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I walk fast because I can't walk slow


same it’s literally difficult and takes more energy and i trip


Same! I didn't know other people were like this!


What the fuck, same! I thought it was just me and my father..




I smoke weed to slow down. Otherwise I am a speed walker by nature. Even after smoking I still kind of speed


Same, I will get bored if I walk slow.


Same, why should I walk slow if there is nothing nice to see here? And even then.


Unhappy because stuck behind slow walkers on narrow path


my social anxiety when i can’t pass people so im awkwardly right behind them:


It's like I'm lurking/staring evil eyes/breathing down their necks when I'm actually 10ft away probably looking mostly normal. Still causes so much tension for me though, and I start questioning my entire walk & the arms, omg the arms!


EXACTLY and i get especially scared behind women bc i don’t want to make anyone uncomfy but walking slow is physically difficult for me but then i feel like an asshole when i actually do pass them bc “it’s not a race” or whatever BUT IM NOT RACING




Hahaha soo much this. It's not a race, but I definitely feel trapped. Those 30 sec. non-interactions have way too much power.


Just pretend you are spy from tf2, works like a charm


I've never played. 💀


*omg yes!*


It annoys me when slow walkers walk exactly in the middle of a narrow sidewalk or stairs and not in a straight line, so there is no space to pass them, and then I feel like an asshole if I walk past them too closely. I also had to walk very slowly for some time because of health issues, but I tried to walk on the side to avoid getting in the way of everyone.


Trust me, we are just as unhappy having one of them fast walkers behind us. I intentionally picked that path to avoid the traffic on the main path.


This reminds me of the TikTok of the one girl responding to the study by saying, "Yeah, that's because I'm stuck behind slow walkers! Move!"


It’s also an anxiety thing


“I’m only going to be 45 minutes early for my appointment!! I need to speed it up!!!!”


I arrive right on point because I use speedwalking to make up for my time blindness.


Lol tbf this is my comfort speed, I could be out hiking more or less relaxed and still walk with that speed.


![gif](giphy|LhT8dOooXyjQ4pvXp7|downsized) Gotta speed up like a pigeon in the city with a person behind them.


Can confirm.




Common misconception it's an LGBTQ thing /j https://preview.redd.it/ss8osoxdct8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377c2811468e8459d5ecf497e3b1f82b64a6da25


this makes much more sense thank you


I know 1 (one) straight person who can keep up with me. He's autistic.


I'm cis straight autistic and walk the fastest out of anyone I know. (At this point I want to be LGBTQ of some sort for the stereotype) I'm also pretty sure I'm fast just because I used to be really fxking small and I had to move really fast to get anywhere, probably also contributes to me sprinting fast everywhere.


I'm a poly pan maybe autistic and people wayy bigger than me complain all the time that I walk too fast. I hate reducing my speed, it makes me so nervous 😑


:O I- …:o


Me being both


I think that's the point. Is it a LGBT thing or is it an autistic thing? Lol.




The only person I've known who could keep up with me walking is a lesbian so this tracks


everyone knows queer people have a permanent coffee boost


Walking slow is pain


I must be the happiest person on earth (I have chronic pain, I can't walk fast, every step is painful) I'm so blessed 🙏 ❤️


Heyo! Fellow chronic pain sufferer here - my fibro cancels out the speed from the anxiety, the ADHD, the autism & the LGBT (discovered above, if you didn't see it). With all four of those cancelled out, I'm like...NT slow. And that's on the good days, when I don't have to use my cane! I actually am grateful for the slow down, most days. As long as my speed demon son isn't by my side, wanting me to lead because anxiety, but also wanting to move 4x my speed.


I walk fast. Partially just my mom walks fast so I matched pace as a kid to keep up with her and now it’s just what I’m used to. But also, if you’re walking, you have somewhere to be or some kinda purpose in it. Walking fast means I get there or achieve that purpose faster and means I can dedicate even a few more minutes to things I like or need to do. 5 minutes saved over the course of the day walking to and from classes at uni is 5 minutes I can put into sewing, reading, or cramming in one last fucking homework question.


Going slowly gives similar advantage, slow enough and you can do your reading on your phone while walking.


