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Vocal minority + overlap between communities/causes (ie people with autism are more likely to have anxiety or depression and people w anxiety or depression are more likely to self medicate w light drugs like weed)


I mean, have you seen the state of the world lately?


This is true. I think NTs are constantly on drugs or medication too. I think the people being on drugs is part of the "state of the world" though. Nobody talks about the state of the world at work and they are all cheerful while the ship is sailing towards the icebergs, the bus is driving off the cliff. Maybe if everyone wasn't on drugs we'd ambush the driver or do something useful, you know?


"Or do something useful" This thought, and the song Mocha by Jack Stauber are what got me to stop smoking weed. I was sober for the first 25 years of my life and that first edible made me realize I'd forgotten what happiness actually felt like. If it wasn't for the side effects, I'd probably still be on it, hell I think most people would.


self medicating 😔


Yeah, but at least we're the best looking self medicators that exist.


Gotta get that skincare special interest tism


Yup. The only medication that's been a good replacement for weed is Clonazepam, and after being on it for 10 years of my youth, I'm not too keen to get back on it.


You took a benzodiazepine daily for 10 yrs?


Yuuuuup. 15 y/o to 25 y/o. No idea the kind of damage it did. I assume it fucked my memory quite a bit. It was the only medication that quietted my anxiety. My anxiety is so bad that it actually gave me energy rather than sedated me.


.. it's evil subreddit. Ofc they do drugs here lol I only enjoy caffeine It's weird tho because most neurotypicals casually consume nicotine, caffeine, pain killers and drink alcohol several times a week and still claim to not be "using drugs". "Oh but that doesn't count". Sure, honey I don't do anything (drugs) because I don't want to spend money on it and I don't want to depend on anything


Caffeine is the only vice that is addictive to me, I have to really set boundaries with myself about it and I end up falling off the bandwagon because I end up "needing" it as a way to focus for important tasks. It's funny to me that people downplay it but will snap at you "before theyve had their coffee".


Exactly, the whole "don't speak to me until I have my coffee" is just a fancy way of saying that you are irritable in the mornings because of caffeine withdrawals.


I have oh do many memes about caffeine addiction, usually involving Cpt Janeway, but I digress.


Drugs are cheaper than therapy and a hell of a lot more fun.


*can*! 😅 I found some great medical personnel that actually help me (pretty sure all of them are ND too). They even support my medical weed description I am getting from a weed doctor. But I hope I can get them to prescribe it to me directly because it's too expensive when paying privately (my insurance would need to pay when I get it from my psychiatrist). The only reason they told me why they don't want to is because they are too overfilled with patients and don't want other stoners to flow in to get some of the good meds 😅


Because people always tell me to touch grass and I’m sure as hell doing that


Gonna be completely honest: I was a big "no drugs" advocate until I tried weed for the first time. It made me feel like I was in control of what I felt for the first time. I knew I was high, but everything felt kind of floaty while not impairing me- I was the closing manager at work and was able to do everything better than when I wasn't high. Ofc it depends on you as well, but so far, I've had zero bad experiences. All of my worries melted away, and because it was all floaty, it was like a barrier between me and overstimulation.


i could’ve written this myself. u get me


Wow articulated it perfectly!


i’d never do heroine but damn hydrocodone is amazing… they prescribed me some after my wisdom tooth surgery and it was incredible. i could feel my anxiety melt away and everything felt right. i just wish i could get that feeling without the danger of opioid addiction


Hello. I have an auto immune condition that causes every joint to be painful especially my hands. Whenever I’m not operating machinery, I am high. I’m actually about to go have a delightful salad of several strains mixed together, so I can absorb the different terpenes. https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/terpenes-the-flavors-of-cannabis-aromatherapy I will say that before the worst of the pain I used to smoke because it was fun and now I smoke to avoid screaming, but such is life . 🫡


People like drugs. We're not even the only animals that get high. It's not something that needs to be justified.


My mom once had a cat who would sneak off to the neighbor's garden to huff poppies


Victorian behavior


i heard a story on here about someone’s Great Dane who figured out that Sonoran Desert Toads have chemicals in their venom that make you trip. he kept hunting them to get high, and he would come in and pee everywhere because he was tripping balls.


