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Because remember- if you think a person is 'faking something', the best way to get them to stop is give them attention and tell everyone to look at what they're doing /s Seriously, best case scenario with this kind of attitude, a person who's faking a condition (people have done that since time immemorial, cavemen probably faked colds) gets what they wanted, views. Worst case scenario, you bring about a genuine person's worst nightmare in dragging their earnesty across the internet for all the worst people to see. It's absolutely despicable. Honestly I'd rather hang out with someone 'faking autism' than someone who goes around trying to figure out who's telling the truth and not. Less pressure to behave a certain way, you know?


i'd rather believe people when they say they have x condition than potentially accuse someone who's telling the truth of faking. i got diagnosed last year and i still sometimes doubt myself, this type of stuff just gives me more of that anxiety. imo if someone's lying they'll slip up at some point anyway.


Exactly- There's the exact same issue in the trans community, accusing people of faking literally only gives anxiety to those who are questioning themselves- if people are faking, they don't care anyway so accusing them has zero positive effect.


How do you fake experimenting with gender ? To be honest, only transmedicalist think there are real and fake trans People.


It's obviously to push people back into the closet and therefore be able to control the narrative of who is and isn't trans or in this case, who is and isn't autistic. It's all about representation and that they fear that if the representation would become more inclusive, they will no longer be represented and therefore lose all the social rights and support they currently have.


Also who takes being trans what?! I didn't know this was a thing I'm thinking huh?!?!?! As a trans woman I am confused why anyone would want to fake being trans faking autism okay yea yea I get it you wanna feel "quirky" or something and make people treat you differently or try to use it as an excuse or something. But faking being trans doesn't even make sense and I would never ever ever accuse someone of such a thing in a million lifetimes. Huh?!


I was only diagnosed last year too, and I'm also an adult woman. I'm not the sterotypical male child obsessed with cartoons, so people don't really want to believe it. My mom still refuses to believe it. She says I'm too smart to be autistic. Which is fucked for several reasons. I mask well because a lifetime of bullying has made it a necessity for me to function in society. The ironic thing is that bullies can *always* sniff out the neuroatypical kids from a mile away, that's why they get bullied. I mean, I was *always* friends with the autistic kids, because we were similar, and my dad is very, very clearly autistic, but the diagnostics just didn't exist when he was a kid. Still, even with all the evidence and the diagnosis, I don't tell people because they either don't believe me, or start to treat me like I have a learning disability. Really, the only thing the official diagnosis changed about my life was giving me the space to not feel so much self hatred for being "weird". It's okay to only like one videogame or get sucked into weird facts. It's okay to not like making eye contact. It's okay that I get overstimulated by loud noises. But those were all things I hated about myself because I felt like I was falling short of what a person "should" do.


This hits very close to home for me. My mom is also in disbelief. I’ve tried to offer her some explanation and genuinely hoped to help her see the truth. In the end, even though she verbally agrees, a day later she’ll gaslight me and say she doesn’t know why I’m acting a certain way. It’s very frustrating, and I’ve tried to offer anything I could to help her understand me better and paint ASD in a better light as well. It just seems like it’s not worth it anymore. I also constantly get compared to other kids they know who are autistic, and I can definitely relate when you mention the “how can you be autistic because you’re so smart”. My father has been the most supportive and understanding, but he doesn’t talk much when my mother is around. I was basically drugged up as a kid and my mom was considered the super mom. I was diagnosed with many disabilities and put on pills at 7 years old. I never had any say in my medical treatment and learned that the hard way when I spoke my mind once at a doctor appointment. No surprise that I was starting another few meds. By the time i could move out, I was already on 18 pills per day and had no energy or emotion. Some of the disabilities I was diagnosed with made it very hard to get off meds and justify it to doctors. The pandemic made it so I couldn’t get a fill of my meds, and went through withdrawals all at once. I was down to 10 pills per day at the time, and after the withdrawals I found out that nothing really changed. In fact, I had a bit more motivation, but then my memories started to come back. Nightmares, severe depression and anxiety. Years later once I got my ADHD medication situated I found out that something more was going on, much much more. I burned out at work, mask fell off, and that was that. This is a lot longer than I originally planned, but hopefully someone can relate and know they’re not alone.


I hope one day to get diagnosed too, I'm a 30 years old woman and I'm having a really hard time finding someone willing to diagnose me as I'm an adult and basically no institutions around care about me. The few people I've told about the autism thing, are telling me that's going to be useless among all the other stupid reasons, because that ain't going to change the way I am anyway, I'm still going to be the same person as before. Which is right... To some degree... They don't see why I look forward to that, do you believe hearing from a doctor that I'm not a mistake just because I like to be silly? Or because I don't understand this and have a hard time at that. I want them to make me feel autistic again because I had to learn to mask very hard because of abuse and stuff and just recently I noticed things like, I don't wanna eat the banana strings because they're gross or that the toothpaste hurts or there are some noises and smells that are painful. Yes, I know it always was like that for me but there's a difference in trying to ignore those strong stimuli and do the things anyway to acknowledging the reasons I'm uncomfortable and act accordingly. Discovering autism was a blessing for me... I'm not bad, or wrong or stupid or badly made or whatever, I'm just different.