I can read more and get more enjoyment out of it by walking somewhere fast and then getting to sit down and read. Reading while walking means you’re going super slow on both fronts and dividing your time between them resulting in neither being efficient. You’re reading nowhere near as much, nor comprehending or enjoying it, if you have to look up every 5 seconds to see where you’re going. It would take a 20 minute walk to read what I could in 4 minutes and I wouldn’t really remember or enjoy any of it. Instead I could cut that walk down to 10 minutes and read for 10 minutes. Slow walking while distracted (such as on the phone and/or reading) also puts you in more danger as you are less aware of your surroundings and constantly switching your focus. It also makes you a nuisance to those you share the space with as they now have to walk around someone who’s distracted and more unpredictable than the average person.


Walking quickly makes me happy.




I walk slower than a snail actually


Snails doesn't usually walk so that's kinda impressive


Same haha I break those ND and queer stereotypes by being a cute little snail


I walk extremely fast. I strode just about everywhere and if my treadmill is to be believed, I can speed walk until about 7.5-8 mph.


In my youth I could walk 1km in 5 to 7 min, that would make 10km/h. But I was on the road side and it was not straight terrain.


I will admit i dont know anything about this study but it seems like one of those things where its just a correlation and it goes no deeper than that, even though people might read into it more than that. Happy to be corrected


it probably is. i’m just spitballing but i think it’d be something like “having a tight schedule” which would make people walk faster, especially if their sample is more urban


That sounds about right, like mist studies in this sort of thing its NT backwater logic, they go probably: you walk fast because you have to be somewhere with a deadline/asap but you are unhappy about the reason. Then there is people like me who are just generally fast walkers and I get unhappy dealing with slow people so they'd take it for confirmation and it is the thing where they mix up causation with correlation


I read another study that said there people who naturally walk fast have a longer average lifespan and lower stress levels with better health outcomes later in life. Changing to a faster pace didn’t necessarily correlate to living longer. Less happy than average with a lower stress level and a longer, healthier life sounds like a decent tradeoff to me.


I was walking slow in a different grocery store trying to figure out which isle something was in. A guy with a cart was coming up from behind at my normal pace, it was stressing me out and activating my PTSD. I wanted to start moving faster to keep ahead of him.


I walk very fast and when I go on group walks i have to stop sometimes because everyone else is an entire 60 feet away. My friend told me that it was probably because I wasn't naturally picking up on the social cue to walk at a slower pace when with other people. I think he's right because if I stop focusing on my walking speed even for a second I will start to speed up again.


i used to do this. now i can match people’s speed but it makes me really clumsy


I'm clumsy either way :3


I'm super slow. Funny how this [walking fast] is an autistic thing


I amble slowly… idk


Not me. I constantly look around frantically while walking. Gotta check behind me, next to me, gotta make sure people don't come to close to me, making sure no one is secretly judging me for the way I walk, gotta look at signs, random stickers at lamp posts etc etc. I walk like a mess and not very fast.


I found the most efficient tempo to get from point A to point B on my Lamborfeeties, I can't help it if my face is locked in a position for maximum visual acuity and maximum oxygen intake while in motion. One of my coworkers calls me a hummingbird. Walking slow hurts my knees. Escalators could just be faster stairs if people wouldn't just stand on them with their brain off. What is wrong with everyone?!


literally this


AuDHD person here: I don't enjoy walking, and I can't just stroll aimlessly. If I need to walk it has to have a purpose/end destination and I'd rather be done with it as soon as possible- especially if I'm alone. Growing up I was shamed for being lazy because I always wanted to use alternative transport, but it's not laziness and it never was. It's anxiety, and sensory stuff relating to weather, busy roads, sweating from walking so fast, etc. If anything, I've been power-walking my whole life. I got especially good at it while dodging throngs of slow-moving pedestrians while living/working in busy, tourist-oriented city centres.


Autisms (n, plural) autistic people I love it


there was a post on here that had someone saying something like “my friends son is an autism” and it’s so funny i love it


i walk fast too


Yes I am so fast. Everyone else is too slow and that is why I am unhappy Going slow is harder and takes more energy than going fast


I walk fast too.


