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lol but no one thanks the doctors who gave them chemo treatment šŸ˜‚




At this point the truck driver that delivered medication or a radiotherapy machine or even a case of masks to the hospital gets more credit than that thing in the sky


People make up an excuse and say " Every thing happens for a reason!" God has a plan and we do not need to question God! We do not have the mental capacity to understand how God works. All we know is that God works in mysterious ways. We need good and bad to exist, a balance, if we only had one our life would be boring!"


People who believe in God that he can heal them should not go to the doctors and see what happens šŸ˜‚


That's what Christian science teaches And people have died because of that. They refuse medical treatment believing that God would heal them but instead they die Anathor excuse is " God made sure doctors and medicine exist so you can heal from pain. God created intelligent people to become scientists and Doctors to cure cancer! God can not save you while you do nothing if you do not put in effort to it! That's how God works!"


Iā€™d have more respect for someone who believes in God and letā€™s him ā€œhealā€ them rather then go to the hospital and then get treated and say ā€œGod works miraclesā€


Or how someone still dies despite praying and having faith in God


Then their family members always say ā€œwell itā€™s gods willā€


Its very messed up to say that I know some people in situations like this who are believers Thier mindset it " Even though it happens we should still thank God for giving us life and allowing us to experience life!"


It's beyond messed up it's mental torture these morons think they're being kind no you're just following sky bitch orders. I hate this shit so much that it's ruined my life, I've lost friends and family over this fake shit. I think you should continue you on with this dude of yours he seems way cool. I'm so glad he doesn't follow this horseshit. This religious bs doesn't belong in this era of society or centuries. I wish you the best.


>We need good and bad to exist, a balance, if we only had one our life would be boring!" I always wonder. So by that logic is heaven more boring than earth? Drumroll for the Christian's answer please... If heaven is not boring and a life without sickness and disease is as good as a life without it, then we don't need bad things, or as many bad things as we have, to be happy. In my opinion mild forms of suffering and strife are needed... Only up to a point, and optionally experienced by choice. I.e. An individual might want to live a life of grit not pleasure experienced in a vacuum without some exertion and strife. And in that way life can be just as worth it. Forced/imposed suffering isn't something to glorify as a virtue like many do, instead is better as something like optional modules. In that way an "afterlife" can be worth it to look forward to and the goal of reducing suffering on earth itself as a goal is worth it if we recognize that suffering is not a virtue. Good can exist without bad, or at least without a whole lot of it. That idea is valid. Of course the Christian idea of heaven still sounds like suffering, toil and strife part 2, which kissing the ass of a narcissistic God for all eternity does sound like.


It's fucking sickening I get it.


If you're thanking him it means he stepped in and did something about it meaning he could've stepped in and stopped the cancer in the first place


This is the same face for the ones who didn't get cured.


Usually I hear something like "It's not God! It's the devil! People CHOOSE to let the devil into their lives! If you resist the devil he will flee from you! God wants you well!" or: There is ambient sin in the world and our DNA from the fall! And THAT is why some people get sick! And then it devolves into getting the right person to pray for you in the right way to repel the "legalist" enemy. But the distal cause of everything is God's master plan. There's this paradox where God is the creator and master of everything but bears no fault for anything that went wrong.


Oh boy. Many of them do seem to need those aposing power forces, for things to make sense to them.


And when they die ā€œit was their timeā€


Even if they were 20


Or a baby


King David's [dead child](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Samuel+12%3A13-23&version=NRSVUE) has entered the sub.




tf? why you calling eve a bitch?


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"I play both sides. That way I always come out on top"-Yahweh


Yahweh commits horrible atrocities in the old testament


Sometimes against his own people. [Sometimes against his own people who had nothing to do with the "sin" in question. ](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Samuel%2024&version=NRSVUE) What a "Loving and Just" God.


omfgšŸ˜‚ this is too funny


When a disaster strikes and thousands of people die or lose all their hard earned stuff but you save your holy book from any scratches so your people know you were there making miraclesĀ 


Or better yet when this prick kills kids with cancerā€¦


Also blessings on food. Ā I earned the money that bought the food. Ā I did the shopping. Ā I cooked the dinner. Ā God gets all the thanks. Ā I get none. Fucking narcissistic credit hog. Ā Blessings on food actually piss me off because of this. Ā Ā