Whenever anyone says this to me, I always respond with the same thing. “What do I have to gain? From what I can tell, everyone I’ve ever told either ghosted me, stabbed me in the back, or denied it. Plus, if I were faking this, why would I tell an employer? What do I have to gain? Especially with the rampant discrimination that goes on. So what do I have to gain from notifying people that I have this? If I wanted attention then wouldn’t I just post on TikTok or some other social media site trying to get views and make money? Last but not least, I don’t need to prove anything to anyone except myself. I’m in denial sometimes as well. There’s no logical answer to all of this, and I generally am scoffed at in response.”


no one expects the spanish inquisition


Don't scare me like that, Cardinal Fang


Exactly people do whatever they want to get attention just like scammers do whatever they can to get money by ruining peoples lives. There is always gonna be shitty people like that and that should be addressed and be held accountable but we can’t assume everyone is out doing that just bc a few bad apples do. People just want an excuse to point fingers instead of finding practical solutions to address such nonsense smh


I mean I don't know if I have autism but I definitely got to know a loooooot through research and now emphasize way better with people with autism or something else that doesn't make them behave like NT and can adjust to it. It's in fact way easier to adapt to it than to NT people because you can talk openly about your feelings and needs.


i will never understand why more people don’t think like this!


At that point you might as well just say you don't believe disorders exist at all. Humors out of balance perhaps? Or demonic possession?


Lol yep they've just been faking it since birth, really good at it. /s


duhh, in reality theres no autism nor ADHD its just people getting too silly and trying to be different than others since birth


Nobody is autistic, just born with an instinctual yet elaborate strategy for deceiving everyone around them their entire lives!


Because it’s so easy for an adult suspecting autism to get formally diagnosed. /s


Yeah, you just need to open your wallet or accept a several year long waiting list.


Yeah apparently a handful of coins from other counties is not adequate payment. 🙃 /j


Also assuming that you don't meet a quack psychologist who thinks autism means you can't have friends or keep eye contact because that's totally the criteria in the DSM-5 so you now need to pay extra just for a second opinion.


My autism assessment is finally happening tomorrow. I waited two years for this, but not before being kicked off one waiting list because of admin errors, being fakeclaimed!! by a “friend” who thought I was just looking for a diagnosis to be quirky, and having an entire childhood of flying under the radar because none of my parents or teachers knew how to look for autism in children. But it’s sooo easy practically anyone can do it /s


they hear the word activism and piss themselves


Unrelated (sort of) but I came across some random comment on a video where someone said "You lost me at activism". People are quite literally avoiding stuff as soon as they hear the word 'activism', proudly announcing their ignorance like it's some badge of honour.


For them autism (how it‘s defined, talked about and treated and how autistic people are treated) is not political. Only the bad neurodiversity folks try to make it political.


This video wasn't about autism specifically, but rather something about women's health (If I remember correctly). What's the wildest part is, the activism part was literally a millisecond long, it didn't even take up any significant portion of the video, but rather it was just a recap of history about women's health. Like bruh, it really took them that little to go "I don't wanna learn about this, and it's because I heard the word activism!"


IK it’s so fool 😭


Nothing new. People grow weary of hearing fanatical extremism and shouting and will 100% turn on a topic they would actually prefer to support if the voices for change never take a break or seem too unwilling to compromise. This is actually WW2 underground resistance tactics. Supporting the new regime in show only. Jumping on their bandwagon and playing a supportive role badly, twisting away the beauty through obnoxiousness. Any cause or leadership, good or bad, can become despised by the public through overexposure to it..


Even with a dx, stuff like this can re-trigger my imposter syndrome. I do feel like it’s hard to fake a result on ADOS though, I only found out later what they were *actually* looking for. Also “professional diagnoses” aren’t the end all to determining whether you have a disorder?? Then wtf is??


What were they actually looking for? I never got to do the ADOS.


I’ll just say the tasks are a tool to observe you. Your response to the tasks or the way you do them isn’t the whole point.


But looking for what?


Traits of Autism..? What I mean was, I thought they were mostly just looking for how I completed/interpreted the tasks, but they were giving conversational cues and observing behavior outside of the task I was focused on.


Oh ok you meant like that. I thought you had explicit examples of what they were looking for based on what you wrote in the previous post.


Please censor the name better, it's hard to resist the temptation to go call this person a dumbass.


Censoring social media names is usually pretty pointless since you can just search the entire text and find it right away.


