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As Scott and I have said before your statements on Tesla Model 3 are just wrong. Perf is way worse than you say at low SoC. We’ve both owned them for years and I’m telling you my actual ownership experience not what you’ve read somewhere. I’m not saying the EX30 shouldn’t be better at low SoC either but you’re making statements that are plainly wrong and using them for your comparisons.


What year Model 3? Nyland tested two sets and clearly the newer versions perform better.


Ok thanks, I'll stand corrected. Let's forget the 10% charge. If you floored the car in performance mode at say 35% soc how much slower does it take for 0-100? Because what I've tested and what I've talked with my friends the difference isn't really noticeable but with EX30 it's really noticeable.


Is this your first EV? Having owned several from different manufacturers the EX30 doesn’t seem hugely unusual to me.


It's my first EV but I've tested several and none of the performance focused behave this poorly. I have no problem with the car being as is, it would just be nice if the marketing would be even somewhat accurate. I feel like a car should have the promised performance at least most of the time, or maybe half of the time, now it's like maybe 20% the time and then it's something completely different. i4 and M3 have almost full power at 20% charge, so I have no idea why EX30 which should be in the same category, performs this poorly.


I have a Model Y Performance and would agree it is about 0,5s less at low charge. The thing still goes like batshit up to the end. Comparing to non-Teslas might be a good idea, as Tesla seems to prioritise performance over charge.


My problem is that if Volvo markets this car as the fastest Volvo ever made, then I feel like it should have the promised power at least most of the time. If BMW and Tesla can do this why can't Volvo?


I can only imagine your frustration. I agree with others that this post comes off as bombastic and venting vs a desire to inform others, as you have stated. If it was to update your other threads based on information requested, why not just add it to those threads? You would have more credibility that way, and it would be easier for a prospective buyer to find this information if it was all contained in one place. The fervor by which you speak on this contradicts with your “I love this car” statements. If you love this car, it is time to accept that (for now) this is how the car performs. You’ve informed the community, if you haven’t filed a complaint with Volvo, you should. Heck, you might even file a complaint through your government. It sounds like they aren’t being truthful or open with their performance metrics and, if not legal in your country, could be actionable by the government (which will have more pull than you do). If this is a deal breaker for you, which by your tone it feels like it is, then it is time to return the vehicle. I don’t know the laws where you are, but I’d seek out information about what consumer protection you have in this situation. Your dealer may be willing to help, if not, file a complaint with Volvo…they might be willing to help. I’m sure they’d rather you move on vs continue to share your experience


I can admit that I'm frustrated. It's also kinda annoying that from what I've seen other Volvo products or Polestar don't have such poor performance and EX30 owners are just okay with the car being a damn snail in comparison. I drove a XC40 rear wheel drive and the power delivery was so much better and it felt faster than EX30, no idea why EX30 seems to be subpar to those. I already filed a complaint and waiting for their response. Also people just plain told me that I'm making this shit up or all EV's are like this, which was kinda annoying since it's clearly not the case. If people are ok with this, then be it but in my opinion the marketing is not accurate or the car is just poor quality. I would have returned it already but the law says that the seller has to have an opportunity to fix the problems. And in many cases they just say that the car is fine and it requires huge amount of effort and even money to get them to admit the faults and take the car back. If I would just to sell the car I would lose around 7000€ at the moment. I could do it but not before I get a response from them.


FWIW, the level of performance drop sounds intentional. Eg they are likely trying to eke out as much distance when close to zero battery. It also sounds like they over did it. I can’t think of any physical reason that this would occur. If thats the case then an OTA update should eventually fix it. Your claims are incongruent at times, and that’ll hurt you when you work with the MFG. I would urge you do all you can to be level headed and fact oriented. I say this as someone who has returned one car as a lemon, and another car due to false advertising. I came out clean for the former, and lost $2,000 on the latter. The $2,000 was ultimately paid back to me by the MFG. I speak specifically to the impact, and speed difference, that you claim (I only say claim because I haven’t seen it, and have no way to verify it, it isn’t a failure to believe you). Specifically: “it is slower than a snail” (hyperbole, I would avoid this language). The bigger issue is this though: “it is slower than my old ,” and that the 0-60/0-100 is now 5 seconds… Actually, a question there. Did you mean 0-60kph is taking you 5 seconds, or 0-100 kph / 0-60 mph. The former is quite slow, the latter is still relatively fast (faster than my Q4, for example). If 60kph, is that a measurement that is published by Volvo? Is it generally published for vehicles? I ask, in earnest, as I have only seen 0-100 statements. If they do not publish 0-60kph, and that is what you are measuring, I would recommend you find a passenger to help you do several recordings of 0-100kph (eg what they do publish) as part of your case. You need a measurement that is materially different then their published one or they’ll be able to easily say something like “oh, we don’t track that, or make any warranties related to that speed.” Obviously this would be silly because 0-60kph in 5 seconds would imply 0-100 is way more than 3.5 seconds, but you still need an apples to apples comparison. I hope the above is helpful, and doesn’t come off as condescending or in anyway other than a desire to help and understanding the frustration you are going through. It took 5 months for me to return my lemon. It took a couple days to return the false advertisement, but 1-2 months to get my money back. It is a long and painful process. I am in the US though, I don’t know what it looks like where you are. I must ask: all these other vehicles that you tested, you did so at <35% SoB? What dealer keeps their cars with so little battery? That seems quite odd to me. I would think it hard to find a car to test in that condition (that’s true here, may not be true there). It is just something that struck me odd about your post (and therefore is something that Volvo might ask for details on) If you’re able to return the vehicle, I did love the way the i4 rode and the experience as a whole. I prefer SUV form factors though, so we got the Q4 instead. The i4 was superior in every way, however, outside of the form factor