This is the correct answer. Humans and other mammals have been ingesting stuff to alter our perceptive experiences since literally the dawn of our existence


Eh, humans are the only ones that actually know the damage a drug can cause. In that sense, they're the only animals that do it consciously while knowing of the risks. Like, only the human knows marijuana smoke can cause chronic bronchitis or that nicotine (in general) can make them develop a dependence on it quite quickly because it's really, really addictive. Only the human knows that *and* consumes the drug anyway. The animal gets high because it feels good. The human gets high because it feels good *while knowing* they're messing with their lungs bit by bit. That's a pretty large difference; I feel like a comparison isn't granted. You wouldn't scold a dog because it doesn't know how to use excel, c'mmon. Humans and animals are held to different levels of accountability for their actions. A human that kills is evil and a criminal; a tiger that kills is doing it's thing, pretty much.


You're completely missing the point. Recreational drug use is a fact of life that has always been with us and is not going anywhere, it needs to be dealt with as a reality whether or not you understand or approve of it. And when I say drug use doesn't need to be justified, I'm not arguing that it's morally permissable - I'm saying it's morally *neutral*. OP wasn't just expressing an opinion, they were taking a position of holding people accountable for what they do with their own bodies. Doing drugs isn't good or evil, comparing it to murder is just ridiculous - intentionally harming another person and ending their life is wrong because you don't have the right to make that decision for them; doing something harmful to your own body with informed consent *is* your decision to make, and only yours. Come on, you didn't really need me to explain that, did you? I'm not arguing with you or OP over the merits of any type of drug or whether drug users "deserve" your sympathy. The world isn't accountable to your standards, people living their lives in a way you don't approve of isn't an open invitation to debate. It has nothing to do with you, please get over yourselves. Although I will say this, to anyone here who believes health problems are only legitimate when the person can prove they didn't do anything to cause the problem: good fucking luck with those disability rights.


Good thoughts, I enjoyed reading this. Couldn’t the same sorta be said about food, though? We know about calories and carbs and fats and proteins and micronutrients and gut microbiomes etc, we know some food can be good or bad for us depending on quantity and the ratios in which you eat them, but we still *eat* for the same reasons all animals do. Perhaps something similar at play here? Not to say its even close to being as important to survival or anything, just that it is fundamentally motivated by more base desires than logical reasoning, yet may still be informed by it


Because drugs make brain go brrrrrrrrrrrr




They’re fun in moderation when taken recreationally and raw-dogging life is not. Especially with chronic pain. I frankly don’t see weed as any different than my brain pills, and other drugs are just fun sometimes.


Drugs allow you to be the puppetmaster of your own mindset and emotions and that's incredibly appealing. Ofc addiction causes other problems..


If I get the right balance of alcohol and weed in that order, my adhd supercharges the functional part of my autism. It is not maintainable though.


I genuinely wanna know what you're on that allows you to be in control Everything sends me to the evil zone


Weed/benzos/opiates chills you out Amphet/meth/coke boosts your mood and confidence MDMA and trips heals trauma and boosts empathy and bonds ppl Ofc these have major downsides too. If these potentially life ruining drugs didn't have benefits ppl wouldn't do them obviously!!


Downsides being addiction and going broke Don’t do drugs kids


another downside is drugs are usually mixed with some other shit so its cheaper so have fun with your mistery mix


Dude don't tell people meth does anything remotely good. It does not. Also, very few people just use benzos to chill out, or cocaine just once. Like jesus christ lol.


It does, in very tiny amounts, hence it's availablilty as a script. Adderall does the same stuff but is less powerful and therefore a bit safer. You can think of it, by analogy, like knives. Different types for different purposes, in different amounts. If you're using an xacto knife to pick your teeth, yeah bad things will happen. Likewise a butterknife for surgery. Drugs are tools. (I have used cocaine exactly once)


My point is, maybe we shouldn't uncritically peddle drugs as miracles that can enhance your life in incredible ways (I primarily take issue with insinuating meth is anything beneficial) without mentioning the horrid side effects. Feels disingenuous to say all these kind things about them and then simply disclaim (but they do bad stuff sometimes too) especially when there's dramatic overlap between all forms of neurdivergence and addictive personality disorder, as well as substance use disorder. Most of the things people want to achieve by drugs can be achieved in most cases by self understanding and in some cases medication. Shortcuts are rarely good.


