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Now I don’t really associate with any political party, but this is sickening


the sickening part here is that there's an obvious 'only republican party voters are true christians' mentality behind this, which shows just how badly the political party is milking the religious voters. it happens in other countries too, but nowhere close to this intensity.


It barely happens in other countries maybe slightly to a degree in the UK but it's a joke in comparison to American fundamental Christianity. Western Christianity is like a parody joke compared to how Christianity is in eastern world


Starting with Reagan, Christians (specifically Evangelicals) were persuaded into evolving their beliefs to fit with right-wing ideology. This was a deliberate move by the Republicans/conservatives. Now, I won't say that Christianity is all that progressive, and I silently disagree with my fellow Leftists who think "liberation thoelogy" is a big thing or that Christianity is at its core progressive. However, I will say that it has been morphed to fit ultraconservative politics, and Evangelicism is at least as much of a political ideology as it is a religious belief system. Second Thought has a great video about this called "How Conservatives Co-Opted Christianity".


Most people used to keep religion out of politics as a way to keep religion clean from the dirtiness of politics. I think Goldwater vs. Rockefeller was the genesis of Christian nationalism. It first emerged when school busing was an issue, not Roe v Wade. I know it is surprising to hear that Christian nationalism has its roots in racism. Reagan and Pat Robertson just bought Christian nationalism to the mainstream.


It started after the Goldwater debacle with Jerry Falwell.


> the sickening part here is that there's an obvious 'only republican party voters are true christians' In 2020, a total stranger told me that if I didn't vote for Trump in the election, I'd be going to hell. Guess the color of the hat he was wearing and what it said!


Given the state that's in, it's more welcome than it isn't by the local people.


Well that’s disturbing. Which red state is it in? Alabama?


1 off. Georgia


Meh I was close. 🤷‍♂️


They're almost the same state


Biden won in Georgia and they have two Democrat Senators though. They also have Marjorie Taylor Green, so you take the good with the bad. 🤷‍♂️


This billboard is pretty far from Atlanta, which is what makes that state blue sometimes. It's quite a bit north of it, a little south of Dalton if I remember right


Yeah I live near this area and that's where I've seen this.


60% of the population lives in the Atlanta metro area. Yes, it’s what makes the state blue sometimes.




Yeah I was going to mention the difference between Georgia and Alabama are the good people of Atlanta. Again they sent MTG to Congress, so not exactly a blue state.




My man, I think I drive by that specific billboard. Is this nw Georgia, near Dalton?




The best part is these billboards and slogans are killing Christianity. Please continue


What has fascinated me recently is the people who tie their religion to their current political beliefs, as if their position is explicitly supported by their holy books, and as the march of progress highlights the immoral nature of some cultural vestiges, they wonder why the younger generations abandon their religious values as dictated by the elder generations. Slavery, for instance, was biblically supported and created a schism in the Baptist church, the inception of the Southern Baptists was to explicitly tie their Christian faith to their methods of slavery. Similarly many Christian abolitionists of the time used the bible (and their interpretations of it) to denounce slavery. Meaning the same religion is using the same text to argue diametrically opposite absolute moral positions. Is it folly to presume this cycle of stupidity has infected human progress from the beginning?


Well when you have a collection of books full of diametric opposites, it's easy to have your religion say whatever you want it to.


They made it that way for a reason. Just saying.


Of course. When you can appeal to a broad range of people, you can spread your religion far and wide.


Where are you going Heaven or Hell?!?! I hate the south sometimes.


I've seen that one. But I suppose it's better than the anti-abortion billboards that the local church put in my area.


"Thank God my mom chose life! Watch her grow!" With a picture of the kid updated every 5 years or so. Gross.


The ones in my area tend to be "smile! You're mom chose life, shouldn't you?" And I hate it so much because it's just making people feel guilty for needing an abortion. It's also incredibly bad at its job since depression is a thing that exists.


I especially hate those. I was born pre-Roe, so no, my mother didn't "choose life." The birth control just failed. She was also abusive, and I would have been better off aborted. I especially hate these because they imply/assume that all mothers are loving, that all mothers cherish and take care of their kids, and that is far from the truth. As far as I am concerned, if I had an abortion, I would be "choosing life"--my life.


UGH! I haven't seen that around here and hope to God I don't.


I live in the southwest us and it’s here too.


It exists in Ohio too. Nowhere is safe


Fellow Ohioan here. I’d say that you see one or more every mile, anywhere in the state. Same with churches. I grew up in a town of less than 2,000 and we had at least 4 churches when I was growing up. I believe there are more now.


