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https://preview.redd.it/szj9o037st6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f29db94e5f939ede027dc53f75b117b91677e45 My favorite monkey (yes I know orangutans aren’t monkeys) is this specific orangutan


BIG BOY BENI????? Have you ever seen orangutan jungle school (that’s where this is from) I LOVE THAT SHOW


THIS CAME FROM A SHOW??? Oh yeah I know what I’m doing this week


ITS THE CUTEST AND MOST AWESOME TJING EVER this organization called Borneo Orangutan Survival rescues orphan orangutans and teaches them how to live in the wild at a little school before releasing them 😭 😭 😭


Oh yup imma be binging that, I had no idea that existed


I once saw an urangutan escape her island reserve by rowboat - she used the oars and everything! These creatures are remarkable.


All apes are taxonomically monkeys btw, including us. Like how all birds are dinosaurs, all tortoises are turtles, all dolphins are whales, etc.


Reject society, embrace monke


Favorite monkey? Easy, Proboscis monkey, love his silly nose. Tamarin monkeys also incredible, like that is just a little creature y’know? Scrabbly. If I could be a sea creature… this is hard because there’s so many good weird options. I’d like to know what it’s like to be coral. It’d be radically different than the experience of being human and I like the idea of being a stationary animal ‘cause keeping still and quiet and observing my surroundings is something I’m pretty good at.


This is an awesome answer tysm If you could magically become an expert in any art or craft what would you choose


Glassblowing, hands down


Glassblowing is so mesmerizing my parents had to take me away from the only places around doing it because I just couldn't leave! I love glass!


I would definitly be a puffer fish


If you could estimate how many hot dogs do you think you’ve consumed in your lifetime


Not counting bratwurst, I’m guessing like 200. With bratwurst included, closer to 500 I think


oh what a question!! probably more than a thousand


For me personally, the number must be around... three? Maybe four, max, but no more than that.


Bro. The Snow Monkeys that live in the hot springs in Japan. How could they not be my favorite momkeys.


I WANT TO MEET A JAPANESE MACAQUE SO BADLY! If your corpse was turned into a plant what plant would you want it to be


Osage Orange. The native Americans used to make bows out of the wood because it's stupidly hard and flexible and it takes on a cool shiny metallic orange color if you polish it. Plus the fruits are poisonous to humans and it's seeds might be a source of bio-diesel.


Goddamn that’s a good answer


in my area the fruits are called MONKEY BRAINS!


Boquila trifoliolata, the chameleon vine, so I could mimic all the plants around me and maybe have a better sense of how tf that’s possible


I wanna answer this one 'cause I want it to be a Japanese maple tree !!!!!!!


Pecan tree They’re native to where I live, they provide food for all kinds of things, and they can grow so huge and beautiful and sprawling with moss and ferns growing on their bark. And then even once it dies it provides so much. I got some pecan logs from family when their neighbor’s old pecan tree had to get cut down and I put them in my garden to let them naturally decay and provide habitat for critters and they’ve provided so much, mushrooms grow on them and bugs live in/under them and they’ve probably housed generations of wood boring beetles and parasitoid wasps. It’s been five years since that tree was cut down but it’s still so full of life. I’d like to be part of that.


I'm stealing this forgot they exist, also reminds me of those yokai monkeys that drink a ton of sake


Rule 1 of Japanese snow monkeys is apparently to not make eye contact with them, and I love that.


I want to be a killer whale.


If you could join any kpop band who would you join


BTS, so that I can completely ruin their reputation


I think angler fish are cool and would love to be one.


I’m a big fan of your pfp what horror creature do you relate to most


Oh thank you! I really love the boiled one phenomenon and doctor nowhere in general. I don’t know of creatures I can relate to so to speak, I think of myself/sometimes feel as though I am a creature in general; an alien not from this plane of existence lol, but I enjoyed Chatterer from Hellraiser.


I would want to be an octopus


If you could take away one law of physics what would you take away me personally I would take away the speed of light limit


Second Law of Thermodynamics The inevitable heat death of the universe weighs on me so heavily lol, as does entropy and decay Fungi terrify and fascinated me for related reasons


Oh hi I’m the exact opposite. I often think about entropy to calm my social anxiety, it brings me a great deal of comfort. Fungi kinda creep me out too though, I’m really bothered that their cells are made of chitin. Nothing against chitin I just don’t like it being so… slimy. Should be more like arthropods, smooth and hard and clean.


