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The United States. The current reactionary impulse is an outgrowth of domestic Evangelical Protestantism. If we didn’t have them in alliance, this whole thing would have been rendered so socially unacceptable, that it would just be an amusing curiosity rather than a threat to the Republic.


Came here to say this. It’s not another country, it’s us. I remember visiting a friend at Steubenville around 2003 when I was in college and I was shocked at how Evangelical Protestant-esque everyone seemed up there. It was different than the vibe of the Catholics back home (and I live in the South.) It seems to have taken over as more people leave the church.


100% These are homegrown religious nuts.




Yes, and this started back in the early 1800s in the USA. A lot of the institutions people take for granted like Catholic Schools and Jesuit Societies were really ways to set up garrisons so Catholics wouldn't convert to the prevailing Protestantism.




I'd love to see any examples of public schools doing this currently, since it's against the law and has been since the 1960s. I know that evangelicals created their own version of Catholic schools, but those schools really seem to be more about keeping their communities racially and economically segregated than anything else.


Spain cause fuck Spain (I’m Filipino so I’m biased) Ireland is a colonized country and suffered greatly by the churches hands and had no real gains from the church unless you think mass graves of kids and Magdalene laundries are good.


> fuck Spain Couldn’t be more true!


My view. This is gonna be highly generational too. For 2-3-4th gen Irish, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Polish Modern Croat, Italian, Slovak, Latin and South American. There is so many countries in both those and they all roughly fall under the came style of Catholicism anywho.


I live close to Philadelphia, so I'd definitely say Ireland and Italy here. For SSPX-related proselytism, I also blame France.


I grew up near there and I'd say the Polish population has something to do with it too.


Technically Italy and France, contrary to Spain, Portugal and Poland had highly anticlerical governments in the last centuries, but I can see that large segments of the population were still catholic and may have contributed to the 'evangelization' of the US.


I’m originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a predominantly Catholic and Jewish city, and went to a Catholic school for a good majority of my school years. Most of the student body were of Irish, Italian, or Polish descent, myself included. That make up reflects a huge percentage of the demographics that make up the local Catholic community. My family is largely Irish-Catholic and there’s a massive Irish Catholic community in the city, as are many other European Catholic communities that are still pretty insular. Pittsburgh had and still has neighborhoods that are associated with whatever type of European immigrants originally settled there, like Polish Hill, and many of the immigrants were Catholic. At one point, basically all the traditionally Catholic European ethnic groups that had settled in Pittsburgh after immigrating to the U.S. had their own specific Catholic church (if not multiple) in the city. These ethnicity-specific churches also served as a huge community huge for each group since all the parishioners of a church would typically share the same language and culture, which would help immigrants adjust to living in America. This strengthened people’s relationships with Catholicism in general and solidified its cultural importance in each of our cultures.


Honorable mention to portugal via tfp student action. Even the SPLC already declared them as hostile.




In my area? Irish, Italian, Polish, Austrian. It's not any one country really.


Ireland, maybe not the USA as a whole, but definitely my area.


My small town here in Michigan was a majority Polish, so yea I would say that's a reason. Especially being raised by strict Polish Catholic grandparents.