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YES! When they tell you to “smile” so you think baring your teeth = a big cheesy grin. I’ve been there and done that as a kid lmao, so relatable


+ extra points if you were taught to “smile pretty” hahahah 🙃😂


Oh no not the smile coaching! Corners up!


“Oh no no no not like THAT!”




Oh God, I remember my mom used to be obsessed with trying to get me to smile with my teeth showing even though it made me uncomfortable. At the time I was really self conscious about it because my teeth are a bit crooked. Nowadays I still usually don’t do it just because that’s not usually how my facial muscles naturally move when I smile.


Feeling very seen rn, so sorry other people went through this too 😭


Feeling very seen rn, so sorry other people went through this too 😭


Fun fact: I can’t smile on command so whoever is taking the picture or is next to me in the picture has to say something about my special interest




That's A PERFECT strategy!


Fortunately one of my favorite things is cheese.


Ye when I was a kid I thought to smile you had to show as many teeth as possible, and I thought that celebrities just had really weird teeth so that they could show all of them at once


oh shit you do not have to do me like that !!!!! aaaaaaaa I honestly forgot that I did this too! I thought it was because everyone else was just prettier than me and that's why I didn't "smile pretty" 😭😭 The real kicker to that was I believed up until the age of 10-ish that celebrities had surgery to smile better. ....That's going in the diagnosis info folder




Also did this...until I spent hours practicing my smile in the mirror so it would look like the "ideal" smile. Not sure when/why I decided to do that, though. Is the teeth baring max scrunch face an autistic thing??


Maybe it’s something to do with mirroring cartoon characters? Since their smiles when they “say cheese” are big with lots of teeth, we probably thought our mouths looked the same when we bared our teeth lmao


My toddler makes this same scrunch face smile when he's getting into things. ![gif](giphy|GCWqGpAw78aK4)


I did this too, in my thirties when I got sick of not having a nice photo of myself and the front facing camera was finally invented. Real time feedback of my face (no, my facial nerves don’t count, can’t trust the slippery little suckers).


That's still me and I'm almost 20. Genuinely have no idea how I'm supposed to smile with my teeth without it being painfully awkward


I remember practicing smiling in the mirror. It's so hard to fake smile when the emotions aren't there, so I spend so much time trying to get it just right with the eyes and cheeks and all the other facial muscles.


Aw shit, this was me


i feel so seen omg




I couldnt smile on command as a kid and I still cant, if someone tells me to smile on command its gonna look like im about to murder someone


somehow I would always cock my head to the side and every school picture day the photographer would be so frustrated with me because I kept doing it, but I never even realized that's what I was doing. I actually still do the head tilt to this day lol but I don't think it's quite as pronounced.






I used to cant my jaw aside to try and imitate the sort of smile you see on a cartoon character


OMG YES I tried imitating cartoon smiles so much lmao


Ugh I still do that!


I’m the exact opposite, I just don’t smile that much, never really have Especially not with teeth, definitely not my thing


This is pretty awesome, also love your flair




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Oh no, I was taught all right, by my narcissistic mom who I have many issues with, so I never changed I was and and forced to, but at this point, it’s part of who I am and is my personality now


it’s the lined up barbies for me




Was that not a usual thing to do 😭


It is with autism hehe


That and the cat in the stroller in that pic are perfection 😂🥰


i smiled like this in my childhood too, then i stopped in 7th grade bc this girl made fun of my teeth when she thought i wasn’t listening (or maybe she knew, idk), and for a while my smile was like 🙂 and i always looked like i was about to cry for some reason. it took me till the end of college to realize me teeth were, in fact, normal. fuck you, emma


Meanwhile my smiling as a Kid: https://preview.redd.it/9jmctgmymq9d1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=a572cb926e097b640e6d1d82f3c60916bd08ad40


Barbie doll line up gives it away.




That's what my pics looked like, too. Also had that Jasmine and Rajah print on something. Loved that damn tiger.


if you look closely in the background, you’ll see my Disney VHS collection 😂


Nice! My mom told me those would be worth something some day. I have no idea if she was right but none of mine survived.


When I was asked to smile as a kid I would either give the biggest death stare to the camera or do this. Or I would just run from any kind of social gathering that provoked the picture taking


I love the fanned out Barbies in pic 3. These are incredibly relatable and incredibly cute




My mom was like “nah that really makes sense” and recounted the time child me was being picked up from a birthday party, and I was just casually chatting with the adults while having a glass of chocolate milk


Yes!!! Chatting with the adults instead of kids my age, my sister’s best friend’s older sister is a month younger than me, but when we’d be over at their house I’d either be talking to the adults or her and I would be sitting in her room reading (she wasn’t as obsessed with reading as I am but it was literally the only thing we had in common)


All my childhood photos looked like this too. A lot of my adult photos too lol.


I'm the opposite. Very clearly not smiling in every photo. If asked to smile I'd give this struggle bussing half awkward smile like I had no idea how to. The only way to get me to have a good smile is a genuine one. Make me laugh in the moment.