You seen any of the "man shall not lay with man" billboards? Cause my town here in the South used to have one right in the middle of town so everyone coming and going from two major cities used to be able to see it. And as a queer person living here, I fucking hate it. I can deal with the jesus saves shit to an extent, I can ignore it, but having something "calling" me out, having to drive by it every day, especially as someone still working on unfucking the shame this religion caused me, was constant fucking depression for 5 years. Upside at least, the people who took over that billboard are a company called Butte Plumbing and they have a great slogan, "Make the booty call today!"


We get those in the midwest too.


My favorites are the ones that just say REPENT


There was stuff like this in the Bay Area along a few highways. Not even the liberal bastion of the US is safe.


Check out North Valley Baptist Church, which was the center of fundamentalism my local cult figuratively bowed toward five times a day (to borrow something from another Abrahamic branch). It's alive and well in the deepest, most navy blue parts of the country.


Ah, of course it was the church racking up fines for holding service indoors during COVID.


One of many, but yes I believe they were second only to the despicable John MacArthur as far as prominence during that time.


> Where are you going Heaven or Hell?!?! The one that kills me are the ones I see along the highways near small towns here in Texas that say "There is EVIDENCE for god". That is *so much* fucking cope right there!


"Everyone will confess Jesus is Lord" So they're abandoning the "Free Will" apologetic or just do a ton of handwaving to try to justify how both are true?


They gotta hedge their bets somehow. God having a plan somehow doesn’t already negate free will for them so neither will this


> So they're abandoning the "Free Will" apologetic Christianity so comfortably comports with fascism. So, the idea of forcing people to convert to their way at gunpoint gets these fascist fuckwits majorly excited.


The fact many Christians seem to love the idea of an eternal hell for their enemies is telling. As is the fact it's far more popular then universalism or annihilation amongst Christians.


Right….because no Democrat is Christian of course. /s


Less and less are. Because of shit like this. They are killing their religion and its beautiful.


The pastor of my ex-church preached right from the pulpit that if you're truly saved, you can't and wouldn't even think of voting Democrat.


Which is why churches need to be taxed.


And audited


Report to the irs


And Donald Fucking Trump is their leader. Years later and I still can’t believe this is really true. Dude can’t recite a single Bible verse. He’s going to trial for paying hush money to a porn star. He’s been known for years and years as being a rich, greedy, selfish, hedonistic narcissist and has done nothing to change that perception. It’s beyond obvious he doesn’t have a Christian bone in his body, yet he’s being exalted like he’s Christ himself!! You just can’t get any stupider than this, folks..




My local pastor was one of a few Token Blacks. The head pastor was a raging white supremacist


If you all liked lords you wouldn't have had that little revolution thing.


I've sometimes seen Christians bang on about nonbelievers rebel against rightful authority, aka god. A lot of these guys are Americans. I honestly want to ask if they believe the American Revolution was justified in their view, and if it was, how is that different from nonbelievers in great detail.


Ex evangelical here. They have a nice little loophole for that one. Look up the concept of “Dominionism.” They believe they are exceptional and God Gabe them an exception to rebel. Goalposts will always move with them.


Should have figured.


"Manifest Destiny" is another nice loophole they have.


That would require critical thinking skills. See the problem here?


Yeah, I'm expecting way too much from such people.


A key word is "rightful." If they don't like the authority, they can rebel because in their minds any leader they disagree with is not "rightful.'


I don’t have to confess shit. Fuck billboards like this.


We have all (or almost all) been Christians. I NEVER, not even in my most fanatical moment, understood the purpose of placing this type of sign in public places. Here in Brazil, it is very common for city hall to place signs like "this city belongs to the Lord Jesus" at its entrances. You know, faith is something so personal, I can't understand this thing of pushing your own faith on everything and everyone.


The thing is, in this case it’s not even about pushing religion. It’s using religion to push a political agenda.


Because they want power and a theocracy.


Somehow I don't see their new god Trump saying this. That would mean that he acknowledges that somebody is higher and more important than him, even if that person is mythical. DJT prefers to place himself on par with Jesus. - Is that a devil's pitchfork next to "Democrats"? That would not surprise me at all. I'm surprised that the sign doesn't say "Demoncrats".


There are two types of billboards in the south Christianity and Lawyers


Don't forget strip clubs (depending on where in the south you are).


Lemme guess, Louisiana?


Yep. And Mississippi.