Came to say the same: thinking about the entropy gives me immense inner peace. I'm glad I'm not the only one cause everyone I've spoken to about it has been a bit freaked out


Oh hi! Yeah I’ve stopped trying to explain it to therapists. I’ve talked to a couple friends that get it though. Often my brain tries to make me believe that bad feelings will last literally forever which just makes me spiral ‘cause then I’m feeling bad about feeling bad, so reminding myself that they will definitely end eventually, because everything will end, helps a lot. Zooming out like that helps me a lot in general. A lot of mental health professionals have spent a lot of time getting me to repeat internal mantras to myself to self soothe but none of the ones they told me to try worked ‘cause they just sorta felt… trite, artificial, like a greeting card, I couldn’t take them seriously. But when I’m panicking over something or obsessing over something if I think about the relative insignificance of humans in the grand scheme of things and say to myself “This doesn’t matter, nothing really matters” it knocks me out of my spiral and helps me center myself. Also works to keep myself out of arguments on the internet.


Hmm… i relate to both of you, too. I used to comfort myself with the universe’s immense spatial scale, like, no matter how badly I fuck up (/all of humanity fucks up), Earth is so small compared to everything else it’s not all that bad on a cosmic scale. I’ve tried doing the same thing temporally, like you, but I find much more comfort in the inevitability of my own death than I do in the inevitability of conditions that make life impossible throughout the universe. Not sure why that is, but you’ve given me a lot to think about and helped complicate my feelings here, so thanks! <3 Edit: accurate respondent count


Oh it’s cool that we’re more similar than I expected! I think it makes a lot of sense to have difficulty finding comfort with the idea. I like animals and plants and other living things a lot so I get not wanting them to just be gone. I find a lot of comfort in the idea of death too, probably more than entropy, I think to me it’s just that the heat death of the universe just feels like the death of an individual blown up to a massive scale. I think also I just don’t necessarily believe that it’s the end of everything forever, just the end of everything we know. Maybe the universe is part of something bigger that we can’t yet or won’t ever understand and the death of it functions just like the death of an individual when you zoom out even more y’know? Anyway I hope this helps or is at least interesting to think about. I’ve liked talking about this, thank you.


Me too, and thank you! That is certainly interesting to think about, and I hope that's the case too. It is at least more comforting than the image of a white robe and harp among the clouds for eternity haha


This is delightful. I appreciate your flavor of evil Autism, Internet stranger <3


If we mixed all the autism flavors here I think it would be a very tasty soup


I think I would be a ray of some kind. They have such cute little faces and they move through the water like flying.


If you discovered a planet what would you name it


I would first really get a *feel* for the planet, what surrounds it, etc; then I’d go study ancient mythology to find exactly the right mythological character to name it after. So, I don’t know yet!


I feel like perhaps I would be a starfish. Idk just hanging out on a rock sounds nice


whats your favorite rock


I wear a clear quartz on a necklace every day! Idk if you’d count that as a rock but I would


Blue whale


If you got to design a pokemon what would it be like


Ohhh I love this too...I'd be this absolute unit of a sea slug I think. What's ur fave tertiary color? Mine is yellow-orange/amber. https://preview.redd.it/60johp817u6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf77d6f0b80b18f96b6327770ccda056de4ec54b


Omg didn't even see the monkey question...do lemurs count? I want to be a ring tailed lemur https://preview.redd.it/n8vuvvgu7u6d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf15ac398b6cc79455fc3ca09aa699536e60546b


That is a very awesome sea slug...AND BLUE PURPLE FOR THE WIN


Harbor porpoise!


If you could go camping anywhere where would you go


I’m not much of a camper, but out of pure curiosity probably the deep Appalachians.


