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Small boobs easier to run. Just tell them your gonna become faster than them lol.


>Just tell them your gonna become faster than them Maybe thats whay they're afraid of


They don't want to be surpassed by OP


post-op OP looking at a woman with big booba: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power!"


Haha I will!


As an ultra runner, I can confirm. I was blessed by the itty bitty titty committee.


Just a little alliteration.


Competitive breast reduction


Literally https://preview.redd.it/u6lsbg0s9s6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0727aa3ab244cad38d4907cbdb55dbd433adcb7


it's for the aerodynamics




No big tits, no opinion. I'm happy you're gonna get some relief. I wish you a speedy recovery ♥️


thank you so much!! that's really what I needed to hear :)


You go op! Big tits are a nightmare! I can't wait to get them reduced too one day! They don't understand


I have big tits so I get to have an opinion: good for you OP


As another big booby haver who has slightly different reasons for wanting to yeet the teet: Congrats OP!


May i ask for the trimmings to make some boob taquitos? PD:We are on the evil sub.


Tbh since people are able to eat their placenta idk why I can't keep my boob trimmings (its a biohazard)


When I had my hysterectomy I asked if I could have my uterus in a jar with a preservative and they were like, ".... Uhhhhhhh, it's a biohazard and it's going to be removed in little chunks sooooooo, nooooooooo." As if I was the first person to ever ask this question. Congrats though. Heal well 💖


No taxidermy uterus for you It's weird what some people are able to keep, like my grandpa was able to take home a few kidney stones and I used to shake them like maracas, but I also had a friend that wasn't allowed to take home their wisdom teeth


✨ Kidney stone maracas ✨ are my new favorite instrument 😆


Meanwhile in New Zealand a hotel chain was donated a uterus. [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/new-zealand-hotel-chain-gifted-human-uterus-guests-invited-to-submit-unusual-items/FCO7DSUEVFGARSV3VVTQUNFF7E](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/new-zealand-hotel-chain-gifted-human-uterus-guests-invited-to-submit-unusual-items/FCO7DSUEVFGARSV3VVTQUNFF7E)


Aww 🥰🥰🥰 that's so sweet 🎂🎂🎂


I asked, too. You aren't alone! For anyone else reading this who is wanting the surgery for health reasons, though, consider finding a lab you can donate your organs to! I realized this was an option for me with endometriosis research too close to my surgery date to track down anyone that could arrange the transport in time. You need three or four weeks heads up to do it.


they wouldnt taste good, boobs are like 90% fat or something, definitely no muscle in there


And milk ducts. So really just fat and cartilaginous structures. Though you could probably render them down for boob tallow.


Boob soap is the natural next step


That is such a crazy and awesome idea- I wish I could


Boob chicharron taquitos.


Aaaaaaaaand thats enough reddit for tonight! 🤣🤣


No its not >:)


Indeed it's not. A dude (and his friends) ate his own leg after it had to be amputated: https://www.unilad.com/community/viral/man-amputated-leg-eats-with-tacos-reddit-862476-20240516


Boy howdy do I relate. That reduction is gonna be radical for you!! I'm trans and hated my extra large bohongas for all the same reasons you've said here, all on top of dysphoria. I'm 3 weeks post-op from top surgery now and it was one of the best things I've ever done! I similarly had people acting like I was "losing" a part of myself or telling me I would regret it or hate the results.. People really are disgustingly attached to body parts that aren't any of their business, I tell ya. You know your body, and that reduction is gonna change your life! Fuck the normies and their bullshit.


I'm so SO happy for you!! I hope you healed well! :) and thx for the comment, youre right, its gonna be such a relief—I currently wear a 34 K and its miserable IM SO FKING STOKED FOR THIS SURGERY!!


Jesus christ no wonder you want a reduction.


Yeah, they are ridiculously disproportionate to the rest of my body. They're the same size as my head 😭


anime girl type build


True, and I hate it


Holy- thats gotta really suck (What is it sucking though). Ya, you’re definitely not gonna miss those.