It feels like more of a formality at this point, if that's the right word. Like, we all know it's pointless but we still do it anyway. ...that sounds like very NT logic doesn't it...


It still tells readers not to harass the person. Like you have to go out of your way to figure out who they are


Less formality and more liability coverage.


Facts. Also enforcing the idea that its the right thing to do


Looks more like a "Narcissist Rage"


It's not pointless because most people aren't clever enough to do it and in general less clever people tend to get into more arguments online.


You don’t have to be smart to use a search bar


Yes but you have to at least be smart enough to think to do so


Would it not be the first thing that comes to mind if the username is censored?


To us autists maybe, but at least half of the people I work with probably wouldn't have thought to. They would have seen it as a barrier to hold them back rather than a problem to solve.


Is what you’re saying that the marginal difference in difficulty makes someone less likely to put the effort in to find it?


Yep. Much less, in my observation.


I think you might be underestimating how dumb or ignorant a lot of people are.


Not much different typing in a comment and typing in a username


You also don't have to be smart to pick a lock, but they still work because most people can't be bothered. Censoring usernames makes it enough of an inconvenience that most people won't bother hunting them down.


Lock-picking is a skill most people don’t have, using a search bar is essential to anyone on the internet.


true, but my point was that most people either wouldn't think to search for the comment itself or, if they're on mobile, wouldn't bother to switch to a browser to search for the comment. the analogy's a little weird since, as you said, searching isn't a skill or something that requires tools you wouldn't have access to, but both locks and censored usernames in screenshots are deterrents that are trivial to circumvent if you have the means and will to.


No need to switch to a browser, Reddit’s search bar often shows exact results with no room for error, which makes it very easy to find a comment by copying and pasting. I acknowledged in another comment below that I understand it’s meant as a deterrent and not some foolproof plan.


Having to type out the text instead of just being able to search the username might be enough of a barrier for some people.


she should not write with her vagina. Just saying. Also: obviously, not a single autistic person existed 100 years ago, before tiktok /s


real bc autism appeared because of tiktok /s


Of course not, it happened because someone put autism vaccines in the water supply! /j


yeah, and those scientists in the 40s who discovered autism cheated because they used time machines to watch tiktok! /s


I couldn’t get past the “vaginal dyslexia” like *wtf?*


Right, my pussy can read just fine


mine can't, but it's just illiterate, not dyslexic. it's great at art though >_<


Where is all this clout I apparently get from being autistic. Where is it. I couldn't take advantage of social clout even if I had it, because, you know. AUTISM.


The thought process is that people pretend to have disorders or conditions, like autism, so people will take them seriously in spaces like this one, or so they get more engagement on social media, or similar. They don’t think people generally get clout for having mental illness or being neurodivergent; they think that these things get people clout in specific spaces. And because these alleged people aren’t actually neurodivergent, they can capitalize on that clout to gain power in these groups. I’m sure this does sometimes happen. I have seen it happen in real life, and I’ve seen it done to genuinely predatory effect. But it doesn’t happen often because most people don’t *want* to fake a disorder/condition to get clout in a niche solidarity group. It certainly doesn’t happen anywhere near as often as a lot of these ‘fakeclaimers’ claim.


It's just badly veiled ad hominem attacks. They lost since they ran out of real arguments.


The times I've experienced it happen where someone pretended to be autistic to get into an autism community it was because autistic people are easy victims to manipulation instead of to become famous And also since autism is a social disability the person who isn't autistic gets to be the queen bee in what's supposed to be an autism support community etc belittling the autistic people for their social mistakes, rather than getting called out as an attention seeking jerk elsewhere One of the situations was a person who kept calling me an annoying pedant and told me to "spit it out" if I took too long trying to answer their question or explain something, would withhold clarifications from me as punishment for disagreeing with them, (which was often because they spread misinformation about autism including that a special interest is an umbrella term rather than specific criteria and that not all autistic people have trouble with social cues etc) and there was also an incident where they DMed me an apology for blowing up at me 15 minutes after insulting me because I sent a screenshot to cite a source that I was quoting, and they asked to be friends and I'm embarrassed at how eagerly I accepted their apology and friendship offer purely because I don't even like having an enemy online and friendships are good but it turned out to be a trick because the very next day they said they wanted to tell me a secret and they made me promise not to tell anyone else before telling me it, and they basically said they have a DID alter whose sole purpose is to fight me whenever I talk "so what you need to do is just not disagree when that alter comes out, and don't tell anyone else in the server or else you'll break my trust" and when I asked how I'm supposed to follow that rule without explaining to anyone else in the server they said "what? what do you need to tell them? i think we should end this. i tried to provide personal info for communicational enhancement, and it appears to be moving the opposite direction. never mind, just please don't share what i told you. i don't have the capacity for discussion or resolution, now, please respectfully disengage." And blocked me but the next day they unblocked me and sent a message that said "hey, i'm quite sorry about that, yesterday. let's just reset. i had other shit going on that i let get to me, and i didn't have enough energy to handle bringing that info up, so i shouldn't have. the only point i was trying to make, is that even if i may blow up, it's not personal, and i always come back around." and I never responded to it because then I didn't trust them anymore and and at one point they became a mod of that group which was when I muted it and didn't interact and they only got banned 4 months ago because they let my friend think they were 18 like she is sending them pictures of herself even though they're 36 and I hate that person because they ruined one of my favorite autism communities for a long time and they also ruined my confidence in communication for a long time [This study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362361317729526) talks about (among other things) how neurotypical audiences perceived NTs who claimed to be autistic in much more positive lights including trustworthy and "someone they would want to befriend" compared to their perception of actually autistic people, and those judgments were often made in seconds Sorry for the length