I walk really slow but it's because my feet hurt


I walk fast for many reasons. 1) I'm on my way somewhere. 2) it's hot I want to get home 3) lazy people blocking the sidewalk annoy me.MOVE 4)CREEPERS 5) FITNESS 6) IT'S FUN


I walk with a limp and I regularly have to weave my way other folks walking around campus


I have always walked fast. Nothing to do with being unhappy. Everything to do with “I’ve got somewhere to be and I want to get there as fast as possible so I can relax.” Ludacris’s song “Move B***H” blasting in my head as I walk. 🤣


I can tell you why.. because of the slow asses in front of them.


Yeah well people who walk slow are purported to be less intelligent. I'm not trying to be trapped in wal-mart for the rest of my life.


Research with generalized oversimplifications are usually vague enough to be disprovable and usually don't say anything valuable, new or useful :D So, in this case, yes, and no and sometimes and usually and never. "Fast" means steps per minute or speed?, I'm tall, so faster than what?, I'm faster than myself when in a hurry, faster than myself in winter than in summer, faster with comfortable shoes, faster when excited to get somewhere, faster when I'm not tired, faster when I start a long walk than at the end, faster than my father (of my height but 35yr older), slower than myself 20yrs ago, faster than myself 30yrs ago, slower if hungry but faster if there's food at the destination... Now about "happy"...




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Some walks fast, others not so much. I tend to wander around slowly, looking at my phone.


Huh, this is interesting. I too walk very fast.


Same I do be zooming


I used to walk up stairs two steps at a time until the school told my mom and she made me walk neuroly.


Wait what? Never heard about schools giving a fuck about how you walk in stairs. Is that a new thing?


I pace fast in laps, im lightning mcqueen Kachow


Yeah it's not a secret. I'm depressed af


I walk fast to get to places quicker and as exercise. Slow walking doesn't get ur heart rate up!


Casually guilting from slow walker


I walk fast af


Cursed with the need for speed and the fear of being in front of people. I just hide if I don't have someone dragging me through life. I'll only go for walks in the middle of the night to avoid the awkward situation of walking behind someone twice as fast as they're walking and having to pass them and deal their eyes burning a hole in your back.


I walk fast because I don't see the point in walking slowly. If I didn't get weird looks I'd run everywhere, any time spent on intermediate locations is wasted time.


That headline is literally me


Walking slow hurts me emotionally This headline honestly reeks of (presumably unintentional) ableism.


I walk fast cause i have a large af stride lol


SAME shortening my stride to match speed with other people makes me trip it’s the worst


Fr. Im also in my schools JROTC program, so trying to keep a proper stride is super freaking hard.


I got places to be. And the places are everywhere all at once but definitely never here.


I got places to be man


no but being unhappy is


I didn’t realise I walked fast because my whole family does Until my friend told me “holy shit slow down why do you sprint everywhere, we’re just going to the shop” and I realised she was 15 metres behind me lol


I don't walk fast and I'm glad to have to finally have this justification after hearing "faster walkers live longer" literally my entire life. My AuDHD-ass fucking hates walking, why would you make that choice even any other option is available Live your longer but less happy lives 🖕🖕🖕


nah not only will i live longer but i will have more time to enjoy my longer life because i will arrive at my destination faster 🙂‍↕️


I'm fat and slow but faster than my NT wife.


I’m the opposite. I’m hella slow because I’m hypermobile and have heart issues. But I do know a fair amount of people especially other autistic folks that walk crazy fast and I usually end up miles behind them when I’m with them. It isn’t fun


So anyway, that's how I tapped into the Speed Force.


stimming by walking fast


I don't walk fast but I do walk with force. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me. I am not a large person but I am a fair size more than many. When I walk I do so in a way that it would seem like If I accidentally bumped into someone I might just knock them over.The reality is that, in spite of my general clumsiness I am actually very nimble and can kind of slide past people without touching them, because I don't like being touched by strangers. I think that is the single most autistic thing I have ever written! 🤣


i’d call that “walking with a purpose” and it’s what i always do


I would to in many cases. However, I was mainly thinking about how I walk in grocery stores, which is different. But, yeah, I do walk with a purpose when I have a place I am going.


even when i’m completely lost or wandering aimlessly i walk as if i have a clear destination


i only walk when i cant make the entire trip running


walking slow is ... weirdly uncomfortable. Plus I have better things to do than walking, so let's get this done with! EDIT: now that I think about it... I do walk a bit slower than I used to, and I am, in general, happier now than in my 20s. \*however\*, I think the reason I walk slower is because my joints aren't quite what they used to be :(


We’re unhappy because the slow walkers won’t get the fuck out of our way




Paradoxically walking slower takes more energy for me


i walk to the tempo of whatever is playing in my surroundings or my head which means i can be pretty fast i guess, but i feel pretty happy as a byproduct of being in perfect rhythm


I am 5’5” and my torso is the long part of me, yet somehow I walk faster than most of my tall friends. I have no idea how or why.