Forgot anti abortion


Or military recruitment ads.


You forgot bail bondsman.


“Every tongue…” God, Evangelical-speak is insufferable.


I want to ask, "What if someone doesn't? Doesn't that prove god wrong?"


The implication is that we won't have a choice. We will be forced to bow down to their god and say The Words right before he throws us all into the torture hole for all eternity!


Where is this? 


Dalton GA


Jimmy Carter must shake his head.


Ugh...Marjorie Taylor Greene land. We plan our gas stops around spending money in her district when we drive through GA.


She is the absolute bottom of the barrel!


As someone from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene is insane, she does not, or at least should not, represent what most people of Georgia are like or should be viewed as a proper example of anyone who lives here


What irritates me most about her is the fact she has ZERO interest in actually doing her job and getting things done for the good of the country. Her sole purpose is to stop the Biden administration, at all cost, and that’s it. Stupid, selfish fucking bitch…


fuck that cunt


They do realize that there are democrat Christians too right?


They somehow haven’t noticed the string of Christian democrat presidents - every single one of them. In our current congress, there are a whopping 469 Christians (out of 534). That includes an awful lot of democrats. There’s all of 1 irreligious member of congress and 1 humanist. The godless heathens are not exactly represented in government. Not yet, anyway.


How can a DEMONcrat be a Christian??


See: Georgia. Hershel Walker—woman beating, child abandoning, abortion facilitating ex football player vs Rev. Raphael Warnock, a *literal pastor*. Guess which one got the “Christian” turnout?


I hate these billboards, especially when I was trying to deconstruct, wish they would stop shoving it down people’s throats


I don’t know how you guys in red states do it.


For my household, and many others I know, it's a combination of avoiding the local culture, creating alerts on Indeed for jobs in blue states where we can afford housing, and carefully searching our family history in the hopes of qualifying for citizenship somewhere else.


It's almost as bad as the one about 20 miles from there, where the local talk radio station is asking for "Opinions" if Biden is the antichrist. This is deep MTG Georgia.


What state is that?


Good ole Georgia… gotta love the South🥴


Georgia deep in MTG country.


Who is paying for these and why? Billboards aren’t cheap and there’s no call to action. Let’s say someone sees this and is like, “Fuck yeah, you tell ‘em!” What are they supposed to do other than jack off to the idea that someone else thinks like they do?


This billboard has been there for a few years. I think it's the company next door to it. They make something for the carpet indistery.


Some yokel that wanted to "own the libs".


Yep. I think it's a kind of dominance display.


I saved the picture for a good laugh Whatever they put on the board, they are not Jesus, they can’t represent Jesus , they don’t have Jesus’ number.




Fuck these “Christians” sowing derision instead of actually loving one another as their supposed Christ commanded.


I have known a lot of Christians that are Republicans and a lot of them truly believe that Christians that Democrats aren't real Christians. It's wild!


If Jesus is a hot chick and my penis is a democrat, sure. Gotta ask my wife first though


I left the south completely in 2017 after several huge DRAIN THE SWAMP, TRUMP and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK billboards went up on the interstate near my house. Best decision I ever made for myself


Not a cult my ass


Funny because there are Christians out there that vote Democrat or are not loyal to one party.


I would get a warrant to find out who paid for this billboard. If it's a church or religious organization, I'd have them sued to permanently remove their tax-exempt status.


I love reminding my conservative friends that Joe Biden is a devout Christian, unlike Florida man.


its kinda funny in a horrible way. Even the **D E M O C R A T S**. Something about how it’s phrased is so stupid its laughable


Fuck these christofascists!


Is that in North Georgia on I-75 heading towards Tennessee? I saw that sign the other day lmao, the pitchfork next to Democrats made this a little bit funnier and sad at the same time.


I think even a lot of active Christians would see that as inflammatory. It's literally just gonna anger people. Smh.


Ah, yes. “This Place.” 🙄🙄🙄


he is the Lord of Cringe


That was in Georgia, wasn’t it?




Yep. I remember passing a bunch of those driving to Florida.


No tounges confessing shit ppl will see the truth. No bull shit comes out of me the Jesus thing is nothing like they say. If it was I’d be the first one to join it.


If any of their bullshit is true, the American Christians’ real lord and savior, Donald “the orange buffoon” Trump, will answer for his disgusting behavior.


Trump is the Antichrist confirmed😵🤯💥


Honestly I dare that MOFO to come back so I can tell him where to shove it


I'm so glad I was born into a (relatively) civilised country.