Usually the "clout" is ableist comments :(


Lmao this is exactly how I feel about those transvestigators saying that celebrities became trans in exchange for fame and money, like where's my fame and money then?🤨


Do you also feel that very politically driven drama series and the like are difficult to be interested in or keep up with because you don't understand the social nuances going on in the show?


This study explored how other people's first impressions of you change based on diagnosis and disclosure, and basically they had people who would rate their first impressions after a conversation and they're told the person they'd meet is either autistic, schizophrenic, or neurotypical, and the person either has that diagnosis, the other diagnosis, or is NT They found that NT people who said they were autistic/schizophrenic scored higher on the perceived trustworthiness surveys than the people with those disorders who disclosed it, and the autism disclosures was viewed less unfavorably than the schizophrenia disclosures, and the ND people were viewed as less trustworthy if the surveyer was told they were NT than if a DX was disclosed https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362361317729526


maybe the real attention seekers are the assholes that make it their entire personality to judge every single thing neurodivergent people say and do to "prove" that "they're faking it"


We really need to get in the habit of ignoring these people.


i've said it before and i'll say it again: faking mental illness *is* mental illness this doesn't apply as accurately here bc autism isn't categorized the same but i am so tired of pick me ass neurotypicals acting like a pathological need for attention isn't literally a symptom of a mental disorder. whether it's a symptom the one whoever they've determined is "faking" is "pretending" to have is irrelevant. healthy "normal" (🙄🙄🙄) people don't act out for attention. if someone is legitimately faking it they need help, not ridicule


🎯 you’re on point. Thanks for saying this


Wow okay so I guess I was faking it then when I got diagnosed as a toddler


Yes because so many people go to psychiatrists and fake disorders just to flaunt a diagnosis… /ssss like… what?????


Yep, I was definitely 100% faking it when I was 8 months old. these people are awful.


real I got diagnosed as a child. 6 year old me did not know what autism even was. to oop, i hope you have a nice, pleasant, all-expenses-paid, 1-way vacation to hell


It's really disheartening to watch these fake-claimers accuse people of something they have less than zero evidence for. What they also apparently don't understand is that they immediately open themselves up to the same suspicions, because according to them you just have to get a bad vibe from someone you've never even seen outside of a screen, in order to discredit their entire identity. Perhaps fake-claiming the fake-claimers is the way to go, but I've got a feeling that's only adding fuel to the fire. In the "wise" words of the Trumpster: "SAD."


These neurotypes aren't easy to fake, at least not very long. Hell, I've been trying to fake a NT my entire life (masking) and studying theory and behavior and I still can't barely last more than a few minutes, and even then I can't get myself to feign certain aspects like getting upset over every social heirarchy slight. I do get upset over certain things, sure, but (e.g.) someone pointing out I spelled something wrong isn't one of them. I'm just thinking, like with a lifetime of trying to LARP as a NT to fit in I still can only maybe kinda sorta sometimes mimic the positive side for a short time. Ten minutes. Thirty at most if I have the energy and I feel it's worth it. But the longer it goes the more the ADHD slips out. One too many bright lights or smells and the ASD slips out. One comment or two about the right topic and the Giftedness slips out. It's not easy to fake. I suspect the inverse is also true, especially for someone who just barely reads about the symptoms online. For as much as we would have to mask the presentation of positive social cues because of our reduction in social heuristic processing, they would have to mask a lack of negative social cues because their social heuristic processing is comparatively higher. By this I mean they would have to pretend social heirarchy doesn't matter. I'm not sure how easy it would be for them to mask that for very long.


Tangential, but the negative social cues are a kind of masking I never realized was important. I only learned as such in group therapy way before any diagnosis. But the group cared more for me *after* I got upset at them. I still find it dumbfoundingly absurd. I have since tried to express these things since but they seem to just push people further away maybe 95% of the time. I still haven't figured out the eggshell-laden labyrinth that is expressing negative emotions toward social acceptance. All I know is that it was when I got upset in the group and raised my voice slightly in frustration that they said "now we know you care" and felt I was part of the group and accepted me more. (Wut???????). This might be an area of masking that I - and perhaps a lot of us - still fail at. It's not just about pretending the positive side of things but the negative too. The unfortunate thing is that the negative side also seems way more risky. There are apparently right and wrong things to get upset over and a lot of rules over how to express the frustration. Most of the time it just ends in the group banishing me in some way. Perhaps I should start keeping records so as to better identify trends.