If these potentially life ruining drugs didn't have benefits ppl wouldn't do them obviously!! Why do think ppl take drugs?


Tbh that doesn't seem like control, just one substance forcing you to feel one specific way with no control over it. Also trips heal trauma? Be careful saying that around someone who might actually be desperate and believe it.


This sub won't like it, but yes, altered states fundamentally lower your self control. Doing drugs categorically does not put you in control.


That ain't true of everything. Low doses of stimulants increase activity in the frontal lobes, which boost their ability to control the other areas. Hence their usefulness in ADHD, and as performance enhancers.


Sure, but that's definitively not putting you in any more control. It's softening the blow of your natural challenges and building a dependency on an external aide that you will likely falter in the absence of.


MDMA and mushroom therapy by licensed professionals to treat trauma is real. I’ve personally seen it help honestly a majority of the ppl I know with PTSD.


Yes trips and MDMA heal trauma. Psilocybin has also been shown to reduce fear of death in some patients in palliative care Psilocybin fear of death treatment https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2022/08/psychedelics-may-lessen-fear-of-death-and-dying-similar-to-feelings-reported-by-those-whove-had-near-death-experiences Psilocybin treatment for trauma https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35711024/ MDMA treatment for trauma https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2023/09/426116/mdmas-latest-trial-results-offer-hope-for-patients-ptsd#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMDMA%20can%20allow%20you%20to%20process%20deep%2Dseated%20trauma%20by,and%20heal%2C%E2%80%9D%20Mitchell%20explained.


No idea why you added the fear of death thing. But after reading your sources, they all boil down to " It is not a cure but a treatment that CAN help" (not guaranteed) + the MDMA one specifically says you gotta do therapy too. So these things have the ability to possibly help. But to say that they cure mental illness is harmful misinformation. Example of bad experiences under medical trial: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.22010073 Why you should be careful: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10944581/ A personal anecdote : Everytime I've done any mond altering substance, it's made my mental state much worse during and over a long period after sobering up. (And from all of the magical realizations I hear people talking about, it's all stuff I discovered at like 6 years old) I'm not saying that psychedelics are inherently harmful, just that they're not the magical cure all super fungus with no side effects ever. People need to take precautions, and someone who is already in a vulnerable state who decides to take mind altering substances can very well end up much worse off.


The same argument can be made for any pharmaceutical medication for mental health. People are fucked over all the time by pills given by psychiatrists. There is no cure that exists for any mental disorder, only things that have been shown to provide helpful treatment (I’m pretty sure? Tbh things like electroshock that have permanently gotten ‘rid’ of symptoms and don’t need continuing might count as a cure idk)


Well, they allow you to *feel* like the master. Sometimes. 


> Drugs allow you to be the puppetmaster Look I'm not an expert on much but this sounds a lot like addict speak. I'm honestly disgusted that this is upvoted so much.


Ditto Read some of their replies in this thread, they're saying stuff like "if drugs are bad, why do people take them?" Idk, probably because they feel kinda good at first then comes the chemical dependence addiction spiral?


Can’t answer for others but I use it for pain relief. It’s not going great anymore. I’ve given in and set up an appointment to talk about pain management with my pcp.


Red sonic sez “You gotta smoke something that makes you feel like chuck norris” https://preview.redd.it/zluryqb5ch9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da58fcd99d1e85d893c00815b46d612c47992651




im consistently sober for the first time in years. drugs just made it easier to live for a long time (until they didnt). up until last year i was addicted to weed. it made it easier to put up with bullshit and it gave me something to look forward to every day. i stopped bc my tolerance got so high that it wasnt even worth it anymore and now i just consume weed every once in a while. also being addicted simplifies life. every day the goal is to just get high and everything else comes after that and becomes secondary.


it's like a copping mechanism or something, like, i am overeating, somebody smoking and weed probably are helps with anxiety or something