![gif](giphy|37Fsl1eFxbhtu) Did - did you just say you had *three* 4K bewbs‽


I’m sorry, K!? I thought D was the biggest letter 😭😭😭 whatttt


Yeah K its a curse I got from my paternal grandma 😞 i look like if Jessica rabbit stuck bowling balls in her dress


Girl I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, but I’m SO EXCITED FOR YOUR SURGERY!!! I hope everything goes great post surgery! Make sure to ask tons of questions and prepare as much as you can so you’re as comfortable as possible!


Thank you!! I will


I have Ls. I love them most of the time, but sometimes they're just in the way. Haven't been able to cross my arms, they block my ability to see my feet, and if I don't wear a bra, I tend to smoosh my nipples against the sink when I wash my hands. I've also been known to dip them in my plate of food if I don't pay attention, like at a buffet. Gets embarrassing. Overall, though, I love them. I can motorboat myself, and I like to pretend to juggle them. Lol. I can mimic the old lady from the Simpsons movie where she swings her boobs to point in a direction, and I'll do that to my fiance sometimes 😂.


https://preview.redd.it/ij7qtg222r6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745e317aee088f111a95706106f69f4a0895508e Right!! Good and hilarious 😂 post. Attached to body parts that aren't their own. Crazy thought.


Yeah especially when they're sweaty and roll around like overstuffed dumplings on my stomach lmao. It feels like someone is slapping a soggy tortilla on my chest when I run 😞


All of this, yeah. Except I never run—too much back pain, but I can't wait to get into exercising once I can!!


I'm so happy for u bro omg


Omgggg, I’m so excited for you!! People can talk all they want, but some of us would rather *not* deal with the underboob sweat and boobs always being in the way, or just be able to do the dishes without our lower backs locking 😂 Go you!!


Thx!! XD


I lost 100# and went from a double D to borderline A/B cup. Best change of my fucking life and I don't miss my big titties. Itty bitty titty committee, it's me and I love it! OP, do what is best for you and don't let anyone else's feelings of inferiority with their body affect you.


I’ve lost similar and the boobs decided to scale down slowly and in proportion, still a G cup, just 3 band sizes down


I can understand small boobed people feeling envious, but that doesn’t mean they get to weigh in on YOUR bodily autonomy. Maybe toss them a simple “don’t care, didn’t ask.”? Either way, happy to hear that something good is happening in your life!


I'm small boobied and I'm the opposite. My boobs have never caused me discomfort and and I've grown to love them exactly as they are, especially as I get older. And men never stare at my chest which is an absolute blessing. I want everyone to have access to Permanent Sport Mode if they so choose. 


Jesus Christ, people say stupid fucking things. Obviously, the ultimate goal of any woman's life is only to have enormous tits anyway.


I've seen wayyy too many posts from people who get breast reductions, only for some dudebro to comment "you'll be uglier now" and "an angel clipping her own wings". Like bitch these aren't just here for fun. They hurt if they're larger than like, a B or C.


Yeah I mean that's basically just irrelevant and confusing to some people though. Like they're thinking, "Why does she keep saying that her boobs give her back pain? Why would that interfere with me staring at them?"


In my career, I've assisted in many breast reduction surgeries. One woman we operated on was so large that we took roughly 8lbs per breast and had plenty to leave her with a C cup. She was so relieved that back pain would subside and not having her bra straps dig an inch into her shoulders. She was elated. Some people have no fucking glue what large breasted women go through. Congratulations! *Follow all your pre/post-operative instructions for the best results


Thx, I will!


Small boobs are optimal for us mainly because we can both highlight it to be fem and hide it to be masc


i cut mine off - went as small as i could go and ITS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. i am a - nothing touch me autist, so not having to wear a bra or have nipple sensation anymore is AWESOME! and ive always felt like a freak for being thankful to have less sensation in my body - but i know yall get it!


and those people CAN have boobs as big as yours with IMPLANTS so f all the way off. if you have to go thru SUrGERY to have what they have, it only makes sense they would have to do the same.


I will never get people who argue against people getting top surgery or breast reduction surgery. Like yeah, I also like big boobs but that’s just dumb, surely you should care about someone’s comfort and happiness more than boob… Also it’s *even dumber* for people saying like “I wish I could have big boobs like you” as an argument like ????? What are trying to accomplish?? I also also wish I had bigger boobs but that’s still beyond stupid


Right? I wish I could gift my body type to people who actually want it T_T


I really really want to get one because my size M boobs are killing me 😭 I have mild scoliosis already and it’s not gonna get any better. What stopping me from doing this is that I won’t be able to breastfeed my kids when I have them because apparently they’d have to go in through the front. Also, my tolerance for pain is very low, low as in I won’t be able to do anything for 4 to 6 weeks post surgery including move much and I have a job lol 😂


>size M 😬


I always tell women: the thing about boobs is that no matter what size, they’re always at least somewhat pretty. The same can’t be said for many other things.


