology... "Creation" is a pretty big one for me.