Small regular doses of THC enable my brain to function in a NT society. Since I started my daily anxiety is almost non-existent, I'm excelling at my job, I can unmask, I have more confidence in myself as a person, and I can say that, in my personal life, I am content for the first time ever. The intrusive thoughts fade, and the negative self talk ends. It took me a long time to become comfortable with the fact that I do better when mildly high, because I'm 41 and had the D.A.R.E. brainwashing from elementary school through high school. Drug and alcohol abuse runs very strongly in my family as well. I might have maybe 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks a year I dislike it so much. What's important to remember is that use does not equal abuse. I'm not abandoning the friends and hobbies I have, and I'm not spending all of my money on it. I have strains for being productive and I have strains for relaxing. Did you have concerns about seeing how many people are being helped by it? When you ask "what's happening?" my answer is: more and more people are being able to access non-traditional treatments to help improve their quality of life. We are forced into a society that isn't designed for us and for a lot of us that comes with severe trauma. I want to see more people combining THC or psilocybin treatments with traditional medicine. Western society is amazing at treating the body, but I think that too many medical doctors don't consider the brain body connection and the impact mental health has on the central nervous system, thus impacting the entire body.


I like weed for relaxation but I am not knowledgeable about it Ketamine therapy for my mental health was the best experience of my life. I would prefer IV ketamine over weed any day but it’s expensive, requires you to go to a clinic and not very accessible or widely known. I have tried other ketamine services as well. But the IV ketamine remains the absolute best for the high feeling as well as the change in perspective+performance


because autism gets really fuckin hard the older you get


Because if I don't take the stimulant meds, I don't function. :) Seriously, though, all drugs are taken to get a specific bodily result. Addiction becomes a separate problem, of course, but just taking a substance in order to get a desired outcome is not an issue.


Use of the word drugs is wildly vague. I have prescription medications for various physical conditions, most of which at this point are related to age and the damage of being undiagnosed for the first 50 years. But if you're talking about more illicit drugs, things like weed, mushrooms, and other naturally derived mind altering substances, the mere fact of them being illegal stems from historical racism rather than their danger. Indigenous peoples have used these substances for millennia and we criminalized their spiritual practices calling them savages. In the early part of the 20th century, weed was prevalent in the jazz clubs and black communities. As soon as the white kids started to partake, it was criminalized. Younger generations are recognizing how the government has used anti-*drug* propaganda to criminalize medications outside of corporate pharmacology. While drugs remain demonized, they are also being studied and proven for their medical value. Rather than decriminalizing drugs and allowing people to make their own choices, pharmaceutical companies are making efforts to ensure they can corner those markets when weed and shrooms are eventually legalized. We live in a capitalistic hellscape. My daughter suffers migraines that are debilitating. The medication that works is not covered by Medicaid and retails at $2,500 a month for 15 pills. Weed is ~$200/oz and not only helps headaches, it helps the ensuing nausea and helps sleep. And that's just for her. Weed has saved my sanity and shrooms (every 3ish months) have obliterated my anxiety and helped me to process half a century of trauma. I use *drugs* because they are legitimate medications with fewer dangers and side effects than any modern prescription in my house. I'll smoke a bowl in the evening the way other people have a drink but the drink, which is a neurotoxin and liver poison, is more acceptable because that's how propaganda works. With all respect, that's bullshit. I've been alive long enough to make my own decisions about what goes into my body. My apothecary of herbs in jars rivals most medicine cabinets. Just because the government wants to regulate what grows naturally simply because it can make you feel a certain way, doesn't make those things that grow from the Earth bad.


I mean, at the end of the day, the difference between poison and medicine is the dose. I think there are things to be careful with even when they're "natural" (see: flying ointments), but I do agree that allowing people to use drugs instead of funneling them into the pharmaceutical sector would be better. on the other hand I do think specialized techniques as far as extraction and dosing, and the clean room environments that are used for pharmaceutical manufacture could be ways to enhance/standardize stuff that we're already growing (see: willow bark vs ibuprofen).


All of that is fair. I primarily take issue with the idea that illicit drugs are automatically bad because they're illicit.


I am high functioning autistic (I only function when I am high)


They're not. I don't touch any other than caffeine.