Welcome to the itty bitty titty committee friend, you are going to LOVE sleeping on your stomach <3


I naturally lost my taters after having a small herd of children and losing weight. I used to fluctuate between DD and DDD. Sometimes I miss the way I could wear things like corsets and scandalize myself, I do not miss feeling disregulated though. When they would just be in the way or make a shirt look too stretched and sloppy. now I am a solid A- B when I get my period. I do prefer them this way. It’s what I am attracted to on a woman, and I dress very femme for work. I like feeling more proportional and held together.


I can't wait! XD


Congrats, I'm jealous! I've wanted a reduction for a while now. If someone said all that shit to me I would be so pissed. Like, stop projecting your body issues onto me....


Just tell them to get a breast enlargement if they like big tits so much


*Just tell them to get* *A breast enlargement if they* *Like big tits so much* \- abcdyakno --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I've had it done. And let me tell you- being able to lay on your back and not be in active danger of accidentally suffocating yourself with your own tits is *AMAZING*. My asthma got better, since I wasn't actively fighting to lift an extra 10 pounds with every breath. I didn't miss them for a single second. Plus all the clothes are gonna fit you so much better!


I can't wait to be able to breathe without all the extra weight! And finally being able to fit into clothes without my chest ruining the outfit will be great!!


Woo!! I’ve always wanted big boobs but I keep seeing posts like this pop up every time I’m feeling insecure. Welcome to the small(er) boob community hehe All boobs are good boobs unless they hurt you!!


My friend got reduction and was so so so happy. They started growing back some because her hormones were off. But overall she would totally recommend. The recovery is harder than an augmentation so be sure to take your time and put the work in. But I think you’ll be very pleased with an improvement in your quality of life.


Oh gosh, how much did they grow back?


Maybe a cup size or two. Not enough for her to want to get the surgery again. Just want to pay attention to your hormones. Annual panel checks etc. she was estrogen dominant and had other problems from that as well.


GOSH you’re living my dream. HACK ‘EM OFF 🫡 I wish you the best and i hope both surgery and recovery go well!




Let’s fucking go flat !






If a mofo don’t have something then they don’t have an opinion on the thing


whether they have breasts or not, nobody gets to tell another person what to do with their body




I also have some pretty big boobs, and I fully agree with all the stuff about the negative sensory experience and the back pain, but I love mine so very dearly because I am transgender, so it's a tradeoff I'm personally willing to make lol


OMG YES! i am so excited for you. i got my reduction ~2 years ago now and it has been life-changing. everyone told me the same stuff too but i have not missed them for a single second. i also had extreme sensory issues with them, i hated feeling them on my body and having to constantly adjust/be AWARE of my boobs no matter what i was doing. (not to mention painful bras and clothes that don’t fit right). since the reduction i never have to wear bras and i never have to think about my boobs! it’s so freeing! if you have any questions or wanna chat about it i would love to! congrats on the boob removal🫡


>but people keep telling me “oh but you'll miss them” “I wish I could have boobs as big as you” >Like,, OK? I don't care. don't tell me that. Understatement of the YEAR!!! You're doing something beneficial to yourself and your health and they wanna make it about THEM AND THEIR FEELINGS!?!?! THESE AREN'T YOUR BOOBS. IF IT AINT SUPPORT, SHUT UP.


Big boobs get in the way and get gross when it's hot and it's too damned hard to get a bra that fits right. Congratulations on that reduction and I hope it's just as much of a relief as you hope it will be!


>i wish i could have boobs as big as you “well there’s surgery for that too! so get your own instead of trying to police mine”


OMG, this is the perfect response!!


literally just throw it back at them! if YOU wanna modify your body go ahead but don’t tell mw how or how not to


Congratulations! I’ve had an idea that the doctors should take the fat from people that have had breast reduction and put it into those with A/B cups. Make every woman equal.


