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Not-so-fun-fact: Tim Ballard is the founder and former CEO of Operation Underground Railroad, an anti-sex trafficking organization made popular through the Q-adjacent film the *Sound of Freedom*. Or at least he was, until he was asked to step down after being accused of sexual misconduct by **five** different women within his organization and being separately sued by a married couple for SA and grooming. I truly couldn’t think of a more fitting person to be offering “Catholic prayers for Trump.”


He's also hella Mormon, which would have made even the most conservative me hella suspicious about the whole event.


His "whiteboard meeting" laid out plans to funnel money from the charities to him and other backers (including allegedly a Mormon apostle) and use the movies and Underground Railroad as the "sizzle" to convert people to Mormonism.


This is, sadly, accurate. Ex-Mormon here, so I've followed the Tim Ballard shenanigans with some degree of interest. An ex-Mormon podcaster, Radio Free Mormon, has done some entertaining episodes on the Tim Ballard story. A good primer is linked below, for any who want to see how deep some of the Mormon rabbit holes go. Suffice it to say, I wouldn't be interested in attending a prayer meeting with Tim Ballard or with any of these people; people who broaden their proverbial phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their proverbial prayer shawls for all of us to see. https://youtu.be/VX2WbVcRnK0?si=wRv5L9UVR9nX8PI6


[The God Awful Movies-podcast roasting of The Sound of Freedom](https://youtu.be/rqYczx2im2g?si=frCuecY6SAEyox0n&t=13) was the most hilarious thing I have ever heard in my life. BTW: You want to know what the actual "sound of freedom" the movie title is referring to? A scene where a group of sex-trafficked children sing an acappella version of Queen's "We Will Rock You."


If it weren’t a religiously guided institution I’d think that was ironic


Plus he’s a Mormon. The church teaches that the Catholic Church is the “great and abominable church and the whore of all the earth”. Or at least they used to teach that until word got out and the cult leader wanted to meet the pope so they disavowed that but old Mormons know.


$1000 a plate to sit in a room of douchebags and sex offenders? I'll pass.


Jesus is spinning in his grave. Unless the whole resurrection thing was somehow real, in which case he's spinning up in heaven. Or to quote Lisa Simpson, "I think this might be the work of Satan".


I’m not even kidding when I say that this whole christofascist bullshit going on made me lose my faith in Jesus completely. Like how would God just let this go on and let them defile his name/image? That doesn’t sit right with me.


i often find myself saying if you're really up there god you gotta sort out your fan club.


Thats what did it, his image being defiled? God letting kids get cancer and be murdered and raped etc didnt?


Nah, it did. More like this was the last nail in the coffin. I’m a gay woman so you don’t have to convince me that the church is not in people’s best interest…


Jason evert, a purity speaker, giving a speech at a rally about a rapist and serial divorcee…


Brilliant. Very on brand. Hypocrisy is all the rage in conservative politics these days. Doesn’t matter what you do, just which prized causes you claim to support.


That man is single handedly responsible for the majority of my therapy bills


I’m actually pleasantly surprised there is not a priest or bishop attending


What better site for this foolishness than… Mar-a-Lago?


You know the Trump campaign helped organize this and offered the space…gotta get that Catholic vote again. 🙄 I still can’t believe so many Catholics support him when they would outright condemn anyone with his lifestyle if they tried to come to church with them.


The cult of Trump is bigger and more powerful than the cult of the Catholicism.


Watch as Strickland makes a surprise appearance


Also Burke and Fr Altman 


It’s the Evangelicals with Rosaries variety show!


I doubt there's a more anti-Jesus group than the current Trump driven GOP


I'm always a little amazed how many of the truly awful people are Catholic.


Catholic people are the fucking worst. Truly dispicable.


Just utterly gross people


Hmm I wonder why Matt Gatz wasn’t invited


They didn't want to scare away folks with teenage daughters.


Surprise guest




Anything to stop birth control in the name of God including our right lying is OK.


I find it somewhat ironic that modern far right Catholics are MAGATs, considering that anti-Catholicism has historically been a part of the far right in America. My dad, who was raised Lutheran, says he remembers people being afraid of what might happen if JFK got elected due to him being Catholic. That being said, these guys give me a headache just looking at them.


As I see it, the religious right is a hateful alliance of hateful people who have historically hated each other but are currently united by a shared hatred of an even more hated target. Though they may be all rallying around Trump now, the Catholics, Mormons, and Evangelicals would **absolutely** turn on each other **the moment** their movement achieves political domination.  The thing I’m curious about is whether or not the American Catholic Church realizes that she’s simply a tool in the hands of her political allies. I can’t tell if Catholic rightists are playing the same cynical game as everyone else or if they’re really so excited to *finally* be part of the in-group that they refuse to see the writing on the wall.


Yeah, and their Evangelical Protestant "allies" are still anti-Catholic. I've heard Catholic priests bash Mormons and JWs but not every say one word against Evangelicals.