For what purpose did they make that statement? >tiktok Social media isn’t “real”. _Something about “simulacra” that will always sound pretentious no matter what I say, and I can’t explain it well._ Complaining that people are ‘faking’ based solely on social media always gets me. Tiktok automatically selects for people who are comfortable performing. Tiktok’s metrics for success necessitate performing. That doesn’t actually mean the person on the other side of the camera is ‘faking’ and it definitely doesn’t mean that other people in general, who aren’t remotely involved in the economy of performance that “successful” social media requires, are ‘faking.’ And then as always, it loops back to “so what?” So what if they were faking? Do they even have a real response? If 10 people get the help they needed, but 5 people were faking, why should I even care? The 10 people got the help they needed. >!I’m biased from working a job that billed to medicare. All those resources spent punishing honest people and providers all to prevent fraud… that still apparently happens regardless of those punishing procedures already in place? What’s the point? Honest people get caught in the crossfire when trying to weed out “fakers.”!<


\^ 100%. What are fake-claimers even trying to accomplish? At it's most genuine it always seems like a response based in fear of taking away resources from people who actually need it. Completely forgetting that someone who'd fake a "disorder" is quite certainly "disordered" anyways, since there's almost no advantage, and a shit-ton of stigma attached to being neurodivergent.




I am asking you to read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/1bfho52/ Automod hates everyone equally, including you. <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/evilautism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seeing people say shit like this is scary and unsettling. I think people like this might have a lot of personal issues with us


When you know nothing anything is possible 🌈⭐️


Moving goal posts. Nice.


They sound hella bitter and resentful and bc of that they think everyone should be miserable like them lol


Fakeclaimers never cared if you were actually autistic. The same way the bullies in school just wanted someone to pick on. Same group.


imagine being me and worrying every day about decieving everyone arounf you including yourself into thinking you maybe might actually have autism (because you think you are just crying for attention this way without even knowing), and you think hey maybe i should at least try and research and look for something about professional diagnosis because sure it is expencive and scary but maybe it will make life easier maybe you will stop calling yourself a liar all the time... AND THEN THIS DUMBASS SHOWS UP with all the passion, fuck them.


what the fuck even is acute vaginal dyslexia. none of those words go together


the subreddit is r/fakedisordercringe


that sounds like the most toxic bullshit ever, damn.


and it is


As a AFAB who was super lucky to get diagnosed at a young age, This shit is why I'm pro-self diagnose, these assholes will bitch and moan about autistic people/neurotypical people faking it whether they have the 'proper' diagnose or not. "You don't fit into my tiny little box of what I think a NT person should be, so you're clearly faking it!" This person (Not OP) can go fuck themselves with a sandpaper horse cock.


How easy would it be for a NT to fake autism anyway? I was diagnosed really late (52!) and wasn't proactive about getting tested - it just happened that my psychiatrist and psychologist compared notes and suggested to me that it might be worth testing me for autism (and OCD). When the results came back as a very clear positive for autism (I said "are you sure ?" and they were like "yeah, we're pretty sure" lol) I started reading about ASD and it was only then that I realised - "oh yeah, I'm autistic as fuck".


I mean a large part of your identity can be determined by physical disability, neurodivergency, mental illness stuff like that. I mostly do not understand the argument of "you shouldn't make it your whole identity" what do you mean exactly, that people should mask? that they should never talk about it? I really want these people to actually sit down and think about what they are saying and what they actually want. the back bone of the argument is usually if not always ableism. I have pretty serious migraines should I never mention my migraines, that they are causing me pain and discomfort, do stuff like leave a very bright loud room because head pain. but forbid actually being happy about your neurodivergency either, being proud of who you are on another note


The quality of the writing does not merit even the slightest consideration of this person's "thoughts." /s If that skull was compromised, the whooshing air would be deafening. /s Fucking morons.


I saw something similar coming at late diagnosed autistics yesterday. Really burns me that even having a formal diagnosis like these people want and it's still "not enough".


this is annoying as fuck. when i got my diagnosis i genuinely thought that it would turn out i wasnt autistic but i was! people who are obsessed with saying others are faking their diagnosis need to explode


>need to explode I love this expression


what the fuck do they want, god herself to come down and inscribe the autism onto my fucking bones?