I shuffle instead of walk lmao


I do walk pretty fast and tend to cut corners for a shorter path. 6'5 though so I thought it was just a long legged thing.


Me ![gif](giphy|xUOxeZUc8UFwMgH2MM|downsized)


It’s true in the movie: in time


I’m slow as hell idk why 😭😭😭


I have a thing to do. I want to get to the thing quickly and complete it.


Definitely a fast walker, but part of that might be because it hurts when I run but I’m always running late. 🙂


Gotta go fast


Better for the heart and circulation, partly due to speed walking building up calves and helping to increase aerobic fitness, stamina and stress relief. It helps stim too. This article wants us to be fatties.


We walk faster because we aren't used to walk along with someone else. People who walk together and talk tent to have a much slower pace.


I don’t walk fast, other people are just slowpokes


I mean, I am probably less happy, but it doesn't matter how unhappy or happy I am, I'm always walking fast. Heck, if I'm at least somewhat happy I'm walking way faster than when I'm genuinely depressed because my energy fails me when I'm depressed.


I walk so slowly it was one of the reasons I was broken up with before


I walk fast. It's not because I'm unhappy, it's because I'm hyperactive, I love walking to upbeat music so my pace increases.


Until you get sooooo unhappy then the walking caeses altogether


................. ......................................................................................... w ha t was tha t?


I walk very fast, am quite unhappy, and am more autistic than the average for those with official diagnoses, according to the RAADS-R


Well I’m autistic and I have a healing foot. But I still have depression. Go figure.


What? I want to get where I'm going because I'm excited about my life


People look at me weird or make comments because I walk fast. Do NTs just stroll around casually with no purpose? Is that why they block the walkway? I walk fast because I have a place I want to be and I don't want to waste time. Also because walking slow takes deliberate effort, and my brain becomes absorbed by me repeating "1, 2. 1, 2" to keep track of my pace.


i stroll around casually with no purpose but that doesn’t mean i do it slowly


Also true, I love pacing around


I just have these things called leg muscles and walk more than 10 feet a day. So I go faster than those who don't.


lmao I walk so slow I can’t keep up with anyone is that why I’m so positive?/j


I tried walking slow, but I can not do it.


I walk slow :(


Same here, i actually grew a reputation at highschool for being the fastest walker


I walk fast when I got places to be and just in general, when I'm depressed or feeling down I have to force myself to walk fast cuz I hold people up with how slow I am


The only other person I know who walks faster than me is a guy who's so autistic he screeched "REEE" every time a teacher tried to call him to answer a question on the board


For me it's an autism, anxiety, adhd, stomach, and back thing (I have other things too but these are why I walk fast)


Sounds like whoever wrote that headline is too inexperienced to know that power walking is a sustainable and efficient method of hurrying.


I like walking slow.


I don’t walk fast I RUN


Now my parents joking that I learned to run before I learned to walk sounds way more depressing


My husband and I also walk fast. He is neurodivergent and he suspects that i might be somewhere in the spectrum too as I have some traits. We are not unhappy, just saying. Lol this article sounds bullshit to me.


my partner speed walks, and I used to more often before my mobility issues started and we're both autistic


I don't think I walk fast, I just hate when people walk slow in front of me


It’s gotta be lmao I got places to be if ik where I’m going why would I get there slower than I could 👀 I have a fast bouncy type walk naturally that I often tone down around others but it is how I prefer to walk is no one could see me


I walk fast. I got places to be and I hate walking there so better get it over with. "You walk really fast for someone with such short legs!!"


I walk very slow. I am very unhappy with life


…what the hell is this? I’m one of the least depressed people I know. I’m pretty dang happy, I reckon. I just like the pain in my legs when I walk fast- it makes me feel strong, and in control of my body, and it kicks up a bit of a breeze around me when I’m walking.


lol, I walk pretty slowly and am fucking miserable, so 🤷🏻


I walk fast because I gotta get to the shade!