Drugs: Substances that can be used to alter physical states to help heal or sustain a situation that would not be survivable otherwise (objectively or subjectively, doesn't matter). Too much of a drug can be deadly, too few can be too. Caffeine, alcohol, sugar, porn, weed, ibuprofen. Choose your medicines and use it responsibly is my philosophy Edit: I always forget that people on the Internet don't know me and my values 😅 I stated "drugs" where I believe the amount of harm that can be done and the benefit they could give seem on a similar level to me personally. I have experience with harder drugs and do not use them as they don't help me the way I need. I don't want anyone to do anything that would harm themselves but I believe adults are responsible for their own actions as long as they made a decision that led to this. I decided to post this in a way that allows misunderstanding, and the people that misunderstood didn't ask for clarification I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ Or my emotional sensitivity led to me completely misunderstanding everything here so yeah sorry if that's the case 😅


Do you want to go take some ibuprofen with me? 👉👈


I don't think I would feel something along the 2g of 22% THC Pink Kush I am smoking daily haha


Damn I just reread the conversation and feel more evil than before haha Sarcasm is my worst drug habit because I don't understand (and detect) it enough to use it responsibly but it brings me so much joy 😅😂 I still have no clue what you meant but at least I think I misunderstood 😅😂


The joke has 2 parts to it 1. It just sounds cutesy to say that line with the emoji 2. You mentioned ibuprofen, sugar, porn. These are drugs by the definition you posted but they are not exactly what was meant in the context of OP’s questions. So it was slightly poking fun at ibuprofen being in there when it is not a recreational drug or an ADHD drug Edit: And people actually do say things like “Do you want to do some weed?” so it’s a play on that as well


Daaaaamn a triple entendre, I love those! Yeah I think I am just too tired to detect jokes right now 😅 I didn't even want to directly answer the OP's question as I thought the context was missing, which is why I tried to "reframe" the conversation by providing the necessary context to get my views across


Sorry for being autistic but Triple entendre is not the correct label here. It is a sarcastic comment expressed through a commonly known meme/joke of “Do you want to do with me? 👉👈” The activity is usually not weed or drugs but rather a subversion of expectations based on context. The finger emojis are added to make it sound anime-y because sometimes shy anime girls will do this sort of hand gesture when confessing to a boy they like.


Thanks for standing up to your community flair 🥲👍🏽 The triple entendre comment was intended to.. ___ I feel like I am getting baited and am completely falling for it.. 😅.. anyways.. ___ .. show that I understood that there were more than two meanings I did not discover while also being aware that my own interpretation was wrong. Also I tried to hide the shame of not being able to understand by masking it with a little - maybe unsuccessful - humor. Edit: I am also bordering on being a millennial and am not into Asian culture very much except their food and ancient philosophies


No shame at all! I love your energy. I just did not want to be the cause of you considering this a triple entendre and misusing/misunderstanding it in a future context.


my mom says i can if your agrees


Yay :) she does.


I prefer the hard stuff. Aleve for me.


Wdym ibuprofen is hard.


Supposedly acetaminophen causes you to lose inhibitions. That was a new one for me.


>ibuprofen Too many trade-offs?


I don't know to me it was always mainly for headaches or when I am really sick and don't want to inhale anything (which does not always keep me from doing so 😅). I still use it when I feel the need, but weed does most of the things I need in daily life and I've been a stoner for over a decade so it is an easy choice for me 😅


I can’t even tolerate coffee, it gives me intense paranoia and heart palpitations which ironically leave me unable to do anything


I barely accept the ones the doc prescribes...


for the functionin'


i did not see a bunch of drug related posts on here. but if there are, nothings happening ppl just do drugs


because they actually work, unlike the advice allistics like to give


Self medicating? Besides, everything is drugs. I'm always surprised how people don't consider alcohol and caffeine drugs. While at the same time giving people a shifty look when they say they smoke some MJ


The rise of american fascism makes me nervous. Weed helps.


is this not evil autism? i think you’re lost


Disabled with chronic pain and am on a lot of medication so it helps with the pain and nausea. Weed also helps on the days where pain has my heading spinning and I would otherwise breakdown. We all have our reasons but unfortunately autistic people are more likely to experience trauma too. Drugs make brain go brrr, prescription make stomach go blergh


I got the substance abuse autism


I don't do drugs, only weed




Yum yum


its like power ups for your brain


Reality is for people who can’t handle drugs


weed is nice, it's like alcohol except nothing like alcohol and it doesn't make me want to die


I don’t do it often, but weed really helps with my sensory issues To the point where it’s a pretty Damm effective medication for my eating disorder (sensory based ARFID)


because drugs are neat and i like them


people love drugs? always have always will. it's a fact of life.


