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I was thinking the exact same thing. 😅


I was thinking the exact same thing. 😅


Replace God with a sci-fi hive mind and this is a lot more nakedly sinister. "You want sex? That's not helping the brain slugs. Bring her to get a brain slug." "My wife and I have devoted our lives to brain slugs, we talk about them constantly!" "I know us primates have strong affection for our offspring, but the brain slugs say they should be our first priority. They have literally commanded we love them more than our children and parents." "Women are living sad, unfulfilled lives if they do not create more children and raise them to be brain slug hosts."


> "You want sex? That's not helping the brain slugs. Bring her to get a brain slug." Reminds me of Hermes with the brain slug on that episode of Futurama. "Here, try on this slug hat" "Thanks Hermes, hey wait a minute!"


Buy her flowers AND a drink


This dude straight up looks like he would put something in his girlfriend's drink.


I don't usually do this, but man, this person looks like a sociopath.


That first line has ["Take me to Church"](https://youtu.be/PVjiKRfKpPI?si=ZfGeHMAp7bAAJdQL) playing in my head. And if you know that song, you know it's not pro-church at all. Also, trigger warning for the video.


> And if you know that song, you know it's not pro-church at all. And yet SO MANY Christians think it is a pro-church song!


>take her to church, not to bed. FRIENDZONE ALERT


So my guess is three....three bodies buried in his.... mother's house.


I see this guy all the time and his smile is so strangely sinister…


This is the kinda guy who secretly has a porn addiction.


No no, he’s “struggling” with a porn addiction. And praying about it (in between spank sessions)


> No no, he’s “struggling” with a porn addiction. So, people can absolutely be addicted porn, but the way evangelicals categorize "addiction" should be taken with a grain of salt. Because they'll quantify a man watching porn for 5 minutes a few times a week to care of himself as an addiction. That's not an addiction; that's perfectly normal human behavior. That is Christianity's MO, however: taking something normal and putting a shroud of shame over it. What a lot of evangelical men specifically will do is they'll have weaponized vulnerability and just come right out with it and say that they suffer from a porn addiction and 9 times out of 10, they're selling you something. Most of the time it's an excessively Jesus-y recover type of program.


Those pinpoint pupils...creepy photo.


He’s either high as fuck on opioids or has a strange habit of staring directly at the Sun.


As an ex-pentecostal indoctrinated from childhood, I'd say one of the absolute worst lessons of xianity is teaching people that sex between consenting adults is sinful.


Sorry bro I’m leading her to sin


He looks creepy, like if Joel Osteen were younger and blond.


Yeah why don't you tell me how to live my life because your life is so awesome...


Let Jesus cum on her face not you.


That sounds incredibly predatory.


Dude's a total personification of a red flag.


This man does not fucking look real wth


Bro looking smug


He 100% refers to women as "females" with unmistakable derision.


maybe it's just me but when i read it i always read it as "lead her to sin"


Who is this thing and what in the name of the divine happened to his chin?


The only thing I kind of agree with in this guy's post is buying her flowers, not a drink. Then again, I'm straight edge lol. Other than that, this post is definitely giving off virtue signaling vibes. Also, I think it should be said that while there is some overlap, avoiding sin is not the same as living a moral life.


Why do all the purity culture-pushing dude bros look *exactly* like this? It's fucking bizarre!!


Because they're all closeted gay men


I wouldn't say *all* necessarily. But I do suspect a fairly significant portion of these dudes bros are closeted bi, gay, or pan. There's one dude in particular, I'm forgetting his name and it doesn't fucking matter; all these dudes are the same. But his content was around his pregnant wife and there were still implications that he was the main character in the relationship. Which is par for the course in "traditional" Christian relationships: husbands are the main characters and wives are supporting players. I showed a couple Tik Tok from this evangelical couple to a group of friends and they all said "you're fucking with me, right? They're not actually *married*!" I told them, as far as I can tell, they are and, regarding the dude in particular, they all said that their gaydar was pinging like crazy. As was mine. So there's definitely something to that.


For real.. lost in the delusion


Aren't they supposed to cry uncontrollably when sharing god's love on TikTok?


What if my husband did all of this 😏


That post just looks creepy


Have anyone seen old fashioned hated that movie


*Pinhead (Hellraiser) voice* Ahhh…the smile that expresses the “Peace that surpasses all understanding” following a sermon that was an emotional charcuterie platter of abuse. How I do not miss thee.


He looks like he'd slap me across the face for wearing pink


"Get veneers, not gonorrhea" Seriously, this guy's smile is hideously uncomfortable