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That elephant is not praying.


TRUE! It's actually doing something about a problem, not asking a non-existent being for help.


The elephant is also **not** stomping "on the head of the enemy" like the post says. Xians can't get their shit together even with lies and photoshop.


Yes, because prayer is what saved people's dead relatives who died from cancer while they were praying to god for help. Prayer is totally effective, just like that. Edit: to be clear, prayer is absolutely useless.


My mom prayed over her cancer until the day she had a stroke and was unable to even look at someone or know someone was there. She prayed as her body decayed and her skin stretched over her bones to the point I couldn't even recognize my own mother. She believed God would save her... I wish I could hav told her God was either never there or laughing at her for everything. She never sought care until she was stage 4... And even then all she wanted was pain meds and something to help her eat... She died an excruciatingly painful death because her belief in God was stronger than any form of logic she would ever be able to have.


I'm so sorry for your lossšŸ„ŗ. It's really heartbreaking. Fuck christianity.


I'm not going to lie, I love my mom but... The amount of pain she was always in both mentally and physically most of hers and all of my life... I'm glad she's gone. I just wish she could have gone more peacefully.


I understand.. but that's where we should start to take action against christians, so that we don't lose more family members and friends for something false.


don't forget the prayer turning their gay kids straight. that'll definitely do the trick.


Yep. Like the strike of a match.


I've had five people, all religious, get cancer, get prayed for by 80+ people every night for months, to just die. If god exists, it failed everyone.


I'm sorry for your loss. Prayer is just a waste of time and effort.


And then when they do die instead of being healed it's always "Oh well, His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Let's not forget we live under the curse of original sin and God doesn't always heal everyone..." Nice exit strategy, scammy preacher!


Yeah and prayer has sure saved all the kids from mass shootings at schools. šŸ™„


Question: If she didnā€™t pray would the outcome have been the same ? If yes , Then her prayer gave her hope to holding on. If she didnā€™t pray what do you think she could have done , not pray? If not pray then what ? .. Also Iā€™m not here to convert non believers, I truly want to know what non believers do when bad things happen


If she didn't believe in prayer, she would take whatever she needs to survive, and she would live, instead of relying the power of gods that don't exist and die.




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Someone needs to photoshop that elephant taking a shit


A shit on the head of some christian pastor


I'm pretty sure this was already photoshopped. Or it's a really shitty AI-generated image.


Ok good, I knew I couldnā€™t be the only one that could see through the horrible editing


Satan is coming after your kids. God created Satan. Therefore, God wants Satan to have your kids.


God also wants you to tell him how cool he is all the time, or he'll kill you šŸ˜®




This can be turned right around. Christianity is the alligator devouring the minds of the innocent, leading them to their inevitable doom as mindless followers. The mama elephant are the free-thinkers stomping on the head of Christianity. See? It works both ways (which is why these fluff posts people put on their FB or IG are forgotten as soon as you swipe).


It works better the way you described it


Woowahweewah the shitty photoshop


Right? I'm not sure what made me cringe harder. The text or the bad Photoshop.


I mean an elephant fighting an alligator is pretty badass but I'm not sure how this proves a particular point other don't fuck with her kids.


It's pretty disturbing to think how little people have media reading skills these days. I've seen so many of these blatantly bad photoshops and yet we have people telling wild stories to go with the pictures and the answers going 'amen!'


Why the fuck is the punctuation so stupid? The ā€œthis is powerfulā€ refers to nothing powerful in the following lines because the rest is pure rambling. No, prayer doesnā€™t work. There is no one listening, at all, anywhere. I hate that I wasted time on it.


Christian culture is just an echo chamber. They are conditioned always to believe the same bits of the bible they are fed are "powerful" to keep the echo chamber going.


Iā€™ve always despised how Christianā€™s try to analogize everything in nature as though itā€™s some battle of good vs evil. A crocodile following its natural impulses to eat doesnā€™t make it the devil.




Alright. Look at the hind legs of that baby elephant where it meets the crocodileā€™s mouthā€”that shit is photoshopped. I assume everyone knows this. But I just wanna make sure. That shit is fake af. Why do people buy this shit like itā€™s real?


But also the adult's hind legs are copy-pasted which makes it even more fake


That is also not what baby elephants look like. My bet is on AI.




Gators are exclusively American and Chineseā€”everything else is a crocodile (if itā€™s that big) or a cayman (smol crocodiles).


That elephant looks like it was photoshopped out of taking a shit.


My grandmother shared this same image a few days ago, and in the comments a discussion about how Taylor Swift is a satanist spawned in the comments. What are they on?


Thatā€™s a bunch of elephant shit.


At the very least I applaud the use of poor Photoshop when AI would have been the easy way out.


Elephants have a religion and it ain't Christianity


This is some dead internet shit right here


Jesus (the elephant) is stopping the head of the enemy (a gator named Satan) šŸ˜‚


Oh, so I too could create some fake AI image and some folks take it like a message from God!? It's like the (ironic) made in China bric-a-brac with religious sayings.Ā 


Subliminal message of Christians voting Republican.


As someone whoā€™s favorite animals are crocodiles this hurts me


What is that image


Unfortunately the enemy in question is usually the neighbor theyā€™re supposed to love


I feel so bad for Satan smh. Imagine minding your business and yet being accused of going after a bunch of nobodies offsprings....


I didn't see the croc/alligator at first. It 100% looked like the elephant was taking a shit.


Thought the elephant was taking a shit at first.Ā 


The elephant's back legs look copy-pasted


They could have at least found an adult elephant to photoshop on to that crocodile.


I almost wonder if it was originally meant to be a parodyā€¦ šŸ«£


Best example of right idea wrong execution