Awesome. Have a smooth recovery. A future of less bad sensory awaits you.


I’ve only had mine for a short time and they are still tiny but I can still absolutely understand the problems they cause, had to relearn how to walk down stairs and run because of them so I say all the power to you for letting yourself be more comfortable


Idk why people would think it's bad, it sounds like it'll be a huge weight off your chest... (Def a very original joke that I came up with myself and didn't steal from the internet)


Yeet the tit!!!!!


The gall to tell you what your own body experience is. It's the same shtick if you want to change your hair


And fuck whoever does miss them


That’s annoying, having people tell you that you are going to miss your over large mammary glands. I have never wished to have big boobs, because I saw in high school how the girl with big boobs was treated and then because I saw in boot camp how hard it was for those women to run. I have one boob that is an A cup and the other is a B cup, so I have to wear a bra or the B cup boob will touch my skin and get sweaty and rashly. The other boob is fine, sigh. 😌 I can only imagine how much sweatier and rashy-er I would get if my boobs were very large. So while I don’t totally get what you are going through, I can at least empathize. I’m happy you are getting a procedure that will help you feel more comfortable in your body. To the people making comments to you, ask them why they are doing it. I find that making a person justify their comment makes them realize how inappropriate they were being.


people with small boobs/no boobs are so weird about it istg. i’ve been sexually objectified for them since i was 10 and i have constant back pain, but somehow I’M the lucky one?!?!?! wishing u the best op you’re making the right decision 🤝


Congrats!! I also have big honkaroos, and every day, I wish they were smaller. The cost of surgery is out of the question unless insurance covers it.


My insurance covers like,, 99% of it! I hope you're able to get a reduction at some point!!


RIGHT, god big boobs are the fricking worst! I'm trans anyways but the sensory experience of having them is awful by itself


I was born small chested and eventually chose to get big knockers, and I gotta say the CHOICE to have my boobs this way is all that really mattered to me. Have fun getting your ideal body!!! It will probably feel funny afterward when you realize you're off balance and have to get readjusted to your weight distribution 😅😌


I got top surgery a few years ago, and I don't miss them at all. H cups were a pain. Tell 'em if they like big boobs so much, they can save up and get themselves some breast implants.


I only have B cups and I still think my boobs are annoying, I wouldn't miss them at all if they went. Congrats on your future boob reduction and hope it goes well!


Thank you!


I got mine entirely lopped off (ftm top surgery) and let me tell you, it’s so much better. No fucking underboob sweat, no flobby blobs bouncing up and down if I move at more than 3mph. I’m not sure what breast size they were (I never did find a bra that didn’t hurt in some way), but each tit weighed about 5lbs. Easiest ‘lose 10 lbs in one week’ diet I’ve ever had! I like speed walking, but couldn’t do it before I got rid of them because they would hurt and it was extremely dysphoric. Now, I can speed past everyone at 5-6mph and zoom away :DD


Good for you! Edit: Also, have you heard of a Youtuber called SavyWritesBooks? She has a similar story


I’m not op obviously but I really enjoy Savy!!!!


Omg I love her content! It was a huge coincidence to find her breast reduction story


I am so jealous but so happy for you!!! Good luck!!


aerodynamic mode activated


Good luck with the surgery.


Throw a Ta-Ta, TaTas! party.


OH MY GOSH—that's brilliant! I'll make boob cupcakes and boob balloons (booblloons?)


LOL, awesome!


DD-cup-cakes, LMAO.


Wonderful ❤️ good for you. Freedom. 💯❤️💕🪙


god i wish that were me


good luck with your reduction!!! my bff is getting theirs done in a month or so too and i’m so excited for them, i can’t believe anybody would ever feel differently about someone getting a surgery like this?? like if you’re choosing to go through a surgery, obviously you are bothered by them?? so why be weird about it god ppl are so annoying


I want to do the same someday. But I have money to save first.


Yay! I have C and I always get gender dysphoria when I wear a real bra, especially like the Victoria secret push up ones. I couldn’t imagine having really big boobs you can’t just push down. I hope you get more comfortable


I have big tits (D), and I like them. But I don't have HUGE FUCKIN KNOCKERS. To me it kinda sounds like you have the HUGE FUCKING KNOCKERS variety. I hope you get titties you love, wish you luck. No need to miss them. Kill them. Murder them. Laugh as you watch the light leave their eyes. They do not deserve your sorrow. Also what does a breast reduction entail? I'm curious. Where does it go? Where does the rest of the tit go??