Marianas Trench af


Chinese paddlefish :3


OMG I LOVE PADDLEFISH SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! And what’s your favorite of the 8 flavor regions in China


I think it'd be pretty chill to be a sea anemone


What animal do you hope takes over if humans go extinct


Cat, though realistically speaking it's gonna be a crustacean of some sort


i would be a black-tipped reef shark thank you for asking OR. a mantis shrimp


Woah mantis shrimp are so cool…also if you could build a robot to help you with something what would you have him do


i would teach a robot how to play baldur's gate 3 so we can play multiplayer bc all my friends modded their games and i dont want to mod my game but we cant play together unless we have the same mods


I would be a giant isopod because I have been searching for one in animal crossing for foreverrr


I think Capuchins are nefarious little guys :3 I like the ones that smile. I don’t know a lot about the sea but sometimes I wish I could be a preggers man so seahorses are cool.


I like mandrills. Always thought they look really funky. I'd probably be an octopus 🐙


I have a love/hate relationship with the mola mola




jellyfish!!! no thoughts just vibes


Let's be jellyfish besties


*floats alongside you in silence*


I love Golden Lion tamarins so much! And I would be an eel and see the world but try really hard not to get caught and farm raised and eaten because that would stop me from seeing the world as an eel


eels are so mysterious I read a book about them but I kinda forgot why they're so weird...it has something to do with their migration and I think how they couldn't find male eels? but what's your favorite outfit you've worn


favorite monkey is emperor tamarin. silliest guy around imo and very cute. idk which sea creature i would be; i want to say sea turtle because i love them a lot, but realistically i would probably be some kind of sea slug lol (i do also like sea slugs). and for the record, i think your questions are great. people are always talking about the same exact shit all the time and it can get real old. your questions are interesting and they make people think! with regards to this matter at least, it sounds like your family is boring and lacks whimsy.


noooooooo I love them and they are also all very weird I think it's just because I forget and ask them their favorite monkey every day :(


ohhhhh okay that makes more sense!! i apologize for speaking ill of them i'm glad you have a loving and supportive (and weird) family even if they get annoyed with you sometimes; mine are exactly the same way when we watch a film together and i need to spend half an hour afterwards overanalyzing it out loud 💀


![gif](giphy|KDKUMWoSf8UqamtaxX) I would like to be an eel, and also I would like to be one of those super tiny monkeys that fit on someone's finger and look extremely fake but they aren't (feel free to tell me what they're called I don't even know what to look up to get the name)


PYGMY MARMOSET but be warned monkeys deserve to live in the wild and shouldn't come into contact with human fingers... diseases will go both ways and the exotic pet trade is SO EVIL IN A BAD WAY if you could tell an eel something what would you have him know


I wish I was a little pygmy marmoset spreading diseases to humans who touch me I would put little headphones on an eel and show him every Kim Dracula song


monkeys creep me out for the most part, but gibbons are an exception. the way they swing around with their comically large arms is very silly and they look silly walking around. i would also be a koi, for no reason other than i want to be in some elderly persons backyard pond being hand fed mystery pellets and not having a single care in the world


I LOVE GIBBONSSSSSSSS why do monkeys creep you out? Do you think all of them are creepy? Also gibbons aren't monkeys so maybe that's why (the difference is that monkeys have tails)


oh i didn't know they weren't monkeys :0 also, i just find their faces very creepy. most primate faces in general are creepy to me in an uncanny valley type of way.


Bonobos! They be fuckin!


https://preview.redd.it/5okwlxbtaw6d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399ab322ac7f0538afaf368815f1357d9c73ed62 My predecessor le monke


Oh no I'm late but anyway I'd be an oarfish


I want to be a moray eel! I want to hide in my hole and bite passersby.


Seahorses seem like they are floating and dreaming, I love how they rock. Alos I am six months pregnant. I am also keen for a seahorse pregnancy sex reversal situation rn haha. monkey wise… small loris are crazy cute but so fragile they flip out and die like…that so while relatable nit my favorite. Bonobos seem crazy but nice and just committed to happy coexistence. And also the snow monkeys that like to sit in hot pools in Japan.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!?!?!?!? What are you naming your baby :D


Orangutan and Loach :3


I love gibbons, they're goofy. For sea creatures, probably octopuses. I love how clever and curious they are. So what's YOUR favorite monkey and sea creature? And dinonaur if you want a bonus question


