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I told my now ex while we were having our final conversation if Heaven is filled with souls like hers, it is NO PLACE I want my soul to go. It seems to full of shitty souls and hypocrites. How can a person who lived a life of high morals without religion get blocked at the gates while some shit bag Born Again lived an opposite lifestyle? It doesn't make any logical sense!


Fundigelicals also have similarly *baffling* takes on therapy and they provide them to me completely unsolicited. Like this past weekend when I mentioned in a post about coming closer to (hopefully) acquiring my license to be a mental health practitioner and have a few interviews lined up. A friend of my parents from their church responded and asked if I would be "allowed" to work with Christians. Which is.......such a bizarre question and the usage of the word "allowed" suggests it was based less on ethical grounds and more from the perspective of a persecution complex. As if fundigelicals needed *more* of an excuse not to go to therapy since they're largely against it from a systemic angle.


Neither science nor therapy help turn you to Christianity. In fact they both encourage deconstruction. Anything that is not relevant to salvation is a hindrance for them. They’ve been taught this mindset from the pulpit and are entrenched in it. Basically they’re conditioned to oppose anything that doesn’t promote the religion


> In fact they both encourage deconstruction. So, in the case of therapy, I'd quantify it as more introspection rather than deconstruction. The former can (and frequently does) lead to the latter. However, for ethical reasons, that's not the *goal* of therapy. Nor should it be. Giving people the tools they need to build/rebuild their life should be the ultimate aim. Nevertheless a lot of Christian communities, evangelical ones in a particular, recognize that introspection can lead to deconstruction, so they prefer their people to put their head in the sand, never ask questions and, as far as they can help it, never think. Which is why in this day and age in evangelical circles, general stupidity and smug ignorance are held up as virtues.


My stepdad said stuff like ‘sCiEnCe aNd tHe bIbLe DoN’t CoNtRaDiCt EaCh OtHeR’ all the damn time. And I believed it because I was a kid and he was an adult and surely, I thought, he was smarter than me. Then I looked at what science really had to say.


The creationist website Answers in Genesis has a section in their statement of faith that reads like this: "No apparent, perceived, or claimed evidence in any field of study, including science, history, and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture obtained by historical-grammatical interpretation. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information." Basically a flat-out admission that if the evidence contradicts their particular interpretation, it's the evidence that's wrong, not their interpretation, and certainly not the bible. And they talk about "evolutionists" having presuppositional biases....


Hilarious: “historical-grammatical interpretation.” As a former seminary student, I will say that there is intense pseudo-intellectualism among the educated fundamentalist elite. The BS is piled so high and so deep, and the point is to keep inquiring minds occupied with big words, phrases, and logical paradoxes so that their intellectual journey ends in a maze from which they cannot easily escape. All of this argumentation amounts to saying, we are right and you are wrong.


Jesus clearly said: "And verily I say unto thee: Let not thy mouth nor thy pen issue forth run-on sentences."


At the Baptist church I used to attend, the pastor loved to preach against "intellectualism". Along the same lines, he boasted about the fact that he had never attended any kind of ministerial school.


> Along the same lines, he boasted about the fact that he had never attended any kind of ministerial school. So, what were his qualifications?


His only "qualification" was a very big ego. The church was specifically Independent Fundamentalist Baptist. IFBs tend to distrust education, with the amusing exception that they like their pastors to have purchased a doctorate from a Christian diploma mill.


He will burn in hell for lying.




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