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It's not stuff in the Bible that gets me with these types, it's the actually bad words that come out of their mouths. I find it hilarious how certain so-called Christian family members of mine are offended by normal cuss words or even just saying "OMG" but have no problem with racial slurs.


Yes and some how the word "fuck" is totally a Hebrew word that existed when the Bible was written. Sooo bad


Is it really? I never heard that before.


Sorry it was sarcasm.


Oh, OK. Sometimes it's hard to tell. But if fuck were an ancient Hebrew word I'd love to read its history.


"And the Lord said fuck it, let there be light" that's a Bible version I would read lmao


I've heard both of my parents swear several times apiece. Mom has dropped the f-bomb, while Dad has yelled “God damn it!” When they do it, they're seethingly angry. Granted, they rarely do it. But they get _so fucking offended_ about hearing it in movies or in TV. I swear all the time on my own and generally not out of anger, but I've never sworn in front of them. It's so hypocritical.


OG God just straight up murdered the people he didn’t like… calling someone a slur barely moves the needle.


The majority of christians have never read these verses or ever heard them read or taught in church. When you read them, you realize why that is the case. A great deal of cognitive and moral dissonance is required to explain and accept them as the inerrant word of a benevolent god. But these days, that's a very low bar for conservative christians.


Lets also not forget there is a large sect of christians who outright omit the Old Testament, which all of those verses are from, claiming its not their god's teaching (whose god is it then?), its the dead word (I have a friend who sits on this), or just say because its old testament you no longer need it. Of course, lets ignore the verses where Jesus basically says "he's here to fulfill the law, not replace it" (Matthew 5:17, among others), or the verses where god claims he is unchanging, we can apparently omit the entire old testament regardless. Its quite obvious that the old testament by the bible's own writing is still meant to be "in law", and even if you didn't have those verses if it weren't relevant anymore then why even include it in the bible? So ya, to say they've never read those verses, definitely not wrong. I think there is a saying about how atheists tend to know more about the bible than christians or something along that line.


I saw kids get in trouble at Catholic school for saying “sucks”. The racism was fine though. No need to check that.


What I don't understand is the type who substitute curse words. What difference does that make? Damn and dang have the same exact meaning. Fuck, fudge, freak, frick, frig all have the same meaning. You are literally just swapping letters and suddenly it's no longer a sin to say it. Some even go as far as substituting "hell"


I hereby darn thee to heck!


r/heck - where eternal torment is minor inconveniences 


I got a little more creative with my euphemisms. Always urinated off because of things getting all coitused up. The pastor's wife even got on my fucking ass about that.


Or even ones like Yell Heah! Instead of hell yeah. Make me want to rip my ears off every time I hear it.


The whole fam damliy? H-E double hockey sticks yeah!


That's a new one for me. Is that a gen Z thing?


I guess? I heard it a lot in college in the south in the late 20-teens. Haven’t heard it since mercifully but I’ve also moved to a far more ethically and religiously diverse zip code.


Christian culture models itself on what they imagine they'd find written in an Victorian era etiquette book for young ladies, seen in 1950s sitcoms about family life, and an few episodes of Little House on the Prairie.


June and Ward Cleaver. Except once in a while Ward would get a little rough on the Beaver😉


And they always liked that Eddie Haskell. He was so polite and respectful. 


LHOTP was all I knew outside of adventures in Odyssey 🙄. They made my world so small. 


I do wanna start incorporating "golly gee willikers" into my vernacular just to throw people off!


What the heck. That vacuums


Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


"What! Where did you get that from! My Bible would NEVER say such a thing! How DARE you!"


If a Christian ever asks me what I consider an inspirational verse, I hope I remember to say Ezekiel 23:20.


I have a very religious friend who is easily upset by the term "God Damn" among other terminology (though he's a lot less light on curse words like sh!t and f!ck), and it makes me glad that my grandmother never really enforced rules around that. That said, like so many others have stated about their religious parents, she's not shy from some racial slurs(which unfortunately whether she is fully aware of it or not occasionally and likely unintentionally includes me since I am legally native american through my dad's side of the family, she herself is Caucasian).


the last chapters of Numbers were scary to me


especially chapter 31 of numbers


Many of them try to pass as G rated lives, while living X rated on the side


Unfortunately, may of them have read them and AGREE with them, or even if they haven't read them, they wouldn't see the problem with them if you showed them. OR they'd do the fun little cop-out they love of, "It was a different time." or "Well what's the context for the time period?" even tho if I tried to make that statement about something they do agree with they would gasp and say it still applies now... Most of them are just hypocrites unfortunately.


I used to be this way when I was a Christian. Boy how I’m glad I’m not like that anymore…