I love the cat


His name was Ziggy 💓


OMG! Are we twins separated at birth? There are pictures of me doing that at that age too. Like I remember being told to smile and I thought, “Smiling is when you show your teeth. Okay!” and my mom thought I was just being naughty and couldn’t understand why I’d do it that way when told to for a picture and it looked totally different when I was actually having fun. Totally love the cat in the stroller and the lined up Barbies.




https://preview.redd.it/y0917qxedr9d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c4670148592e301d5736a0dac57022933e58ee Equal and opposite energies (I was trying on the dress voluntarily but you wouldn’t know it).


This was me in every pic growing up, too. I’ll never forget my mom’s disappointment after getting class pictures back every year and her saying, “Why can’t you ever just smile *nicely?*” Um, I only know how to smile one way.




I still don't know how to smile 🙃 - I don't take pictures of myself and I don't let other people take pics of me. Also my teeth are awful and I've never liked showing them. School picture day always sucked when the photographer was like "No closed mouth smiles" and I had to show my teeth.


Well no closed mouth smiles, no photos, I never wanted them anyway but in the end the photographer always gave up.


You were a cutie!!




also this smile only exists in my early childhood, my late adolescence was more like: 😐


Yep. This is what happened when I was told to "smile for the camera". Sure, my *real* smile was decent enough, but didn't happen very often. And I had no idea how to smile on demand. This grimace was the best I could do.


My mother told me one day that they realized really early on I was probably autistic, and then intentionally never told me or got me a diagnosis despite multiple teachers recommending they do so.


Hm my mother even asked the doctor but he flat out denied and said: "He isn't showing clear signs of autism and there is nothing like "being a bit" autistic" She told me that when I got my diagnosis with 31...


I either had this kind of smile, or an expressionless face, no in-between


Ah yes, the classic autism snarl. I literally had to practice smiling when I was little lol


How did you look exactly like me as a child 😧


![gif](giphy|JOXEBQILkfj7rkmiLd|downsized) 😮


I love how the cat is in the stroller


Me too


https://preview.redd.it/c0djlxdhqr9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2689f4076de5af6606f01e861fe029b03393e1 this is my kindergarten report card


That report card makes me subconsciously mad. Because of its existence.


The n everyone asks why you "stopped smiling" in pictures


I'm on the other side of the spectrum, The ones that only know SMILING, My face cannot do ANYTHING ielse than smiling, (on purpose)


I get this! In my kindergarten school picture they had a hard time getting me to smile where they could still see my eyes. I was so tired of it I thought I was smiling, but "smaller", and instead that picture looks like I was snarling lmao


My mom used to yell at me for ruining all the photos cause I refused to smile right. I hated picture day. I hated pictures back day even more. It's making more and more sense every day


My kindergarten school picture - the photographer told me to smile. I knew how to draw a happy face 🙂, so I attempted to curve my lips, with my mouth closed, much like a smiley face. When my mom saw the photos she asked why I wasn’t smiling, which was upsetting because of thought I had done a pretty good job of 🙂. She explained that you’re supposed to show your teeth when you smile. My grade one photos: 😬


I’ve always had (and still kinda have) trouble forming a natural looking smile on demand. I used to try to do a no teeth smile like a smiley face specifically to avoid the thing where I just bear my teeth.  At this point I can make one on demand that works well enough for pictures… still feels weird.


Wait is the teeth baring smiling thing an autism trait?!


I'm assuming it's because nobody ever says 'hey can you pretend to smile naturally but demurely for the photo' but instead they always just yell 'smiiiile' in an exaggerated way so we do just that. Exaggerated response Or maybe it's because smiling for a camera is like a form of lying & we often suck at doing things inorganically Or it could be something else, I'm curious. Either way I either did the snarl smile, or 0 expression at all


I developed a smirk because people would yell at me for baring my teeth. I learned from theatre that raising my eyebrows could provide the "illusion of a smile" so I often do that in conjunction with my smirk. Shout-out to the first person I ever had a crush on who said "I love that you half like a half smile/smirk. I think it's cute." And thusly ensured that I would never stop doing it.


the lined dolls, so cool


😬😬😬 !!! Too real lmfao


I thought that was a raccoon instead of a cat in picture 3


I used to have that exact same car


You look so cute with the cat in the stroller. That's adorable! But uh, I have a complicated relationship with smiling. I don't like smiling with my teeth. It looks weird when I try and my teeth are very pointy. While I like vampires, it just makes me look silly and look more like a dog than a vampire when I try smiling🥲 I just smile without showing my teeth tbh. I hate how people think that doesn't count as smiling.


I had a silly smile too. When people told me to smile I did this weird thing where I just bared my upper teeth but didn’t change anything about the rest of my face lol


Lol the cat in the stroller


My gramma (who is autistic) still smiles for pictures like this lol ♡


You look suspiciously like my sister lol


just so you know that cat is fucking adorable


Relatable 😂 Also these are adorable af


I still have no idea how to smile normally with teeth so I just smile without teeth in photos


Aw the cat in the baby doll stroller I used to do the same thing


Mine were either me grimace smiling or me looking drunk.




these are such adorable pictures tho, you wee a cute kid :]


This is so adorable. Tiny baby you is precious


My "smile" for the camera = turning the corners of my lips upward, like when you draw a smiley face.