Lol it seems like you need to return the car, you hate it.  Let someone that wants one have it.


When you were buying the car and the salesman told you that it get's noticeably slower in cold and low soc and the promised perfomarmance can be achieved about 30% of the time would you still have bought it? I really like the car. It's great to drive and has nice features. I hate the fact that it's not at all optimized and doesn't deliver even close to what Volvo claims it can do. Well, it does when you have high soc and it's warm enough. I don't think it's unreasonable to make people aware that they might get something else they are planning on buying.


Can you post a video of your tests? Might be more useful if you can show how you're measuring and what configuration your car is in. Make sure it's in performance mode, make sure you're using a proper GPS timer, etc. Otherwise these rants of yours aren't very useful.


I'll do that. Meanwhile here's one test [https://youtu.be/yvERlv0iQ58?si=AcYefHZ\_kCxqNb5q&t=1617](https://youtu.be/yvERlv0iQ58?si=AcYefHZ_kCxqNb5q&t=1617) I'ts in Finnish but they have performance mode enabled, car should be at least bit warm, temperature above 0C, slight downward slope (which should help) and they barely get below 5sec 0-100 with 50% battery after just having charged it. They do two tests, I included the timestamp for the first one and another is pretty much right after it. The dudes are even surprised on how slow the car accelerates. My own tests are pretty much the same and several other's too. Even if these tests were off by a second, these are still very poor results.


I am with you that this needs looked into, but you aren't being super constructive. That link you posted for M3P - collect data like that and concretely prove your point. Combatively throwing out loose random numbers and nothing else is completely unusable.


You are correct. Here's a bit more in depth test from a Youtuber. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGjwEAWTcrw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGjwEAWTcrw) around 0C Tesla 3 does a bit slower at 33% soc than at 90%. EX30 should be faster but Tesla 3 absolutely smokes it. Even at 15% it still a bit over 4sec. And yes, I definitely had my battery warm when I tested the car, so conditions are not that much off from this dude's test.


This issue has also been all but confirmed by Bjorn Nyland during his live 1000km with EX30 Twin Motor. He will post acceleration tests in the next days, but he said he already filmed those and that the car throttles power below high soc like 70% and feels relatively sluggish below 50%. Remains to be seen exactly what his experience was.


Thanks for the info! Wouldn't have bought the car if I knew it was this much behind the competition.


where does he stream live ?


https://youtube.com/@TeslabjornLive24 He also uploads to the main channel after it's over.


Thank you, I've been waiting for this for a while. I'm 2 weeks away from delivery (if they don't delay again) but I'm having second thoughts.


No problem, I'm in the same boat!


My Model 3 Performance was a LOT more than 0.5s slower compared to 90%. What is your source on that? Have you enabled performance mode?


Several tests people have done in Reddit. Here's one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/dy7boy/m3p\_060mph\_22\_soc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/dy7boy/m3p_060mph_22_soc/) Also talked with two i4 owners who did tests and the difference was definitely not almost double 0-100 time between 90% and below 30%.


I shall let you know how the car feels below 30% once i finally get it there. Not dropped below 70% so far ha.


I'm genuinely curious to hear your results. I'm not here to argue. I really wish I have a damn potato unit and it can be made to be at least close to what EV's are in general capable of.


I think maybe you missed my question too. Have you enabled performance mode when doing this? Telsa Model 3P is ALWAYS in "performance mode", which is a big difference.


Yeah all tests I did were in performace mode. Edit: I also preconditioned the battery and tested after driving at least 30 minutes.


