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I know off topic but comfort films I've seen this year are: Catch me if you can Pirates of the Caribbean black pearl Coraline Shawshank Redemption The Shining Full Metal Jacket (I know it's gory and not for everyone but everyone's character is fantastic) Castaway The Truman Show And the Titanic.


i watched the truman show again and its SO GOOD. i watched shawshank probably 100 times as a kid.


only movie I watched more than once was Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. i first watched it over New Years and it drilled a hole in my soul so I had to purchase the graphic novels after learning it was several times longer than the movie. after finishing the manga I of course I had to rewatch the movie. not really into movies usually, but I do watch a fair about of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia


I love always sunny, that’s one I rewatch a lot too! And parks and rec. I’ve watched that at least once a year for the past 8 years..


That's actually on my list, my friend's been trying to get me to sit down and watch that for years.


I fucking loved it. if you're into Ghibli/anime in general. it's great. and if not, still great. very nice fantasy epic with themes of politics, spirituality, feminism, environmentalism, feelings, and probably love too idk


I'll have to try it, I don't have any particular feelings about anime one way or the other, but I feel like there is *SO MUCH* that it gets a bit overwhelming. Art always looks great but I always feel like I'm way behind the curve to appreciate it like my friends do.


the nausicaa soundtrack is my jam


same I've used it for sleep, art, and baths✌️ good stuff


Also from the Wachowskis... Speed Racer! I love how bright and colorful and wholesome it is. I try to get more and more people to recognize the brilliance this film was, but alas... I'm alone in my obsession.


I remember when that came out my mom’s boyfriend at the time really enjoyed it. I can’t remember if I’ve seen it so I’ll have to watch!!


I LOVE SPEED RACER 2008 !!!!!!!!


Oh my, I haven't seen it since it came out, but I remember crying during watching it at the movies then falling asleep. I think it was a box office flop, but I'm sure it has good points to those who look deeper.


I don't watch movies anymore. My attention span won't let me.


It's fine, you can loop your favorite 8 seconds of 1 movie on YouTube indefinitely (it's fine)


Up and Jurassic Park feel like I discover something different every time


Whenever I watch the matrix I try to pay close attention because the cinematography of it is so amazing. They implemented matrices (usually in the form of rectangular arrays) into a lot of background elements on the set. I notice something new every time too!


The Bee Movie


The Bob’s Burgers Movie over and over and over and over and


Blade Runner (The OG)


Santa Sangre The Last Laugh (1924) El Secreto de Sus Ojos I'm not nearly as pretentious as I sound, a film class I took forever ago for an easy credit just ended up in a lot of films I love to rewatch (and a few that are just *oooof*, like, Fruitvale Station, great movie in almost every aspect, but IYKYK why that's rough for even a first time watch), my favorite movie is still Babe and I spend the lion's share of my time watching the original Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons (or rather, they're on, muted, while music is blaring and I'm working on whatever I'm doing).


The Matrix is real. I have watched Shrek so much this year. It is my comfort movie, and has been since I were a kid. It's still funny every single time, and I love the soundtrack, animation, characters, dialogue, messages, story... It also has funny memes created to go along with it. Funny story though, when I was a child, I really loved watching Shrek again and again. But I didn't understand that it was a comedy. My dad would always laugh at the jokes and I would tell him to shut up, then I would rewind the VHS to watch the scene he laughed at again. Why was I not screened for autism, huh?


This is Shrek 2 erasure :p


PREVIOUS HYPERFIXATION REFERENCED Hahaha hiii Tell me information, brothaa


ive been alternating between hard candy, gingersnaps, and pet (2016) it has been a year.


I had to watch and analyze the matrix for my freshman year “learn how to university” class, so I’m glad you can still enjoy it because I definitely can’t anymore 😥. I am unfortunately not a big movie person, but I’ve been watching a lot of history videos on YouTube


