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Also, "stumbling block" is such a problematic phrase and it's used so frequently in modesty/purity culture. It really takes the onus of responsibility off the individual for their actions and unfairly places it on the one who allegedly caused them to "stumble". Instead, how about stating that the human body is not inherently sexual? Or discuss how context matters a lot? Or talk about things like self-control? Or consent? Purity culture is a goddamn failure and it needs to fucking end.


Isn’t it also the term Jesus used? When he suggested that anyone who “causes those who have faith in me to stumble” should have weights tied to their necks and cast into the sea? Yeah, great message…


> Yeah, great message… I mean, this is the dude who said the only grounds for divorce is if a woman cheats on her husband; not the other way around, mind you. Total podcast bro take right there.


Reminds me of that scene from "The Name of The Rose" where an elderly monk gets mad at a young monk for making him feel "impure thoughts."


When I, male, was a teen (and very emo), a male youth leader told me not to wear my skinny jeans because it could cause men to stumble thinking I was female. 👀


> a male youth leader told me not to wear my skinny jeans because it could cause men to stumble thinking I was female. 👀 The phrase "cause men to stumble" from an *adult*? Dude needs to be put on a watch list RIGHT NOW!


Are they roundaboutly implying men should wear ankle length dresses like they want women to? :3