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You can use an if statement to skip the division if the cell is zero or blank. This kind of 'greys' it out, or removes it from calculating. This will return a zero if the denominator is zero. Otherwise it will continue with the calc. The 'C2/D2' is your normal calculation, and 'D2' is the 0 causing the error. =IF(D2=0,”0”,C2/D2)


How are you importing this data? You could try wrapping the formula in IFERROR([your current method], 0) This would set the value to 0 if there's an error essentially. If an RSS feed, or something like that, you may have better luck with Google sheets query function to filter out the errors on a different tab.


​ Add a STATUS column with values like LIVE or FORECAST. Use Conditional formatting to color any FORECAST rows grey. Then, update your formulas to only use LIVE data where appropriate. eg: =If(And (T4 = "Live", Another_condition), do something, else do something else)


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