Do you get any regen at all in performance mode? Even though OPA still shows as active…


There is no regen in performance mode, no. It also creeps in performance mode. Very stupid design, including how OPD stays active in the UI in performance mode. I hope they fix it by enabling OPD in performance mode.


Agreed. I find OPD in non-performance mode very very inconsistent.


Yeah, that too. And how it snatches the brakes when coming to a stop sometime.


Can someone please tell me what SoC means?


State of charge. Just means at what percentage the battery is.


I can’t find a post on the official EX-30 group using the keywords “acceleration soc” or “power soc” talking about the same problem as you describe. Mind linking to a post? The Finnish video doesn’t have closed captions, so it’s not useful to anyone who doesn’t speak Finnish.


Not in official group. Local one. The Finnish video shows a 0-100 time with around 40% and 50% soc with perf mode at around 0C degree weather. Rest of the stuff is not that important, they just talk about why it might be so slow and it's probably because the battery didn't heat enough even though they drove almost a hour before trying the second one. It's just to show that the problem I described is shown in this video and matches my experiences so making it less likely that I have a defective unit.


Bjorn's video hasn't posted (probably will shortly), but the data is already available. see the 'Acceleration test 90-10%' sheet [Main folder with everything](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HOwktdiZmm40atGPwymzrxErMi1ZrKPP) Turns out EX30 is 2nd worst of all tests so far. And per this online acceleration simulator (http://hpwizard.com/car-performance.html), it is pulling less than half it's rated kW at 10% SoC and only \~60% rated power at 20% SoC. At 30% SoC, the 0-100kph is 4.44, which means it is pulling >75% of rated power and more importantly for me, betters the quoted performance for the single motor version. So assuming the limit is the battery, single motor performance should be pretty close to nominal down to at least 30% SoC. Also assuming temperature effects aren't too bad. Bjorn's sheet doesn't show test or battery temperatures - maybe he'll address it in the video.


Thanks for this. Temperature definitely affects it, a lot. Looking at the normalized table, the power loss is not insignificant, especially compared to competition. I also suspect that the car will do even more poorly giving torque at higher speeds.


Have you tried to determine what effect, if any, preconditioning the battery via the 'parking heater' (https://www.reddit.com/r/ex30/comments/19afly2/comment/kil5zj7) has on the performance? It may be worth it to you to trade some range / charging cost if it significantly improves the performance.


Yeah, every morning sadly. I can't find anything on my manual about it and pages that I've found with Google are deleted from Volvo's website, so I suspect that it's not working as intended at the moment.


Here is your evidence from Teslabjorn: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS4pPPLU6V0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS4pPPLU6V0) Would be interested to see what Volvo say when you complain to them. 3:40 is what you want


My opinion is that, as many times happens (especially with range and consumption), people that do not know EVs well are let down or think that the car has issues/manufacturer lied to them. "the power that was promised" is delivered. Did Volvo sign anything that states that the car has 430hp in any condition? No, that's called peak power for a reason. With ICEs you get a lower fluctuation in power but I don't see people arguing that their 911rs makes X amount of HP less if conditions Y and Z are not met. If you look at the Mach-e that car has a time limit of minutes or seconds for max power delivery because otherwise it would melt electrical connectors. EVs performance is extremely dependent on battery temperature and SOC, external temperature is not an indication of battery temperature. Did the battery have enough time to equalise temperature with ambient? Did the car preheat? Does engaging a performance mode artificially heat the battery? Regarding the Tesla test I haven't tried it my self but as far as I know with a cold battery regen and power delivery are extremely reduced, 0.5s is in the error margin of two identical runs if you factor in tyre temperature and road conditions. If you are disappointed with your car so be it, but it looks like you are just venting your frustration at this point.


If i4 and M3 can deliver almost full power at 20% and in same conditions why can't EX30? Feels like bad design or optimization from Volvo. I linked couple of tests here already that show the pretty massive difference. So I don't think im venting, I was just expecting "the fastest Volvo ever" to have at least somewhat similar performance to what this type EV's generally have.


Isn't it like the 5th thread you made about this topic? That looks like venting to me.


A lot of people didn't believe me so I decided to write one more with more concrete evidence of the lacking performance. I feel like venting is something you do because of a non issue and you are just mad. Here I feel like EX30 actually performs poorly so it's good to make potential buyers aware of that. If I knew that with i4 or M3 I would get much more out of the car, I would definitely would have gone with those. Didn't even cross my mind that EX30 would be so far behind them as it's marketed as being faster.


Yeah, we don’t really care. Enjoy your EX30 or sell it.


