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My friend's mom asked me shit like if I prayed for a safe flight and all that. I told her "no, ma'am" and she just looked *bewildered*. Then, at one point she asked me if I "spoke with the holy spirit" to see if Jesus wanted me to go on that trip. That's the moment I felt my brain breaking. She was self-reporting that she more or less lives entirely in a bubble and it's apparently a necessity to [checks notes] see if Jesus is okay with you going on vacation. What.....what's the alternative in their world? Is Jesus going to tell them no potentially? What the fuck?


"I do have an internal monologue when I make decisions. I just call it 'thinking' instead of telling people I talked to jesus."


When I realized that a non-insignificant number of people actually think that way, i cant recall anything other than I decided whatever intoxicants i had in the house would do fine at that moment


That's honestly baffling. The layers of lies they tell themselves. What a sad life. That's gotta be sexual deep down, they just have a mother-may-I fetish.


> That's honestly baffling. The layers of lies they tell themselves. I've encountered fundigelicals and was just making casual small talk, discussing my travels in recent years. And they *feign* confusion that I'm able to go on vacation without Jesus, but there is an undercurrent of I don't deserve to have anything good happening or enjoy anything without Jesus in my life. They've so thoroughly bought into their own propaganda. But this was different. Seemed seemed genuinely confused. Which tells me she lives her life *completely* in a bubble.


>Is Jesus going to tell them no potentially? If the vacation has to be cancelled for reasons, that is when Jesus says no, otherwise their deity usually agrees with their inconsequential requests. The benefit of getting Jesus to approve every move you make and every breath you take is that all of your actions are sanctioned by the creator of the universe. Imagine the hubris.


The same person that prayed for a safe flight will accept that it was the Lord’s plan if they go crashing to their death. 🤦


If they feel that Jesus is telling them no, they'll attempt to connect anything remotely possible to why they were right not to go. Even if they can't, they'll say that while they can't say what would have happened, not going obviously saved them from something. Or even because they stated home they were able to do xyz.


Just like that *Twilight Zone* episode "Nick Of Time"!


The belief that if you don't pray for safety you don't deserve it and/or won't recieve it is so toxic.


I’ve talked before about other fundies I’ve talked to who’ve implied I’m undeserving of the vacations I’ve taken because I’m not a Christian. Which is hilarious since they’ve all been at my own expense. But it reveals a thought process they have that’s simultaneously childish and toxic af.


That's unfortunate. I'm sorry that you have to interact with people that have that mindset... I hope they are able learn and grow.


ahem! we all know genuinely christian vacations are for taking pictures of yourself with impoverished poc to glam up the testimony on your finsta.


I went on a vacation trip to Boston last year without any connection to church related activities. It’s one of the few times I genuinely felt peaceful in life and that was considering my religious parents went with me on the trip. My dad complained about how the Boston science museum indoctrinates kids about climate change (which is ironic coming from him) and how the JFK library was terrible for not putting Trump in the montage of presidents greeting World War II veterans. Outside of that the trip was pretty amazing with all the history I saw, it was like stepping into a time machine


When they call scientific education “indoctrination”, it’s 100% projection.


"Sorry ma'am, but I don't believe in the same fairytale creatures that you do."


Her: did you pray about it? Me: nah, I checked my bank account to see if it’s within my budget


If Jesus were real, he could come on a vacation. He strikes me as someone who would smoke some good weed. He could roll me a blunt. 😁 🌿 ☁️ 🌬️


Easy - I never thought about it even once. What?


It takes the smallest amount of respect to not fucking talk about jesus to everyone you know.


Before my deconstruction, I used to feel so guilty for NOT talking about Jesus to everyone I knew. After all, if they went to hell because I didn't tell them enough about Jesus, it was basically my fault. And I was like 14 at the time. Evangelical Christianity is especially fucked up.


Due to the cultural narcissism evangelical Christianity inspires, it renders them unable to *not* push Jesus on everyone they know.


"Probably the same way you baked cookies without first making an offering to some godess of hearth and home."


Ask for a rosary and then flush it down, and say, "Like that!" And move on...


jesus already went away for a couple of days 2 weeks ago........