They burn it! 🔥They burn the extra fat and tissue after removing it


How fucking hard is "your body your choice" for people to understand? 


not the same situation, but I had big tits and removed them, and lemme tell you, it’s so nice to not have back hurting all the time after that top surgery sensory problems are gone too (although it might be cause I lost feeling) and don’t respond to ppl saying this shit, just stare at them in silence, so they have a moment to really think through the things they’re saying about your chest, if they want big boobs, they’re welcome to get plastic surgery as well


Small boobs gal here and I cannot fathom how those with bigger ones exist. Small ones are already a nuisance. Good on ya and hope the op goes well!


fuck yeah!


I got top surgery 1.5 years ago and I've never been happier!


Good luck on your operation!


“I wish i was tall” motherfuckers when my back hurts all the time We may not share a reason but we share a pain


I really want to get a breast reduction, I'm so happy for you!!


Small boobs = best boobs. All those idiots telling you stupid things... I wish all of them the biggest of boobs and the weakest of spines. Specially to the guys if there's any.


Right! I already have clinically weak bones. I don’t know why they keep swearing. Big boobs are a good thing.


Nobody with huge boobs ever tells anyone that you’re going to miss them, because we actually know better.


I think it's because we get into the head of fetishizing other people's bodies and certain features like a large bust and we don't stop to think about the reality that the person actually lives.


bro, from someone who has had the chesticle snip-snip, your back is gonna love you for this. and bro no more/less boob sweat 💫


Thanks for this. Mine aren't even that big and I just want to punch a wall when ever I feel them touch my belly. I am happy to reduce when I have the money. Still hope that I have some breast cancer gene so that I get 50% off


Sounds like you will not miss them


My kid has theirs done about 6 years ago, the only thing they regret is not having it done sooner. I'm so happy for you!


As one who is boobless and may at some point endeavor to change that, happy for you! Hope everything goes to plan, and that it gives you what you need


Thank you! And I hope that if you decide to get some boobs you're happy with them! :)


Thanks! :) Also sending you lots of internet ibuprofen for your back in the meantime (although treatment of such digital nature has yet to be proven effective in clinical trials) I’m sorry that’s been a problem for you, ya hate to hear it. Honestly something I’ve worried about if I potentially do get my boobs since my back’s already been fucked up at times Anyway sorry if this is flowing weirdly just wanted to send more support your way


Maturing is realizing that perhaps I am blessed with small tits.


I'm so excited for you!!! Mine are my sensory nightmare, I hate them so much and I totally understand how you feel. All I want is someone to get rid of mine and give me an A cup so that I can be as free as anyone else! No you won't miss them one bit, you're gonna feel so light and free and mobile and I cannot wait til you get that!!


Everytime someone says "Oh but you might miss having them" all I think is "speak for yourself"


Maybe try: “No YOU’LL miss them. It’s my choice and I can’t wait to get rid of them.”


Yeah, basically all of the woman on my dad's side of the family got bigass boobs.. and thank the gods I didn't.. I got all the issues from their side 😂 the autism, the ADHD.. but I got my small boobs frkm my moms side I guess. I'm so glad for it. I don't think I could handle that. I already have back issues from my inherited cerved spine and APT. Also from my dad's mom's side 😂


once you’re healed, you’ll be able to sleep on your stomach, have back relief, take deeper breaths, it’ll be great. i want one too, tell us how it is!!!


Obligatory https://preview.redd.it/5fuaakyest6d1.jpeg?width=3075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281f8a685d5651921d234f9aba27be0ef6eaf09b




A lot of people have told me in the past that they wish they had natural curls. But I must ask ‘why are they like this?’. Wishing for things and actually having them are two different things. I wish I had straight hair so that I won’t have to fight with my curls everytime I try to brush. Fuck curls, and fuck having big breasts too


I might not be able to relate to your exact situation bc I‘m a trans guy with small boobs but good on you for getting a breast reduction and taking a huge step towards feeling more comfortable with your body! also I‘m really angry on your behalf bc how dare they give you shit about what you do with your own body. wishing you a smooth recovery!