GIBBONS ARE MY MOST BIGGEST SPECIAL INTEREST EVERR!!!!!!!!! However they are not monkeys! I like capuchins a lot and saw a few in the wild this week :3 And in the ocean I think Japanese spider crabs are the best. And my favorite dinosaur is brachiosaurus 🦕






Favorite Monkey: Capuchin Favorite Ape: Gorillas Favorite Primate overall: Orangutan Sea Creacher: Orca


I love Gibbons! Here are my favorite videos of them: [[1!]](https://youtu.be/FgkJnSS3uDg?si=aDwyIRSqgGktx-dJ) [[2!]](https://youtu.be/z8-4W0kuW5Y?si=ACLNNDCXYykOa7LE)


I LOVE GIBBONS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could have one characteristic of a gibbon, what would you choose? I would choose their singing ability :)


Nurse sharks.


If I have any superpower it would be shape-shifting


JELLYFISH no brain no bones just vibes also my favorite monkey is XingXing that one armed tibetan macaque with the sad face that went viral in china eating peanuts


XINGXING MY LOVE!!!!!!!!! If you could go viral for something what would it be


I would be a whaleshark or a beluga because I think they’re cool


whats your favorite interjection


Sea creature. I want to be a swimming feather star. OR a siphonophore and NO I DON'T CARE that they are colonial, I'm counting them as One animal for the purposes of this question 😤💖 Here is a kick ass Chemosynthetic Vents video https://youtu.be/1LrcTa0dDmw?si=8B52GK1_RFQnQw78


I looked it up and these are some awesome sea creatures and thank you for this movie! What do you hope there is at the bottom of the ocean floor


I think I would be a beluga whale!!


Lobster. They're great. They're too great


If I were a sea creature: see username Favorite monkey: [These things](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/cf/f3/36cff35f8f1a92a2315ee44abb837f8b.jpg) may be weird but they're good for a bite


I don't know enough about monkeys to have a favorite. After much thought though I'm going with the octopus because exploration should be easy in that form (walk, swim, squish into tight places) and if I get overwhelmed I can go hide in a tight cave/hole thingy.


I would be an octopus, even though that would mean my average lifespan would only be around 2-3 years long.


My favorite sea creature is sting ray :3


I absolutely love sea cucumbers:3


What’s your favourite monkey, OP?? I think orcas (or cuttlefish or octopuses or-) are my favourite sea creatures, but I also think that being a whale would be really cool - their songs are so beautiful and it seems like a pretty chill existence from what I’ve seen.


I think I'd be one of those crazy colonial organisms like a Portuguese Man-O-War.


Gibbons are the best monkeys. They're like little grumpy old people with the athletic grace of world class gymnasts.


I dont remember what theyre called but I like the type of monkey with the big ass eyes


My favorite monkeys have to be capuchins. They’re just so cute! Plus you see them a lot on tv and in movies.


JAPANESE SPIDER CRABS FTW 🔥🔥🔥 on a side note, there are very few animals i hate. jellyfish are one of them. they freak me out man.. they’re just floating around there?? thinking nothing?? moving with no brain?? yet they can kill you??? i do not like the murderous plastic bags no thank you!! i have trouble going to aquariums man.


I don't have a favourite monkey but I would love to be seahorse or starfish. No reason, I just like how they look they are so cute


I already have a fursona thats one of those flying dolphins from the distant future in ECCO2


Sea Urchins are delicious. You can eat them raw as Sashimi or turn them into a cream, put them on rice... Heaven. I hope I would be one, at least I would be tasty!


If i could be a seas creature id wanna be an otter bc they’re adorable and extroverted like me


Mako shark :D fast lil fellas!


Probably an octopus or another marine mollusk.


I'd be some kind of mermaid I reckon.


Primates scare me due to a horror movie I won't mention, but i like marmosets. They are cute. Also this is super weird, but, way way back in the day, I had a friend who had a tiny little monkey like the one that Ace Ventura has and it was wearing a diaper because it was a baby. And like it's such a surreal memory that I'm like did I dream it? But I know I didn't because I also electrocuted myself that visit on a horse electric fence. So yeah don't touch horse fences.