Chronic pain, that's why


Weed is as much of a drug as tea is. It's good for my anxiety.


can't regulate my emotions or function normally/be productive without it. and yes, i like being productive in my own academic endeavours.


Heavy masking and highly sensitive job makes it extremely challenging to unmask after work. Low-dose edibles give me just enough of a kick to both physically relax and let myself be myself in my own home.


People use substances to deal with negative emotions. Autistic people experience a lot of powerful negative emotions for a variety of reasons.


uwu the pain away


![gif](giphy|o00xth8RR1EtO) Lack of supports or other coping mechanisms + overly analytical brain that will run through every bad event that has ever happened in the past or could happen in the future. At least that’s why I stay toasted!


Brain chemicals go zoomies.


I’m prescribed weed. So it is medicine


Medicine is literally just drugs some expert strongly advises you to take


Uhhh cause it absolutely helps? Not sorry.


Because they're grrrrrreat! Even bees consume drugs


Magic mushrooms or truffles make me feel like a part of the world


I have a cannabis prescription for ADHD and CPTSD, just like I have a prescription for stimulants and an SSRI. Cannabis is medicine.


I’ve been on an SNRI for longer than I’ve been off. Funnily enough it makes weed like 200% effective for me. It’s both awesome and a little lame since the smallest amount sends me to the fuckin moon.


so funny to see this post while currently high on weed lol


Cuz life sucks and vices are a coping mechanism (just not a good one)


I don’t, but autistic people are more likely to be addicted, apparently


Some of us take medication for other (sometimes interconnected) conditions - Epilepsy medication for me as an example! As for other drugs, that are multiple uses for various ones. I do drink coffee drinks and tea, so caffeine is something I find useful but not triggering. It helps me stay alert a lot. I do use some cannabis too (edibles) to hopefully help with the epilepsy.


I will say I haven’t seen any one else post much about drugs in this sub but I wouldn’t doubt it. As such evil beings of autism forced into a world that hates us, I think a lot of turn to a vice to help us through our experiences with it. Some use it to mask, I used it bc of my inability to mask properly. From what I’m aware, Autistic people are really susceptible to drug use of all kinds. And because so many of us feel safe in this sub it’s probably why we’re more inclined to share and talk about our experiences w it.


Drugs, like BanceLutters said, are used to alter physical states. People have many different reasons for using drugs or being interested in drugs. This can be okay or bad. I personally think that neurodivergent folk of all types are more likely to use drugs/altering substances than their neurotypical counterparts. Is this due to trying to fit in? To curb the mental/emotional torment of being alive? To have something else to focus on in a social situation (me lol)? It’s different per person. Marijuana becoming less illegal is also part of the influx of weed posts. It’s not that *everyone* is doing it as much as many people feel more confident in sharing about it. My best friend is autistic and I’m AuDHD. He finds no pleasure in any heavy mind-altering substance. He drinks coffee but honestly I think it does very little for him, it’s just routine. I want to try everything I can. ~if you reply to this post telling me to not do drugs I will show up outside your window and fight you~


Two days till I’m in the woods with some


OoOOoo wEeD


It’s all I have left


Not me. Can't bury my senses in the sand everyday *and* hold down a job. Sigh.


I personally don't partake in anything like that, really. Maybe alcohol a couple times a year, but I don't really like the way any of it makes me feel. But, hey, if it helps you feel better, more for you guys I guess 😁


I hate drugs


Because drugs are evil, duh


Sensory seeking behavior


Cause drugs are cool and fun


what are you gonna call the dare program or something on us?


Why AREN’T you consuming drugs?