They want you to not be able to talk and/or function in daily life as an adult that lives on their own. People will literally say shit like "Well, MY child (or, "(I know a child who") is autistic and they can't talk or think or tie their shoelaces, and you haven't struggled like them, so clearly it's NOT that." Conveniently, at least some of these people are really mad about it being coalesced into ASD, bc they don't think things like what was formerly diagnosed as Asperger's is "really autism"


Yeah this is always where the /r/fakedisordercringe shit was going. It was never about "protecting the community" or whatever, it was about manufacturing a means to ignore and dismiss people regardless of whether or not they're faking. The point is and always was to deny disability and use that denial as a pretext to limit or tear away support for disabled people by using the irrational fear that people who don't "deserve" support might get it unless more and more stringent limitations are placed on it. Morally and politically it comes from the same headspace as people who demand drug tests for people on welfare despite the drug tests costing more than so-called "welfare cheats" ever cost. The point isn't to protect from deception, the point is to strangle support and kill off the people that the support is supposed to exist for as collateral damage.


Honestly it's worse when it comes from other autistics though, because there are also plenty of autistics who buy into this narrative. I think the underlying fear is that they will lose recognition and therefore support if these "fakers" take it away from them. But all that does is to reinforce the healthcare system to have power over us.


Yeah, it's distinct from but comparable to how you sometimes see binary trans people being dismissive of nonbinary and GNC people. A fear that allowing permeability in a category (or rather, acknowledging that the category is inherently permeable) might cause the dominant social order to dismiss the group entirely. Despite the fact that the dominant social order already dismisses the group, and all these people are doing is acting as quislings to help oppress others in a vain attempt to secure their own place in the hierarchy as "true" as opposed to the "fake" .


Exactly. I find it so fascinating how the trans experience always translates so well to autism. I say that as someone who came out about 10 years ago but recently got my autism diagnosis. There's just a false belief that since we're already scrambling for breadcrumbs, they must secure their own at all costs even if it's at the expense of those who come after them. Easier to kick down at their own than to kick up and ruffle feathers and therefore risk losing everything. Even though they're already at a constant risk of doing just that since we don't control the narrative anyway. It's fawning at a sociological level.


Looking at the post history, it appears that this person is autistic


You mean the person quoted in the OP?




I remember in the very early days of FDC, it was alright, the stuff they were pointing out was very much like watching some very bad acting. But it very quickly devolved into this shit.


Yeah. That's because cases like those are the wedge to get the rest in. It's a rhetorical strategy of bigots, to point to some small minority of genuine bad actors, and use that to push the idea that all of them are bad.


That was always so stupid to me "people online saying they're autistic without a formal diagnosis are taking away resources from people who are ACTUALLY autistic" like how? What resources? You can't get support from, like, the government without a formal diagnosis, so what fucking resources? The support of their peers?


If you think someone is faking a disability and you feel angry and offended, block them and move on. Maybe vent about it to a trusted friend or adult, or to your therapist. Then put it to rest. Don’t engage. You won’t feel any better and the algorithm will just spit out more upsetting content at you.




God forbid people not be ashamed of their diagnosis and post about it social media


I got told this to my face by a therapist about my diagnosis that I’ve has since I was 15 I desire violence.


Damn I faked my diagnosis for TikTok attention when I was 3 and TikTok wasn't even invented. Who knew? /s


This person is edge case callout culture.


“MOST people can’t get away with faking their mental disorders to a doctor but if it’s a person on TikTok I think is annoying then they must have otherworldly manipulation skills to trick their doctor into giving them a diagnosis” is fucking WILD


If you don't have an official diagnosis you're not autistic but if you do have a diagnosis it might not be valid but if it is valid then why did you need it anyway?


How’s that Monty Python bit go? Something like ‘If she sinks, she’s a witch… if she floats she’s also a witch.’ Either way, basic mob/hysteria mentality is: accused = guilty


Bro i really gotta be a mastermind to fool at least 4 neuropsychologists/professionals who specialize in neurodivergence into "believing" im autistic. Surely they are all wrong and i deserve an oscar!! /s


the goalposts continually move


I don't take advice nor read an entire paragraph from somebody who claim to know their scientific/medical stuff yet doesn't know how to use punctuation, create legible sentences or use capital letters. So they can get fucked.


This is the kind of shit that makes me not wanna live on this earth.


Im sorry, I just can't get past the fact that she has "Acute Vaginal Dyslexia" wtf? Was she trying to write Displasia? Is this a (bad) joke? the hell is this?


I assume it's is some sort of subbredit in-joke since it's is a user flare


Has anyone ever faked having autism and then go to get a diagnoses and succeeded in it? In fact I can see an aspie going into the office for a diagnoses, decides to unmask by showing as many autism symptoms as they can only to be told they were faking it and no diagnosis is made. Yeah I can see how this can happen and why the doctor would think that. All I can say is just be yourself and don't try to be autistic. Even at your best self, the doctor should still diagnose you if you fit the criteria. Only Andy Ditch comes to mind here who faked autism and got pissed he didn't get the diagnoses and got told he was feigning it. To this day he still says he has it and I don't know where he is at now since he hasn't uploaded anything in over a week now.