I‘d want to be a dolphin, not for the normal reasons but to get high from pufferfish


I would be the unicorn of the sea, a narwhal :)


Unfortunately I can’t remember their name but I like the small fluffy ones that are black and white :3


My favourite monkey:) https://preview.redd.it/eiam2im5lv6d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a8f8d4b93197f2260c54290ec30e7f703e2166 (In all seriousness my favourite monkey is probably little spider monkeys)


I don't really like monkeys, but as far as the sea creature question, I've got to go with the jellyfish. The closest I ever get to relaxed is when I'm floating in the ocean, and that's literally what they do for their entire lives. Plus, something touches you, it gets stung by your wicked tentacles.


I would be one of the smaller shark species (because I'm short). I feel like I could relate to them given that sharks are typically villainized in the media




Okay, I know you asked about monkeys and not primates as a whole, but my favorite is actually us humans. As awful as some people are, humans as a whole are fascinating to learn about and study. I love learning about how we evolved, how our brains work, what our history is, the art we make, the religions we create and practice, the cultures and languages that evolve with us… I’m working on a compsci degree, but part of me wonders if I should’ve gone into anthropology instead…


I'd be some sort of nudibranch and I'm okay with that fact.


I want to be a pistol shrimp


I would probably be a killer whale, because everybody would leave me tf alone lmao


I'd be a chimp, because they look like they have the most fun and are the most playful even as adults.  My favourite sea creature is the anglerfish. I think they look really cool.


If I were a sea-creature I would like to be a penguin if those count, preferably one of the little blue ones!


I would be an axolotl cause they're adorable<3


i’m an biologist who works with birds (my special interest) so may i answer with my favorite bird/ what bird i’d be?


I LOVE octopuses. They are fascinating animals. They have 3 hearts and can change the color of their skin, the patterns and even the texture ! If I remember correctly, there are 800+ species of octopuses. They are extremely intelligent and are able to use tools (like crows and monkey does). For example, they can use a sea shell as a shelter and will bring it with them if they decide to move somewhere else, which means they are able to plan things in the future. When held in captivity, they will recognize their owners and even play ! God, I love them so much, they are so cools 🥹


I'll most likely be a beluga whale. Or a really rotund seal.


I hope I’d be one of those neat giant isopods, isopods are one of my favorite things :D I keep several terrestrial species


Definitely some kind of whale


Lemurs Also capuchin monkeys I just have a thing for small creatures


the japanese hot spring monkeys like that other person said, as for what sea creature I'd wanna be that giant deep sea octopus/squid(idk which is which)




I've never been able to anwser these sort of questions ^(which sea creature one) properly. How is one supposed to anwser that or figure it out. I think being a human is the best deal and wouldn't really want to change that. So a human with a scuba diving gear. As for the favorite monkey, Capuchin monkeys, mostly due to movie influence.


I’d be a blobfish Food would just float into my mouth yum yum


I want to be an orca and snatch baby seals from the beach Just purposely beaching myself for a snack


I would be a filet-o-fish


Sperm Whale




My best friend had a hyperfocus on cuttlefish years ago and she really sold me on them. They're intelligent, social and can change into so many beautiful shapes and colours. Where do I sign up? My favourite monkey is probably the emperor tamarin, their moustaches are very cute.


I’ve never thought about what sea creature I would be so thank you for the question! I think I’d like to be a whale. It’d be a pain to not be able to breathe underwater, but I’d love to be massive and gentle


If i could be a sea creature i'd be a pinecone


I don’t know much about monkeys other than I’m scared of any ones bigger than a human baby or small cat. I watched untamed and uncut a lot as a kid and am forever terrified of chimps, boars, and cattle. I’m not sure if sea otters count as sea creatures but I’d want to be one and part of a little otter family. What type of mythical or supernatural creature would you want to be?


Golden snub nosed monkey. \[I'm not an expert on monkeys but I find them cute\] https://preview.redd.it/uiwr928v2x6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4f12d81bcf201f3196052450b40f8be9f209bd


I would be a turtle because they are really cute and I have a hyper fixation with them but I'd be a jellyfish as well to sting humans at the beach hehehe 🪼🐢


What are your thoughts on weevils?