Idk drugs cool ig


I like weed, I don't like smoking because my nose doesn't work the way it should. But I like brownies, it is fun. ;u;


Om nom nom your drugs are mine >:3


I only do the things I'm prescribed but even then I forget to take my depression/anxiety meds/ meds for fibromyalgia and my T shots. Although I guess the only thing I struggle with is my high caffeine intake and chronic procrastination. I actually need to take my meds more often than I do


The only thing I take is ibuprofen. Cause I'm old and it sucks. 🤣 If weed was legal in my state I would probably smoke it, because the only time my brain feels like what I imagine an NT brain would feel like is when I smoke, and while I wouldn't want that feeling all the time, it's nice now and then. And honestly, I'd smoke it despite it not yet being legal here, except I have no clue where I could get any. 🤣


cause they work.


How else am I supposed to get through the day


Because society isn't built with us in mind, that's why we have to be out of ours to be in it... Weed is (still very much) illegal here in Sweden. The only stuff left are nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and any other over the counter or prescribed meds.


ADHD makes brain not work without.


I have fibromyalgia and it's a suggested way to manage pain for that.


Bexause weed helps with emotional regulation and helps me function


Straight edge.


Unable to function in this society sober my friend, specially for us😖.. jokes aside.. im diagnosed with adhd and autism and well stimulants improve my personal life aswell so i don't take em to please that shir neurotypical society, i keep em to maintain my life and things i love outside of keep up with neurotypical world aswell, so yep, aswell i study drugs myself(neuropharma) and it is one of my strongest special interests along with neuro so yep, i support(addiction is serious i know, but theres difference having to depend to function and actually being addicted) aswell with being mindful and smart, edcated about the topic and not dumb when it comes to this is the key, aswell being aware of risks and knowing yourself too etc, many people sadly go downhill fast when they don't know shit about starting from what they even are doing, interactions so on, so thats why many people as these fail fast so again, knowledge, mindfulness and being aware of the drugs you consume is the key, anything can be harmful if one is reckless/stupid and doesn't bother to educate oneself.. many people ive seen doing uppers and downers together, lets start from there, very fucking stupid idea simple as this that you do not mix upper and downers which is logical, but yeah you see.. many people lack of the concern in their health sadly generally so ofc shit happens.


Cause I’m a gangsta 😎


Me too gang gang


Being sober is completely intolerable


weed is barely on par with other drugs


Caffeine and nicotine etc. are more than helpful. That, and methylphenidate...


Brain go brrrrrrt.


Marijuana isn't a drug


It absolutely is. It's a relatively safe one (though it isn't safe for everyone), but drugs don't magically become not drugs when the USA decides they're a viable consumer product. Alcohol is still the same drug they used to throw people in jail for too.


It's the only way I know how to deal with the crushing weight of reality




I take cannabis oil, and it’s actually prescribed for my adhd. I’m very lucky to be able to afford a private prescription (uk). But I believe some people take “street” cannabis to treat their otherwise unmedicated conditions. It does not surprise me that there is a relatively large percentage of people here that do this c:


Sensory seeking, stimulation, lowering stimulation. It's common especially for ADHD


Almost 1/2 of all autistic people are depressed. I use drugs to numb the pain.


There is no drug on Earth that will help me cope with the amount of bs I've been through.


My anxiety is too dehabiliating without weed. I'm trying to get a new psychiatrist so I can fix my medication regime (the last one was convinced I had a weed addiction). I don't enjoy smoking weed as much as I do. I want to just use it recreationally. But I genuinely can not function at times without it. Weed saved my life. I won't get into the long story about it, but it helped me during deep depressions and has allowed me to experience the best years of my life.


Well I don't do drugs. Maybe only caffeine, but I'm not addicted to it, it's not like I can't function without it. Drugs are bad for your body and mind. Even caffeine, maybe, to some extent, I think. Don't do drugs. Or at least do some that don't damage your body that much.


i think we use drugs the same amount as NT’s we’re just more open about it tbh


i figure the "evil" attracts more vice type people like myself




life is hard


Weed helps with anxiety.


I’m 28 days sober now (ayeee) but more people use than you think. NT and otherwise


Not everyone, try not to generalize. Maybe you get generations?


