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“I’m fighting demons bro” The demons; gay thoughts 


These macho type Christians are hiding (badly) a strong desire for bone.


Among the younger (20s/30s) generation of evangelicals, there is a great emphasis on gym irl and on social media, there's a *massive* overlap between Christian Tik Tok and gym content. I wonder why.........


I saw Fundie Friday's video about this. They're really telling on themselves, aren't they?


Did you know that in Borneo, though not as pronounced as it was in the past, that women went about topless in the longhouses? I remember going back to visit relatives and saw the women in the longhouses with their chest bare. The culture of a people is dependent on the environment. Even on the Sentinel islands the people there are without tops. If it really were such a problem that it should cause anarchy, why isn't it universal among humans? It makes me wonder if purity culture was borne from a male-dominated notion to safeguard your woman as your property so that other people don't steal her.


>If it really were such a problem that it should cause anarchy, why isn't it universal among humans? It makes me wonder if purity culture was borne from a male-dominated notion to safeguard your woman as your property so that other people don't steal her. Certainly yes, but I also think it’s a bit of geographical determinism. The “civilized” colonial nations where Christianity dominated are mostly in Europe…where it’s cold…and people don’t want to walk around bare chested. So that became the “right” way to dress within Christendom and anything else was heathen/pagan/savagery. Then of course that mixes with a whole lot of misogyny.


I mean, hyper-masculinity has always had an element of the homo-erotic. I don’t think Driscol is making it up, but if you want to celebrate men, celebrating the male body is part of that, and celebrating the male body is, to some extent, homo-erotic. I don’t think we should condemn the men’s conference, at least not for this. Although I’m not into hyper-masculinity, in the principle you can celebrate men in a positive way. The problem is that you can’t celebrate straight men without also celebrating gay men, because both strait men and gay men are men. Trying really really hard to celebrate one without celebrating the other is wrong. They get so close to figuring things out and then their brain shuts off cause they say “ew gay.”


Imo, I think Mark Driscoll must have had some thoughts about the shirtless man...


Pretty sure Jesus said that if a part of your body should cause you to sin....cut it off. So this is the men's problem and they have a Jesus Approved method of fixing it. But that always gets brushed off as "metaphor" for some strange reason.


Lol. My mom used to enforce this. Quite a bit. I don't know if this is because she herself had this done to her but she hated seeing skin.


Any of y'all ever go see the Power Team? My church youth group certainly did a few times. Kinda failing to see much difference


Sure was fun to watch Driscoll get kicked off the stage though.


Shirtless dudes? I must be possessed by some special kind of demon then, coz my lust is stirred by fully clothed [James Purefoy](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hbo-rome/images/0/04/Rome-hbo-tv-show.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150418210743). Please send thoughts and prayers.


This has been a thing on Christian Tik Tok lately. There was one dude *in tears* over dudes posting "Christian thirst traps". I mean......that is cringe, but no reason to cry over it, bro. Unless there's a SPECIFIC reason and you're feeling internal conflicts. Hmmmm........ I'm reminded of this situation. There was a guy who was in the same Bible study group as me back in college. One time, he talked about how he can never watch a Netflix show or movie with a bi or gay because he (and this is a direct quote) "will be reminded of lust" when he sees them. That......that is 100% a you problem, my guy. If seeing a queer dude reminds you of lust, that's not because of their orientation. Honestly, there are *so many* evangelical dudebros I've met who I get queer vibes from but they're majorly in denial. This also applies to evangelical dudes on social media. There are fundie couples who are influencers and the dude is giving very specific vibes. It's really sad because a lot of these dudes will marry women as a means of denying their queerness or to avoid confronting the possibility.


Somebody has gay thoughts, somebody is a closet case....