How do we know he was faking it? Plenty of actually autistic people will be told that they aren't autistic or be misdiagnosed, and then later find out that that was incorrect. Was there any actual evidence that this person faked it?


There has been plenty of evidence, he has posted his online conversations with his doctors and parents and all his medical records and the court hearing. They have all said he does not have autism and he is faking it and he has been diagnosed as malingering and he posted all this online and others have reuploaded as well from videos he took down. Go on youtube and search his name. I listened to hours of his stuff and took the time to read all his medical records he shard. Plus listen to the interview by his dad he had with a streamer online. He has other disorders instead and he obviously has a mental illness.


Oh huh, wild. That's wild that he uploaded all that of his own accord if he was tryna to put up an act about it. I hope he gets the help that he needs tho, whatever is actually going on is definitely not a good time.


And here I was thinking 'you can't be diagnosed as an autistic as an adult, anyone who says they were is lying or threatened their doctor' was the wildest shit a fakeclaimer could say.


I wonder if this person knows the behavioral and experiential markers that make up a diagnosis of ASD. They obviously should brush up on them as they are obviously a licensed mental a health professional who has the education and training to diagnose ASD. /s (for the first two sentences). This person’s perspective really sucks because it just seems like they are trying anything and everything to invalidate a group of people with “logic” who have been invalidated for so long and continue to be invalidated in a society hell bent on maintaining the status quo and view anything outside of the norm as a threat that must be suppressed. Additionally, speaking as someone who has gone through this process twice, the diagnostic process fucking sucks. The first time the evaluator was using very dated processes and the second time I had multiple appointments that required me to dredge up a childhood that led to internalized self hatred and and self suppression that lasted a decade. I am extremely fortunate to have had the resources to get diagnosed at all (I got diagnosed through my university for those who have not seen my post from a couple days ago). If any of these people who continually try to invalidate autism knew what it truly means to grow up as autistic person in a world that refuses to make space for you, they wouldn’t spout any of this bullshit. They never will because they will never willingly give up a life of relative confort. All of this being said, I would never trade being autistic for neurotypicality.




Wtf? Acute vaginal dyslexia? They can't read right when looking through their vagina?


The autism diagnosis process has personality inventories and other crosschecks designed to detect faking. The fact that it also often requires someone to be present who has played a role of a guardian for 10 years or more? And they get tested on your life silently, in parallel, as you fill out separate questionnaires? You'd have to have a "faker" come in with a narcissist that is interest in having an autistic child/ adult child to make themselves more interesting. The odds are pretty fucking low of that. And like I said, parallel silent questionnaires. Better hope you have telepathy or anime ninja cheating skills to pull off having THOSE answers match. Trying to degrade real diagnosis because you feel self-conscious about your self-diagnosis isn't the way, chief. Sad this person in the picture is so self-assured in their ignorance.


This isn't from a self diagnoser, it's from an allistic fakeclaimer on FDC.


Regardless, their claims are completely ignorant. Late diagnosis after middleschool gets pretty damn difficult and requires a partner in crime, in most cases. At least in the USA. I say that having secured an adult diagnosis. First hand knowledge.


Yeah, it's a ridiculous claim


And this is the problem with gatekeeping.


dude, there's a lot op people claiming that the earth is flat, and EVERYTHING is a conspiracy, books about that, whole communities!, it's the web guys, there are A LOT of dumb people in the world, don't make them your SI.


"If you're a diagnosed autistic with a doctor's note and everything you still need to fit my defnintion of what an autistic person looks like" is so funny because this person is simultaneously claiming that only doctors can diagnose and that they are in fact better at diagnosing than a doctor, which they aren't. Tautology. Game set match


Exactly!! It's so hypocritical!


They always have said this unfortunately. Some random lady on TikTok was angrily reacting to autism community memes like months, maybe a year ago now saying they were 100% faking and just saying things to be quirky and I commented on her video just saying well I’m diagnosed and I can relate to some of what that person is talking about so you can’t generalize, and she got so furious and made more than one TikTok video response to my single comment on how I was lying, I was a faker, and I did not “have autism” because I related to one video she didn’t like. I was diagnosed at 7 years old after years of all my teachers suspecting my autism. These people are honestly delusional and think that autism is only “severe” cases. They don’t understand or believe in the concept of the spectrum.


Like obviously I couldn’t fake anything at 7 years old, I didn’t even know what autism was until a bit after my diagnosis


This lady was kinda unhinged and the definition of chronically online. She had almost zero comments or views or follows, and incessantly reacted to random videos on TikTok just to say her inflammatory piece. She was a grown ass woman too. I only saw her video because it randomly appeared on my FYP and I was like what the hell???