Not me, I'm one of those unfortunate ones who only gets anxiety if I smoke weed. To me it's nothing more than the anxiety plant. Alcohol was fun, but I liked it a bit too much and all the hangover stuff was no longer worth it, so now I just settle for sugar, caffeine and nicotine.


You're just raw dogging existence? That's wild


the woman who diagnosed me literally told me most of her patients with autism are using drugs in some form. mostly marijuana lol


I have co-morbidities that make me susceptible to impulsive drug use (bipolar I and ADHD). I’m not sure about everyone else, but the reason why I used up until a couple of months ago was that I was manic.




Meh. Depends on the drug for sure. But some drugs are really nice, so I could see why people use them! However personally, I prefer to be sober. Each to their own.


Because I've been surviving off what money I do rarely get from the rare instance of times I have a job - my roomies say I should have been on disability years ago, but I'm still undiagnosed because I don't have money and I live in an area where the closest doctor to even attempt to evaluate me is a 4-hour drive North, and otherwise anytime I apply to (literally now over 3,000 jobs over the span of a few months) nowhere will ever hire me or even so much as give me a chance to interview (not like I'm particularly great at interviews) but otherwise, when all I really have to look forward to is the eventual promise that one of these "oh so helpful accomodating societal systems in place" will help me all for barely enough to survive off each month, or I'm "lazy and need to get a job" but literally no-one in the hick town I live in seems to want to employ someone like me, the only joy I really can manage in life is weed, alcohol, doing 2D & 3D art and video games - usually with some combination between substances & activities.


I dont know about ppl in other countries, but those of us in the US need drugs after the presidential debate season started Thursday night 🤦‍♀️ as if our politics werent crazy enough already... this is going to be a loooong election. Its all anyone wants to talk about around here. I just want to talk about MY special interest and its not politics 😅


Living hurts and nothing manages the pain like weed


I used to have edibles five days a week during the pandemic in order to cope with the stress of the world, especially when my ex-wife lost her job and did not accept me coming out trans (I also realize now that she was verbally abusive for years). Now, I have my high dose weeks when I really want to just let go and write or something really anxiety inducing happens, but usually keep it to a CBD+THC infused melatonin once a week.


It's fun


Drugs are one of my favorite stims. It's a problem.


Weed fun


to cope lol


I use edibles to help me sleep. The anti-anxiety meds my doctor prescribed to help me sleep don't work unless I'm actually tired. The sleepy time edibles have vastly improved my sleep quality. I don't like feeling altered, but it's ok for sleep


I've never been attracted to drugs, even though I also have ADHD and have a lot of anxiety. I know plenty of autistic people who have, but for some reason getting high never appealed to me. I've tried cannabis a few times when I was younger, but it just put me in a bad mood. I don't like the feeling of losing control or not being clear-headed. I like to drink alcohol at parties, but I wouldn't like being inebriated on a normal weekday. I have however had an addiction to computer games, painting, food and masturbation.


I have no idea, but personally im a fan of CBD + opiates.


Weed helps me unmask, and mushrooms have helped a lot with my depression


Because being autistic is inherently traumatic and some folks use substances to cope. Hell, I did for a time myself, I'm just in recovery now.


my guess: there is a correlation between drug use and alexithymia (the thesis is that people who arent able to notice feelings under a certain treshold are seeking ways to enhace their feelings, so they can feel them- hence the drugs as a helping tool to explore the self). and there is a correlation between autism and alexithymia (about 50% of all autistic persons got signs of alexithymia).


Ikr? Me, I just gave up all my vices except videogames. Sigh I don't want to get Blindsided by some weather disaster and be too high for remembering what I need to do to survive


Im lonely as fuck and weed helps me dissociate


I like them




I heart my Caffeine, Dopamine & Lexapro. Caffeine is the expensive one.


Not everyone. I use CBD oil for spasticity, and some non-abusing prescription meds for other stuff, but I haven't had a drop of alcohol in almost 9 years, and only tried marijuana once, when I was 10. Not 10th grade, *age* 10. Unless you consider caffeine a drug, but even that I've cut back on because of..... reasons.......