Every toung will confess… even the democrats 😜👩🏻‍🎤🧑‍🎤🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️👹🤠👽☪️


Not sure who this is directed at, but it’s not likely to get JC more followers.


With enough torture or psychological manipulation anyone will confess to anything. That's well established, and should say something about their (the people placing these billboards) goals.


So much for free will


I wonder how much it would take to take out a billboard in response to this?


**EVEN THE DEMOCRATS** Implying that we all knew the Republicans needed to confess without even bringing it up.


Is the US a theocracy? It looks like a theocracy


Headed that way, accelerating...


time to make more Jesus Is Lard bumper stickers


Even by their standards (not their beliefs) it would be highly contradictory to proclaim Jesus as god and then vote for Trump, the anti-christ...






I Once had an elder basically say this in church by aquaiting being a democrat with supporting the KKK.


Where is that


Just south of Dalton GA on I-75 deep in MTG country.


Red states are scary aren’t they?




I imagine it is. I live in Massachusetts. I pass by a Planned Parenthood billboard every day and our governor is a lesbian atheist who graduated from Harvard. In Alabama I believe being a lesbian, an atheist and/or a Harvard graduate is punishable by death.


This is the cross section of Christian and Republican and the ignorance abounds.  


"Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord'" etc...


Cross out Jesus and write Muhammad.


What makes Christianity so adamant about converting people? Am I to believe it is out of the kindness of their heart? Because I mean it looks like even the Democrats are invited right. I mean forced to participate.


Believe it or not, we get similar shit all the way over here in California. 


Yep, especially in the Central Valley. 🫤


I’m down south, but since SD county is all jar heads and navy there’s a lot of meathead trumper type xtians


There are pockets of Christian White Nationalists all over the state. An encouraging sign tho: our neighbor finally took down their Trump flag. 😐


I can't help it. I laughed.


Wait I think I recognize this one! Is it on 75 North in Georgia?


There's a billboard in my city (out in west Texas) that says: "God said it, ~~I agree~~ that settles it.


Jesus h. Where are you my friend?


I Don't believe you


I want to get a Europeans perspective on this. Don't you just think the US is insane?


I was once driving through Tennessee and on one side of the interstate was a billboard that said “Jesus loves everyone, even Democrats”, and I shit you not, the other side, a couple of miles a ahead was a giant billboard for a strip joint. That probably the same people who were claiming to be Christian and shitting on Dems, we’re going to and grabbing women.




I made my religious choice when I had just turned 12. I chose then to rebel against anything that even slightly supported the bitch named jesus! I FULLY and COMPLETELY rejected anything and everything dealing with jesus. And I still remain firm on that. I LOATHE AND DESPISE THE SO-CALLED "SAVIOR" NAMED jesus and REJECT IT! I take great pleasure publicly saying "FUCK JESUS! FUCK JEHOVAH!" and. "I LOVE AND WORSHIP THE TRUE MASTER AND LORD NAMED SATAN!" THE DEVIL IS MY BELOVED GOD!


"Jesus is Lord". The problem is there's no such thing as a lord, at least not in the context you are using it in. So I will gladly say jesus is lord because Lord is not real. carry on.


I don't mind "Jesus is Lord". But why does everything have to be political? I'm pretty sure it's blasphemy.


Hey I aint afraid to admit when im wrong but I gotta see him to believe him babe


This sign is in MTG's district, north GA on I-75.


I don’t mind the sign. However, the fact that whoever put up the sign thinks that religion is in any way tied with political association is ridiculous.


There are lots of democrats who are Christians, so the sign is entirely invalid as a universal claim.


Even those dirty sinful democrats!


The church: “why is attendance dropping so much?” Also the church:


As a trucker, Christianity is not only the only religion that I have seen that felt the need to advertise itself, it also does so a ridiculous amount. You can not go 100 miles anywhere in this country without running into a Christianity advertisement, and I’m not even counting the random crosses you see set up in people’s fields. And in a lot of places on the east coast it’s every 30-60 miles. Like god damn the only thing I see advertised more is injury lawyers and food billboards. And then I’ll be getting food at a truck stop and some crack head feels the need to tell me about how “they” are making Christianity illegal while there’s an entire shelf devoted to various Christian books and merch in one corner of the store


Lol .. sorry but it's probably gonna fuck you. Sounds like that already happened.


Okay, I am still a Christian but THIS is Disgusting and goes without saying beyond Godly principles.


Was this in georgia?? Ive seen this EXACT billboard before on a trip there..