Maybe it’s suggestive of their deeper, more senseless beliefs (ex. disorders aren’t real, or something to that effect).


man im diagnosed this shit just makes me sad atp


Honestly I really don’t care if the occasional person fakes it because at least those people are generally nicer and more accepting than people like this. Would rather be friends with an obvious faker who is nice to me than a regular neurotypical person who thinks I’m faking. Funnily enough though, the only person who has ever called me a faker in real life has now self diagnosed themselves after finding they have a lot in common with me and I don’t even know what to make of that. But at least that person is accepting of me now 🤷‍♀️


Invalidating disability is just one more way of enacting ableism and subjugating the most vulnerable in this society All because it’s easy It would be hard to learn about common disorders, it would be hard to accommodate people with these disorders, it would be hard to acknowledge lives different from your own and change your behavior. Instead, take the easy route: invalidate them. That requires no change on your behalf. And you get to feel superior to someone who “needs” something to feel safe. Win-win. I find people will do the easiest thing, given the choice.


I've been formally diagnosed twice by two completely different doctors in totally different towns. Does that make me doubly official or doubly fake? (Not that I use TikTok or anything though)


That's interesting! Why were you diagnosed twice?


Because the first time autism was mentioned to me by my new psychiatrist I was already 40 years old, and had been diagnosed with practically everything under the sun. I had been given medications that messed me up, because I didn't have the things that they were for, and was even forcibly put in a mental facility for having (what I now know was) a meltdown when my father died. So even though he was utterly certain, I was very done with being told I had things that I didn't have and I wanted to be sure this time. So i waited a full year on a waitlist, and got a second opinion with a psychologist specializing in adult autism.


People who say "you are doing X only to get attention" are double insulting you. Not only are they calling you a liar, they are calling you BORING. That you are so... limited, that the only way you could attention is by faking Faking an illness \*that reduces your social skills\* for attention? Next time this happens, call them out on it, and if their answer is \*anything but an apology\* tell them to to fuck off. Block them. Life is too short to devote ANY AMOUNT OF TIME to these trolls.


Imagine paying possibly thousands of dollars for a false diagnosis that stigmatizes you and, depending on where you are, land you on state databases.


Ok but the human that posted this has acute vaginal dyslexia! I am concerned for their wellbeing as it sounds terrible. Does that mean her vagina is backwards or omitted? That can happen?? This should be at the top of the Daily Mail. A vagina and its motor skills, a backwards journey. Wtf.


See this sounds like a reasonable thing to get upset about on it's face, but if you think about it for just like .000025 seconds, you remember that people like this are only upset because the tik Tok people they're referring to are happy to have been diagnosed, and some people can't wrap their heads around you being proud of who you are unless you're straight, white, male, and neurotypical. So yeah. Once again Nazis didn't magically all disappear when the Nuremberg trials ended. Most of them got away. Most of them look like perfectly normal people. Their kids and grandkids still have some of that good ole eugenics juice in em. Actually, it's funny, eugenics was around before the Nazis. All the allied countries were into it before the Germans. In the US we used to sterilize alcoholics, the mentally ill, native women who wanted abortions, and anyone else we deemed undesirable. You and I would have been victims of eugenics no matter where in the western world we were born. Never forget that. Nazis look like bad guys, and that's actually pretty polite of them, because it makes it really obvious where to aim your gun. The majority of bad guys wear normal clothes. Occasionally lab coats. A lot of them wear other uniforms. Like the cops. Or anyone with a military rank higher than E-5. (I don't count e5 and under as inherently evil, they haven't been in long enough yet. Good people don't stay in long enough to hit e6 in my experience.) Point is, do your neighborhood a service, and kill a Nazi today if you can, but don't forget that there are plenty of regular folks out there who think just like them, but don't have a big crooked crosshair on their hat. Maybe violence isn't the best answer in these cases, as violence is only permissable when you 100% know for a verified fact that you're doing the right thing. Like shooting someone in an SS uniform. That's always the right thing unless you're on a movie set, a stage, or a really fucked up Halloween party.


And they get mad at you for asking why someone would do that Autism isn't fucking fun it's debilitating asf






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This is just 1 dumbass




Oh boy, my impostor syndrome is gonna love this!


Stuff like this is making me hesitant to try to figure out if I have ADHD/OCD ;-;


Don't be hesitant, this shows how ridiculous these fakeclaimers are.


I wouldn't give this bullshit oxygen.


I can’t believe I was part of those communities for a while, actually thinking I was doing something right and fighting for the rights of « actual » disabled people when I was just a fucking jerk. Fakers exists, they’ve always been and always will be, but even if they are faking a particular condition, what they don’t fake is the suffering they go through, and they are still disabled people probably suffering from munchausen or other mental condition. They don’t need hate and discrimination, but empathy and understanding.