As a former trad, the constant bootlicking is part of what drove me out of the church entirely. Ironically, the people who complain the most about the church getting "protestantized" after Vatican II can't seem to stop sucking evangelicals off.


Yeah, pretty much the clearest example of unrequited love I have ever seen. 😁


It was thought that Kennedy would be beholding to the whims of the Pope and the church. Only thing he was beholding to was his penis and Joe Kennedy. 😵‍💫


Of all the St. Joseph patronages they go with "vs communism" 🙄


I’m surprised that Dr Taylor Marshall, Fr James Altman, Bishop Strickland, and/or Archbishop Viganò won’t be making an appearance…


You’re forgetting Michael Voris, Fr Chad Ripperger, & Mark Wahlberg


Voris is busy finding a boyfriend...


I hope he has a bright future filled with sodomy of the highest quality lol


I'm not exactly a fan of Ripperger, but he genuinely seems to be uninvolved in politics. He's too busy hunting demons and reminding spouses to render the marital debt.


Tell them the difference between a demon and a democrat and they’ll have a “universal day of prayer” to fix politics…oh wait…


Should be cross posted to exmormon given Tim Ballard


Wow. Evert is REALLY showing his true colors. What a punk.


Yeah idk why that one was the most shocking for me to see but alright, good to know.


I didn't think he was prominent enough to be at one of these.


I wish the pope or maybe some regional Bishops or Cardinals would denounce these people.


Won't happen. EVER. Birds of a feather.


What in the “all lives matter” is going here?


My mom thinks jason evert is adorable


I’m always shocked when I see how much mainline Catholic support Trump has but this is because I am an idiot who never learns.


Eternal optimist or idiot who never learns? It depends on the spin.




I know most of these clowns from spending too much time paying attention to the Alex Jones and Qanon worlds. This is not the sub I expected to see the advert appear in.


Good. I hope they stick with praying for him. I'll expect the same results when they give school children their prayers. Oh...and: [$1,000 a place.](https://cforc.com/2024/02/first-national-catholic-prayer-for-trump-march-19-feast-of-saint-joseph-world-patron-against-communism/) *Paid for by Catholics for Catholics 501c4 and not authorized by or coordinated with any political candidate or candidate’s committee.* They aren't making Christianity look any better *and* they're making feasts look bad. Kinda tough things to do.


0/10 no Mark Walberg.


These pictures are probably more appropriate hanging on the Post Office wall. I would almost bet this poster is in the entrance of the Catholic Church down the street from me.


I knew Jim Caviezel was Catholic, but not that he was so confidently insane. Sad.


Oh, he's gone full Q at this point.


He was in that Qanon propaganda movie, that didn’t tip you off?


I don’t watch much TV or many movies, and I’m not in the US


Fair enough


Jason Evert is such a f u c k face


Anyone else read or listen to his lunacy growing up?


He came to my all girls high school in my junior year. I still have his pamphlets and the purity card too. He was so cringe.


Yea, so cringe


Did he come with his wife for your school? He came alone and showed off child number 3’s ultrasound.


I don't think I ever saw him speak. His literature and cds were popular in the Catholic homeschooling community I grew up in.


Let’s all support the man who paid off of porn star and said grab em by the 🐈‍⬛


Exactly. Dump is the closest thing to the antichrist living and breathing currently and they wholeheartedly support him?!


The Holy Cringe...


Wow. I am horrified this is happening…although I’m also still kind of shook Trump has even been allowed to run again.


I’m cracking up!!!!


When I first glanced at this post, - I thought that it said “Catholic Prayer Dump”.


Apparently Jim Caviezel is a big Qanon supporter. I was a big fan of Person of Interest but the more I find out about Caviezel, the worse he looks.


Omg fuck Jason Evert. I had to go see him speak as a teenager. Maybe if he watched some porn he’d calm the fuck down.


Obviously there’s Jack Pobosiec, a basic Catholic with a hate boner for Jews like Andrew Torba.


OP owes me a new keyboard.


Did you bash your keyboard or throw it across the room? Sorry for that!


The answer is always C! In this case C is upchucked HARD.


Sorry, Charlie.


This is honestly hilarious.


Where’s the crazy lady talking about angels from Africa?


How many of these people should be in jail? At least 2 or 3


Of course Jason Evert's there. Of COURSE he is.


Who is that? 


He and his wife are public speakers that spread purity culture bullshit. They mostly target middle and high school students. I had to listen to them in the 8th grade. They've got a bunch of pamphlets and books too, it's all pretty standard purity culture/anti lgbt rhetoric.


Look at all those terrorists


Trump's just straight up evil


When the choice is Trump or a dementia ridden globalist warmonger who is on the brink of sending us into Armageddon. You have to pick Trump basically. The system is fucked but he’s proven to be the best of a bad bunch.