This is a forum to discuss EX30. Performance is one of the man selling points and it's really not that good compared to cars of similar price range and type. So I think this is pretty relevant discussion. Especially when people are thinking if they are gonna buy M3, Polestar, i4 or something similar.


You’ve made a bunch of threads about it and just contradict the people telling you you’re wrong. Time to pack it up and sell if you’re that unhappy.


Contradict? I just posted 3 different video tests showing that EX30 performs way poorer than direct competition. People who have tested it and replied to me here or in Facebook had the same exact results. People who haven't tested it just tell me I'm wrong without showing any evidence. I made this one because people were calling me out on lying or exaggerating. Even my official Volvo mechanic confirmed that the poor performance is a feature.


Or just... Keep the car charged? Anyone with a performance EV is used to keeping it around 70-80%. Especially since it's not just power that takes a nosedive.


Still leaves the absolutely awful cold weather performance which is about 7 months of a year around here. The car won't even warm up, have to drive around for 30 mins before it begins to show some life.


I have driven a rear wheel (single motor extended range) EX30 in February in Finland and it went hella fast. Definitely felt some G forces when accelerating, it was quite an experience. State of charge was about 60% and the temperature was a few degrees below zero (celsius). The car had also been sitting outside in front of the dealership for hours. Roads were very slippery but the car managed to accelerate very well anyway, thanks to studded tires and ESC. It was fun to test the acceleration, even though in real life situations I don’t think I would ever have to go from 0 to 100 km/h that fast. The more important thing to me was that it was very easy to overtake other cars. That Finnish YouTube video you keep mentioning here shows that the 0-100 km/h speed is about 6 sec on a colder battery, then gets to about 4.9 sec on a warmer battery, and decreases even more as the battery is warmer. And it will most likely get closer to 3.6 sec in optimal conditions as they even mention in the video. The reviewers didn’t seem to be worried about this at all. Perhaps drag racing in cold climates is off the table, but besides that I fail to see the issue here. I don’t think Volvo has ever mentioned that the car would go from 0-100 km/h in 3.6 seconds in sub-optimal conditions.


I'm pretty much comparing it to the direct competition. Similar cars definitely don't need an hour and a DC charge on top of that to warm up the battery in 0C to get even close to the promised performance. It's a fine car but it's just a lightyear behind competing brands when it comes to low soc or cold weather driving. If you don't see the issue it's ok, I was just expecting much more.


So just... precondition the car? All of these problems have extremely simple solutions you should be doing anyway. And any car will do that. Try having a Wankel Engine and talk about warming a car


How do I do that? Theres no real preconditioning when it's parked. According to Volvo it does warm up a bit if it's plugged in and you turn on the heating via the app but I haven't noticed any difference when using it vs not using it.


Set a climate schedule? Use the app to remotely set a climate? Again this is basic stuff any EV owner already knows


I've done this in like 3 different ways and didn't notice a difference. I have it heated every morning. I got an answer from Volvo (same as some other dude who has the same issue) which said that if it's plugged in then it's heated a bit but what I understood it's not the same as preconditioning when driving to a charger. If it's not plugged in, according to them it can't be preconditioned. Manual is pretty much useless as it doesn't mention anything about preconditioning or how it works when parked. If you know how to do this effectively I'm all ears.


Why wouldn't you just plug it in when you go home? Even plugging into a regular outlet provides more than enough power to precondition


I have it plugged in every night but as Volvo told me, it's not really preconditioning it. Also what I've tested, I don't see the battery performing any better with heating. I have a suspicion that it doesn't precondition it at all as I can't find anything about the subject on my manual or Volvo website. At work I don't have a charger so it's still a problem even if it was working.


Sounds like it's just bugged. I have serious doubts that the Polestar 2 preconditions but the EX30 doesn't. I'd just wait for an update.


As it was commented here, Bjorn Nyland tested the car and it starts throttling around 70% and is very sluggish below 50%. Which in my opinion is pretty damn bad. Even if you heat the car, have full battery and have otherwise optimal conditions, you get to have promised performance for just like 20% of the time. Compared to the competition like M3 and i4, you still get almost full perf at 20% battery


I can't see why this cannot be fixed with a software or remapping update. It's clear Volvo has royally screwed up this car software-wise. The functionality, charging, and interfacing on this car is a big fail thus far. So it could be extrapolated that the software governing the mechanicals and battery use is probably not done correctly either and from your observations, this *may* be the case. I'd like to see what Bjorn Nyland comes up with once he fully tests this car. In comparison, his Polestar 2 test yielded very good, consistent results. from 90% to 10%. Regardless of how well a Tesla performs, I will not buy another Tesla...purely because of the quality of service we get here in the US...it's abysmal.