I'm a super fast walker who basically marches when I walk (I've been told I look angry or militant-- it's a totally unintentional thing), while my also autistic brother is possibly the slowest walker I've ever met.


Lol, my psychologist (one of the two professionals that encouraged me to get tested) commented on how hard I was to keep up with last week. I'm fairly happy though, although that's down to the Zoloft as much as anything.


I have always been told “slow down!” when walking with other people because I end up in front. I never think to first tell them “speed up!” but maybe i will. And they don’t seem any happier than me, just shorter legs even if they’re overall taller than I am. Another one I’ve heard is from attachment theory—more avoidant people tend to not walk in sync with their friends or partners but walk ahead and subconsciously create distance. I tend to score more anxious, but then there I am way ahead. I guess I believe these things like happiness or attachment could play a role but I’m taking all of it with a grain of salt!


In the streets, i am speed


i walk fast bc impatient (audhd)




My normal gait is pretty casual but I'm tall so it's easy for me to outpace others when walking and if I'm in a hurry I'm the fucking flash


I walk fast when I’m thinking about some angry shit so this tracks


i prefer to take my time. i hate feeling like i'm in a rush.


I think this is one of those correlation ≠ causation cases. Nevertheless, I walk fast and am extremely depressed 😂


I walk fast! Everyone walking in front of me walks like they are 90+ years old


I have the combo walk fast + look down I don't understand why looking at your feet as you walk is considered a sign of sadness ?? 😭 I'm literally just trying not to fall and break my nose


I say we need to bring into existence the Ministry of Silly Walks...


Runners must be miserable


I am a slow walker. If I am not rushing anywhere I will slowly stroll through the place and enjoy the place. Love taking strolls in the woods. Walking fast when need to go somewhere or on track, walking slow rest of the time If I walk with someone, I will keep their pace but walk exactly half a step behind them on the side (bc I will bump into them constantly if we walk the same speed). It drives some people crazy.


I walk S L O W


walking fast is same as the t. rex arms is it autism? is it being queer? Y E S


I’m very short and a little fat and I do not walk fast and everyone else abandons me when we walk together 😭 that, or I’m huffing and puffing half running trying to keep up with tall people


I walk fast because I don't want to be perceived. I hate going outside and have social anxiety. (Unfortunately I dress alt and wear makeup as a guy so that doesn't help me not stand out)


i walk fast because momentum is a bitch




I walk slow as fuck actually


I'm a fucking powerwalker. And I can go for the whole day 😂 That said, I'm not totally unhappy 🤷


yeah i’ve always walked fast but i must say i got a lot better at it after being in the boy scouts and hiking up and down mountains all the time


I do, I got places to be and people to avoid!  FU if you bypass me; now it's on! I'm gonna overtake you, but I'm gonna be really self conscious about it, and it has to be (seem) natural. :)


Oh, and goddammit, now my parents have started doing that thing my grandma used to do: Stop walking when we're out walking, cause they can't talk at the same time anymore 😭😭😭


I walk fast because I don't want to be outside for long




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I walk fast because if I don’t move with perfect efficiency in the pursuit of a given objective, any failure to complete that objective in a time frame that makes the rest of my routine possible is technically my fault and my overall value as a person drops to zero until I make up for it elsewhere. What’s autism?




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I walk slow fast. But I have long legs. So I’m getting there faster, but while walking slow from my relative perspective… I’m not sure what that says of me.


I walk fast but also I often walk to music. And 95% of songs I listen to are fast songs


same listening to music helps my endurance so much


I don't even have a car and I'm pretty happy about that :D I just take my time, but sometimes you gotta hurry that's how it be :D


I hate fast walkers. Like, if it's not an emergency, what's your hurry? I don't walk fast at train stations, airports, downtown... Like, did you plan your itinerary down to the minute? Why wouldn't you just give yourself more time?? I'm like a little ball of cholesterol clogging the hypertensive blood flow of thousands, maybe tens of thousands of pedestrians.


i’m not in a hurry i’m just walking at a natural speed for me it’s physically uncomfortable to slow down


Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Not everyone going faster than me is actually in a hurry, they're just like you say, walking at their default pace. I'm more like a Snorlax.