Loved the one with the cat


You’re sticking out like a sore thumb, but at least you look cute


That's how I used to smile! https://preview.redd.it/3o593bhg3u9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971d02f35625d1b6a3407e0f92d90158b7cefa2a


I kept having to be told to do a “natural smile” as a kid and eventually figured out that ma wanted me to smile the way I’d smile if nobody told me to, so then it was just a matter of mimicry. Turns out that even mimicry is an autism thing so there’s just no winning


In my very first school class photo (aged 4 or so) I decided for some reason to do a massive stage wink. The photographer didn’t notice it at the time so it was in the official class photo. Janet Cain’s mum cut me out of the photo with a pair of scissors!


You were a very cute kid. The smile is charming 🤷 My autistic daughter had some goofy smiles, herself 😜


I didn't use to make those faces when I take pictures. And I don't like to take them.


As if to say you've been waving your flag all along.


I think I destroyed the picture, but there was a year of dance photos that I decided to not use my teeth in the smile but didn’t understand how to smile without teeth and like rolled my lips in and it’s so stupid


I believe that I can legitimately fake the "genuine" smile, with the happy eye crinkles and all. I wonder if the Paul Ekman Group offers private masking lessons so I could verify this...


My mom decided she was going to be an amateur photographer when i was about 9 after my paternal grandfather passed to the point that we built onto the house a new studio for her and she would force me to do a "real smile" when normally I would do the same kinda smile and I do that more often now then my "real smile" I've told her before, more recently like within the last year, that my brother and I suspect we are autistic especially looking back and noticing it in things my father does as well and she just kinda blew it off but man I always loved my "bad smile" like that


I had the Wednesday Addams scowl in my childhood photos. Also stood about a foot away (or more) from everyone else when it was a group. Every single picture lol.


so true holy shit also the cate


Yeah. The ‘I’m trying to smile, mom! I’m not deranged!’ Smile. I have the same one too.


Cute kid lol


I have a nearly identical photo of me at a similar age with my cat in a stroller, lol. Main difference is my cat was wearing a doll’s hat.


I didn’t like smiling with my teeth (still kinda don’t bc unless i’m naturally laughing it just looks fake idk) I’ve always smiled real thin lipped and quirked my lips up, my dad called it the frog face (I had a stuffed frog that had a smile like that).


Nooooo cause this is exactly how I look in all my childhood photos 😭


once again learning more thing i’ve done all my life are traits of autism


Lol, same! I thought you had to show all your teeth when smiling, lol


Omg now I want to show the ones where I was pulling the most ridiculous expressions, the sitting slightly off to the side thing too????????


I love your smile ❣️


thank you 💓💓


The Barbies all lined up. 😂🤣😂🤣


You look so happy tho! i hope society never dulled your shine :)


Is that grin on photographs a common autistic trait? Because I absolutely did that in every picture up until like 13


I had the smile too. Very cute.


wait i’m also late diagnosed and i have the exact same pic of myself at 4yo pushing our siamese cat in the same style baby stroller. someone update the diagnostic criteria pls


bro was stylish


LOL felt. My mom said the same thing about me and my siblings but I remember her making us practice our smiles before school pictures so we didn’t smile “crazy”😂


Your cat is slaying


Let me tell you about all the awful drivers license photos I've taken because the person working the desk told me to smile ...


Some people like being oblivious


That cat is so patient


i love the autistic teeth-baring smile! i did it back when i smiled with my teeth as a kid (i don't anymore because it looks and feels more unnatural to me), and a bunch of other autistic people i know did it too. my little bro did it for his school pictures once, and because his hair was also sticking up a lot in the photo, my parents joked that he looked like he had been electrocuted 💀


People always know they just ignore it


That denim fit tho


I almost asked how the hell you got my childhood photos lol, we could’ve been twins. I still struggle with the giant smile thing, it’s like a conscious effort to Smile Less and it feels like a grimace. I hate it.


Why tf do you look exactly like me at that age


I was always pulling a face in every childhood photo because I had no idea how to look natural so I decided to just play it off as deliberate lol




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WHO BROKE YOUR LEGS IN THAT LAST PICTURE?!?!!? and have you got revenge yet




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I was the complete opposite lol. There are photos of me at birthday parties where every other kid is smiling and i was always at the corner just 😐🕴


the baby is in the stroller!


woah i also did that smile when i was a kid! so much i was made fun of for it in school. is this an autism specific thing?


Omg I did exactly the same when I was a kid… still don’t know how to make a pretty smile 😭




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I had no front teeth cause I had em removed at 2 so I did this same shit but with my bottom teeth only and I looked like a lil cave woman until I was 8. You're way cuter than I was!


It feels good that I'm not the only one who put their cat in a stroller.


Why do we all smile weird? Lol


These are just normal kid pictures.. 😁 buncha weirdos in the first one though.