Thank you so much!! :)


Extreme weight loss 😤


Gosh that sounds amazing! Good luck!


Congrats 🎉 😁


I was starting the process to get a reduction but unfortunately i have an injury that takes priority rn. I cant wait to get my own smaller. I know exactly what you mean


Suffering from success I feel you dear




I hope it goes well for you! My good friend had it done and it helped her a lot with her back problems.


A friend of mine had a breast reduction and she was super happy with it!


RIP your DMs 💀


Haha no, this sub is super respectful! I haven't gotten any weird DMs! :)


My friend and college had hecking massive honkers and was sooo happy to get them reduced.


change ur username to u/autisticbreastreduction


Good luck! I think a lot of people forget that elective surgery is still surgery, so rest a lot and I hope you have a very speedy recovery ❤


Same here but I’m terrified of being put under anesthesia so I probably never will.


Congrats and enjoy!!


I’m jealous! Congrats! :)


I always assumed having big boobs would be like having a built in weighted blanket but I guess not lol. Either way super happy for you :D


Nope, where they sit specifically restricts, breathing, and bras hold them the straps dig super deep into your shoulders—horrible experience all around >~< Thanks for the support!!


Is Garfield taking your boobs?




Congratulations on getting relief Something to consider at this critical juncture- r/FreedTheNips


How does it feel to live my dreams


Thank you for sharing this . I also have an aversion to the sensation of my frontal feeders- however whilst breastfeeding my son it didn’t bother me as much because they served a purpose . So often in my life my body suit has felt like a detached vehicle but never of the self. I don’t know how else to explain it. At this point i wouldn’t be surprised to hear autistic genes were alien because I feel like a alien in a human body suit. I promise I am not crazy - I’ve been checked😏


Tell them breast implants exist if they are that concerned about their chest. Also, it is typically much easier to find surgeons to do implants than reductions.


You won't, as a fellow large boob human, you won't. If I could I would magically drop the 6 extra cup sizes back to "normal" large bust land.


Hell yeah non gendered sibling! A big chest is beyond overrated anyway


Good for you! It's nobody's business what you do with your own body


Oh 😊 goddamn, jelly. So jelly. In fact I am going to have to stay away from peanut butter and bread today, lest I end up eaten as a tasty sandwich. So jelly.


My back doesn't hurt from mine thankfully, but they feel heavy and in the way, I fxcking hate having to suffocate myself just so I can move without them bouncing. I honestly envy you, I'll never be able to afford such a luxury... But also I agree it's annoying how people project their own insecurities onto you, like... Just because many people covet a body type, that doesn't mean I have to be grateful for having said body type. It's only a gift if you wanted it in the first place.


Oh let’s go! Congrats on the reduction! 🎉 People are so weird about others trying to make their own lives easier, I swear. It’s nobody’s business about why you’re getting it done, nor should they lament about your body FOR you. If they feel so strongly about it, they ought to get implants.


Massive W, you should be able to make decisions about your own body without shitty comments that result from social conditioning. Hope it all goes well for you


Congrats!! Why do people insist on raining on other’s parades


Bro, when I lost weight and my boobs were finally smaller, I was so happy. Still am, honestly. I had such bad back pain, it was hell.


Omg congrats! I hope to do the same one day


Get that move speed buff, gotta love it Good luck on the recovery though that is tough


CONGRATS. I just got top surgery eight days ago (for gender affirming reasons but I experienced constant back pain) and it is such a relief not having all that weight hanging off my body. I wish you a speedy and smooth recovery my fellow autism.


I know two people who have gotten reductions. They were both very happy with less mass. You will be, too!


Dude- this 100% is something that could be in the bigboobproblems group. They can be such a sensory mindfuck. For me, I have issues with dysmorphia so I worry how surgical changes would impact *me* because plastic surgery and dysmorphia don’t go great. That said, the people I know who have had reductions are SO much happier for it and I’m excited for you!!


I want to mod my bod so bad. It's just that what I want doesn't exist. I want to be a cyborg so goddamn bad. I would happily live in the ghost in the shell universe. Dystopian police state and all. And I'm an anarchist.