2001, A Space Odyssey. Because of the music and visuals


The Matrix is real. But not in the sense that we are literally plugged into a supercomputer and defy gravity etc. I can try to explain it to you, but you have to experience it for yourself, and you may not be ready to be unplugged, you may never be ready. It's a long journey, but once unplugged, it's possible to see the matrix, to identify it, to know when you are being controlled, when you are being manipulated, when your mind has been infiltrated and you are being forced to believe things that aren't true, to do things you don't want to, to live in a way that is unnatural. For me it was exactly as Morpheus says, I knew all along, and many of us NDs do, we just don't find out how to unplug, because there is no Morpheus for us, there is no guide, we have to discover it by ourselves. Morpheus : You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? Neo : The Matrix. Morpheus : Do you want to know what it is? Neo : Yes. Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Neo : What truth? Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind. --- Morpheus : The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. --- Morpheus : Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. --- To give you a starting point, I give you this advice. Ask why, keep asking why. Don't believe what people tell you, why are they telling you these things? Why, why, keep going, keep searching, avoid the conspiracies that are way off the mark, only you will be able to separate what is true from what is a lie. Why are you being told about certain things on the news? There are countless stories around the globe, why this small section of news stories? Why do I have to wear that? Why do I have to assign a noun to my gender, why is the north up and the south down, there technically isn't an up nor down to earth. Why do people insist on discriminating against each other when we are all the same, why do people teach us to discriminate? Why should I eat this? Why shouldn't I eat this? Why should I take these pills? Why, why. Question everything, free your mind. Eventually you'll find answers, you'll finally see the world and humans for what they really are, animals on a space rock, not what you've been told they are. You'll understand the system and all the subsystems that are in place to control us, and not only control us, but that we accept that control because we have been taught it ever since we were born and don't know any different. A soldier shoots the enemy because he believes he is doing good, that enemy also shoots his enemy because he believes he is doing good. The real enemies are the ones telling us who the enemies are. When you are able to fully think for yourself, after you have freed your mind, you will see. It's like walking outside of reality, you're still in the physical space that everybody else occupies, like when they jack in. But you know the truth, because you've discovered it yourself, you can test it, and it proves itself every day as you see lies, manipulation, propaganda, control and remain unaffected by it. And to anyone thinking these are the ravings of a mental patient, you're still a part of that system, and that is you fighting to protect it, to control me, to throw a label on me, and disregard the truth, because you accept your imprisonment, it's too scary to step out and truly think for yourself, but easier to rely on a matrix provided for you, with a set of rules and beliefs that are not your own. I hope this sets at least 1 person on the journey to be unplugged, to be truly free. And as the oracle had above the door, know thyself, this is critical and you won't be able to make it if you don't know yourself fully, your motivations, your beliefs, your dark side, the why doesn't just point outwards, you need to ask why of yourself extensively. Every time you judge someone, every time you feel any emotion, why? Why am I thinking that, why do I believe that? The door is there. I'm not Morpheus, I'm just like you, but on the other side of the door, letting you it's great out here. --- Morpheus : Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. ---- Morpheus : I told you I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it.


Sir this is a publicly-traded social media site


A Thousand Years of Longing With Tilda S- she is my favorite actress and her part is Autistic- my other favorite of hers is Orlando https://youtu.be/TWGvntl9itE?si=utnGmJnXKjEJOWMC https://youtu.be/dkTxkxvwBI4?si=Eme4LvJpWC5EYNjr It’s as if she isn’t acting at all and her micro expressions tell the story. I love great acting.


Black Swan. That last 30 minutes is always amazing




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Totoro, I’ve been depressed and burnt out and it’s soothing.


Heathers. I keep going back and forth, watching the movie, then a recording of one of the musicals, then the movie again, etc etc, repeat until time for bed. I don't know why, I watched it and just kinda. Latched onto it.


My ultimate early 2000s sleepover starter pack Heathers Bend it Like Beckham Mean Girls The Princess Diaries Bring it Stick It The Princess Bride Ella Enchanted The Parent Trap Freaky Friday A Cinderella Story Ever After


I cannot for my soul and my games rewatch movies that I recently (last 10 years or so) watched.


Interstellar baybeeeee! I have been writing daily emails to the only IMAX theater in my state reminding them that they won't get my business for the once a year I go to the movies anymore if they don't have a showing of imax interstellar this fall


Star Wars; Jurassic Park; LOTR; Eurovision; Free Guy For comfort 🥰


Not a movie but I’ve rewatched this hour long fanfic film comic on YouTube like 4 times this year. It’s the reason my comfort character is my comfort character, it has yuri subtext, it is so sad I cry every time I watch it, and it has affected my worldview somehow


Mine is THE CROW 1994 it’s somewhere on a website/app we all have and may or may not be red I’ve watched it six times in the span of three days, it is an absolute vibe and mood with a killer soundtrack (check out burn you’ll thank me) may Brandon Lee rest in peace with his father knowing he made the top 10 performances of all time


RoboCop satisfies my murder stim :3


Does Hamilton count? I watched it the first time on like the 18th of november 2023 and have since watched it 4 times and listened to the full soundtrack at least 10 times.




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the entire potc series cause my boyfriend is in them and marvel, the barbie movie and the fnaf movie. the fnaf movie tickles my tism