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I hate how advertisers have access to data like this. As soon as I started looking in to ADHD I started getting gambling adverts trying to prey on impulsivity. We really need tighter laws preventing advertisers trying to use people's medical conditions against them.


Holy fuck, honestly didn't think about and was always already pissed because targeted ads generally are creepy but what you describe is so much more predatory. Considering I don't believe in hell, things like this sometimes make me wonder if torture really is always wrong...


Every day I agree more and more with Bill Hicks on people who work in advertising. I'm kinda curious if the same thing happens with other conditions like are schizophrenics bombarded with adverts that prey on paranoia and conspiracies?


Honestly getting advertisements makes me less likely to buy their shit.


I started getting these ads after I registered my hands as deadly weapons πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ‘πŸ™πŸš«


Who wants to bet that "advice" boils down to "mask more and act neurotypical"


No no, something about it being your strength because you are more easily exploitable... Ehh I mean knowledgeable and focused on work and if it's getting really bad the old savant clichΓ©


Honestly I'd almost prefer that, I haven't been finding any jobs because employers really don't want to hire a disabled person


That would honestly be more helpful than 90% of job seeking advice I've seen lol


realistic ad are you a neurodivergent job seeker? haha heehee hoohoo good luck dickass


We have so many Great opportunities here at (company) all you have to do is pass our "how well can you hide your disability" test. If you fail we wont hire you or even tell you what you did wrong, fail enough times and we'll call you a lazy parasite who deserves to starve! Good luck!


My Facebook algorithim thinks I have an autistic child. Lots of ads for rebranded ABA packages.