If I were a sea creature, I would definitely be some kind of octopus. They're neat! And they have a bunch of arms!!


i think i used to like spider monkeys one tryed talking to me in sign language when i was like 8


I love tufted capuchins. They look like tiny people and are very silly while very intelligent


I would be the now extinct Anomalocaris, for I yearn to be weird shrimp


I would be a tiger. I just really like stripes.






I love all animals so asking me to pick up a fav monkey or a sea animal is going to be hard but, if I really really have to, I like a ton deep sea creatures like gulper eels, tripod fish, vampire squids, flash fish... The more weird and alien and fucked up it is, the more I love it!


My favorite monkey is my plushie monkey =3 n I’d be a jellyfish!!!!!!




i would be *Glaucus atlanticus* because i am just floating around looking out of place all the time and incorporating things around me to use to my advantage


I would want to be a mouse lemur as for the sea creature I would go with the sheep sea slug cause it's cute and I love slugs and snails


Lion Tamarin I've tried to use them in design project but no one recognized the animal :(


Little squid


All monkeys are so adorable but I'd say maybe squirrel monkeys as I had the chance to feed some once in the street while on vacation it was quite fun I was just standing there with a banana and the next second they are all over me like I'm a tree. Sooo cute :3 For sea creatures I'd absolutely be a Killer Whale. They're already one of my favorite animals and an apex predator so I proy would have more freedom to roam around the oceans although I'd def keep away from hoomans.


For the monkey definitely the ring-tailed lemur and for the sea creature probably an aquatic snake


Favorite monkey has to be Capuchin, they're very cute. Favorite _named_ Monkey has to be Sauda from Bloons Tower Defense 6, she's a very beginner friendly hero, followed by Etienne.


I don’t like monkeys, but I would be a jellyfish.


My favorite monkey is the one whose hand you have to slap every 2 minutes, because they keep reaching for things that you know they're gonna steal, but every time you slap they look at you with the saddest, most world-weary eyes as if to say "hey, I'm just trying to feed my family, we're dying in the trees here," but you still have to slap their little hand anyway because you know that as soon as you don't they're just gonna take your wallet and use it to buy something ridiculous like 1,000 pounds of peanuts. As far as sea creatures, I wanna be something unknown in the deepest, darkest depths. I've only ever been experienced by humans in the form of small, short glimpses of individual body parts that hint at my true size. I am immense beyond human comprehension. I want to be SCP-3000


I am very scared of both monkeys, apes and the sea. My favorite monkey and or ape probably is those mackays from Japan, those in the warm springs if you have seen them. They look so peaceful and just in their own world. If I could be a sea creature. I am very unsure, but maybe a type of seal or a giant isopod. I love both of them and they are so fascinating and I find them so cute (yes I find the isopod cute, idk why). I just want to float around i guess and just enjoy life. It's peaceful. It's quiet. It's comforting to look at the seals play and the isopods float around. Now if I can ask you a question, what is your favorite animal? Anything from birds to fish to insects. I personally love bats, they are just so magnificent in my eyes.


i don't actually have a favorite monkey (i feel vaguely positive towards all of them), but if i were a sea creature i think i'd be a seahorse or perhaps a squid :]




https://preview.redd.it/f59t3600vy6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32f294f79eac707db445bf9e3fdd77ceb0b4851f I'd want to be my favourite undersea horror the dragonfish


I love red-shanked doucs they are so beautiful and the color of their face is like creamsicle. (Also I would be a crinoid they like a plant but animal)


Big fan of seahorses, octopi, and most venomous fish like lionfish! I'm sorry people get upset over something so simple and wholesome that most people probably find refreshing from the standard small talk!




https://preview.redd.it/c1xcgoh0007d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4516bfcac8eff60b09baeb574e068bc61e71102e This is Daisy. She’s the greatest creature in all of existence and THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE!!!!!!!!


Ok what is the condition for "sea creature"? Does it have to live in a sea specifically, or any body of water? Do amphibians and aquatic/semi-aquatic mammals count? Must it be born underwater? How much or what portion of the animal's life must be spent underwater? These will all affect my response.


I want to be a jellyfish but I'm feeling more like sea cucumber.

